F3 Knoxville

#Let’s Get Rocked!

The Scene – 65 degreesish

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Merkins 4ct IC x 10
Some of This/Some of That
Tempo Squat IC x 10
SSH IC x 25

(Ascending Burpees – Start with 1 and add one between every exercise.

The Thang
Pick up a couple of handheld Pee Rock’s or full on boulders (Ratchet)
Indian Run to Kory Hill & Grab a Battle Buddy

Circuit 1 – 5 min
Partner A – High Rows
Partner B – Runs Hill and performs 10 Manmakers run back and switch w/ partner

(Continuing Ascending Burpees)

Circuit 2
Partner A – Overhead Presses
Partner B – Runs Hill & performs 15 Squats – switch w/ partner

Circuit 3
Partner A – Squat Jumps
Partner B – Smurf Jacks x20

Indian Run to base of Matterhorn – Cont. Burpees
Indian Run back to AO – Pax took the opportunity to Indian Run Drag Race back

Mosey to Tennis Court
Descending Burpees then Wall Crawl (10 Burpees – Wall Crawl, 9 Burpees – Wall Crawl, etc.)

Saved by the Bell

Count-Off & Name-O-Rama

GRIT is persevering over difficulties for an extended amount of time. GRIT is when Purpose meets action. Every #HIM out here has GRIT and we need to remember how far we’ve come before getting lost in constant improvement.

Challenging workout today, loved to see the PAX audible their own Drag Race Indian Run back to the AO.

The Importance of Fatherhood

The Scene: 68 and gloomy!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– Side Straddle Hop x 25
– Imperial Squat Walkers X 20
– Arm Circles x 16 each way
– Merkins x 10

Mosey Lower Parking Lot – Partner up in 3’s

Blockee Burp and Merk up to 10 – 1 Burpee with CMU increasing the push-ups every time up to 10. In cadence

Parking Lot Sprints – 5 Sets each
– Partner 1 – Rows
– Partner 2 – Curls
– Partner 3 – Running

Blockee Burp and Merk up to 10 – Burpee with CMU increasing the push-ups every time up to 10. In cadence

4 Corner Escalator – 10 burpees, 20 Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 squats
– 10 reps, run to next corner, 10 reps+20 reps next exercise, run, 10, 20, 30 reps, run, 10, 20, 30, 40 reps, run to start. Back down escalator: 40, 30, 20, 10, run, 30, 20, 10, run, 20, 10, run, 10.

Aiken Legs – CMU on side for box jumps
– Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward).

– Flutter kicks x 25
– Sun dial x 20

With Father’s day this past week what comes to mind when you think of the word father?

Whether the answers are positive or not, one thing was clear: fathers have a tremendous impact on their children.

It has been said that children grow up with the desire to either be like, or be nothing like, their father.

With so much at stake, how can we ensure that we become good fathers?

The Bible has a lot to say on the matter. God calls himself father. Some of our best lessons on how to be a good father come from observing God interact with His children throughout Scripture.

The Genesis account of creation begins with God speaking the universe into existence. It then goes on to chronicle His conversations with mankind, starting with Adam and continuing on through angels, dreams, and prophets. In later Scriptures we learn that God also spoke through his Son, Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit.

If we are to father like the Father, then we must learn to communicate—frequently.

This can be difficult for us as men. The pressures of work and our various responsibilities often leave us drained. By the time we get home we often don’t want to talk. We may say little to our wives and even less to our children. We just want to find a quiet place to unwind.

While this is understandable, we dare not stay silent too long. Our children need our input. A father’s words are powerful and can often define the course of a child’s entire life. A lack of words can leave our children lost and without direction. We must take care not to give our best words to our employers and leave our wives and children with our leftovers.

What was the last thing that you said to your children? Was it a command, an expression of disapproval, or a proclamation of your love and admiration? What if those words were the last that they ever heard you speak?

Pray that God gives you the wisdom to know which words your child needs to hear from you, and the courage to speak them.


The Scene: hot and muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Thang:

Michael Phelps IC x10

Imperial Walker IC x20

Side Straddle Hops IC x20

Circuit. Go for time: 20 Minutes. Each round, add 2-3 reps to each exercise. Start with 10 reps.

  1. Mosey to Playground:

Box Jumps


  1. Sprint to Pavilion:

Picnic Pull Ups


III. Sprint to Dugout:


  1. Sprint to Flag at Pavilion:




At the end of time, regroup at the flag:

Vups IC x10

Sundials OYO x20

Mosey to Cardiac Hill

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to first turn.

-Mosey back to start.

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to 2nd turn.

-Mosey back to start.

-5 merkins @ bottom.

-Sprint to top.

-Plank until everyone is finished. Mosey to bottom, picking up PAX, and then mosey to AO.

BOM: CountaRama, Name-a-Rama, etc.

