F3 Knoxville

F3 Knoxville State of the Region: Part 1

Beyond The COT Podcast – SOTR Part 1

Publish Date: Monday, June 26th

Season: 4

Episode: 2

➡️ Listen to the full episode on Spotify here ⬅️


Kickflip, Blindside, Steam, Waxjob, and Onstar discuss the 1st 6 months of 2023 for F3 Knoxville – progress, events, lessons learned, and growth. Here is the full list of what’s covered in the F3 Knoxville State of the Region Part I: 


  • MABA in January
  • Monthly Metric Challenges
  • Monthly Slack Challenges
  • Hardship Hill
  • Ruck BFF


  • Thirsty Third Thursdays
  • Escape From Haw Ridge
  • Monthly Family Workouts at The Project
  • 2nd F Lunches
  • Open House In North Hills


  • Monthly Challenges
  • Prayer Channel in Slack
  • 100 Swords
  • Jester Resources
  • Wild At Heart Retreat

Leadership / Other

  • Starfish efforts across Knoxville and beyond – F3 Smokies Launch!
  • Two new AOs
    • Asylum Daybreak
    • Quicken PM
  • Four new AOQs
    • Gmail
    • Fixer Upper
    • Guardrail
    • Skeletor
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F Q Changes
    • 1st F Q: Onstar
    • 2nd F Q: Mermaid
    • 3rd F Q: Ocho
  • New Weasel Shaker: Blindside
  • New Comz Q: Steam
  • New Veteran’s Outreach Q: Soot
  • Weekly Newsletter
    • News + announcements
    • QSource Q Points
  • Shield Lock Groups
  • New Leadership Channel in Slack
  • Q-Signups
  • Asylum Daybreak Launch
  • Quicken PM Launch
  • AGOGE w/Cap’n Crunch
  • Q101 at The Project
  • VQ Week – 9 VQs!
  • AOQ Guideline
  • Leadership Survey
  • Cardinal

Be on the lookout for Part 2 coming soon, as we look into the next 6 months of 2023!


10 Stations; Several Miles

THE SCENE: Clear and chilly morning. Meteor Shower was spotted by some

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done by AOQ while the Q finished laying out cardboard, I’m assuming it was done satisfactorily. 


SSH IC x15 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x5 | Little bit of this, a little bit of that


Start at Flagpole, 10 Stations, run inbetween, 2 laps 


  1. Coupon Curls 30 (120)
  2. Squats 40 (160)
  3. Merkins 20 (80)
  4. Side Straddle Hops 20. (80)
  5. Imperial Walkers 40 (160)
  6. LBCs 40. (160)
  7. One Legged Mekins (alternate every 10) 20 (80)
  8. Flutter Kicks 30 (120)
  9. Freddie Mercurys 40 (160)
  10. Bobby Hurleys 20 (80)

Farmer Carry Partners:

  • One partner carries both CMUs clockwise around track
  • Other starts running counterclockwise
  • Switch when you meet
  • 2 Runs, 2 Carries


PAX-led Mary at the Flagpole, Fellowship Mosey™ back to Shovel-Flag


15 HIMs. 4 PreRuckers. 0 FNGs


Hope is not a plan


Hardship Hill Sponsors! 

That’s what it’s called


  1. Side Straddle Hops
  2. Dynamic stretching (arm circles, leg swings, hip circles)
  3. High Knees
  4. Butt Kicks
  5. Lateral Shuffles

Partner up and mosy to the tennis court:

This workout is designed to be performed in a group setting, with individuals rotating between stations. Each station lasts for 1 minute, followed by a 30-second rest before transitioning to the next station. Complete the entire circuit 3 times for a full workout.

