F3 Knoxville

Always be Sober-Minded

THE SCENE: A cool, crisp morning, temp in low 30s.

7 Cherry Pickers, 20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Tempo Squats, 7 lunges each leg.
Mosey to the Coupon Pile and carry the coupons to Sophomore Hill. We started in the lower left hand corner, doing one workout at each corner before duck walking the coupon up and down the hill while Rifle Carrying the coupon between the corners at the top and bottom. We did three laps around Sophomore Hill. The first lap had

  • Curls (20)
  • Shoulder Raises (15)
  • Front Shoulder Raises (10)
  • Burpees (5)

The second lap had

  • Squats (20)
  • Calf Raises (15)
  • Monkey Humpers (10)
  • Lunges (5 each leg)

The third lap had

  • Hello Dolly’s (20)
  • Heals to Heaven (15)
  • Big Boys (10)
  • Heavy Mercury’s (5, 4 count)

The only workout done without holding the coupon was the burpees and monkey humpers.

11 present, no FNGs.
In the book the Hobbit, there is a scene in which Bilbo Baggins is having a conversation with Smaug the Dragon. At first, Bilbo is thinking clearly and he is confident in his conversation with Smaug. But the more that Smaug talks, he begins to lure Bilbo into believing certain lies about why he is there and about the troop that brought him there. Bilbo slowly starts to believe the dragon and he comes to a point where he almost reveals himself to the dragon, he almost gives into the dragon and his lies. But he comes to his senses and runs from the dragon.

In 2 Timothy, Paul is talking to Timothy and reminding him of the people they know that have fallen away from the faith. They have seen the truth, but then they are slowly deceived and believe lies that they devil tells them and they fall away from the faith. Then, in 2 Timothy 4:5, Paul tells Timothy to “Always be sober-minded.” Paul reminds Timothy of his ministry, of his focus. He reminds Timothy of the truth.

So many times, the devil tempts us and lies to us about what is important, lies about ourselves, lies about God. As we go about our days today, let’s focus on the truth that we are loved by God, we are saved through grace by faith and we are His. Let’s be sober minded in all that we do and not fall into the trap of the devil to believe the lies that he tries to tell us.
Prayers for our country, peace and integrity. Prayers for Boosters friend JJ in the ICU. Prayers for Guardrails wife’s uncle who is having some issues in the hospital.
CSAUP at the Asylum on Saturday, January 30 from 6:30 am to 9 am.

Press On Toward The Goal

THE SCENE: 31 degrees

cherry picker, rocking chair, ‘merkins
Mohammed Ali, when asked how many reps he could do of an exercise, he said he had no idea – he doesn’t really count. He just goes until he is exhausted and then does an additional set. We didn’t do that…but we did a mini version!

  • Mosey to small rock pile.
  • Shoulder as many as possible your own for 1 min (front raises, lateral, overhead clap) followed by 5 reps together each time.
  • Mosey to coupon pile (with drop 2x burpee / 2 lines)
  • Coupon pile exercises (Each is max out for 1 minute and then do 5x together)
      • (merkins, coupon press, overhead and/or skull crushers)
      • Rows, bicep
      • Squats, calf raises
  • Between each major muscle group: Mosey to hill and Bear crawl up hill w/1 burpee @ top
  • Mosey to flag with 2x burpee drop off lines again

MARY: no time…finished @ 6:15

17 present: Guardrail, Erector, 5K, Booster, Wheelchair, Butter Knife, Dart Gun, Footsie, Wanderer, Sty, Gump, Commission, Pool Boy, sos, Mailbox, Spotter, hound dog

Philippians 3:13-14, “Brothers and sisters, I do not regard myself as having taken hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Janus, the Roman God for which January was named, had two faces: one looked forward to the new year and one looked backward to the past year. This morning I related that I am not big on resolutions because most people give up on them by “ditch day,” January 17th. Nevertheless, I do believe in the power of goals. After all, if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time!

Personal confession: even though I lost about 45 pounds over the last couple years, I put back 10 -15 this year off of a sweet tooth and lazy habits. I hit F3 3x week, but as they say, “you can’t outrun your fork.” How does the weight come back on like that? Slowly…1 pound at a time!

So we have to be diligent. And like physical weight, we might be carrying a few extra spiritual pounds into 2021 too. Ghandi said that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. Bad habits come on slowly, day by day. We might have a secret sin or a burden we aren’t willing to unload. How do we overcome? Do what we can, give ourselves over completely, and hand more of our lives over to God each day.

They say that elephants are trained by securing their leg against something strong enough when they are young so that when they are old they remember that they cannot break free. Then, a mere rope and tiny tent peg in the ground is enough to keep them in place. We must break free of the thought that we can do ONLY 20 or 30 or 50 reps. By maxing out in a minute and then “adding 5,” we learned we are capable of more than we thought…or at least I did!

