F3 Knoxville

Manic Monday

THE SCENE 70 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Straddle Hop x 20
The Gator
Michael Phelps
Carolina Dry-dock x 15 (4 count)
Ground touch squats x 15

Mosey to stairs

Bunny Hill
Bunny hop up stairs x 5
Calf raises—-left foot x 30, right foot x 30, both feet x 30.

Mosey to dugout

Bat Cave
Pull-ups x 10
Ground touch squats x 10.

Mosey to pavilion break into 2 groups

Super Sets
Group 1 pull-ups under picnic table while group 2 does wall seat for 30 seconds, then groups switch.

Mosey to hill next to cardiac behind baseball outfield

10 merkins on top and 1 ground touch squat at bottom

Mossey to cardiac

13 Light Posts
5 burpees at each post; run forward to first post, then backwards to next and continue alternating—-total 65 burpees. At top of cardiac abs until all are on top of hill. Then derkins on benches to failure x2.

Mossey to top of hill above AO, crisscross under and through chained posts to bottom of hill.

Hello Dolly’s x 50 (4 count)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

I am reading a book called “14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples”. The first habit is Bible study. We will not become strong and mature Christians by accident. We must have a disciplined study of the Bible to know God’s will and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. We must do our part and meet God halfway——just like our fitness, we will not become fit without showing up to the workouts. The second habit is Confession. When we sin, we must ask for forgiveness to restore fellowship with God. It is important to understand the difference between relationship and fellowship. Once we become a Christian and slave of Jesus Christ, we are sons of God. Jesus died for our past, present and future sins. Our relationship is secure—-that will never change. Fellowship on the other hand, is broken when we sin. We must ask for forgiveness to restore the lost fellowship with God. 1 John 1:9” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”—–this is one of the great promises of the Bible. There are sins of Commission and sins of Omission. Several years ago I was given a tool which presents scripture and questions to reveal sin in your life. I challenged to PAX to take 30 minutes sometime this week to go through these scriptures and questions and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin so that they may confess sins and restore complete fellowship with God. It humbles me every time I use this tool to confess my many sins to our great God, who loves us with great passion and wants complete fellowship with us.

Let’s Mosey

62 and Clear

F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Side Straddle hops – IC 20x
Big Arm Circles, low and back – IC 10x
…and reverse – IC 10x
Calf Raises on the curb – IC 30x
Merkins – 20x

Let’s Mosey
Partner up and run to the Outhouse
Dips – oyo 30x
Run to the Fork
Burpees – oyo 20x
Run to the Speedbump
Carolina Dry Docks – oyo 30x
Run up to the Gravel Parking
Full Squat Jumps – oyo 30x
Run to the Small Shelter
Dips – oyo 30x
Run to the End of the Road
Big Boy Sit-ups – oyo 30x
Run back to the top of the hill
Iso Squats – IC 30x
Run to the Marina Office
Merkins – oyo 20x
Run on the sidewalk. For each dock ramp encountered, mosey forward down and backwards up to end mosey at Little Everest.
Sprint up Little Everest and partway across upper lot, plank it out, mosey back down – 3x
Mosey back to AO, finish mosey with a sprint from speed bumps to the tennis courts.

Total Mosey: 2.5 miles, 280 vertical feet or ~19 stories, 6,000 steps and 1100 calories.

Hello Dolly’s – IC 20x
Flutter Kicks – IC 30x
Pledge of Allegiance
Number Off and Name-O-Rama

Be intentional to show unselfishness, kindness, and good will.  A challenge was made for each HIM to do three intentional acts of kindness today.  Go out of your way to spread God’s blessings.
The Dog Pound delivered some new views this morning as we explored some unchartered roadway and sidewalks.  Average turnout allowed for some good mumble-chatter.  The PAX left it all out there today.  …time to get some breakfast and recharge.

Arm Burner

47 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
Big arm circles x 10 IC (forward and backwards)
Burpees x 5
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Mosey up the road to the pavilion

Upper Body – 4 rounds
Alternating shoulder taps x 10 IC
Tempo melons x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Dips x 20 IC
Abyss Merkins
One half on one bench, other half on other bench
Elevated feet dips x 20 IC

Mosey to boat parking

Ascending curb crawl
Start at 1 and finish at 13
Planks when complete

Mosey to rock pile

Bicep curls, shoulder press, tricep curls
Start at 1 each, progress to 7 and back down

Mosey back to parking lot

Ab cycle:
Flutter kicks x 10 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x 20 ICe
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x 15 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground

Count off and Name-o-Rama


Pledge of Allegiance

“For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭7:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Daily reflection – reflect on the day’s events so you can identify areas in your life that need aligning

Prayer requests

Gus Bus Smackdown!

