F3 Knoxville

COVID by the Cove

THE SCENE: 40s and clear. Atypical May morning. Isn’t that funny? Simply adding or removing a space completely reverses the meaning of that sentence….

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Rockettes x15 IC
Hammy Crampers x10 IC each leg
Monkey Humpers 4ct x20 IC
LBAC x 20 each way
OHC x 20

Grab a CMU and head to the bottom of the Matterhorn

COVID-19 workout – 19 reps of each:
Curls (4ct)
OHP (one arm, 19 each)
Iron Mikes
Decline merkins

Of course, COVID-19 leads to Respiratory Distress:
AYG to the top of Matterhorn.
30s stargazer OYO, then plank for the 6.

Return to the bottom of the hill, R&R

Mosey back to AO, curls and OHP on the way.
4-ct crunches IC x25
Flutter Kicks IC x25
Side Crunch IC x15 each side

<10 plus a couple spares.... CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Urban legend says it takes 21 days to form a habit. Of course, this is an overgeneralization, but… Lockdown was more than 21 days. What habits did you form? Maybe some good, maybe some bad… Step back and evaluate. As things loosen up over the coming days/weeks, make the effort to keep the good and do away with the bad!
One of my bad habits was not working out… That second trip up the matterhorn this morning was a painful reminder of that.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Change of scenery helps

THE SCENE: 33 degrees and beautiful

Run in a circle and do hand claps, Merkins, rockettes, squats

mosey to the hockey rink with 1 CMU per 2 people.

Partner up. 1 does exercise while 2 does suicides to each line (5). At line do one burpee. Exercises are:

  • OH Press
  • curls
  • Swing clean and press
  • Tris
  • Rows

Mosey to side lot by road. Repeat but run to 3 cones for burpee suicides (50 yds long)

mosey to tennis courts, repeat with 3 suicide burpees

20 seconds of flutters
14 pax. No tag for ADIDAS but he was there killing it!

Does choosing to lose come naturally to us? No way! Most of us struggle. We love to win, and we go to great lengths to avoid second place.

Think about it:

  • The Miss America Pageant has gotten creative with second place; they call it “first runner-up.” We all know it’s a euphemism for second.
  • How about first in line for the throne? Read some history books and see what happens to that guy. Second in line takes him out.

For most of us, second place isn’t easy because it means we are second to someone who beat us. Biblical love—choosing to be second—isn’t the default setting for many of us.

Consider all the debate surrounding Ephesians 5:22, which has been translated, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you to do the Lord.” Did you know the word submit isn’t in the original Greek translation of Ephesians 5:22? It actually reads, “Wives, to your husbands as to the Lord.”

In fact, you have to back up a verse in the Greek in order to locate it. Ephesians 5:21 reads, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Husbands, submit to your wives. Wives, submit to your husbands out of reverence for Jesus.

What exactly does it mean to submit? Hupotasso is the Greek word. Upo means “under.” Taso means “place.” Its voice indicates a voluntary action. So quite literally, this passage explains how husbands and wives can voluntarily place themselves second inside their marriage.

It’s a different way. A powerful way. It’s the secret to make your marriage grow for a lifetime. Make yourself purposely second in your relationships.

Nice work today by the PAX. Not much mumble chatter but if they were like me, they were trying to catch their breath.
3rd F, veterans home donations

10 E See with the Power T?

THE SCENE: Perfect.

SSHX 20,  rockettes X 10, tempo Merkins x10

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn. Complete each exercise and then run up to restaurant driveway and back

1) 10 mericans
2) 10 squats
3) 10 dry docks
4) 10 Bobby Hurley’s
5) 10 shoulder touch Merkins
switch to going  down back parking lot to second light pole and back
6) 10 smurf Jacks
7) 10 burpees
8) 10 lunges each leg
9) 10 inch worms
10) 10 iron mikes
switch to  running up the Matterhorn and back
11) 10 curb dips
12) 10 sec one leg holds each
13) 10 wide mericans
14) 10 squat jumps
15) 10 diamond mericans
Mosey to bottom of the rock hill..  at every other light pole do 25reps of (flutters, American hammers, LBCs, box cutters)
then DORA
Partner 1 runs up does 2 burpees,  partner 2 Merkins (200 total)


we gave her attention during the moseys.


12 PAX

““Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning,”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:35‬ ‭NIV‬‬
What happens to a dark room when light is brought in. The darkness cannot stop the light. Be a light to others and serve the Lord.

challenge to give our wives extra attention and love this week.

