F3 Knoxville

Shamrock Q101/GrowSchool

THE SCENE: Cool Friday morning in the gloom – men arrive and pre-mumblechatter begins


Tank speaks about how to start F3 and lead well from the very beginning.

  • (1) Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • (2) My name is Steam and I am honored to be one of your 2 Qs this morning. Alongside with Abscess we have a great morning coming your way
  • (3) A couple things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify anything we do this morning – feel free to do so – but push yourself and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.

^^^Let’s break this down some more^^^

  • F3 starts on time – every time
    • The men you’re leading deserve to have their time respected – so do you as the Q
    • So whether it’s 0530 or 0700 – start on time
    • Give a timeframe warning 5 minutes out, 2 minutes out, 1 minute out, etc – so the men can get ready to roll
  • What is this? Why are we here? –> “Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
    • Whether you’re a seasoned F3 guy or a FNG it’s important for the Q to introduce what this is and why you are here.
    • Welcome the men – it’s early (weekdays more than Saturdays) – so welcome the men to F3 – lay out those 3 Fs as well. This is an important way to remind the men that they’re about to take part in F3.
    • This is important for FNGs as well – they don’t know what they don’t know.
    • Great segway – check to see if you have any FNGs in your midst. Why?
      • Because it’s crucial for you as the Q to know who your new guys are so you can have situational awareness as you lead AND for the F3 guys to know who the FNGs are in their midst so they can support them (think of your first time at F3)
  • Disclaimer
    • We MUST have vocalized the disclaimer – thus releasing you (the Q) from being legally responsible for the next 45 minutes or 60 minutes. Why?
      • Because unless you just really intimately know every single one of the men that showed up to F3 – you probably don’t know any injuries they may or may not have.
    • (1) I’m not a professional (even if you are a “professional” – there ain’t no F3 professionals (up for debate….)
      • You as the Q are not being paid to be there and the men are not paying to be there
      • This speaks to the volunteer leadership F3 pushes – no certifications are necessary to lead F3.
    • (2) You’re here on your own volition
      • No one is forcing you to be here or stay here. What this is really saying is that you made a conscious choice to be here this morning. THIS MEANS SOMETHING. If they made a conscious choice to wake up early and come to F3 this morning – they deserve to be led – and expect to be led.
    • (3) Modify as you need
      • There are no DS’s or DI’s at F3. There’s no clipboards and someone breathing down your back watching every single rep.
      • When the Q says this, he is reminding the men that are under his command for the next 45 minutes or 60 minutes that they are free to go as hard as they want – but will receive no judgement for the work that they do. If you can do 10 merkins – awesome – do 10 merkins. If you can do 100 merkins – awesome – do 100 merkins.
      • When I Q (Steam) – my verbiage is “I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so – but push yourself and the men around you – they deserve it and so do you. ”
        • I’m setting the tone with this message as the Q
        • No one will judge you if you can’t do every rep BUT there is an expectation to push yourself and the HIM around you.
      • Reminder: No man left behind – No man left the same
  • Intro
    • If you want to have an introductory/motivational word to share with the men briefly before you step off – this is a great way to set the tone for the morning.
      • “The name of the game is one foot in front of the other”
      • “You’re here for a reason and so are they – make it count”
      • “Carry the fight and keep it there for 60 minutes. That’s what we’re gonna do this morning.”


  • SSH
  • Rockette
  • Imperial Walker
  • Merkin
  • Shoulder stretches
  • 2 laps around the parking lot

THA-THANG: (Steam)

Steam takes over – appoints a 6 sweeper (Tank)

(Mosey to the front of CHS)

Steam reminds PAX to KISS = Keep It Simple Sir // Don’t Q something you can’t do. This isn’t a chest-beating contest to lead the hardest workout. It’s not about YOU. It’s about the men that are under your command – making sure they’re taken care of and understand what’s going on and what they’re supposed to be doing.

(Battle Buddy Teams Assemble)

  1. Dora
    1. as a team – you have 300 squats, 200 merkins, and 100 flutter kicks to execute
    2. Battle Buddy 1 (BB1) will run to the gates of the track – execute 1 burpee, and run back to recover Battle Buddy 2 (BB2), picking up on the # of reps BB1 completed.

[ Time Out ]

Steam gives the “RECOVER” after teams finish merkins and gives the reminder of a Q’s situational awareness – it’s the Q’s responsibility to have situational awareness for the men that are under his command. So if I can tell that the men are getting insanely smoked – it’s responsible of the Q to call an audible instead of continuing on with a”beatdown for beatdown’s sake,”

[ Time In ]

Steam calls the “RECOVER” and says the above message ^^^ and proceeds to lead the PAX in the 100 flutter kicks all together – separated in groupings of 25.

