F3 Knoxville

Two Announcers

  • Welcome: Brrr.  37 degrees..  ready for summer
  • Warm Up:
    • A Taste of things to come, Flutters, SSH, Scissors, Sprints, Burpees, Hello Dollys.
    • Then a little humility tour
      • Pickle Pounders at High School Entrance
      • Monkey Humpers at Church Entrance
      • Smurf Jacks at Park Main Sign
      • SSH at All Saints Entrance
  • Work Out:
    • AMRAP until the end.
      • Run between the two Announcer Boxes (Football and Baseball) – with some exercises in between each Announcer Box.   Starting from the Football Announcer Box at top of bleachers
        • 10 Hello Dollys (4ct) – on bleachers
        • 10 Flutter Kicks (4ct) – on bleachers
        • 10 Scissor Kicks
        • 10 Dips
        • 10 Dirkens
        • 10 Burpees at 20 yard line
        • Sprint Across field
        • Lunge Up to Baseball Announcer Box
        • 10 Imperial Squat Walkers
        • 10 Rocky Balboas at first stair tier
        • 10 Rocky Balboas at second stair tier
        • 10 Burpees
        • Sprint Across Field  (That Completes One round)
    • With about a 20 minute time span I think we all had around four rounds completed.
  • Wrap Up & Warm Down:
    • With all the usual focus being on strength training and toughening each other up – I contrasted that with an encouragement towards gentleness and softness.  Handed out Lyrics to David Crowders new song “He Is”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvvKa9vyixw .   We stretched out during the playing of the song as we read the lyrics.  Do not forsake or forget Jesus’ gentleness and kindness.  As High Impact Men we are often encouraged to be tough – and though that is important – I believe it is our gentleness and softness that is the most attractive and alluring and inviting to others.
    • If you’re troubled
      Heavy hearted
      Come to Jesus and find your peace
      If you’re run down
      Empty handed
      Come to Jesus and find your strength
      He is Hope for the hopeless
      Rest for the weary
      Help for the hurting
      He is, He is
      Mending the broken
      Bearing the burdens
      All that you’re needing
      He is
      If you’re wandering
      In the darkness
      Come to Jesus and find your way
      If you want freedom
      Need forgiveness
      Just come to Jesus and find His grace
      He is Hope for the hopeless
      Rest for the weary
      Help for the hurting
      He is, He is
      Mending the broken
      Bearing the burdens
      All that you’re needing
      He is
      Comforter, Counselor, Prince of Peace
      Author and Maker of everything
      Defender, Deliverer, King of Kings
      He is, He is
      Helper and Healer forevermore
      Savior and Shelter through every storm
      My Refuge, Redeemer and Lord of Lords
      He is, He is
      Child of Heaven and Son of Man
      Provider, Protector, the Great I AM
      Alpha Omega, Beginning and End
      He is, He is
      Hope for the hopeless
      Rest for the weary
      Help for the hurting
      He is, He is
      Mending the broken
      Bearing the burdens
      All that you’re needing
      He is
      All that you’re needing
      He is”

Take the stairs

THE SCENE: Perfectly cool and dry 

4ct SSH x 25 (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); Tai Fighters x 10 F/B (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); 4ct Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC); Merkins x 10 (OYO); Mosey to track… stop for Rocky Balboas along the way
Dora Goat Trails:  pick battle buddies; HIM1 runs in bleachers for 1 stack of stairs while HIM2 works toward 100 Merkins then swap; next do 2 stacks of stairs while the other works toward 200 LBCs then swap; lastly do 3 stacks of stairs while the other works toward 300 Side Squats then swap; mosey to patio by stadium gate

11’s by the rock:  spread out along short wall; perform 10 wall jumps (or step ups) then run to and around shamrock rock back to wall and do 1 incline or decline merkin; run back to and around the rock to the wall and continue by reducing wall jump by 1 and adding 1 to merkins

Speed round: battle buddies again… 1 wall sits while other sprints to fix location and back; swap and repeat until Q is satisfied; repeat with lunges replacing sprint; mosey back to AO

Howling monkeys around the circle; box cutters led by Mermaid
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:8-10‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Went to Vegas on a business trip this week and everyone I mentioned it to laughed and said stuff like “sin city”, “what happens there stays there”, and “try not to lose your shirt” in an approving and joking manner.  Having battled sexual sin and the temptation of pornography in media most of my life… I see sin as no laughing matter.  As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I choose to battle my sin on my knees looking to a good and loving Savior who willfully died a brutal death on the cross to free me from the power of sin.  Encouraged the PAX to pray for and help those fighting various sin and temptations in their lives.
Bring donations!

Taking Out the Trash

THE SCENE: Low 50’s, clear, and otherwise wonderful

Motivators from 5
Tempo Merkins 10
Tempo Squats 10
Baby Arm Circles Forward 10
Baby Arm Circles Backward 10
Moroccan Night Club 10

Run to different areas of campus.  Pick up a piece of trash and put it in the box.  Rinse and repeat until the area is tidy.
After the area is clean do one of the following: Merkins (25), Squats (25), LBC’s (25).  Run to a new area.

