F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 45 and brisk

Mosey to Speedbump (400m)
15 Cherry Pickers
15 Big Boy Situps
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
15 Merkins
Russian Swing
American Swing
Mosey to Outhouse (200m)


100 Jump Rope
25 Squats
25 Goblet Squats
100 Jump Rope
25 Russian Swings
25 American Swings
100 Jump Rope
25 KB ‘Merkins
25 ‘Merkins
100 Jump Rope
25 Box Jumps
25 Step Ups
100 Jump Rope
5 Sand Bag Throws

No time for that…
6 PAX…good to see Porcelain out again for some Ropes & Bells!
Dredd said it best:


CMU Classics

THE SCENE:    44 and clear



  • Side Straddle Hops x 10 IC
  • Merkins (4ct) x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Run in place while those without a CMU ran to get a pee rock



Mosey to the hockey rink

  1. Battle buddy for DORA 3-2-1
    • 300 CMU Squats,  200 CMU Merkins (go deep between blocks),  100 CMU Big Boys
    • Battle buddy sprints to far side of rink & performs 10 BBS, stopping each time they cross center court to perform 2 Burpees (4 total per trip across & back).
  2. CMU elevators
    • Work your way up the elevator in the following order.  Then work your way down in reverse order.
    • Corner 1:  20 curls
    • Corner 2:  20 curls; 20 squats
    • Corner 3:  20 curls; 20 squats; 20 front deltoid raises
    • Corner 4:  20 curls; 20 squats; 20 front deltoid raises; 20 calf raises


  • Little Baby Crunches (4ct) x 51 IC
  • Channel Changers

19 total:  Peach Fuzz, Rainfly, Tweet-E, Dinghy, Showcase, Shooter, Flute Loop, Underhand, Beuller, Ribbed, Bowflex, La-Z-Boy, Sharpie, Mayberry, Frosty, Butters, Barnacle, Bartman, Treehugger (FNG)

In 2 Timothy, Paul writes a very familiar passage stating that he has fought the good fight and finished the race.  In relating that to modern day F3 – today was the first cold morning of the fall season.  Long sleeves were out in abundance.  My challenge to the PAX was to not let the upcoming cold season be a barrier to getting better each day.  Keep setting the alarm, keep pressing forward, keep showing up.  Champions are made when it’s cold.  When I am older I want to look back on my life and say I gave it all I had…..that means leaning into the hard situations and dealing with sometimes miserable circumstances.  If we keep leaning in and don’t give up, we will also be able to say that we have indeed fought the good fight and finished the race strong.  Don’t let the winter weather turn you into a Fartsacker!!


Truckin’ to the Pound:  Oct 28th

Take The Hill, Dominate Your Monday.

THE SCENE: Windy, cool, & a 100% chance of iron sharpening iron.

  • Welcome to F3! Fitness -Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning!
  • I am not a professional – I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do do but always give 100%
  • I need 3 things from you this morning!
    • PUSH YOURSELF – you came here to get better this morning – you absolutely have what it takes to succeed this morning – unleash it.
    • PUSH THOSE AROUND YOU – IRON SHARPENS IRON – the man on your left and right is counting on you for their safety and to push them to be better men!
    • ALWAYS GIVE 100% – You owe it to yourself to go had this morning and fight for every breath like it’s your last. You’re here this morning because you wanted to be a better man than you were yesterday – EARN IT!


  1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH) – in cadence
    1. 25 x 4
  2. The Rockett – in cadence
    1. 15 x 4 count
  3. The Cherry Picker – in cadence
    1. 10 x 4 count
  4. The Merkin – in cadence
    1. 10 x 4 count
  5. 5 Burpees On Your Own!


