F3 Knoxville

Working In & Working Out

THE SCENE: A long forgotten sultry 55.


  • SSH x15
  • Willy Mays Hayes x10
  • Knoxville Cherry Pickers x(I dunno…Just enjoy it)
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Big Baby Arm Circles x10
  • LBAC x10
  • Reverse LBAC x10
  • Grady Corn x10
  • Chattanooga Pickers x10
  • SSH x10

Stretch ’em if ya got ’em!

Mosey to the platform.

This week is our schedule “Accelerate Your King: You vs. You Workout #2”. Some Rampart PAX took a shorter version of this test in August. Others are setting a baseline.

1. Max BBS in 1 minute
Partner up. Partner can hold your feet, if desired. Arms crossed at your chest or hands behind your head. Elbows touch your knees on “up”. Shoulders touch the ground on “down”.

2. Max merkins in 1 minute
Partner up. Partner puts his fist on the ground while other does merkins. Chest must touch his fist to count as a rep.

3. ~1.5 mile (2,400 meter) run for time
Distance does NOT have to be precise. Should be approximately 1.5 miles.

Slowzy to Pull Up Bars allllllllll the way to the other side of Rampart. YHC’s logistical error.

4. Max pull-ups
Max that can be performed before letting go of the bar. No time limit. Modify as necessary if AO lacks a good bar.

5. Max burpees in 5 minutes
Standard “full” burpee with a merkin and a jump. Clap or don’t clap…your choice. (Rampart. Always. Claps…Always.)

No time for Mary.


Real Faith involves discipline. God’s Grace works best when we cooperate with it.

Paul had a profound mixture of ardent faith and hardened discipline.

  • “I thank God, through Jesus Christ my Lord.” (Rom 7)
  • “I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Tim 1)
  • “Salvation by faith alone so that no one can boast” (Eph 2)

Also said…

  • “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection” (1 Cor 9)
  • “They, that are Christ’s, have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts.” (Gal 5)
  • “So I fight, not as one who beats the air.” (1 Cor 9 again)

Paul put a lot of faith on God’s work and was a very disciplined.

Philippians 2:12-13
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

Work In – God is working on the stuff you can’t see
Work Out – You’re responsible for the stuff you CAN see

1. Does your faith lack discipline?
Are you pinning it all on God for your growth?
Are you waiting to be inspired?
We have to put our desires into submission.

2. Does your discipline lack faith? (This might be a lot of us)
Two separate compartments
Or we get the idea that this earns God’s grace somehow.
Are you extra hard on yourself?
Are you beginning in your relationship with the Lord?
We’ll eventually run out of steam if we’re on our own.
Are you partnering with/cooperating with God’s grace in your life?

YHC’s guess is that we have a hard time reconciling the two.


YHC is PUMPED for the progress PAX have shown today. Everyone pushed hard. Everyone surpassed limits. Well done, HIMs.

Prayers for Lucille’s M, Binks house hunting, Wingman’s 2.0, Skeletor’s friend, and Feeny’s church. Praise for Ridealong’s M doing better.


  • Painting for Cardinal’s M on March 16. See Slack for details and sing up.
  • 2nd F opportunity at Top Golf on Monday evening. See Slack for details.
  • Piston on Q Saturday. Skewer on Monday.

Tour de Rampart

THE SCENE: Very nice, very nice indeed


  • Projectivators x 10
  • windmills x 10
  • knoxville cherry picker x 10
  • willie mays Hayes x 10
  • inchworm down and up x 5
    Begin a tour of Rampart, multiple tour stops with punishment around every corner
  • Parking spot outline from last car to the FSWP sign
  • Mosey to dugout, wall sit until we break, then 25 squats,
  • Inverted wall stand 30 seconds,
  • Mosey to playground, 11’s, Big boys and Merkins
  • Mosey to opposite side of the track 50 LBC’s
  • Mosey down the trail, sprint up the big hill, hold for 6
  • Mosey to pull up bar, hold Al Gore while we rotate through each person does max pull up’s once everyone has done their max
  • mosey by auditorium, then RTB

