F3 Knoxville

Choir Boy’s Night Out

THE SCENE: Oh the weather outside is … weather

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and done well-ish


Typical Blindside warm-up: 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Little of this, little of that | Cherry Pickers IC x5 


Mosey to Flagpole for what is definitely NOT Ghostman Baseball, but a new routine that will be called “Choir Boy’s Night Out,” since no one scores during this routine. 

Partner up. One partner stays at the Flagpole and does an ab circuit OYO, while the other takes off. Run to “1st Base” does the exercises, returns, and partners swap. Next round go to 1st then 2nd, Final round includes 1st, 2nd, and then 3rd. No one scores. 

  • Exercises at each base 
    • 1st: 10 Merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats 
    • 2nd: 20 Merkins, 20 BBS, 20 Squats
    • 3rd: 30 Merkins, 30 BBS, 30 Squats 
  • Ab Circut at Flagpole
    • V-ups
    • Hello Dollys 
    • Heel Touches 
  • When the majority of the PAX returns, turn around and pick up the SIX and help finish the work
    • Fellowship Mosey™ back to the Flagpole 

Just enough time for a round of 7s at the Flagpole:

  • Dips 
  • Shoulder Taps (2-count)

Fellowship Mosey™ back to the AO


A short session of SWB (Stretching with Blindside)


9 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 3 Pre-Ruckers 


Hell on earth is meeting the man you COULD’VE been. 


F3Knoxville Family Picnic this Sunday, Sept. 11th, sign up link on Slack

9/11 Memorial climbs are available, see Slack for details 

Shovelflag Handover at the DogPound on Thursday, September 22nd

Brolympics Nov. 5th at the Asylum AO, 0645 start time. Look for a signup link soon.

Time is a Flat Circle at The Equalizer

THE SCENE: Good weather, looks like we got a break from the humidity (@ least that’s what Mike Witcher was saying on WBIR…)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done, but over some chatter from the PAX, disclaimer still counts… I think

Typical Blindside-y warmup –> SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10EW | Tempo Squats IC x10
All “Timing-Type” routines this morning.

Tabata (30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest) x8 for 3 rounds with a lap down and around Stonehenge after each round at the SplashPad

  • Freddie Mercury
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • LBCs

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 7 mins at the Bathhouse

  • 5 Pull-ups
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 BBS

EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) 5 rounds at the FlagPole

  • 5 Box Jumps
  • 10 Squats
  • 15 SSH

Fellowship Mosey (TM) from Flagpole to AO turned into a JailBreak run because the AOQ (not the QIC of the workout) needed to leave early … hmm not protocol I don’t think…
12 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 3 Pre-Ruckers
I have a Daily Men’s Devotional on the middle console of my van. My thought of having it there was that I will see it every day and read the paragraph and prayer for each day one of the times I am getting in and out of the van. Because I am not the *best* at follow-through, I usually only actually read it once or twice a week. It’s there every day and I see it, but I have stopped seeing it. It has become like a pebble in your shoe. At first, it is annoying and you notice it constantly. However, after a while, you get used to it and stopped noticing it.

All this to say, I need to be better with my prayer life. I have gone in spurts of praying every day, but it almost never lasts. Speak it into existence, right?!

Count to 100

THE SCENE: 70ish

Imperial walkers, SSH, Windmills, cherry pickers, Moroccan night clubs

Mosie to large parking lot by the lake, with a quick pit stop for dips and box jumps.  Shuttle run to increasing distance parking lines, bernie back and exercises at starting line:

10 Burpees

20 BBS

30 Lunges

40 Merkins

50 SSH

60 Squats

70 Overhead claps

80 Flutter kicks

90 Calf raises

100 LBCs

Ran out of time

Check in on your friends, and if you need help reach out to someone.  Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Sign up for Iron Pax, we will start week 0 this Friday.

Under a school bus

THE SCENE: humid …. what else did you expect

none, run to get a CMU

The Thang

Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 thrusters
  2. 20 merkins

Brenton – 3 rounds:

  1. 100 foot bearcrawl out
  2. 100 foot burpee broad jump back
    • Perform 3 burpees and then 5 broad jumps

Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 thrusters
  2. 20 merkins


and Other Modifications by Dr. Marc (F3 ScarU)

The Thang

Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 goblet squats/air squats
  2. 20 merkins on knees/table merkins/wall merkins

Brenton – 3 rounds:

  1. 100 foot mosey/lunge walk/back pedal
  2. 100 foot mosey/lunge walk/back pedal
    • Perform 3 merkins halfway through

Coe – 5 rounds:

  1. 20 goblet squats/air squats
  2. 20 merkins on knees/table merkins/wall merkins

Be here every Monday to get stronger.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Shovelflag Handoff at The Project

THE SCENE:  68 and clear – perfect.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Willy Mays Hays
Seal squats
Down/up dog
Mountain climbers

Mosey to the Friendship Bell
10 lateral box jumps
20 dips
30 derkins


Dirty MacDeuce
1. 12 Flutter kicks (4 count)
2. 12 Shoulder taps (4 count)
3. 12 Hello dollys
Run a lap.
Repeat x 4

Mosey to K-25 Hill
11s – Burpees and Freddy Mercury (4 count)

Long Bernie up the road


Mosey back to the Friendship Bell

Mucho Chesto

Freddy Mercury IC

Another Mucho Chesto

Another Freddy Mercury IC


Me and 22 of the best men I know


We showed honor to Erector and acknowledged that The Project exists today because he and others (Rocket, Chaco, Snaggletooth, Samaritan) launched it in February 2019.  What a positive difference it has made in my life – and in the lives of many other men in the Oak Ridge area.  T-Claps, brothers!  Erector led for a while, then Snaggletooth, and it was my joy and honor to lead for a season, and today it was a privilege to pass the flag to a man whom I esteem so highly.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Fitness is not the endgame or the goal.  Your virtuous leadership – in your family, in your work, at your church, in this community – that is the goal of F3.

What makes a man a Leader?  What enables a man to do what a Leader does?

What F3 says it takes to be an effective leader are these four capabilities;

  • Vision – the ability to recognize Advantage and the Movement required to achieve it
  • Articulation – the act of describing his Vision to others
  • Persuasion – the initiation of first Movement
  • Exhortation – A leader is ready to use Exhortation to incentivize his followers

But an Effective Leader is not necessarily a Virtuous Leader. For that, F3 says he must also possess the Leadership Virtues.

  • Candor: graciously telling the hard truth and demanding to hear it from others
  • Commitment: unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish its Mission
  • Consistency: to be unchanging in nature, standard, or effect over time
  • Contentment: stability of emotion engendered by the Consistent pursuit of Joy rather than Happiness
  • Courage: setting aside fear to turn hardship into grace

To Lead Right a person must be both an Effective and Virtuous Leader

We could have a BOM on each one of those capabilities and virtues separately – but I wanted to cover the whole F3 leadership model this morning as an introduction for the man who is accepting the shovelflag.  That dude is the whole package.  He possesses every one of these capabilities and I’ve seen each of the virtues reflected in his life.  Mathlete is going to be an outstanding leader of this group – and I look forward to following his lead and am excited to see where we go!


If he had been there, Baby Chest would have loved the double Mucho Chesto.

Mucho gracias to our visitors from JUCO, Shamrock, and Equalizer – awesome to see you guys!


Prayers for Ribbed’s wife’s healing, for Boy George’s wife’s interview today, for an unnamed F3 brother.