F3 Knoxville

Iron Meets The Hulk

THE SCENE: Beautiful Morning with a Little Gloom

  • Grinder Work
    • Mosey to 5 Merkins
    • Mosey to 10 Tempo Squats
    • Millennial Run to 5 Burpees
    • Millennial Run to 10 Froggie Hops
    • Bernie Sanders to 15 CrossFit Big Boys
    • Bernie Sanders to 10 Bobby Hurley’s


  • Mosey the Greenway & Battle Buddy with Someone of Similar Speed
    • 10 Hill Sprints with Decreasing Burpees at the top.
    • 1st Hill Sprint – 10 Burpees
    • 2nd Hill Sprint – 9 Burpees
    • 3rd Hill Sprint – 8 Burpees
    • Complete 10th Sprint – 1 Burpee and Continue Mosey to Rock Pile
  • At the Rock Pile – Find a Rock for Each Hand:
    • Iron Hulks (1:4 Merkins and Push Press) Worked up to 5 Merkins and 20 Push Press (IC!!!)
    • V-Ups (OYOx10)
    • Overhead Squats (OYOx15)
    • CrossFit Big Boys (OYOx20)
    • Side Straddle ROCK Hops (ICx20)
    • Iron Hulks (1:4 Merkins and Push Press) Worked down from 5 Merkins and 20 Push Press (Single Count!)
  • Mosey Greenway Back to Grinder for Lazy Dora:
    • 100 Merkins (P1 does 10 While P2 Holds Plank; 100 total for group)
    • 100 Ankle Touches (P1 does 10 while P2 holds 6″; 200 total for group)
    • 100 Squats (P1 does 10 while P2 holds air chair; 100 for total group)


10 Pax!
You don’t know what you have; until it’s gone!  Shared a little about a few things that I have gone through in the past month.  My GR1 was stolen and recovered, but the feelings attached to that bag were unknown until this occurred. The loss of our dog, and all the difficult and frustrating times in his last couple years or life and how all that looks on the other side…I would do it all over again!


Merkin Madness

THE SCENE: about 40 and light rain


SSH X 20

TN Rocking Chair x 15

Merkins x 10

Burpee x 5


Do next leg exercise by pavalon then do next chest exercise by scrapyard then run down the stairs and back up the path to the pavalon.


Merkin X 20

Derkin x 20

Ranger Merkin x 20

Side to side Merkin x 20

Wide fly Merkin x 20


Alt side Lunge x 20

Split squat x 20

Jump squat x 20

Calf raise squat x 20

Iron mikes x 20


BBS 20-1

Heels to heavens 20-1

15 men including FNG Peekaboo! Our boy MIB who got named at the Asylum convergence came back out too. Backup killing it with the EHs.

Talked about dark days to come, but there is a light at the end.
We did about 2 rounds of the thang and then started the 20-1. Got down 3-4 rounds and took a lap. Did a few more rounds after that.
MAARC fun ruck on April 20. 12pm at Target in Maryville. About a mile each way. Patches are $20.

On the Fly

THE SCENE: Pretty much perfect weather

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC
Quick run down troll bridge and back around


Do Suicides on the grinder. Run to the first cone and back, do exercise number one, then first cone and back and second cone and back, exercise number one and two, and so on for 6 cones total.

  1. Goblet squats x10
  2. American Hammers with CMU x20
  3. CMU press into Tri x10
  4. Overhead CMU Flutter Kicks x20 (2 count)
  5. CMU Swings x10
  6. Burpee Curl Press x10

Once done with that, do 11s. Dips at the pavalon and pull-ups at the scrapyard.

Sprints from the scrapyard to the bathrooms with 15 BBS at one side and 10 merkins at the other.

Woodshack led us in Captain Thors up to 8-32
Side Tri rise x10 on each side
Box Cutters x25
Little baby crunches until time, about one minute.

14 Pax showed up this morning with one FNG, Six Pack!
Many people make goals and think that they are on the right track to reach those goals when, in reality, they are doing all of the wrong things. At one point when I was trying to get fit, I thought I was eating really well. There was a day or two when I was really busy or had some other excuse and I stopped for food, but I wrote those off as unimportant because overall I was doing good. When I looked at my bank account, I realized that I had a lot more fast food than I thought. Because my focus was on the few good things I was doing and I made excuses for the many bad things, my mind believed that I was on track. I encourage you to not only make goals, but to examine your progress on those goals in a realistic way. Spend 5 or 10 minutes focusing only on your progress towards those goals and do it often.