Prayers for la-z-boys wife having procedure, Messi family, junk’s wife praise for Chemo completion, JD Carter (butters son) heart/throat issue, and prayers for our wives and families

Take the Hill

THE SCENE: 40(ish), the gloom is alive and well.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam – I’ll be your Q this morning
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition – you made a choice to be here this morning.
    • You know your body better than anyone – if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so. BUT push yourself and those around you – let’s go to work.
  • Q introduces FNG Bo Harris


  • SSH (Side-Straddle Hop): 18×4 in cadence
  • Cherry-Picker: 11×4 in cadence
  • The Fake-Burpee: 11×4 in cadence
  • Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 in cadence (front and back)

THA-THANG: (aka what went down post Warm-O-Rama and pre-COT)

18 November 2019

[ PAX moseys to Cardiac Hill – foreshadowing!!!! ]

  1. Take the Hill/Trifecta
    • Top of Cardiac: 18 SSHs (1-count)
    • Middle of Cardiac (turn): 18 Fake Burpees (1-count)
    • Bottom of Cardiac: 18 Squats

[ When you get to the bottom of the hill – come back up. Whether you spring up it or walk up it – you get back up the hill. The name of the game is one foot in front of the other. Only 1 person is going to get you up that hill and it’s you. We got 3 rounds of this. HOWEVER – if you get done with Round 3 and make it back up to the top – you’re not done right? There are still guys that are coming back up the hill. No man left behind. ]

    • PAX executes Take the Hill/Trifecta
    • The job isn’t done until all PAX make it back up the hill a 3rd time

[ PAX recovers @ top of Cardiac ]

[ 10 – count ]

“Way to choose the harder thing. Good work. Let’s rock.”

[ PAX moseys to the right towards new trail at Asylum facing Northshore ]

  • PAX executes 11 SEALclaps until 6 is up

2. The Lighted Path

    • Every 3rd light = 1 merkin (Down/Up)
  • PAX executes The Lighted Path
    • 1/2 way through the Q changes up the leadership of The Lighted Path
    • CheatSheet, FNG Bo, and Walkabout lead PAX to the next set of lights
  • PAX executes The Lighted Path until the road leading out of Asylum AO

[ 10 count ]

3. American Indian Run w/a Twist

    • American Indian Run
    • When the 6 recovers – leads PAX in 5 1-count squats
    • R&R (rinse and repeat this movement until PAX reaches lighted path going down to AO parking lot with cars

[ PAX file into the AO ]

4. The Core 100

    • 4 corners of AO parking lot
    • C1: 25 1-count cockroaches
    • C2: 25 1-count flutter kicks
    • C3: 25 1-count LBCs
    • C4: 25 1-count Hello Dollys

[ Circle It Up ]


FNG broke the Spalshing the Merlot seal – WELL DONE!


PAX Count: 21

FNG Count: 1


  • FNG Bo Harris initiated into F3
    • Name = Gilmore
  • “Carry the fight to our opponent and keep it their for 60 minutes.” – General Neyland.
  • I don’t know what you have going on when you come here to F3 – but I’m glad you’re here.
  • What is that fight for you this week? Identify it. Own it.
  • Just like the hill that we climbed up and down – what is that hill for you? In order to get up the hill, you need to identify what that hill is for you or you’ll lose every single time.
  • Sometimes that hill, whatever it is, seems impossible. Whatever that hill is for you, IDENTIFY it, and TAKE it. Even if it’s one step at a time. That’s how you take the hill – One. Step. At. A. Time.
  • Take the hill this week. Someone might be struggling with taking their hill this week. Take them with you. No man left behind – No man left the same. 
  • Call a brother out this week – Pull a brother in this week. 

Sprinting through 2nd hand smoke

THE SCENE: Low 70’s & muggy



  • Tempo Squats
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Rockettes
  • Tempo Merkins


  • Sprints on the Matterhorn.  8 cones up the hill – sprint to each cone in descending order.  Stop & wait on the 6 at the bottom between rounds.
  • Route 66 around the parking lot.  Merkins & Big Boys at each light pole increasing by 1 at each pole.
  • 7’s on baby Everest.  Carolina Dry Docks @ top;  Squats @ bottom.
    • Had to call this after 2 rounds due to time


  • Dealers choice
    • Boxcutters – Sparky
    • Row, row, row your boat – Waxjob

12 HIMs.    Tweet-E, La-Z-Boy, Driftwood, Sparky, Ribbed, Waxjob, Bowflex, Tank, Mouthwash, Mustard, Wagon Wheel, Bartman


Talked about the fact that we are made for relationship and to be looking out for other men who share common experiences with you.  We often think we are going through hard times alone and that no one could understand our situation.  The fact is, other people have dealt with similar situations to those that cause us worry and pain.  It could be the reason you are going through your current bout with pain is so you can support a fellow man when he is struggling and needs someone to lean on.   So, if you find others dealing with the same issues you have dealt with….use that as an opportunity to engage with them and lift them up.


We had a first today:  while sprinting the matterhorn a car came down the hill following a dog.  Turns out they were “walking” the dog while chain smoking a pack of cigarettes.   Nothing quite like sprinting through 2nd hand smoke!


Truckin’ To The Pound this weekend.   6am at the Truck Stop.