(Mosey around the school to the straightaway)

  • Tank is picking up the 6
  • PAX wagon-wheels around the 6
    • No man left behind – leave no man where you found him.

[ 15s ]

  • Merkins & Bobby Hurleys
    • 14 & 1
    • 14 & 2
    • Etc, etc, etc

Timecrunch (7 minutes left in the Q) – if we get through all 15 – great. If we don’t – great.

Steam gives the 2 minute warning to push hard through the rest of 15s

(PAX mosey’s back to the AO – with Cheatsheet carrying the flag out front)


Went out the same we came in – SSHs – 26 on a 1 count to end it.


14 PAX – 2 FNGs –> Welcome Phelps & Karate Kid


I want you to ask yourself this question right now: “Am I using the gifts God gave me to further His kingdom and to love and care for others outside of my family?” Give 20 seconds of silence to ponder.

We are all different, we have different skills and backgrounds. Different personalities, different life experiences. God could heave easily made us all the same. But he didn’t. He gave us these gifts for us to use not to covet.

So now ask yourself this question: “How am I going to use my God-given gift to serve others?” Give 20 seconds to ponder.

Now go do it. If you can’t think of a way, ask me, a fellow HIM, or your church.



  • https://f3nation.com/a-guide-to-your-first-q/
  • Q101 structure and the “Why” of what we do when we Q
  • Check out the link above for Q tips and tricks

Hub and Spoke

The Scene:

64 degrees and Glorious

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer:

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


6 4-count Cherry Pickers

10 4-count BAC Forward

10 4-count BAC Backwards

10 4-count SSH

6 curtsy lunges

10 tempo merkins

5 burpees OYO


Freestyle Mosey to the back parking lot (Q calls out different run variations such as karaoke, Bernie, mosey, tree touches, sign touches, manhole cover touches, etc.


7 broad jump to high knee back peddle

1 Mountain climber taps (2-count)

1 broad jump to high knee back peddle

7 mountain climbers taps (2-count)


Freestyle Mosey to hidden CMU pile pick up your new best friend and mosey to the lot by the bridge in All Saints Park. some CMU squats and presses we’re had on the way. 

Hub and Spoke workout 

Hub is 5 CMU Swings to Jump w/ weight (Modify w/ deadlift) then take CMU with you to each station

Spoke 1- 50 SSH


Spoke 2-50 Shoulder taps


Spoke 3-100 Freddy Mercury’s


Spoke 4- 25 Imperial Walkers


Spoke 5- 20 Curtsy Lunges (10 each leg)


Spoke 6- 25 Merkins

Everyone got 1 round

Finished with 5 CMU swings and presses as a group


Take CMU’s back to the pile with some squats and shoulder to shoulder presses along the way and mosey to the beginning of the Shamrock Road


Shamrock Road 

At every third shamrock on the ground different exercise is called out by different PAX for 15 reps working our way up the road to the AO parking lot. 

15 BBS

15 Monkey humpers

15 Pickle pounders

15 American hammers

15 Freddy Mercury’s 


No time


13 HIMs 


Remember to keep God at the center of your life (Hub), no matter where we go or who we interact with (Spokes) we need to make sure we consistently return to Him and keep Him at the center of everything. 



Leg Demolition Day

THE SCENE: Low 70’s and clear

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, LBAC x fwd/bck, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Starting at the entrance to the AO off of Fox Lonas:

Perform 20 squats, 20 merkins, and 20 BBS then lunge to the next speedbump. Once at the speedbump, sprint to the next one. Repeat till time was called. (3 full rounds)

Mosey to the CMU pile and grab a coupon.

On the grass football field, line up facing the small hill to the softball field. Perform the following sequence:

  • 10 CMU OHP
  • 10 CMU Squats
  • 10 CMU Thrusters
  • 10 CMU Swings
  • Bear crawl to the softball field fence and mosey back.

We completed five rounds of the above sequence.

Mosey down to the small parking lot across from the shovel flag lot.

Performed 11’s with Bobby Hurley’s on one end and Diamond Merkins on the other.

Called time before we finished.

