F3 Knoxville

Mostly burpees. Lots of burpees

THE SCENE: Upper 30s (heat wave after lots of days in the 20s)

SSH x 20 (IC); Imperial Squat Walker x 15 (IC); BAC, forward and reverse x 11 each (IC)
Mosey to the cloud; 100 burpees OYO;

As you finish the burpee challenge, move to the adjacent parking lot for some blackjack, a/k/a 21.  20 merkins, run to other end, 1 BBS, run back for 19 merkins, run to the other end for 2 BBS, so on and so forth.

Cut blackjack short after everybody is done with burpee challenge and mosey to Circus Maximus for Doras.  Partner runs a lap while other partner does reps.  50 CCDs, 200 jump squats, 300 LBCs;

Mosey back to AO

Just enough time for 2 full minutes of elbow plank.

We’ve got a lot of rancor in the world.  So many people are angry.  Let’s be kind, let’s turn the other cheek, especially with those that upset us the most.  The world needs more kindness.
Praises for Cheatsheet’s dad being out of the hospital and on the mend.
The Asylum needs volunteers for the Hardship Hill build team.  Please help. Code Brown is leading.

The Never Ending VQ

THE SCENE: Clear and Sub-zero (for those who understand Celsius)


Knocked off the chill with 20 SSH on 4ct (IC); 30 Grady Corns (IC); 5 Burpees (OYO); 10 Hello Dolly’s on 4ct (IC)


Mosey down to the Pavilion for some 11’s (Table Rows with a jog over to the cloud for Box Jumps/Step Ups); LBC’s while we waited for 6 to roll up.  Great mumble chatter turned to cold huffing and puffing quickly.

Mosey back up the hill to the CMU station to distribute the goods.  Spread out on baseline near ball field with battle buddies to embark on a Brick Relay (in the absence of @Bunny… “it was a race!”).  HIM1 carried 2 CMU’s as fast as possible across lot to other baseline while HIM2 planked with anticipation.  HIM1 sprinted back to relieve HIM2.  HIM2 sprinted to other side to retrieve both CMU’s and return them to original baseline.  Rinse and repeat 3 more times (round 2 SSH for waiting HIM; round 3 squats; round 4 plank). LBC’s while we waited for 6 to roll up.

After brief recovery… Brick Brigade along baseline starting in CMU station corner.  5 CMU’s were passed down the line with an overhead press during each handoff to the next HIM.  Indian run to the front of the line where each HIM added 10 Merkins before joining the rest of the waiting PAX in squats.  Made it all the way across the lot to claim Victory for a brief recovery.  Repeated back across the lot for a second round.  Changed out squats for SSH’s for waiting PAX.

After stowing the CMU’s in their natural habitat… mosey over to far corner for some flutter kicks on 4ct (IC); Detecting @Coolio spying his watch, steered PAX on mosey past AO (leading him to think COT must be close) and headed up Baby Cardiac Hill for a Burpee at the top; mosey back to AO for fake wrap up with some Mary time.  Pushed through 30 American Hammers (IC) led by @Coolio followed by 15 Hello Dolly’s on 4ct (IC).

Convinced it was over… PAX mosey to far corner for Monkey Humpers (IC) led by @Code Brown.  Mosey to CMU corner for some Pickle Pounders (IC) led by @Gibbler.  Mosey to far corner to “cheerfully” complete some SSH on 4ct (IC) led by @Pom Pom.  Mosey back to AO for some Cherry Pickers to finish up.

Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

In the middle of their mundane, the shepherds had a divine interruption of good news.  The announcement of Jesus birth was not only a miraculous moment but the culmination of something planned for hundreds of years (see Isaiah 53).  Jesus came not just to be a carpenter or an inspirational leader, but He came to die in our place.  He came to be our Savior.  Philippians 2 speaks of His step out of divinity into humanity with humility.

Finished with a reminder of a very familiar verse and it’s lesser known neighbor… John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.”  But keep on reading… John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.”

This was my VQ!

Important reminder to always keep a cell phone with the PAX during workouts in case of medical emergency.  (followed by wise-cracks from @Coolio toward HIMs deserving of RESPECT)


THE SCENE: 54 and overcast

SSH x 35
BBQ Squats x 10
Baby Arm circles forward x 12
Baby Arm circles backward x 12

3 laps – Lap Starts at Blocks run to around ball fields the long way up cardiac then back down to block pile. Bear crawl at second turn of cardiac
Stop 1 – Squat Thrusts
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15
Stop 2 – Big Boys
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15
Stop 3 – Hand Release Mericans
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15
Stop 4 – Man Makers
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15

35 Burpees

5 x 20 Captain Thors

Self Control – It’s not just about saying no to the big things.

Hardship Hill and Rusty’s Chili benefit


THE SCENE: Wet, but not raining.  Mild.

25 SSH
20 Baby Arm Circles Forward & Back
High Knees across parking lot, then mosey back.
Butt Kickers across parking lot, then mosey back.
High Skip across parking lot, then mosey back.
Mosey up the little hill, plank for the 6.
20 Merkins
Mosey down the Dragon’s tail. Stop half way for:
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
Mosey to end of the tail.
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
Mosey to The Pavilon.
11s Table Rows and Box Jumps/Step ups
Wall sit for the 6 plus slooooow 10 count from 2 PAX.
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
20 Dips
Mosey to the steps
25 Calf raises (4ct)
Mosey to far end of bottom parking lot
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
2 Laps of the Lot, with 3x intermediate sprints.
Mosey to the AO.
Outta time. Sorry.
It’s as near as dammit one year since I started coming to F3. I never saw myself as someone who set an alarm at 5:00 am, nevermind set a 5:00 am alarm to go workout, yet here I am. Thanks to my F3 brothers for getting me out of bed. For making me accountable and getting me better. Thanks for the 2F lunches and the 3F events. Mostly, thanks for the early morning fellowship.  Here’s to another 12 months.

Partners Coupon


50 and clear

SSH x 20
Imperial squat walkers x10
Baby Arm circles forward x 10
Baby Arm circles backward x 10
Hand claps x10


Grab a partner and go to block pile
Exercise 1 – One partner does farmer carry while the other bearcrawls across parking lot. (switch at opposite end or as needed.)
Catch me if you can(Squats) to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 2 – Complete exercise 1 then add Brickbarrow(2 parking spaces
Run to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 3 – Complete exercise 1&2 then add back to back curls with CMU
Catch me if you can(Squats) to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 4 – Complete exercise 1,2&3 add 15 4 count CMU Flutter kick
Run to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 5 – Complete exercise 1-4 and add 10 Hand release partner mericans
Catch me if you can(Squats) to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
10 CUM squat Press

Captain Thor x 5

How different would our lives look if we put others needs before our own.  Show someone love today especially those who might not have show it to you.
Let each of you look out not only for his own interest but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

​Welcome Buns and Glitter 

Hardship hill sigh up DO IT!