F3 Knoxville

Finding Hope in the Lord of the Rings

THE SCENE: Not as cold as you might think.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I did this… poorly


Blindside-y Warmup things … 


“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.”

Mosey to Rockpile and pick two hand-sized rocks

  • 3 Burpees (You shall not pass!)
  • 7 Merkin Rows each arm (Legolas Bow-Pulls)
  • 9 Lunges each leg up “S” curve (One does not simply Lunge to Mordor)
  • 1 Lap around Stonehenge 

Repeat 3x 

Mosey to SplashPad

  • 3 Pull-ups (Riders of ROWhan)
  • 7 Box Jumps (Shall I fetch you a box?)
  • 9 Deep Squats (Helms Deep)
  • 1 Lap around Stonehenge

Repeat 3x 

Mosey back to Rockpile 

  • 3 Manmakers (I am no man)
  • 7 OH Press (Light of Galadriel Raises)
  • 9 Deadlifts (Army of the Dead)
  • 1 Lap up and around “S” curve with rocks (Samwise Gamgee Carries)

Repeat 3x 

Mosey to Flagpole

  • 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (The Royal Line of Gondor Squat Walkers)
  • 7 Decline Merkins (The fall of Sauron Merkins)
  • 9 BBS (Big Olephant Situps) 



“Fellowship” Mosey back to the AO 


6 HIMs; 0 FNGs

Stripped, Snitch, Choir Boy; Mouthwash; Swimmies; Blindside


There is Always Hope

There are some pretty heavy moments in Tolkien’s writing. There are good people who suffer, while others give in to the darkness, but no matter how far a character falls there is still always hope and the opportunity of forgiveness. Even a character like Boromir, who betrays his companions, ends up finding redemption in the end. For Christians, the message of hope is a powerful one, and it is very comforting to find it within the pages of The Lord of the Rings. There is a quote in The Return of the King where Pippin asks Gandalf if there is any hope for them, “There was never much hope,” the wizard replies, “Only a fool’s hope.” And yet, that is all that’s really needed. Despite all the adversity we might face in life, God’s grace is still present, and no matter what we’ve done he can still use us to demonstrate His glory. One of Tolkien’s greatest gifts to his readers was the message that hope exists, even when we’re faced with overwhelming odds.

Tolkien’s Christian worldview equipped him to have the discipline of hope. To borrow from the Apostle Paul:

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:3-5).



CSAUP at Asylum on 2/26. Apparently, there will be snacks. 

Cold, Wet, & Grateful

THE SCENE: Arrived early to see if we needed to move to the Pav-a-lon. We should have and didn’t. COLD AND WET

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Did this… poorly, I’m sure


SS IC x20 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Tempo Squats IC x 10


Tabata workout with Field Trips. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest. 8 sets per exercise. 3 exercises per round with a Field Trip after each Round. 3 rounds. 

  • Round 1:
    • V-ups 
    • CMU Rows 
    • Squat Jumps 
  • Mosey to BathHouse for 15 incline merkins and 15 decline merkins 
  • Round 2:
    • Hello Dollys 
    • Imperial Squat Walkers 
    • OH Press 
  • Mosey around the BathHouse and back
  • Round 3: 
    • Flutter Kicks 
    • SSH 
    • CMU Jump overs (Did not get to as time was called)


No time 


6 HIMs. 0 FNGs

Snitch, GoatDish, I-Beam, Tonka, Waxjob, and Blindside on Q


After just a week off from COVID, I am extremely grateful for F3. The text check-ins and guys picking up the Q’s I missed were great, but it was the time away that made me realize just how much I yearn for ALL 3 F’s. It was the longest I’ve got without working out since starting F3 in March of last year, I missed my brothers in the Gloom as well. I’ve always said that the Fellowship aspect of F3 has been the most impactful for me, and not being in the Gloom for a week showed me just how true that was. I also slacked off in my Faith because I didn’t have the kickstart that our COT usually gives me each morning. 

Thank you, men of F3. 

21’s and Fellowship

THE SCENE: 32 and cold

20 SSH

5 windmills 4X

5 Chery pickers

10 LBAC forward and then backwards
Mosey over to the rock pile and grab a rock

  • 21’s curls – 7 lower curls, 7 high curls, 7 full movement.
  • 7’s – OHP and burpees – Run to the boat dock and do the burpee
  • Hold plank wait for the 6
  • 21’s
  • 7’s – Tricept extensions and jump squats at the turn about
  • Hold plank wait for the 6
  • 21’s
  • 7’s – goblet squats and V-ups at the end of Bearmuda Triangle.
  • Hold plank wait for the 6
  • 21’s
  • 7’s – Rows and merkins at the bathhouse.
  • Hold plank wait for the 6
  • 21’s
  • Fellowship mosey(TM) back to the AO hold plank to Time.


Gator Rasalin and Latin

THE SCENE: 32 and windy

30 SSH

5 merkins

right over left strech

left over right strech

LBAS Forwards

LBAS Backwards


Mosey to the tennis cort with some tunes and a smartphone. Using the SeatDeck app we will play 54 card pickup. Every suite has a excersie and the number of reps are based on the number 10,Jack,Queen, King, and Ace are all 10.

To keep us warm every 10* cards we ran a lap around the feild.

Spades = Sholder taps 4X

Clubs = V-Up

Dimonds = Merkins

Hearts = BBS

Jokers 10 Burpees


No time


Provervs 6:20-29 – Had to be there.

* AKA at the Q’s discretion. 

Stay warm my friends

Planting Flowers @ The Equalizer 1/5/22

THE SCENE: Mid 30s and dry.  Partly cloudy.  High spirits.  All PAX arrived on time, including an FNG

Feet together and touch toes for 20-count; Windmills IC x5; Sumo Squat for 20-count; Rockettes IC x6; Grady Corns IC x5; Tempo Merkins IC x5; Mosey to the Flag Pole
Insert information about the workout.

* All exercises performed to Moby’s “Flower” cadence (“green Sally up, green Sally down…”)

* run lap around entire park between rounds – clockwise on the track leaving from Flag Pole and following track all the way past the tennis court to where it exits onto the road, then uphill and counterclockwise around Stonehenge, up and across the Splash Pad, down to the Bathhouse, windy path towards the docks, run the culdesac, back down the road beneath Bermuda Triangle and to the track entrance, track to Flag Pole…approx 0.65 miles.  Return for the Six once you finish.  Standing 10-count before beginning next round once the PAX has returned.

  • Round 1 – Hand Release Merkins
  • Round 2 – Squats
  • Round 3 – Leg Raises

One final Lap+ around the track (from Flag Pole all the way around and back to the AO)
12 HIMs – FNG “Gurney”, Stripped, Blindside, School Zone, Choir Boy, Aladdin, Mouthwash, Snitch, Tank, Ribbed, Tonka, Trunk
When it comes to goal setting and goal achieving, fear is enemy number one for a lot of people.  Fear and self-doubt do not come from God.  He is not a fearful God, and we are made in His image.  Give your fears to God, and let His promises be a tailwind to propel you towards your achievements.  He will impower you to take the necessary actions.  He won’t do it for you, so you must make repetitive decisions to persevere, and those decisions will be rewarded when you reach your achievement and feel the satisfaction of proving yourself to yourself.
Isaiah 41:9-10 – I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.  I said, “You are my servant;” I have chosen you and have not rejected you.  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.