No time 



3 John
“The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well, because they went forth for His name’s sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth. I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church. Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God. Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink; but I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace to you. Our friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.”
One word….. Moist. Thanks Airborne.
CPR training tomorrow. Meet at Rampart at 5:30 to head to park west for a 6:30 start

ICE dog tags in

Painting for Cardinals widow 3/18, signup in Slack

Tuesday OTB GROWRUCK Prep begins on 2/28

Every Monday night from Tonka’s house, 10 mile ruck, try to get in at minimum one per month



Strongman Medley

THE SCENE: 28, clear skies, thankfully not windy and mostly dry.

SSH x 10, CMU shoulder press x 5, Willy Mays x 6, Derkins x 5, Seated cross over toe touches? x 6 LBAC x 10, Reverse LBAC x 12, Night Clubs x 10, Hallelujahs x 10, Tempo Squats x 5 long hold on last.
Mosey down to the Medley area. Split into teams of two. Assign six exercises to the corresponding faces of a dice block. Each group will complete the entire Medley alternating turns. Before beginning roll dice block to determine line work. After team mate 1 is back from a run 2 picks up and does the same run. When the team ahead is on the third lift the next group can start. Everyone waiting is on the line doing whichever exercise was assigned to the number on the rolled dice block for the duration of the medley.

  • Farmers carry CMU’s with pinch grip down and back to first set of cones.
  • Heavy bag carry Zercher/ Hussafel to first set of cones. 20#,60#,120#
  • Kettle bag Circus press x 3 each arm. 35# 53#
  • Load sled and push full length to farthest cones. Unburdened teammate runs down and pushes the distance back and unloads the sled.
  • Dice exercises included: Merkins, awkward turltes, squats, monkey humpers, hold plank, flutter kicks.


  • After two full rounds meet up in the circle of pain. Each man leads a short burst exercise of their own choosing until time is up.


Lucille, Bobbitt, Skeletor, Piston, Stetson, Airborne, GoDaddy, Hasselhoff, Spielberg, Feeny, Runaway Bride, Ride Along, Bazinga, Candy Crush, Chicken Wing, Daniel Son, Tarantula

17 including 2 young FNG’s
John 21. Jesus is waiting on the shore for us to come back to Him.
Great VQ, learned a lot about organizing and leading a group in something new, and will improve for the next Q.
Painting for Mrs. Cardinal soon. Potential order of Rampart merch.

Poker Run at Rampart

THE SCENE: Rain shower had just passed before workout. Temp was just right.


Jumping jacks

Tempo squats

Willie Mays Hayes

Knoxville cherry pickers


Morrocan night club



The PAX moseyed to the track with CMU’s in hand.  Upon arrival they played the house in poker.  If the house won, we ran.  If the PAX won, we did stationary exercises with and without CMU’s.

1st hand  PAX won  continuous 40 flutter kicks, 40 scissors kicks, 30 seconds holding leg raise

2nd hand  PAX won  50 heavy squats

3rd hand House won  1/4 mile hill run ( half up, half down)

4th hand PAX won  10 eight count body builders

5th hand  PAX won  20 heavy curls, 20 heavy triceps extensions

6th hand  PAX won  30 crunches, 40 cross crunches

7th hand  PAX won  continuous 40 flutter kicks, 40 scissor kicks, 30 second leg extension

