F3 Knoxville

World Cup Redux

THE SCENE: Warm and muggy, 92 degrees, but thankfully not much sun!

Cherry Pickers x 10 (4-ct), Slow Windmills x10 (4-ct), Tempo Merkins x10 (4-ct), Motivators 5 reps decreasing, baby arm circles forward x10 (4-ct) and backward x10 (4-ct)

We recreated the World Cup Quaterfinals at the Asylum! Run the loop road around the administration 3 times.  8 Stations are located throughout the circuit, each station representing a team from the WC Quarterfinals.  We will do an exercise at each station named after the country represented for the first lap (quarterfinals), second lap (semi finals), and third lap (Finals).  The teams that were eliminated in each round of the playoffs will have their exercises replaced with 10 squats.


  1. French Flutter Kicks (x20, 4-ct) @ Bat house
  2. Brazilian Burpees (10 OYO) @ Big Tree
  3. Belgian Box Cutters (20, 4-ct) @ Corner
  4. Croatian Carolina Dry Docks (x 15) @ Circle Drive Split
  5. Russian Rocky Balboa (10, 4-ct) – then run up to top of stairs and do the victory dance @ Stairs
  6. Swedish Mountain Climbers (x 10, 4-ct) @Circle Drive Split
  7. English E2K oblique crunches (x 10 each knee) @ Turn on to Hilltop
  8. Uruguayan Upright Rows (need rocks, x30) @Rock Pile

SECOND ROUND  SEMIFINALS – Brazil, Russia, Sweden, Uruguay eliminated

  1. French Flutter Kicks (x20, 4-ct)
  2. Brazil Burpees (10 OYO)
  3. Belgian Box Cutters (20, 4-ct)
  4. Croatian Carolina Dry Docks (x 15)
  5. Russian Rocky Balboa (10, 4-ct) – then run up to top of stairs and do the victory dance
  6. Swedish Mountain Climbers (x 10, 4-ct)
  7. English E2K oblique crunches (x 10 each knee)
  8. Uruguay Upright Rows (need rocks, x30)

THIRD ROUND – Belgium and England eliminated

  1. French Flutter Kicks (x20, 4-ct)
  2. Brazil Burpees (10 OYO)
  3. Belgian Box Cutters (20, 4-ct)
  4. Croatian Carolina Dry Docks (x 15)
  5. Russian Rocky Balboa (10, 4-ct) – then run up to top of stairs and do the victory dance
  6. Swedish Mountain Climbers (x 10, 4-ct))
  7. English E2K oblique crunches (x 10 each knee)
  8. Uruguay Upright Rows (need rocks, x30)


  1. French Flutter Kicks (x20, 4-ct)
  2. Brazil Burpees (10 OYO)
  3. Belgian Box Cutters (20, 4-ct)
  4. Russian Rocky Balboa (10, 4-ct) – then run up to top of stairs and do the victory dance
  5. Croatian Carolina Dry Docks (x 15)
  6. Swedish Mountain Climbers (x 10, 4-ct)
  7. English E2K oblique crunches (x 10 each knee)
  8. Uruguay Upright Rows (need rocks, x30)

We did a mini-competition to determine who got the World Cup Trophy (which just so happened to be an F3 Pint Glass!).  Everyone did Imperial Walkers while each man in turn took a turn kicking a soccer ball as close as possible to the F3 Flag.  Congratulations to Bearcat for taking home the hardware!!



RECOGNIZING GOD, a Personal story about recognizing God in my life.  A few years ago my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed away 5 months later. She was only 75, and it was just 2 years after my father passed.  Everyone loves their mom, but she truly was a special person… Never had a harsh word to say about anyone, generous to a fault, loved her friends and family and church community, humble but talented, gregarious and kind.  When she became ill, I authored her Caring Bridge website which kept friends and family up to date on her situation.  I raced home to Chicago when I heard she had taken a downturn, and missed being able to say goodbye to her by about a half an hour.  I knew it was my responsibility to pass on the news.  As I was sitting at the computer, trembling with unbearable grief, trying to find the words to put into the final entry, I stared out the window and my anger turned towards God. Where was He?  Where was He for my mother?  Why did she have to get sick and suffer as she did? I sat there for a while, tears pouring down my face, my heart broken and hurting, and I felt a tingle run through my body. And I saw these images so clearly…

  • Her neighbor across the street who brought her over hot dinners twice a week
  • Her friend from her college days who drove 6 hours to visit with her when she heard she was sick
  • The waitress at a restaurant where we went to eat shortly before she passed away that brought her a bowl of chicken broth and vegetables when she learned my mom was sick and the original soup order was too spicy for her. The manager also picked up her bill.
  • The friends who kept our freezer stocked with more ice cream than an Army could eat because they knew that was her favorite treat.
  • The widow at church who drove her to several of her doctor’s appointments and was good company for her.
  • The surgeon who performed a near-perfect surgery in the early stages to give her a fighting chance and whose optimism and encouragement was so needed for all of us.
  • Her caregiver who lifted her spirits and was such a warm and comforting presence in the house.
  • Some friends of mine who drove 600 miles (!!) from Knoxville to attend her funeral.

Where was God? God was EVERYWHERE.  I was too blind and ignorant and selfish to see it.  He was all around me, I saw Him in these friends and neighbors, in the love these people showed my mother.

I encourage everyone to look for God in the kind acts of friends or strangers, and to be a vehicle for God’s love for others in the way you conduct your own lives.

We prayed for the health and well being of several family members of the F3 community that have fallen sick or have been injured.

It was an incredible honor to lead my first Q for the Asylum PM group.  I was humbled and thankful by the opportunity.

Kickball tournament on Saturday.