Just enough time to knock out a handful of Imperial Walkers

17 HIMs with one FNG. Welcome Bekky!

At our church’s family retreat this last year one of the speakers discussed the differences in the needs of men and women, specifically as they relate to marriage. The top 5 emotional needs for men and women are very different and when we don’t take that into consideration in our marriages it is easy to neglect the needs of our spouses. Below are the top needs identified by the author of His Needs, Her Needs:

Become aware of each other’s needs and learn to meet them.

  • Men’s 5 most basic needs from his wife:
    • Sexual fulfillment
    • Recreational companionship
    • An attractive spouse
    • Domestic support
    • Admiration
  • Women’s 5 most basic needs from her husband:
    • Affection
    • Conversation
    • Openness and honesty
    • Financial security
    • Family commitment

Love seeing the growth out at Shamrock! Kudos to Mermaid for keeping the ball rolling and pushing the AO.
Dad Camp later this summer. CSAUP at Dog Pound in July.

Ebony and Ivory

THE SCENE: 67 and steamy

side straddle hop, cherry pickers, burpees, big boys, mericans

CMU Relay – partner up (one holds plank while other runs to cone and does exercise then switches with partner)

  • iron mikes – 30
  • alternate hand mericans – 25
  • squat jumps – 20
  • burpees – 15
  • CMU thrusters –  10
  • CMU thrusters – 10
  • burpees – 15
  • squat jumps – 20
  • alternate hand – 25
  • iron mikes – 30

flutter kicks
GI-Jane (not in system yet)
Psalm 112

  • Blessed is the man who fears the Lord
  • A righteous man deals justly and generously
  • Have a steady heart – trusting in the Lord drives away wickedness



THE SCENE: 60F – Perfect Weather for a beatdown


Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Here on Own Volition, Not a Professional, Modify as Needed, Have Cell Phone, Keep Social Distance and Respect Others Space


Lots of ideas on what to name AO – ultimately choosing Shamrock.   While Mermaid gave some history on the shamrock during the inaugural workout wanted to share an alternative meaning today.   SHAMROCK is also an acronym for today’s workout.   Shoulder, Hamstrings, Abs, Merkins, Running on Catholic Knoxville

Cherry Pickers IC, Windmills IC, Grady Corns IC, Failure to Launch IC, Hello Dolly IC, Tempo Merkins IC, High Knees / Burpee


Mosey around campus stopping along the way to try out some evil spawn children of the Motivators.   The Shouldivator, The Hamstringivator, The Abivator and Merkivator.

Shouldivator – Baby Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps (From 8 IC)

Hamstringivator – Squats, Twinkle Toes, Monkey Humpers (From 8 IC)

Abivator – Big Boys, Little Baby Crunches, Gas Pumps (From 7 IC)

Merkivator – Wide, Normal, Diamond Merkins (From 5 IC)

Mosey to the CMU pile and picked out a CMU friend for the morning.   Brought them to the parking lot.
10 Reps of Each – Overhead Press (Shoulders); Goblet Squats (Hamstrings); Heavy Freddy (Abs); Walkover Merkins (Merkins).  Leave the rock and run to end of parking lot row and back.   Take CMU to next parking lot row and rinse and repeat adding 5 reps at each row.   Continued until we ran out of time.


11 HIMs were Mondivated


My brother wrote a very thought provoking post on Facebook the other day that I thought was worth sharing pieces of this morning.   The topic was “What if We’re Wrong.”

What if what we hold dear is wrong, what if the point of view we militantly protect, is actually wrong.   Now, I can understand how you can be wrong but me?   But me, I’ve done my research.    I’m smart.   I went to college, wrote papers, traveled the world,  have friends that don’t look like me.   Therefore, I must be the right one.    Obviously, that all is idiotic and sounds as stupid in writing as it does speaking it to you this morning.    But seriously, how often do we consider if we are wrong?

How often when discussing something with someone do we come to the conclusion we see things with different lenses and ultimately agree to disagree.    Both probably leave the conversation still convinced their lens is a little clearer and the other one still doesn’t see quite right.     So what does it feel like to be wrong?     Sucks, hate it, embarrassing, wind kicked out from under your feed, eat crow, are all typically answers.   But what if I told you that is what it feels like to finally DISCOVER that you are wrong.     When you ARE wrong, but don’t know it yet, it feels exactly like when you are right.    Stop and think about that…how often do we every consider that we might actually be wrong, that we might not fully understand the complexities of the topic.    Even when the evidence is overwhelming, our pride normally wins and doesn’t let us concede.

Remember From Matthew 7.   1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.  3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

I just encourage you to reflect on this as you engage in conversations with your friends with challenging topics in the coming days and weeks ahead.


Prayers for the world and families this week.

No Announcements