In total we did 13 areas, so we started on our 4th round of exercises.
Merkin total 125
Squat total 100
LBC total 100

The PAX called an AB exercise, we did that followed by 10 merkins each time.  We made it through 8 PAX, here are the exercises.
25 Snow Angels
15 Heels to Heaven
25 Pickle Poundes
50 single count Flutter Kicks
20 Freddie Mercuries
20 Box Cutters
25 Pickle Pointers (Hip Thrusters)
20 Captain Thor’s (BBC with 4 count American hammer at the top)

Total 80 merkins

12 in attendance
Take out the trash.
We listened to Christian rap today during the workout.  As we physically removed trash form the Catholic campus, we spiritually removed trash from our lives.  Garbage in = Garbage out.  I challenged each of us to find the trash in our lives that impedes us, and to remove it.

John 2:13-22

Jesus overturned tables in the temple.  He took out the trash.  When confronted with things in our lives, look at how Jesus handled situations, and model your response after his.  If something is not right, we should follow his lead.
Pray for East Knoxville.
We are collecting for Safe Haven.  There is not a more appropriate   time to consider helping the East Knox Community.  Here is one way we can assist.

Hey Fellas. For the month of April, we are going to be collecting items at the AOs for Safe Haven, a program of the World United Ministries (www.worldunitedministries.org) led by Laurence Williams in East Knoxville. The ministry is in the trenches trying to steer the really at risk kids in the Austin-East community into good choices and away from gang life.  Safe Haven, a donated house on Magnolia Avenue, is meant to be a place where kids can go and hang out, and also escape violence when needed – it has bunk beds available.  F3 Knoxville will be providing them with the following items:
* individually wrapped snacks
* individual bottles or cans of soda, Gatorade or water
* paper towels, Clorox wipes, trash bags
* toilet paper
* Visa gift cards in small denominations ($10-20) 
* Bath towels and twin bed linens.

Moving Impediments


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
49 ℉ 67% 47 ℉ 5.3 mi/h SW

I am not a professional.


20 – SSH
10 – Tie Fighters 10 forward 10 backward.
3 – Cherry Pickers

Mosey to CMU pile and have everyone grab two. Using parking lot, place a CMU on each side of the parking lot. Starting at one CMU#1, do an exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, mosey back to CMU#1 do exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, and then mosey back to start CMU#1. While waiting for six, do second exercise. Finally, when six has finished doing first exercise four times, do third exercise in cadence. So, first exercise 4 times with CMUs, second exercise while waiting, and third exercise as group.
1, 15 CMU Merkin walk-overs, Squats, Jump Squats
2, 15 Overhead CMU Press, Big boys, Flutters
3, 20 CMU Curls, Calf Raises, Twinkle Toes
4, 25 CMU Bench Press, Hello Dollys, LBCs
5, 15 CMU Triceps, Lunge, Jump Squats
6, 15 CMU Rows OR CMU Kettle Bells, LBCs, Box Cutters. Due to time, PAX was given a choice. And Recover was called cutting this short.

Circle up PAX, grab two workout dice. Die one has 6 different merkin variations. Die two has rep counts. Roll the dice and perform the rep count of the merkin type. Mosey a bit towards AO. Circle up and roll dice again. Mosey to AO, roll again. And for fun, roll again.

10 – 4 count Flutter Kicks.

14 men.

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

Marcus Aurelius


For the sick and elderly.  For our brothers battling illness and their wives.  For those starting Ramadan and all striving to better themselves.


CMU Campus tour

The Scene

28 Degrees 

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone




Tempo Squats

Toe Taps

Hairy Rockettes

TN Rocking Chair


Mosey to CMU pile and grab 2 for a trip around campus (Modify with 1 if necessary)


Suitcase carry CMU’s to first location (Mouth of CMU alley)

2 rounds/12 reps

CMU Swings/Air squats (Booty touching CMU)


Suitcase carry CMU’s to the second location by the covered walkway

2 rounds/12 reps

CMU deadlift to sprawl/Iron Mikes (6 e/s)


Suitcase carry to next location by the Fathers house (Garage door was open, weird)

2 rounds/12 reps

Thrusters/Merkins on CMU (Try to get chest below the CMU)


Brick by Brick in the back parking lot. Each member of the pax will take one CMU at a time to the next parking lot line. After both CMU’s are back together, then run to the starting point and back. (Repeat will we get to the other end of the parking lot) 

We then moved our CMU’s via American Hammers about 30 yards.

Freestyle carry CMU’s back to the CMU pile and mosey back to the AO


No Time


8 and 1 2.0 for the beatdown


Spoke about the weight of Good Friday and even though we carry burdens throughout our lives (Much like those CMU’s around campus) that Jesus carried the ultimate burden for us so that we could have eternal life. 


I wanted to thank the PAX for bearing with me throughout the beatdown. Was not feeling well. It is interesting to see how the temperament of the Q dictates that of the rest of the PAX during the beatdown. 


For the month of April, we are going to be collecting items at the AOs for Safe Haven, a program of the World United Ministries (www.worldunitedministries.org) led by Laurence Williams in East Knoxville. The ministry is in the trenches trying to steer the really at risk kids in the Austin-East community into good choices and away from gang life.  Safe Haven, a donated house on Magnolia Avenue, is meant to be a place where kids can go and hang out, and also escape violence when needed – it has bunk beds available.  F3 Knoxville will be providing them with the following items:


* individually wrapped snacks

* individual bottles or cans of soda, Gatorade or water

* paper towels, Clorox wipes, trash bags

* toilet paper

* Visa gift cards in small denominations ($10-20) 

* Bath towels and twin bed linens.