F3 Knoxville

10×10 King of the Hill

THE SCENE: 75 and climbing fast.  Humid as all get out.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  I’m not a professional but will try to kick your butt like one.
In light of the time and distance we skipped warmup.

10X10 King of the Hill.

There are roughly ten hills around campus. We run to all of them in a counter clockwise circle starting at the AO. At the top of each hill do 10 burpees.

Took about 37 minutes. Ended at top of Jucomanjaro. Roughly 3.1 mile loop, as seen here: https://www.relive.cc/view/1665169684
No time for Mary – too busy runnin’.
Absess, Brick, Mr Clean, Doubtfire, Bueler, Mr Jinnxy, Rocket, Speedo, Pink-Eye, Detention, Trolley
“I HAVE FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT, I HAVE FINISHED THE RACE, I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH.” 2 TIMOTHY 4:7 Challenge men to join & create a fight as described here
If I get any interest in attending a 2x month Fight club then I’ll register a group at their site. We’ll strive sharpening each other in our walk with God, our character, leading our families, serving others, contenting for our brothers. Let me know!

Tough Mudder Alanta coming up.
Fathers and kids weekend in Alabama coming up.