  • Mosey (with flag of course) to Bottom of Everest, THE Mt. Everest
    • Halt halfway –> 10 squats in cadence (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • Upon arrival at bottom of Everest –> 10 second rest/catch breath (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • SSH: 15 x 4 – in cadence
  • Take The Hill (Part 1)
    • Charge the hill with the flag (duh) all the way to the top (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • Plant flag between 2 temporary high beam lights provided by Steam
    • Charge back down hill – leaving flag up top (Al Gore until 6 is up)
  • Take The Hill (Part 2)
    • Maneuver under enemy watch/fire
    • Steam sets scenario where the hill much be taken from the enemy – maneuver accordingly.
    • Zig-zag sprint up the hill
    • Stop 1
      • drop down in push up plank –> 10 x 4 merkins in cadence
      • Back up
    • Stop 2
      • drop down in push up plank –> 10 x 4 plank jacks
      • Back up
    • Bear Crawl 25 meters –> sprint the rest of the way to the top (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • @ Top
      • Merkin: 10 x 4 in cadence
    • Back Down Hill (Hold Al Gore until 6 is up – make sure every man is accounted for)
    • Merkin – 10 x 4 in cadence
  • Take The Hill (Part 3)
    • Zig-zag sprint up hill
    • Stop 1
      • Drop down in push up plank –> 10 x 4 merkin in cadence
      • Back up
    • Stop 2
      • PAX on their 6 –> 10 x 4 flutter kick in cadence
      • Back up
    • Sprint zig zag –> line up shoulder to shoulder
    • CHARGE THE HILL! (100% all out)
    • 15 second breather 
    • The Squat –> 15 x 4
  • Mosey Back To AO 
    • Flag in front (in between 2 single file lines of PAX on either side of the road
    • American Indian run for both lines (flag stays out front)
    • Cadence Call by Steam
      • F3 –> Good For You –> Good For Me (x2) –> All Day –> Everyday –> No Man –> Left Behind –> F3 –> F3
    • Halt halfway
      • 20 x 4 squats in cadence
    • Down new patch to car parking lot –> AO
    • Circle up
    • 20 x 4 SSH in cadence
  • Finishing Strong
    • Line up shoulder to shoulder at one end of the parking lot AO
    • 80% sprint all the way across
      • 10 burpees on your own
    • Bernie Sanders 70% all the way back
    • 10 x 4 SSH in cadence
    • Sprint all the way across
      • 10 x 4 merkins in cadence
    • Bernie Sanders all the way back (100%)
    • Burpee in cadence
      • one element at a time
      • 5 total
    • Karaoke all the way across (100%)
      • 10 x 4 merkin in cadence
    • Bernie Sanders all the way back (100%)
    • Line up shoulder to shoulder in incline push up plank along curb
      • Starting from Right —- > Left: each man does one Merkin going down the line
    • Recover –> Bear crawl halfway across –> 100% sprint rest of way across
    • Line up shoulder to shoulder in incline push up plank along curb
      • Starting from Left  –> Right: each man does one Merkin going down the line
    • 100% Sprint Back
    • Flutter Kick: 25 x 4 count in cadence
    • American Hammer: 15 x 4 count in cadence
    • Hello Dolly: 25 x 4 count in cadence
    • ATMs –> Cap’n Crunch Leads ATMs to finish strong
      • 15 x 4 count shoulder taps
      • 10 slow merkins
      • 10 fast merkins

Heavy breathing
35 PAX – 1 FNG: “Ma’am”
“Periods vs. Commas”

  • The enemy tries to place periods in our life (death of a family member, a hard time, loss of job or loved one, tragedy like Vegas shooting, etc) that insinuate the game is over, that’s the end of the story. God looks at that and turns it into a comma instead, allowing whatever hard or difficult thing we’re going through or experiencing to not be the end of the story, just more of a pause as he carries us through to the “next part of the sentence” or stage of life.
  • Whatever periods you have experienced in your life and may be experiencing now –> God will turn that into a comma and carry you through.
  • Your story is not over. The is not the end. What seems like a unsurpassable period in your life is not the end of the story. Trust God to turn it into a comma and help you realize that there is more to come. You were made for more than to just be defeated by whatever period the enemy has put in your life.

Step it UP!

THE SCENE: A very sticky 72 degrees, cloudy, with insufficient breeze.

