F3 Knoxville


The Scene: 35 and clear

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Tempo Squats 15 IC
LBAC IC – 10 forward, 10 reverse
Little “Some of this/that”
Calf raises 20/stretch/20/stretch

Mosey to the boats and back to the coupon pile
Count off by 3’s
Alternate groups running to the boats and back, the rest cycled reps over, and over, and over

Merkins 10
Dips 10
SSH 10
Curls 10
Overhead 10
Crunches 20

Rinse and repeat for 37 glorious minutes

We hear this phrase used frequently, particularly in Christian circles and almost always in relation to men. As I ponder this concept, several things occur to me. The first is about how iron sharpens iron. While it sounds cool to visualize, iron does not sharpen iron by smashing against it. Two swords clashed against each other over and over again will not sharpen each other. Much the opposite, they both will become dull, and in fact quite jagged.

Iron sharpens iron in much the same way that anything else sharpens. That is, through precise, purposeful and repetitive motion in close proximity to one another. I don’t know that there could be a better description of the concept of F3. Purposeful repetitive interaction in close proximity. Today we all ran at our doable pace and not one of us took the identical footsteps to someone else. However at the top and back of each loop we regrouped and worked together. That way none of us felt as if we were truly running alone, even slow guys like me were still running near a brother. Add to that the hundreds of repetitions of exercise that we did together, all in cadence, so that no one fell off the beat, was tempted to quit or needed to show off by doing more faster. We worked hard together and we got better together. This is a great model of how we need to handle ourselves spiritually and emotionally together as well. We need to place ourselves in close proximity to each other at regular intervals, and not just when we are working out, but also in down times. That’s why we have 2nd F. We also need to sharpen each other as we draw closer to the Lord. 3rd F. I encourage you men to practice this during your time together and your work time – see it as sharpening. Recall that no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on however it produces a rich harvest. Let’s keep working toward that rich harvest of sharp iron.

It was cold today and the men worked very hard. We had a great time working in tandem and the reps were brutal for the arms while the running was solid for the legs. We benefited from excellent team leadership as we handed off the responsibility for calling the cadence every few minutes.

Farmer Carry Friday

THE SCENE 30 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

THE THANG COP Cherry Pickers x10

Merkins x 10

Get in groups of 4 (grab CMU) mosey to the baseball field. 1 person in right field corner, 1 in left field corner, 1 on bleachers, last person does farmer carries to partner and switch. Keeping it moving

Round 1: 300 Skyhawk merkins, 300 Bobby Hurley’s, 300 Dips

Round 2: 300 Carolina Dry Docks, 300 Lunges, 300 Box Jumps

Round 3: 300 overhead press, 300 narrow squats, 300 incline merkins

Mosey back to parking lot

COT Number off and Name-O-Rama (1 FNG!)

 BOM Contentment: Where do you find your Joy? Are you searching for Happiness or Joy.


The PAX was in high spirits for the 1st Friday of the year. Fun morning.


You know how to count to eleven, right?

Scene – 26deg Cold and Gloomy (Shorts weather for some)

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

2 Laps around the outhouse
OYO BigAuntThelma
15 x Tempo Merk IC

Mosey to Baby-Everest
You know what 11’s are, right?
Burpees at the Top
4 Count Rock Climbers at the bottom

Mosey to the Parking Lot above…find a partner!
Wheelbarrow Derkins
Wheelbarrow w/ partner to each line and perform 5 derkins
Switch w/ partner
Rinse and Repeat-o

Mosey to the Pavi-lawn
You know what 11’s are, right?
Dips & LBC’s

Back to the AO for Dealer’s choice Mary
Mayberry – American Hammers
Frosty – BBS
Ratchet – Boat/Canoe

Count off and Name-O-Rama

We were challenged by Mayberry on his last BOM to put ourselves 3rd. God, Friends/Family, and then us. 2 Things we can do to make small steps towards that are: 1. Carve out the first 5 minutes of your day to be with the Sky-Q. Ask God, What is it that you would have me do for you today? 2. Be present in the moment. Be in the conversation and not lost in your own thoughts.

