F3 Knoxville

Manic Monday

Asylum AM

THE SCENE 70 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Straddle Hop x 20
The Gator
Michael Phelps
Carolina Dry-dock x 15 (4 count)
Ground touch squats x 15

Mosey to stairs

Bunny Hill
Bunny hop up stairs x 5
Calf raises—-left foot x 30, right foot x 30, both feet x 30.

Mosey to dugout

Bat Cave
Pull-ups x 10
Ground touch squats x 10.

Mosey to pavilion break into 2 groups

Super Sets
Group 1 pull-ups under picnic table while group 2 does wall seat for 30 seconds, then groups switch.

Mosey to hill next to cardiac behind baseball outfield

10 merkins on top and 1 ground touch squat at bottom

Mossey to cardiac

13 Light Posts
5 burpees at each post; run forward to first post, then backwards to next and continue alternating—-total 65 burpees. At top of cardiac abs until all are on top of hill. Then derkins on benches to failure x2.

Mossey to top of hill above AO, crisscross under and through chained posts to bottom of hill.

Hello Dolly’s x 50 (4 count)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

I am reading a book called “14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples”. The first habit is Bible study. We will not become strong and mature Christians by accident. We must have a disciplined study of the Bible to know God’s will and allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. We must do our part and meet God halfway——just like our fitness, we will not become fit without showing up to the workouts. The second habit is Confession. When we sin, we must ask for forgiveness to restore fellowship with God. It is important to understand the difference between relationship and fellowship. Once we become a Christian and slave of Jesus Christ, we are sons of God. Jesus died for our past, present and future sins. Our relationship is secure—-that will never change. Fellowship on the other hand, is broken when we sin. We must ask for forgiveness to restore the lost fellowship with God. 1 John 1:9” If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”—–this is one of the great promises of the Bible. There are sins of Commission and sins of Omission. Several years ago I was given a tool which presents scripture and questions to reveal sin in your life. I challenged to PAX to take 30 minutes sometime this week to go through these scriptures and questions and allow the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin so that they may confess sins and restore complete fellowship with God. It humbles me every time I use this tool to confess my many sins to our great God, who loves us with great passion and wants complete fellowship with us.