F3 Knoxville

Fall Break

43 degrees w/clear skies (just right.)


The usual

Jog up to field

  • Butt kickers / 25 yds
  • 50 flutter kicks – Single ct
  • Crossovers back           
  • 25 big boys
  • Lunges 15 yds
  • 15 Merkins
  • Crossovers 15 yds
  • Bear  Crawl 15 yds
  • 20 SSH
  • Bear Crawl 15 yds
  • High Toe touches 15 yds
  • Windmills
  • Hip rotations


Mosey to CMUs

  • Power pushes 1 CMU
  • 10 merkins
  • 10 overhead presses with a squat X4 

Mosey to pull-up bar

  • 5 pull-ups
  • Hold Plank.     X2

Back to CMUs

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 rows each arm    
  • Farmer carry 1 CM
  • 15 jungle boy squats
  • 10 Starjumpers
  • 15 BW Squats

Recovery Stretches


    Voodoo, Tailhook, Mermaid, Commission, Betty, Crawl Space, Base Salary, Caveman


The importance family time. Small interactions have big impacts.

Unofficial CPR Training. I’m Still Not A Professional.

THE SCENE: Clear, brisk morning. Temperatures around mid to upper 40’s

Windmills in on a 4-count x 15

Baby Arm Circles forward 4-count x 10

Baby Arm Circles Backward 4-count x 10

Rockettes 4-count x 20

Merkins 4-count x 10

Cherry Pickers x 5

Some upper body stretching

Mosey to the CMU pile. we did 2 sets of 21’s arm curls, then 10 Over head presses


Upon leaving the CMU pile we encountered an FNG with no arms and legs unresponsive on the ground. This workout is centered on know some basic CPR skills and first responder actions to take in a case of an emergency. With thanks to the Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center for allowing me to use a CPR mannequin to demonstrate and show how to perform proper and effective chest compressions.

Everyone was split into partners as one partner was performing chest compressions with me observing and guiding the other was doing squats. The rest of the group one partner was dragginh CMU to the end of the parking lot to perform 5 star jacks to symbolize flagging down the ambulance. The other partner was performing the following exercising while waiting for that partner to return.

  • LBC’S
  • Jungle Boi Squat jumps
  • Rockettes

Each person got to practice 1 minute of doing 30 compression and imitating 2 breaths, or mouth to mouth. Once everyone had a chance to complete at least one minute of compressions we went on a mosey to the entrance of the AO and performed money humpers to help alert the ambulance as to where to pull in.

We returned to the CMU’S and performed 20 windshield wipers. Returned the CMU’s and headed back to the AO.

Flutter Kicks x 20

Mermaids (side crunches) 10 on each side

Pickle Pounders x 20

Held Plank for 30 seconds

  •  Mermaid
  •  Pom-Pom
  •  Betty
  •  Dumpster Dive
  •  Jenner
  •  Smelly Cat
  •  Base Salary
  •  Baby Boomer
  •  Honeydew

The term “Good Samaritan” comes from “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Luke 10:25-37. Jesus speaks of a traveler from Jerusalem on his way to Jericho, who was attacked by thieves. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him severely and left him to die right there by the road. Several people saw the man and walked past him because of how dangerous of an area this part of the road was. Some of the people that walked past the man in need were a priest and a Levite. The only person to stop and help the person was a Samaritan who took pity on the man, cared for the man and even escorted him to an inn where he helped the man recover from his injuries.

Jesus used this man a test to find a good man. The reasons the Levite and the priest did not stop to lend was because of how dangerous the road was, and they thought “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But… the good Samaritan reversed the question and asked, “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Remember to be an effective HIM it requires us to help our fellow man. By dragging our CMU’s it symbolized dragging a person from a dangerous situation to help render aid. The “Good Samaritan” Law is in place to protect you if you are to render CPR to someone and keeps you from being sued in case ribs are fractured while rendering CPR. We should never be afraid to help based on what could happen to us but think what would happen to them if I don’t act.

Brolympics will be returning at Asylum on November 5th.

What’s a Bearpee?

THE SCENE: no rain, not too hot at JUCO

15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats

Mosey to the south parking lot

Bearpees halfway across the parking lot. OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward.  Increase burpees by 1 each time and bearcrawl by 4 (1:4 ratio).

Mosey to the Sophomore. Dora 1-2-3. 100 merkins, 200 2-ct flutter kicks, 300 squats.  Partner is running up the hill.

Mosey to coupon pile. Do 25 overhead presses, 25 curls, 25 tricep extensions and 25 thrusters. Run up the hill and do 5 pull-ups between each set.

Flutter kicks, hello Dolly
12 PAX today at JUCO.

“My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”

James 5:19‭-‬20 NASB

There is so much in the book of James. This particular passage points to our responsibility to turn back an erring brother from sin. Of course, we ourselves are only helping to point out the error in their life. God will provide forgiveness.  Note that if they need to be turned back, that means that they once were in the truth. Not only do we have the responsibility to help correct, but we have to have the humility to accept correction as well. Be willing to face your brother one-on-one. No gossip but straight to the source.