50F and Cloudy

Welcome & Disclaimer

Imperial Walkers x10 (IC)
Hillbillies x10 (IC)
Side Straddle Hops x25 (IC)
Hit the Head (to latrine and back)
Side Straddle Hops x50 (IC)
Gorilla Humpers x20 (IC)


  1. Thigh Master x10
  2. Y Squat x10
  3. Burpees x10
  4. Hydraulic Squat x10
  5. Merkins x10

Rinse and Repeat

Ring of Fire
PAX hold Al Gore while one #HIM completes 5 burpees or 5 hydraulic squats (user’s choice) until all PAX have completed exercise.

Big Boy Sit-ups x10 (OYO)
Flutter Kick x12 (IC)
Dr. W x5 (IC)
Big Boy Sit-ups x10 (OYO)
Flutter Kick x20 (IC)
Dr. W x5 (IC)
Big Boy Sit-ups x10 (OYO)
Flutter Kick x20 (IC)
Dr. W x5 (IC)

BONUS – La La Leggy!
Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Drop Lunges x 20
Jump Squats x 20
Calf Raises x 20

Ratchet’s Shoulder Blaster

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Nehemiah was given a vision by God to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. The task itself was difficult, but he gathered the people and materials to make the vision a reality. But he had doubters: Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab. They doubted him, ridiculed him, and threatened him. Nehemiah never lost sight of his vision, trusted God, and stayed ready to fight if necessary.

Nehemiah said, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.”

We all have a task at hand, and we also all have doubters. We must (1) never lose sight of our vision,  (2) trust God, and (3) fight for what has been entrusted to us.

The PAX stayed in the Circle of Trust as we repped out some familiar and not-so-familiar leg and ab exercises. Because the Q didn’t effectively communicate the need for CMUs, a few audibles were called on the fly to ensure all could participate and get better together.

Just Another Day at the Asylum…

44 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Butt kicks 15x IC
High Knees 15x IC
Windmill 15x IC
Big arm circles forward 15x IC
Big arm circles backwards 15x IC

Get in groups of 3 PAX.


Station Work
PAX will rotate between 3 stations. At each station do AMRAP for 50 seconds of the stated exercise. Sprint to next station.  Rinse and Repeat 3x.

  • Round 1: Spiderman Merkins, American Hammer, Imperial Walker Squats
  • Round 2: Dive Bombers, BBS, Mountain Slalom,
  • Round 3: Side-to-Side Merkins, Crunchy Frogs, Jump Squats

Mosey to hill/steps by Asylum with your cinder block (CMU) or coupons.

Coupon Stair Work
Perform AMRAP in 4 minute cycles of the following:

  • Round 1: Bicep Curl with CMU 10x OYO, carry CMU up stairs and do Tricep Press 10x OYO.  Rinse and repeat.
  • Round 2: Kettlebell Swings with CMU 5x OYO, carry CMU up stairs and do Shoulder Press 5x OYO.  Rinse and Repeat.
  • Round 3: Frog Merkin 5x OYO, run up stairs/hill, do Burpees 5x OYO

Mosey back to parking lot.

Perform AMRAP for 50 seconds of each:

  • BBS
  • Flutter Kicks

Count-o-Rama AND Name-o-Rama (5 FNGs)

What you afraid of? What’s one thing you can do this week to move towards that? Prayer for Cupcake who’s shipping out this week.

It is always an incredible privilege to be with this PAX, and to attempt to lead them as Q is a humbling experience. Adding to the joy of the gloom this morning was working side-by-side with my dad, Smallmouth taking on his VQ 2.0 (yeah, that first VQ doesn’t count…). My big questions at the end are so relevant–the fear of failure ever looms before me, along with public speaking, and sometimes, dark creepy places. Being Q at the Asylum brings those fears into my headlights. The challenge: don’t swerve, hit the throttle and face it.