F3 Knoxville

Coach Dunn kicks off football season!

AO: asylum-pm
Q: F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom)
PAX: MD Hammer, Lilydipper, Drum Major, Tenderfoot, Brick, High Heels, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Switchhitter (Tony), Pusher, Curveball, Crash Dummy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Coach Dunn had ‘em hit the ground for 20 merkins followed by a dedicated focus on loose groins

First and foremost, this workout is dedicated to Coach Wayne Dunn, who worked as hard and inspired us to be ready for the start of football season. Actual quotes and insights provided from Coach Dunn to the innocent Pluto when he was a freshman in high school were shared with the Pax to help them mature and understand the ways of the world. We also played some football because it’s an American game and America is the oldest and greatest country in the world. Per coach Dunn.
– First set was a set of 11s featuring picnic table box jump Burpee’s and big boys
– Second exercise was an experiment to ensure we had football players. The PAX was divided into group of threes where a 5 minute monkey roll drill was completed.
– Next exercise was two laps around the back side of the asylum building with five Burpee sets split between each loop.
– Next exercise was of vital importance and was inspired by one of the Tennessee Vols away games this year the Pax was divided into groups of two that opposed another group of two in a modified version of the Oklahoma drill.
– After a 30 second break the Pax ran to the bottom of the hill completed 20 Merkins and ran back to the playing field.
– The final exercise was a game of touch football

Took a t
MARY: No Mary needed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: excitement about the new AO’s opening was discussed as well as the food Pusher was making.

COT: the queue discussed that he had had lunch with the Nantan today and had discussed with him the importance of F3 in our lives, especially as we all go through transitions in families, work, and life in general. In staying with his theme for the last couple of years, the Q shared the recent James clear newsletter available right here.https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/august-29-2024

[bluegrass-pm-otb] Discount Dora

AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: Lightweight
PAX: Sparkler, Steam, Pusher, Brick, Finger Lickin’, The Situation, Down Under, Curveball
FNGs: None
It was super hot so the warm up utilized slow stretching movements.
Abe Vigoda
Tempo merkin
Tempo Squats
Cherry pickers

Rd 1. Coupon Dora
100 x Curls
200 × presses
300 x rows or Swings
Partner ran to sign and did 2x burpees

Rd 2. No coupon Dora
100 x Incline merkins
200 x lbc
300 x squats
Wmd merkin at sign on run, dropped this hal way through.

Fellowship Mosey with coupons back toward AO
Stopped for Merkin ring of fire

🍒 pickers, imp. Walkers, ssh

westhills-ruck-otb launch Monday, 0700 start.
asylum-pm special football themed beatdown
This AO kicks off Wednesday!
Mud run Saturday, need water and people if they want to come out

Leadership. God called on Joshua to lead after Moses’s death. Joshua 1:9, God told Joshua to be Strong, Courageous, and Faithful.

Earn the moniker of a man

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Piston
PAX: Crash Dummy, Piston, Brick, Lilydipper, Lizzy, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), Colonel (Alex Wallace), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Curveball, Drum Major, Rooney(Carl Whipple), Fist Bump, Josh Hughes aka Gargoyle
FNGs: 1 Josh Hughes aka Gargoyle
WARMUP: Projectovators, Tennessee Rockin Chairs, Squats, Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Shoulder Burn

Divide into 2 groups rotating between two workouts
Workout 1:
15 minute AMRAP
8 Burpees
9 Heels to heaven
73 SSH

Workout 2:
15 Minute AMRAP:
10 Merkins
17 Shuttle Runs
51 Squats

MARY: 2 Minutes of Undertakers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Someone needs to pick up a Q; named FNG Gargoyle.

COT: To earn the moniker of man, regardless of age, we are called by God to do 3 things: work, protect, and love.

God called Adam to do this, even before sin entered the world. It is a man’s responsibility and duty to earn that moniker daily.

[westhillsotb] Extortion 17 Hero WOD

AO: westhills-ruck-otb
Q: Steam
PAX: Brick, Mermaid
FNGs: None
– Michael Phelps: 10×4
– Cherry Pickers: 10×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– Mountain Climbers: 10×4
– SSH: 10×4

— Extortion 17 Hero WOD —
8 Rounds For Time:
– 8 Sandbag Thrusters
– 6 Upright Rows with Knee-ups 
– 11 Squat Jump Over Sandbag
– 400m Sandbag or Ruck Carry AFAP
– Standard Sandbag 60#/40#

On August 6, 2011, the final flight of Extortion 17 resulted in the single deadliest incident for the US military during the War in Afghanistan. When the Boeing CH-47D Chinook helicopter was hit, all on board were instantly killed. The resulting crash killed 31 Americans on board including 17 US Navy SEALs. Extortion 17 represents the greatest single-incident loss of American lives in Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan.

Learn more here: www.navysealmuseum.org/extortion17


– No official AO name decided upon — I will send a message in the channel later today with more info and details.
– A decision will be made on Wednesday in preparation for the launch on 9/2
– Official AO launch next Monday!
– 7am – 8am
– Coffeteria post-COT

Discussion about naming the AO, the importance of name, the sermon on gender at Fellowship yesterday, and the men who were KIA in Extortion 17.
– We always have the least amount of compassion for the things we don’t struggle with. We always have the most amount of compassion for the things we do struggle with.
– There is a weighty-ness to what we’re doing here at this AO — that goes much deeper than just rucking, strength training, or conditioning.
– Honor the heritage.


AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: skewer
PAX: Steam, Brick, Lilydipper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Qbert, Pusher, Choir Boy, lebowski, Dain Bramage (Will Olson), F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Mr Jinxy, High Heels (Henry Ritchie)
FNGs: None