Thanks for letting me lead again…and hope you’re sore tomorrow…’cause I already can’t lift my arms 🙂

A Hidden Present

THE SCENE: 30° calm and clear

Cherry Pickers, Miracan Night club,  Mountain climbers, Newton’s Cradle, X Man crunch

10 HIM’s (2 2.0’s) +3 early runners, 2 Rushers, 1 Rucker
Drew some Strava/GPS art today: See the map https://photos.app.goo.gl/Z5iz5mzafyMn2om16


My Gift to you: 4 corners plus 2: 10 of each Merkin, Wide Merkin, Guardrail hand walk, Ranger Merkins, More Merkins, then Calf raises, then Squats, Ranger Merkin, Sprints.  Bear crawl over a burm, Ski jump around a tree

Indian Run to big lot where we drew “F3” and worked on abs: Flutter kick, Freddy Mercury, BBS, LBC, Hello Dolly and x Man crunch.  Impressive job sticking together.

Run back to Calf raises, long way to the long lot: Shuttle run with bear crawls, crawl bears and crab walks (the stump) Bernie to light pole where we drew a Plank Star with Plank dips, Plank Jacks, Shoulder Taps, Plank ups, Newtons Cradle.  Then close out the tree.

Dealers choice of: heels to heaven, Snow Angels, pickle pounders, BBS, Lunges, diamond merkins, SSH

Today we drew a big picture (see above) but many of us didn’t know how it would turn out or even that we were drawing.  Just like in life we don’t always know what our picture looks like till we zoom out a little.  But we are all painting a picture with how we live our lives.  And people are watching. This time of year as you think about gifts under the tree we probably all know of the disappointment of just getting gifts and have learned the joy of giving them, but even in that we can make it about our selves.  Instead we should look to Christ’s example of living for others.

A Christmas Verse from Philippians 2:3‭-‬7 (NLT, color and emphasis added) is our challenge for today:

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

Be like Christ in your servant leadership of the home.  Think of others.

One more challenge:  This Christmas speak of Jesus Christ.  The picture we paint with how we live is important but sometimes we need to spell it out so people see the reason for how we live the way we live.  This season is about Him and we can find ways to speak of Him and bring Him Glory!

Merry Christmas!
Visit Big Ball on Thursday Morning; No Q planned for Christmas Day

You Get What You Put In…

THE SCENE: It was an invigorating 30 degrees, but it was dry!

SSH in cadence x25
Imperial Walkers in cadence x25
Spiderman Merkins in cadence x6
Cherry Pickers in cadence x7
Squats in cadence x20
Burpees OYO x10
SSH in cadence x25

Mosey to the back lot for partner sets

  • 100 Merkins (P1 does 10 while P2 holds plank; 100 total for the group)
  • 100 BBS (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6″ ; 100 total for the group)

100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds Al Gore; 100 total for the group)

Mosey to the Coupon Pile for Dealer’s Choice w/ a Jail Break for fun

  • American Hammers in cadence x 10
  • KB swings in cadence x 10
  • Thrusters x 10
  • Curls x 20
  • Picture Hangers x 10 each side

Mosey up the stairs for one last partner set

  • 20 Pull Ups (P1 does 5 while P2 holds plank; 20 total for the group

Mosey down Sophomore Hill to the lot below for The BEAST

  • 6 stops for 6 reps Merkins, LBCs, Squats, Spiderman Merkins, American Hammers, and Burpees

Mosey to COT w/ a few Karaokes, Lunges, High Knees, High Heels and some core work

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
We are blessed to have some really great HIMS and leaders in our group. You gentlemen challenge me to be a better man and to hold myself to a higher standard.
Sometimes I fail miserably… I will leave here hyped up about being a better husband, father, neighbor, or friend. Listening and being patient, etc… And then can’t get my family out of the house without losing my cool.

I feel ashamed… but I believe it’s part of the process. We can’t beat ourselves up over it. We can’t control our thoughts, and truthfully sometimes mine are pretty awful…

We can control what we feed our minds, who we decide to surround ourselves with, and who or what we strive to be professionally, personally, and spiritually.

Thank you for putting in the work and continuing to challenge me and each other!

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed

If I don’t see you next week, Merry Christmas Gentlemen!


THE SCENE: Low 40s and raining. Perfect weather to embrace the suck!

SSH x20 IC
Swerkins x10 IC
Mosey to the nearest cover
LBAC x20 each way
Overhead claps x15 IC

Head over to the main quad and pair up in threes. One man under cover at each side, third runs between with two burpees before relieving.
Apparently we headed out too quickly, because Archie found us here after making a lap around campus….
Swerkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Squat Jumps / Iron Mikes
Box Cutters / LBCs
Superman Swims / Flamingos

Move over one shelter for random dice roll tabata. Four cycles of 20s work/10s rest.
MORE Iron Mikes
Star Jacks
Freddie Mercurys

Mosey back to the first cover for Flutter Kicks x51 IC. Arrived back at the AO exactly 0615.
The Stalwart 7 showed up for this cold and rainy beatdown.
Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

In our day to day life we have a whole lot fewer things that would make a person terrified than they did in Joshua’s day. However, there are definitely a whole lot of things that can add up to bring a world of discouragement. I had a few things happen this week at home that really piled on that discouragement side, so this verse coming up in the message yesterday at church was quite timely, and I hope it can encourage you as well.

It’s a good thing I had signed up to Q today, or I might have ended up in the fartsack… Good to work with you guys today!
Cold-weather CSAUP hosted by Asylum AM/PM coming up, check Slack for details.