F3 Knoxville

Celebrating 5 Decades


Perfect gloomy cold


Some Burpees, some SSHs, some Cherry Pickers, and some Tie Fighters… just right to knock the chill off


Commemorating 5 decades of life and a great way to gain some respect… 5 progressive rows of fun… Reps were 5 to start – special movement across – 10 reps on the other side – and special movement back… then we moved up the ladder:

Row 1 – 5 merkins… bear crawl over… 10 merkins… bear crawl back

Row 2 – 5 burpees… lunge over… 10 burpees… lunge back

Row 3 – 5 SSHs… sprint over… 10 SSHs… sprint back

Row 4 – 5 squat thrusters…. rifle carry over… 10 squat thrusters… rifle carry back

Row 5 – 5 curls + 5 overhead presses… farmer carry 2 cmus over… 10 curls and OVP… farmer carry back

Worked up and down the ladder as many times as possible


Stopped on the way back to the CMU pile to do 25 Grady Corns


21 HIMs with no FNGs (all dressed in khaki cargo shorts, knee socks, and Hawaiian shirts)

“You do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” James 4:14

Time is precious.  We are fragile.  Life is short. Eternity is long.

“Redeem the time” Ephesians 5:16

Life is a gift that can be over before we know it… Cardinal recently but other fallen friends remind us how abruptly it can end – by God’s perfect design and providence.  Embrace each day… be intentional… love those closest to you and work at being the best you.  Leave a legacy worthy of respect.

Progress has to be measured


Perfectly chill with a touch of mist (mid 40s)


Some SSHs in honor of Pool Boy; Tie Fighters because they are the best; Squatting Grady Corns; a few Merkins; a jog to touch a light pole (any will do); and some Cherry Pickers


Fitness Test: recorded number of reps for each PAX doing 5 different exercises (will keep and check in again later to see progress); exercise 1 was 2 minutes of T-Merkins (AMRAP); exercise 2 was 2 minutes of bear crawling scoring 1 for each parking space passed through; exercise 3 was 2 minutes of Big Boy Situps (knuckles to pavement up and over to touch toes – AMRAP); exercise 4 was 2 minutes of Back-n-Forths (running from one spot to another and back like suicides – about 25 yards, scoring 1 for each length ran); exercise 5 was 2 minutes of Lunges (each leg counts as 1 – AMRAP).

Keeping anonymity the following scores were captured… showing first initial of name with scores in order in parenthesis… B (45,12,40,12,56); M (41,22,42,15,65); B (38,21,41,14,68); S (50,23,59,15,62); A (52,37,62,16,62); P (19,21,27,16,75); B (17,16,39,12,39); P (36,27,50,15,60); S (29,22,31,14,50); C (40,22,40,14,57); D (40,32,64,15,70); O (48,27,60,15,63); C (29,22,40,15,49)

Mosey to CMU pile for some 4th quarter closeouts… Rifle Holds; Curls; Bent Over Rows; Dead Lifts; Bench Presses; and Face Smashers


Mosey back to starting point and finished with some dealers choice core exercises!


13 HIMs with no FNGs


Reflecting on encouragement from Jesus in Matthew 7 to remove the log in our own eye to better serve our brothers who need help with a speck in theirs… encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them with others, and then measure their success or failure to achieve.  We all need to strive to progress in our fitness, fellowship, and faith and we all need accountability to help us along the way.


Christmas party and parades coming up

Chasing Weighty Goals

THE SCENE: Just about perfect with low humidity and comfortable upper 60’s
PAX got to enjoy an immediate round of burpees as the QIC screwed up the F3 order; finished off with a round of SSHs, one tempo merkin, some tai fighters, and squatting Grady corns

Never ending pain circle… 4 stations (aka corners) with specific workout at each (1. CMU Squat Thrusters, 2. Alternating CMU Merkins, 3. CMU American Hammers, 4. CMU Kettle Bell Swings).  Start at 20 reps per corner in first round and drop by 1 rep in each subsequent round.  Perform exercise, sit down CMU and run a lap, rifle carry CMU to next station, rinse and repeat.