29 PAX, 1 FNG – Two-Ply

The Power of Three

68 and Muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH 25x (IC)
– Side Lunges 10x each leg(IC)
– Burpees x10 OYO
– Dive Bombers 15x (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward 15x (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward 15x (IC)
– Burpees x10 OYO

Divide into 3 groups and mosey with your group to the specified area…
– Group 1: w/Woodshack to flag pole / pavilion area
– Group 2: w/Pfiffer to hill near parking lot
– Group 3: w/me (Cap’n Crunch) stay in parking lot

Group 1
Circuit Circus
Divide up and head to 5 Stations (in the pavilion area).  PAX perform the prescribed exercises at the station and then move clockwise to the next station.  Continue rotating until time is up.
– S1: 10 Burpees & 20 Reverse Pickle Pounders
– S2: 15 Superman Swims &20 4ct Flutter Kicks
– S3: 10 Chin-ups & 20 Prisoner Squats
– S4: LCS Shuttle (Lunge to 1st cone, Bear Crawl back to 2nd cone, Sprint to 3rdcone and back)
– S5: 20 Derkins & 20 Let Me Ups

When relieved by Group 3, gather together and mosey to the hill.

Group 2
CMU Back Blaster
Get with a Battle Buddy.  Battle Buddy 1 runs to top of hill, does 3 burpees then back down.  Battle Buddy 2 does 1 of 3 exercises while Battle Buddy 1 is running.  When Battle Buddy 1 gets back they switch.  Do rotate through the three exercises and repeat until time ends.

– CMU Press
– CMU Swing
– CMU Bent Over Rows

When you see Group 3 move, gather together and mosey to parking lot.

Group 3
Partner with Battle Buddy of similar fitness level. There are six drills, each has an exercise to be completed on the spot and an exercise involving shuttle run of some type.  One Battle Buddy from each pair completes a shuttle while the other Battle Buddy completes the exercise on the spot. As soon as the shuttle is completed, tag your Battle Buddy and swap exercises.

Each drill will be 1:45 with 20 seconds rest in between each set.

Drill Shuttle Exercise Exercise at the Cone
1 Sprint x2 Diamond Merkins
2 Bear Crawl Star Jumps
3 Lunges Burpees
4 Sprint x2 Carolina Dry Docks
5 Bear crawl Squat Jumps
6 Lunges Burpees

When time is up, gather together and mosey to flag pole/pavilion area to relieve Group 1.

Groups rotate until time is up

Number off & Name-O-Rama

The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood!  Our goal as HIMs is to always be moving forward own the road of maturity (RFP).  What F3 has taught me is that growth (physical, relational and spiritual) comes through challenge, consistency and comradery.

  • Physical: Take your DRP (Daily Red Pill)
    • Challenge – Get up and get out in the gloom!
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX
  • Relational: No lone ranger
    • Challenge – Reject passivity and engage with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX
  • Spiritual: Luke 9:23, “And he said to all, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’”
    • Challenge – Obedience and faithfulness
    • Consistency – Daily
    • Comradery – the PAX and Jesus himself (“follow me”)

This morning we had a special guest from a local news affiliate.  He came to do an online piece on F3.  He asked if I thought I could get a good sized group out on a Wednesday morning at 5:30am…61 PAX including 3 FNGs answered with a resounding “HELL YEA!”  For me, this sums up F3 Knoxville.  Over the pas 18 months this PAX has set the bar and then surpassed it when it comes to heart, passion, and dedication.  They work hard, play hard and always have each other’s six.  There is absolutely no questions…I’m a better man for being a part of this PAX, and Knoxville is a better city due to what these men are doing in each other.

Hi my name is: CMU

The Scene: the Dog Pound 68 degrees and a little muggy.

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Mosey to the speed bump w/o CMU
Big arm circles x10
Come in close. Pass the CMU around w/twist
10 merkins


Partner up with someone new. You must learn 3 things about them during the workout
Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn the long way w/CMU taking turns carrying CMU.
Stop at every cone and do 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 10 BBS feet to feet passing CMU back and forth, and 10 back to back CMU exchanges. Run up to restaurant or around loop till 6 finishes.

At Matterhorn, leave CMU and sprint to light pole.
“Forgot” the CMU go back down and get it.

Mosey w/CMU to top of Matterhorn, plank, mosey to Pavalon.
At Pavalon: partner runs to trees (30 yards) with CMU while other partner does AMRAP of Pull ups, switch, then dips, switch, then decline merkins.

Mosey back to top of Matterhorn. 10 merkins

Mosey to AO

Getting to know you
We got to know our CMU and workout partner a little better today.
We interact with people on a daily basis and often times we know nothing about them. Do they have kids? What hobbies do they have? Do they like sports etc.

John 13:34-35
Jesus said: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””
By showing interest in someone and getting to know them as a brother or sister we are in part doing what Jesus asks. These relationships are important to God. He had a relationship in the very beginning with the father/son/Holy Spirit and was one of the final things he told us while on earth.
So, go connect to someone today and show them love through caring for them and wanting to know more about them.

Moleskin: I saw some of the guys that typically struggle really push hard this morning and are making big strides in their fitness levels. Good chatter this morning considering we were all gasping from the thick humid air.