  1. Bobby Hurley: Focusing on proper form and explosive power.
  2. Bear Crawl Slides: Participants start in a defensive stance with feet shoulder-width apart and perform lateral bear crawls, maintaining a low position and emphasizing quick footwork.
  3. Carolina Dry Dock High-Fives: Partner up, face each other in Carolina Dry Dock positions, and perform Carolina Dry Docks simultaneously. At the top of the Carolina Dry Dock, high-five your partner with opposite hands. Alternate hands after each Carolina Dry Dock.
  4. Merkins for time: you know what to do
  5. Traveling Lunge Walks:
  6. Plank with Basketball Rolls: Partner up and face each other in plank positions. Roll a basketball back and forth between partners, using one hand at a time to maintain the plank position.
  7. Sprintervals: Set up cones or markers at increasing distances. Participants sprint to the first cone, touch the ground, sprint back to the starting point, and repeat for each cone.
  8. Wall Chair with Chest Passes: Partner up, and have one person perform a Wall Chair (Wall Sit) while the other stands a few feet away. The standing partner throws chest passes to the Wall Chair partner, who catches the ball and passes it back.
  9. Burp ‘n’ Ball: Set up a basketball hoop or use a wall as a target. Participants perform a burpee, then immediately jump up and touch the backboard or the designated target on the wall.


  1. Slow Jogging or Walking
  2. Static stretching (hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, hip flexors, shoulders)

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Here is what ChatGPT4 has to say about Consistency. (not as good as what I said)

“Consistency refers to the quality of being uniform, stable, or constant in something over time. In various contexts, consistency can have different meanings:

  1. Behavior or habits: Consistency in behavior or habits means maintaining regular patterns, routines, or actions. For example, consistent exercise or consistent work performance demonstrate stability and reliability.
  2. Thoughts and beliefs: Consistency in thoughts and beliefs refers to having a coherent and logical set of ideas or values that do not frequently change or contradict each other.
  3. Quality or performance: Consistency in quality or performance means maintaining a specific standard or level of output over time, without significant fluctuations or variations. For instance, a product’s consistent quality ensures that customers receive the same experience every time they use it.

In general, consistency is often considered a desirable trait, as it demonstrates reliability, dependability, and predictability. It can build trust, enhance relationships, and contribute to personal and professional success.”
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Fat Kid Brings the Pi to the Asylum

THE SCENE: Chilly Tuesday Spring Break morning.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done effectively 


Standard Blindside warm-up


Start by making our way up Route 66 with the following exercises & reps at each light pole:

  • 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (each squat equals 1)
  • 1 Burpee
  • 4 Merkins
  • 1 Burpee
  • 5 Squats
  • 9 CDD
  • 2 Shoulder Taps (2 count)
  • 6 BBS
  • 5 Squats
  • 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (each squat equals 1)
  • 6 BBS
  • 8 SSH (2 count)
  • 9 CDD
  • 7 Flutter Kicks (2 count)
  • 9 CDD

Dora at the Coliseum: Partner up, one does reps, one runs a lap

  • 314 SSH (single count)
  • 159 BBS
  • 265 Merkins
  • 368 Squats 

Mosey back to the AO for “How much pi did you have?” 

Set – 3 burpees, 1 merkin, 4 squats, 1 merkin (3.141), run down to other end of the parking lot and back, drop last exercise for next set

  1. One Set then run around the circle to wear off the pie
  2. Two sets – because you know you will eat a second piece, then run
  3. Three sets – because my five kids always want three pieces of pie, then run


Freddie Mercurys IC x 15 | Flutter Kicks IC x 15 | Georgia Cheerleaders IC x 10, single leg IC x 5 each leg


3 HIMs, 0 FNGs


Pi is an irrational number. The first day of Spring Break, I was irrationally upset at my 5 kids being home alone with them all day. As fathers, we have to be patient, especially in situations that are out of the normal or off the routine (like Spring Break). 


Prayers for Matlock’s father and the issues with insurance and his therapy.

Basic Bros

THE SCENE: A weirdly warmer 40 degrees, started misting at the end
Windmills (not Rockettes)
Mosey on to “the bathhouse”
Partner up for a good ol’ fashioned DORA, running around Stonehenge each turn

    • 200 Merkins
    • 200 Squats
    • 200 LBCs
    • 200 Dips
    • 200 Lunges left + right = 1 rep

Mosey to the rockpile, the real one

25 reps of each exercise below, running around the Bearmuda Triangle between

Overhead Press
Big boy situps

No time
When things get crazy or complicated, remember the basics in life.
Safe and happy travels, enjoy Spring Break with the family
Open Q this Wednesday! Prep work today at 5pm, Painting Saturday for Cardinal’s wife, EFHR 4/14 -> Sign on Up, Hardship Hill on it’s way Memorial Day