F3 Knoxville

High Wind Advisory Stand In Q


At 4:30am, the alarm sounded along with a massive amount of noise from the heavy rain and high wind.  GroupMe messages started flying around to see if the QIC (Frosty) was going to cancel the workout.  A few shameful posts later and YHC drug himself out of the house in the now misty morning.  After arriving at the AO, YHC found no one in sight and again began the troll on GroupMe.  Many were attempting to arrive only to be turned around or forced back to the fartsack due to downed trees and blocked roadways.  Three vigilant PAX included YHC were able to post.


Welcome and quick disclaimer due to lost time waiting on PAX to arrive

Short warm-up included the following:

  • SSH – IC x 20
  • Cherry Pickers – IC x 10

Due to the spontaneous Q to cover for Frosty, YHC pulled out the FitDeck Exercise Playing Cards.  Pulling one at a time, the PAX made it through around 30 cards before having to call it quits for the morning.  There was no shortage of soaking up the surrounding water, stretching out on all four sides getting better together.  A good amount of mumble chatter occurred along with the surrounding sounds of falling branches and trees.

3 PAX including YHC (I-Beam), WaxJob and Bueller

Listened to a good audiobook this week by Billy Crystal and Kevin Cline called “Have a Nice Day”.  The story told of a the final day of a man, actually the POTUS, who was contacted by the Grimm Reaper early one morning.  After some convincing, he was allowed to finish out the day to address some family matters that were incomplete.  The moral of the story was “live every day as if it were your last.”

Monster Mash

THE SCENE: Insert info

Insert information about the warmup.
Insert information about the workout.

  • Sometimes
  • bulleted
  • lists
  • are
  • handy.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Trick or Treat

THE SCENE: Clear & 40



  • Cherry Picker x 5
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • LBAC x 10 each direction
  • OYO Stretches

It’s time to Trick or Treat!   QIC had index cards in hand – each card had a Trick exercise and a Treat exercise listed.  PAX blindly chose “Trick” or “Treat” and then we did that exercise

  1. Warm Up Circle – TREAT
    • Shock & Awe Burpees.   10 Burpees, 9 Burpees, 8 Burpees….. all the way down to 1 Burpee
  2. Pee Rocks – TRICK
    • Pee Rock Inchworm Merkin.  Grab a rock and slide it forward…do a merkin on the rock…then walk your feet up to the rock.   Rinse & Repeat the length of the parking spaces and back to the start line.
  3. Baby Everest – TRICK was chosen but we quickly audibled and did the TREAT
    • TRICK:  backward bear crawl up the hill x 5.   Dumb idea…we could barely do it once….audible…
    • TREAT:  7’s on the hill.  Thrust Merkins at top – Starjacks at bottom
  4. Long Island – TREAT
    • 3 laps around the island.  At each end of the island do increasing reps of burpees:  3,6,9,12,15,18.  Time ran out…we didn’t make it past 12.


    • Captain Thor
    • Side Crunch x 10
    • Pickle Pounder x 15

12 brothers.   Tweet-E, Bueller, Wallball, Bluecross, Tonka, Ribbed, Waxjob, Podium, Judge Judy, Mayberry, Tank, Bartman

Is your Christian walk a cruise ship or a war ship?   It is so easy to slip into complacency and comfort as a Christian in America.  The Bible continually tells us we are at war with the evil one – our lives should reflect this.  On a cruise ship the captain is the head entertainer, on a war ship the captain leads us into battle.  On a cruise ship the crew is there to meet your needs, on a war ship you are expected to hold up your brothers up and hold them accountable.  A cruise ship docks when the war begins, a war ship sails headlong into battle.  As men we should all have a warship mentality – Christ promised us this life would be tough if we chose to follow him.  I pray that you find your strength in Christ as you put on Gods armor and go headlong into battle each day.



3rd anniversary celebration 11/3 & 11/4

Muchas Grassyas

THE SCENE: Pretty standard late-summer atmosphere. Still hot and humid, but with an air of winding down .

SSH x26 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Buddy the Elf x10 each leg IC
Crabettes x20 IC
Mosey up to the boats
Failure to Launch (formerly Al Gore Tuck Jumps) x8 IC
Mosey back to AO
Plank Rolls for about 20yd. Created much more dizziness than anticipated….

Grab a CMU and head to the grassy field. Cones set up in a square about 16 yards apart.
Each cone has a card with an exercise.
Bears and Blocks to the first cone and do that exercise.
Bears and Blocks to next cone and do first cone exercise plus next cone exercise.
Continue to 3rd and fourth cone, adding exercises escalator style.
After adding the fourth exercise, switch to Blocks and Bears (backward bear crawl with block) to first cone. Drop that exercise, do the other three.
continue back down the escalator. Exercises:
10 Hand Release Merkins
30 Pickle Pounders
20 Carolina Dry Docks
16 Catalina Wine Mixer (8 each arm)

Guess what… Every card has a flipside! Repeat above, except crab walk carrying CMU on abdomen.
First round forward, second round backward. Exercises:
10 Prisoner Getups each leg
30 Monkey Humpers
10 Donkey Kicks
15 Squat Jumps

Pretty sure everyone made it around to at least get the Monkey Humpers in…


10 PAX this morning, including FNG Unibrau (Nick Robinson)
1 Timothy 2:1-4:
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior

Looking around at what is going on with our leaders today, there’s not much you can describe as dignified in any way. However, no matter which side of the current issues you come down on, one thing we all have in common is that we’re called to pray for those who are in high positions. Notice, even thanksgivings is in that list of what we’re supposed to make for all people. Remember that God’s ultimately in charge, and He’s the one we’re responsible to.
The grass this morning had a pleasant herby, minty sort of smell. Very refreshing when you’re nose-deep doing hand-release Merkins…
3rd Anniversary Extravaganza first weekend in November.

Eye-Hand mis-coordination

THE SCENE: Dog Pound, gloomy but a little cooler

SSHx20, Demos of Frogger Merkins, horse kicks
Mosey to the ice rink with a CMU. (Copying the wall jump I heard about.)

Split into partners,, one does frog walks  down bouncing a lacrosse ball switching hands and then does 20 merkins, goes back same way and does 40 shoulder taps.. Partner 2 jumps over wall and does 10 Curl-press-tris with CMU then jumps back over wall and switches with partner. Repeat (4 rounds)

line up on goal line. All bounce their lacrosse ball do one burpee and catch it moving length wise across rink. Repeat 4-6 times.

Run across Rink bouncing ball x4

Tweet E Audible: Donkey Kick Burpees holding ball between feet x10

BBS X25 bouncing ball between reps

mosey to the track with CMUs. . Run around track till you see a cone. Do that exercise. Then run to next cone. They are:

  • Shoulder tap merkins x10
  • LBCs x25
  • Frogger Merkins x10
  •  Horse kick leg ext x10 each leg
  • dry docks x20
  • Curl press tris x10

Scissor LBCs, Flutter kicks, Peter Parker’s


Discussed how sin can grab a hold of anyone regardless of  background, wealth, looks, ethnicity, intelligence and any other factor. Everyone struggles with something and the only way to get fully through it is with God’s help.  Be honest with yourself and ask for God‘s help. He will get you through it.

We all know who is coordinated and who is not.