It has been too long since Qing at JUCO. Sign up!
Remember those requesting prayers.

They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love!

THE SCENE: 55 and awesome in the gloom!

  • Side Straddle Hop (IC) X 10
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backwards X 10 (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) X 10
  • Mosey to the CMU pile
  • 15 BBS on the way


Partner AMRAP / Partner runs up for Pull-Ups

  • CMU Thrusters
  • CMU Bentover Rows
  • CMU Overhead Press
  • CMU Curls
  • CMU Tricep Extensions
  • CMU Pullovers
  • CMU Bench Press
  • CMU Squats
  • Wall Squats – 1 minute
  • 50 Toe Merkins (Calf Raises)
  • Mosey to the Flag


  • Row Row Row Your Boat
  • Bus Driver
  • Flutterkicks X 20
  • LBCs X 50


10 including 1 FNG – Welcome 3rd Base


F3 is a national network including 2,917 free, peer-led workouts for men in 210 regions. Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

The three Fs in our name stand for Fitness, Fellowship and Faith — the last of which we define as not one specific religion or faith system, but simply a belief in something outside oneself.

F3 Five Core Principles

  • Free of Charge – Never a charge to workout, ever.
    Open to all Men -No matter the man, you are welcome here.
  • Held Outdoors – Rain or Shine, Heat or Chill, we are out there.
  • Peer Led -Rotating fashion of men leading each other.
  • Ends with COT -Always ends with a Circle of Trust

I was in Baltimore, Maryland a week or so ago at the nation conference on homelessness. It was an awesome experience with a thousand or so believers there praying for the hundreds of thousands of men, women and children who are homeless around our country.

Chicken Coup from Charlotte led a F3 workout every day of the conference.  We had other F3 men from around the country and lots of people new to F3 including some ladies.

Chicken Coup works out every day with Dredd and Dark Helmet who started F3.  They workout with other men who are Christian, muslim, Sikhs, jews, etc.  Black, white, tall, short, straight and gay.  ALL men are welcome to F3.

At their AO at F3 in Charlotte, they don’t pray to Jesus, they pray to God so to respect all of the men who show up, sweat, and workout with them.

Who am I to judge?  I’m a sinner.  An issue I have with lots of people in this day and age is we seem to hate anyone who believes or acts differently than us.  Maybe our churches would thrive if we were a little less judgmental so folks who are confused, have questions, or just want to learn about Christ would actually show up instead of us saying they’re going to hell if they don’t believe just like us.

I don’t have all of the answers.  Only my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, has those answers and we won’t know most of those answers until we die and go to Heaven.  In the meantime, I’m going to love everyone…white, black, Hispanic, mixed and Asian…tall, short, rich, poor, gay, bi or straight, addicted, alcoholic, adulterer, etc. the same…or at least I will try to.  I’m a sinner and far from perfect so I’ll be dang if I judge or condemn others for their faults and sins.  Instead, I will love them and pray from them…and I pray they will know we are Christians by our love!


  • Sign up to Q/Co-Q
  • Hardship Hill is this weekend (help set up Friday afternoon)

Favorite Things and Horrible Jokes

THE SCENE: 67 degrees

Cherry Pickers, Newtons Cradle, Tempo Squats, Maracan Night Club, Mountain climbers
Mosey to the base of jucamajaro, with a stop at the guardrail for some dips.

At every other line we did an exercise till the 6 was up and then did a few more.  Ran 2 lines, repeat.  Merkins, downhill merkins, Squats, LBC’s, downhill bbs, lots of abs on the way down.  This is where the jokes started and it was all downhill from there.

Dirkins on the guardrail, some SSH and other things till be bernie’d up the hill to the pull up bars.  3 pull ups, then we had to get some steps to make the middle bar closer.  1 CMU rifle carry, 2nd time Curls.  2 bricks was enough for the Q to reach the high bar, double carry down.  Indian run back with the line bernie and the back running to the front.  Jokes got so bad we did some Burpies and a ring of fire.

LBC, Hello Dolly’s
12 HIM, half Rush, half not

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.  Romans 12:9-13

This passage made me think of the story I heard recently.  With all the horror of Afghanistan the story of one TN marine who was not slothful in zeal but was fervent in spirit and served the Lord by serving his dear brother, his interpreter from his time in Afghanistan.  His love, being genuine, flowed naturally to giving to the needs of others and showing hospitality.

Challenge 1: Read https://mydearbrother.org/ and as the Lord leads consider giving https://www.gofundme.com/f/my-friend-my-interpreter

Challenge: Memorize the above passage.

IPC on Friday!  Keep on pushing it.

Fill up the calendar or you’ll have more poorly planned Q’s that go from Jucomajaro to the pull up bars with jokes that make it feel twice as long.