Overtime fun… mixture of murder bunnies, rifle carries, dock loading, and some curls to finish off before restocking those lovely cinder beauties.  (@Betty managed to run through his CMU doing a murder bunny… so we worked in a few burpees on the way back to the AO)


Had time for a howler monkey circle as we closed out the sesh.

11 HIMs started and finished the beatdown

Setting goals… been thinking through my personal goals for the year and recent months and considering ways to improve my success rate.  Important to set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound).  But more importantly to share them with others to hold you accountable.  Dave Ramsey said that “a list of goals with no actions [or accountability] is just a wishlist”.  Encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them someone, and get after them!  Read Proverbs 21:5 “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” NLT

Prayer Requests:  1) @Dumpster Dive and @Charmin wisdom to make some key decisions at their practice; 2) @Longnoodle having some personal challenges and needs widsom, strength, and discipline; 3) @Pom-Pom’s 1 month old daughter having a medical procedure today – healing and recovery

Bearing Our Burdens

THE SCENE: Warm and steamy mid-70s (great for generating sweat)

A plethora of SSHs, Merkins, Tempo Squats, Tie Fighters, and Grady Corns; A quick meander and mosey to the CMU pile and the pillars of the church


Dora-style load bearing… battle-buddies select a pillar of pain and station their CMUs for a sweet sweat sesh; HIM 1 works through reps at pillar while HIM 2 moves 1 or 2 CMUs to the center of the parking lot; After running back to swap, HIM 2 continues the reps while HIM 1 goes to gather the load and returns it to the pillar;  Rinse and repeat while moving through the exercises and reps collectively.

Exercise 1: 300 reps of Wall Sit Grady Corns

Exercise 2: 200 reps of CMU Squat Thrusters

Exercise 3: 100 reps of CMU Alternating Merkins

Exercise 4: 50 Blockees

On the way back to the CMU pile we stopped to load the dock; Each HIM moved their CMU on to the dock, jumped up on the dock, carried their CMU down the steps; Each worked in 2 reps; Waxjob inspired many to Rifle Carry Hold while waiting to load the dock.


After dropping off our CMUs and a steady mosey back to the AO; the PAX enjoyed the great tradition of burpees for broken CMUs – fortunately we only had 1 block broken – so we did 10 burpees OYO

16 HIMs walked away huffing and sweaty…. no FNGs

Galations 6:2-3 NLT… “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.  If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself.  You are not that important.”

Expect the unexpected.  Life is full of challenges and burdens that sometimes we create ourselves.  The F3 PAX is here to help and will gladly help carry your burdens as men… but you have to make your need known. I love these men and would do anything to help any one of them.

Convergence coming on July 2nd.

Keep Moving


Perfect low 50’s and clear

SSHs in cadence; Merkins OYO; Tai Fighters in cadence; Cherry Pickers


Mosey to “Boomer Alley” and grab a CMU along the way; Starting at launch pad move 2 at a time into pain stations; 1) 10 x Hand Release Merkins; 2) 20 x SSHs; 3) 10 x Snow Angels; 4) 20 x Squat Jumps; 5) 10 x Big Boy Situps; 6) 20 x Plank Jacks; 7) 10 x Blockees; Remain at launch pad doing CMU Squat Thrusters until station 1 opens up… rinse and repeat for a while.

Group therapy – 10 x CMU Squat Thrusters; Mosey to CMU pile; Mosey to “Circle of Gab”; Jump or Dive around the circle (great mumble chatter about the various nation flags); 10 x SSHs; Mosey for a bit toward AO; Tempo Squats in cadence; Mosey a bit more; Monkey Humpers in cadence; Mosey to AO; Box Cutters in cadence.

11 HIMs and no FNGs

Shared some Boomer (even though I am a Gen-Xer) insights on discipline around Health, Faith, Marriage, Singleness, Fatherhood, Career, Friendships, and Finances.  Read “Choose your hard” poem (stolen from Coolio).  Hebrews 12:11 “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.” NLT

CSAUP coming up May 6; Shamrock 2 year maniversary coming up on May 11; Passing of the flag coming later in May; Coffeteria right after Q