3rd F on Saturday after Asylum beatdown.

They’re Back

THE SCENE: Calm, clear, 40 degrees

SSH x21, Baby arm circles forward/reverse x11, Imperial squat walkers x10, Cherry pickers x10, and mosey to Waxjob Hill.

7’s on Waxjob Hill – Burpees to WWII Sit ups, bear crawl up – run down.

3/4 mile Indian run. Front man carries 40# sandbag, man from back takes sandbag and all performs 3 squats. Continue run until group returns to the AO.

11’s on the Grinder – Running the length of the Grinder

Three set of 11’s all using CMUs progressing from:

  • 1 Squat trust ⇒ 10 On the Shelf
  • 1 American Swings ⇒ 10 Dead lifts (per arm)
  • 1 Decline merkins ⇒ 10 Bent rows

7’s on the Grinder

1 Pull up ⇒ 6 Step ups per leg


11 V ups, 11 box cutter, 11 V ups, 11 WWII sit ups, 11 V ups

5 faithful HIMs

In April 2013 at just under 4 years old my great nephew, Whitt, was diagnosed with leukemia.  Using a protocol from St. Judes Hospital, he immediately began chemo treatments at a children’s hospital in Fort. Worth with maintenance administered in Midland, Texas.  A year later Julie and I visited them during a quick Texas tour to see family members.  Bald headed with a port inserted in his chest, we accompanied Whitt for one of his chemo treatments.  The chemicals were not pleasant to receive and nausea and sickness was the normal side effect.  His parents would always comment that Whitt never whimpered, never cried, never complained.  He always took it like a real trooper.  That April day in 2014 was no different.  In fact, Whitt played in a T-ball game that evening and played very well.  Whitt’s dad was on the field when a father from the other team was commenting that his son had a really tough day since he had swim practice before the ballgame.  My nephew said he could sympathize because his son had a chemo treatment earlier that day.  You could hear the crickets.

In 2016 the treatments ended and Whitt has remained cancer free.  Almost 10 now, he has become a really, really good baseball player.  Whitt has been a constant reminder to me that God does not test those who trust in Him more than one can endure.  Whitt trusted God as much as any 4 or 5 or 6 year old boy could.  He is brave and he endured.

Various fund raisers were held in the tight knit West Texas town of Midland.  I must have 8 to 10 Whitt-Man t-shirts.  Most of them have two Bible verses on the back.  The first is Deuteronomy 33:27.  The next is Psalms 113:7-8.  Check them out.  They will encourage you.

Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, genders, and ages.  Whitt will always be my hero.  He lifts my spirit.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Convergence at the Asylum followed by the 3rd F.  Festivities start at 7:00 am on Saturday, March 31st.  Be there or be square.

Flipping cards

THE SCENE: Breezy and in the 40s

Monkey humpers, merkins, big boys , burpees
Deck of cards on the tennis courts

  • Hearts – burpees
  • Diamond-merkins (4ct)
  • Spades -monkey humpers (4ct)
  • Clubs -big boys
  • Face cards are 15 reps
  • aces -21 reps
  • 7-10 card , do those reps
  • 2-6 cards , suicides w cones. Pull a 2, suicide 2 cones, pull a 6 suicide 6 cones. Etc…
  • joker-run to the pavalon and back
  • we got close to finishing the deck of cards. Lots of suicides and merkins in the front end of the stack ! Deck of cards is always great because you never know what is coming next.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
13 pax
Let’s keep leading ! The only way to get better is to practice. Sign up to Q not only at the Bombshelter but sign up to Q at another  AO and lead a group of men you don’t know . It will only help you be a better leader.
I think I am a social introvert. I like being social but I will never be that guy that will out talk you! I like being alone but only for short periods. Signing up to Q and leading workouts is good for me. It’s not my comfort zone to be in front of a bunch of people talking but leading workouts has helped me overcome those fears. I encourage everyone to get out there to lead! It’s what we are meant to do as men and men of action lead

Announcement s

convervgence this Saturday and the Equalizer launches in April during the week