This was a challenging workout for me to lead. My comfort zone lies in lifting CMU’s! I wanted to lead a workout beyond my capacity. With the support of the PAX we managed to get some pretty good work in and complete on time. Our thoughts and prayers are with the PAX that couldn’t be with us today.

1st Hump Day of 2017

45 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH x25 (IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)
– Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
– One lap around the parking lot

Mosey to bottom of hill between the parking lot and the baseball field

Strength Sprints
Starting at the bottom of the hill…
– 20 Narrow Squats
– Run to top of hill, do x15 4ct Mountain Climbers
– Burpee broad jump to the first cone, do x15 Dry Docks
– Alligator Crawl to second cone, do x15 Diamond Merkins
– Lunge to third cone, do x10 Jump Squats
– Run back to start

Rinse and repeat, AMRAP in 10 min

Mosey to gate near Asylum

Route 55
Run to the top of the hill stopping at each cone to do the following exercises adding one each cone:
– Burpees
– Dry Docks
– Froggy Squats
– Wide Merkings
– Star Jumps

Mosey to SP and circle up for MARY

– Flutter Kicks (4ct) – x25
– Side Crunches x20 IC each side
– Superman Swims x20 IC
– American Hammers (4ct) – x15 IC

Number off and Name-O-Rama (2 FNGs!)

Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Hope – (verb) to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence; to believe, desire, or trust

Other things that we hope in:
– Money
– Power
– Popularity
– Relationships
– Success

The problem is those are all fickle and fading.  There is one true constant in all creation, the creator.  And he has called us his sons.  Place your confidence, belief, desire and trust in HIM…and you will find both strength and rest.

The PAX crushed the workout this morning!  Everyone was giving 100% and making sure their brother was doing the same.  No better way to kick off 2017!

Shake n’ Bake

The Scene: 30 and clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

COP – LBAC IC – 10 forward, 10 reverse

Run to the coupon pile and grab a pair
Coupon SSH x 10 IC
Buddha Tempo Squats (arms outstretched holding rocks) x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to the race track (hockey rink)

Battle buddy up
– 4 stations at the corners
– partner A does reps while B runs the loop, shoots past A and slingshots B out of the station and into his own loop. A stops at the next station to do reps
Station 1) coupon curl-press-tri-reverse
Station 2) 50 Merkins, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats

When the numbered reps are done, to the center for family dinner

FAMILY DINNER: first man there starts the cycle and everyone else joins as they arrive
30 Mountain Climbers
30 SSH

Time trials – do it again, faster!

Back to the AO – 8 minutes of abs
– superman
– ab cycle
– boat canoe

The Least of These
– yesterday I was meeting someone for breakfast and as I walked in the Cracker Barrel there was a man who was obviously homeless wandering around looking for a place to be seated. He looked at me as if to approach me and then turned away. A few minutes later a waitress had him seated, she was very frustrated, and he began to look at the menu. Without thinking much I asked my waitress if they would feed him and let me pay for it.

Later I was reflecting on how simply and easily that came to do a good work in chair for someone who is destitute. As I was in the middle of patting myself on the back, I recalled the scripture Jesus talking about doing things for “the least of these.”

The next moment feel the Lord saying to me “Good job. That came very naturally and it should. But why is it so hard for you to care for people that you know?”

Your little brother who can’t seem to figure out life. Your boss or coworker who drives you insane. That life-sucking remora that you always seem to run into after church. Your spouse when they are getting on your nerves.

Can you show as much compassion and grace to them that you would show to a homeless man you’ll never see again?

The least of these isn’t just the destitute, it’s also those not experiencing the love of Jesus. Show them that love


It was downright cold today. The men pushed hard and pushed each other and got better together. We stayed in a fairly tight pack today which was great. With a really broad range of fitness levels and everyone got a good beat down. Nice work gentlemen