8th hand PAX won  50 heavy squats

9th hand House won  1/4 mile hill run

10th hand House won  1/4 mile lap on track


8 HIM’s present. VQ Ride Along, Wilber, Bobbitt, Piston, Feeny, Run Away Bride, Lucille, Binks


Psalms 118:24. This is the Day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I wake up most mornings saying this verse in my head. I teach it to my grandchildren but some days I think, how can I rejoice when I’m facing what I’m facing. Sickness, death, loss of a job, anything that causes sadness, fear, grief, hatred?  I recently realized the key word to this verse is the last word.  IT.  I rejoice in the day the Lord has made!  That day is perfect. Man’s sin introduced the part of my day that can put me in a prison of grief, hate, fear, lust, ect.  With that thought I turn to Ephesians 6:10-20. We all know it, the armor of God. That is what we use to fight these battles. Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Sandals fitted and ready to go, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of Truth.  The one piece of KIT that I think gets overlooked is the last part of the verses about praying in all things and for the Saints. I encourage you to visualize prayer as you do the rest of the Armor, a physical piece of KIT that you can physically use. John Bunyan called it the key of AllPrayer in his book The Pilgrim’s Progress. AllPrayer was a key that the Christian wore around his neck. When he was trapped in the dungeon of the giant named Despair, he was able to use the key to open the lock and escape. We also have that key with us at all time. When we find ourselves in the prison of grief, fear, hate, ect we need to remember that we have the key to open the door of the prison and escape. We just have to use it, AllPrayer opens all prison doors.  Don’t stay trapped when you have the key!


Volunteer work at Cardinals house this Saturday. Sign up and help if you can.

Do the Next Right Thing

THE SCENE: 20 something degrees with a glorious breeze coming off the river to cool the sweltering heat.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Faithfully delivered.


  • SSH x15
  • Knox Cherry Pickers x6
  • Willy Mays Hayes x6
  • Tempo Merk x9 (just go with it)
  • Tempo Sq. X9
  • Tennessee Ricking Chair x9
  • Shoulder Burn
    • Little Baby Arm Circles
    • RLBAC
    • Seal Claps
    • OH Claps
    • Moroccan Night Clubs
    • Hallelujahs
    • Chatty Cherry Pickers
  • SSH x15


Kraken. Pax evenly divide to each station. Complete 20 reps of the exercise then run a full lap around the course to the next station. Rinse and repeat. Try to catch the guy in front of you. Stations were as follows:

  1. Bobby Hurleys
  2. BBS
  3. HR Merkins
  4. Iron Mike/Bonnie Blair (jumping lunge)
  5. Flutter Kicks
  6. Shoulder Taps
  7. Apollo Onos
  8. American Hammers
  9. Squats


Sadly, no time for Mary.


Yesterday, YHC hiked Le Conte with some brothers from The Project. It’s easy to get overhwhelmed with the distance when you look at the whole distance.

Just as in life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We experience decision fatigue after a long day of work and it’s time to decide what to do for dinner. We also get overwhelmed and can’t make decisions when we can only see the big picture. We often ask, “How am I going to get there?” It also happens when we can’t see the big picture at all. “What should I be doing?”

Often we freeze and are afraid to make the wrong decision. Teddy Roosevelt once said, “The best decision is the RIGHT thing. The next best decision is the WRONG thing. The worst decision is NOTHING.”

In Acts 9, Saul encounters the Lord on the road to Damascus. Instead of telling him he would become an apostle he’s told to go into the town and await instructions; the next step. Often after Jesus healed a person they were only given the next right thing to do. “Show yourself to the priests.” “Take up your mat.” “Go home.”

God seems to be more interested in us taking the NEXT RIGHT STEPS rather than making GIANT LEAPS.


1. Doing the next right thing develops FAITH.
We can see the spiritual path better in the step-by-step approach.
2. Doing the next right thing develops FAITHFULNESS.
Showing up each day and doing the right things shows that we are dependable.
3. Doing the next right thing develops CHARACTER. As we get the small things, able to handle the big things.

Instead of getting overwhelmed about decisions in life, do the next right thing.


  • A Go30 patch was presented to Piston for completing the challenge.
  • We had 5 men complete the MABA. Patches were presented.
    • Feeny (3150 burpees)
    • Cheeburger (3100 burpees)
    • Iron Chef (3130 burpees)
    • Piston (3125 burpees)
    • Cardinal (72,667 burpees completed by men around the F3 Nation)
  • Special thank you to Lilydipper for coming out to lead a debrief session at coffeteria.
  • Discussed AED for the Fort.


  • VQ Week will be February 13-18. Runaway Bride on Monday and Ridealong on Wednesday. Saturday is available or covered by Wingman.
  • Feb 22 will be our fitness assessment (you vs you!) proctored by Bobbitt.