The PAX moseyed in place throughout the Welcome & Disclaimer. After the W&D, the QIC joined in the circle for a quick circle drill. While all members moseyed in place, a number of steps and direction of travel were shouted and the PAX followed suit. (i.e., “2, left” indicates two steps left). When “center” was shouted, all members ran to the center of the circle & then Bernie Sanders back to their original position. This continued for several minutes to get the blood flowing. We then performed the following exercises:

  • Tempo Squats x 10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles FWD x 12 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles BWD x 12 IC
  • Little o’ This
  • Little o’ That
  • Michael Phelps

The PAX split into two even lines for an Indian-run style mosey. Instead of Indian runs, the PAX executed commands directed by the QIC. “Left” and “Right” required reaching down to touch the ground on the respective side. “UP!” required jumping into the air and clapping twice before hitting the ground. Commands continued until the fork in the parking lot.

Completed one round of Circle Burp using Kraken Burpees.

Continued mosey to the stairs. Split the PAX into two groups, one on either side of the stairs. The first member of each group sprints up the stairs, touching every step. Once they summit, they alternate (10x) LBCs and (10x) merkins while they await the rest of their group. All members at the bottom alternate (10x) SSH and (10x) tempo squats until their turn to summit.

Rinse and repeat, with accelerated hustle on the second attempt.

Slow mosey back to first light pole for Route 66. We called an audible due to time, but completed the following exercises:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Lunges

Mosey back to the AO with a hard sprint on the homestretch.


  • Hello Dolly x 25 IC
  • Flutter Kick x 10 IC

14 PAX today with 0 FNGs.
“There are 3 kinds of men when it comes to work. Some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their nose, and some just don’t turn up at all”. As HIMs we are called to be leaders, and part of being a leader means jumping in to do work even we may not be best suited to the task. All of us need to step up at times, turn up our sleeves, and DO WORK that needs doing.
Tell your Ms that you’re welcome for that stair work today.

  1. Maryville/Alcoa launch Oct. 14
  2. Truckin’ to the Pound Oct. 28
  3. Please note the new Q calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before and you’re skeered, grab a co-Q or ask a veteran some questions. You’ll be glad you jumped in!

Y’all must have forgot about CMUs!

THE SCENE: We are too blessed to have weather like this! Perfect!

20 SSHs
20 merkins
10 SSHs
Cherry Pickers x5
Curls, presses, tris x10



Mosey to the “Boat” w/CMU:
CMU curls, presses & merkins x20
Mosey to steps w/CMU pressing x5 at each light pole.
At steps CMU curls, press, merkin X20
Leave CMU and run up steps and path to top, return
(Run it twice if needed to catch 6)
Mosey with CMU to Matterhorn:
CMU curl, press and merkins x20

W/o CMU, Sprint to light pole, 10 merkins, sprint to top of Matterhorn 10 merkins and Wagon Wheel back down to six and back up.

Mosey to Pavalon and partner up
50 reps each
Pull ups and Dips
Partner 1 does AMRAP pull-ups while Partner 2 does AMRAP Dips
Switch when necessary till you reach 50 of each

Sprint to top of Matterhorn 10 merkins and mosey down.
Pick up CMU do presses till 6 catches and then mosey to AO.

Ring of Fire
Flutter kicks, marge simpsons, boat, canoe, etc while someone runs around.

PAX of 20, 2 FNGs (RainFly and Doubledown)
I shared with the PAX a story of an elderly woman that I met at the hospital who was looking for her car. As I was showing her where to go find it, we started talking and she shared with me that her husband was just recently put on hospice care. I asked her more about her family and she said she had none.  she had no kids and they had just moved to the area from Florida expecting to retire here. They do not have any friends in the area and she will be alone. I walked with her for a considerable amount of time to her car.  She asked if I was married and with my answer she said make sure I hug my wife when I get home. She asked for a hug when we got to her car and I obliged her as well as asking her name so I may pray for her. I told the story not to say that I’m special For doing this, as I was just showing her where her car was, but to point out there are lots of people going through things that are difficult and we should keep an eye out for those folks. Get to know people better, reach out to people  we know but not well, and reach out to complete strangers even. Ask if you can pray for people when they share with you. Be open with your faith. The last thing she said to me when she was at her car  was, I think God put you in my path today, thank you.
We had to hard-working FNG’s today, the whole PAX worked hard and got the job done together. It was good to see everyone doing the wagon wheel for the six. No one complained  about the extra running with a CMU to bring up or brothers.
Mayberry reminded everyone of the trucking to the pound event and Toto mentioned to anyone that hasn’t Qed can reach out to another PAX member to help with a Co-Q.