F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Motivators starting with seven, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Windmills, 5 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward.
Mosey to the South Ball Fields Parking Lot.  We will be running from one end of the parking lot to the other.  There will be four cones set up along the run.  At each cone, stop to do ten of the first exercise listed.  Keep going in order from each end of the parking lot.  Here are the exercises:

Running south to north:

  1. Squat Jumps
  2. Merkins
  3. Big Boy Sit-ups
  4. Hello Dollies (4 ct.)

Running north to south:

  1. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  2. Plank Jacks
  3. Carolina Dry Docks
  4. Shoulder Taps (each shoulder)

Once done with all exercises, jog around the parking lot.

Next, starting from Cone 1 we will do a five parking lane bear crawl to 5 lane lunge all the way to Cone 4.

Next, we will mosey to soccer field.  We will do suicides on field going to first, second, and third cone and back.  Each time coming back men will do 20 Baby Crunches.  We will do a different type of run on each suicide.  They will be as follows:

  • Bernie Sanders.
  • Grapevine Left
  • Grapevine Right
  • Skip
  • High knees

Mosey to perimeter trail at the end of the parking lot.  We will head east and north on the trail doing Nickel Dime Quarters.  Here are the exercises for each stop.

  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Bicycle Kicks
  • Iron Mikes (each leg = 1)
  • Dive Bombers
  • Box Cutters
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Squats

We will turn west at the Serpentine Sidewalk and continue to the Island Parking Lot.  At the parking lot we will have the Relay Race Around the Island.  Men divide up into teams with each team stationing men at an island.  The race starts with the first man running to second man, second to third, etc. until last man meets first man again (no touching, keep social distance).  The first man starts again.  The race isn’t over until the last man gets back to where he started.

Mosey to base of Mini Cardiac.  Do 20 Buzz Saws.  Next we will Bernie Sanders up Mini Cardiac to Park Sign, then sprint the rest of the way to the AO.

Boat Canoe and ATMS
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

From John 15: 12-15.
12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 
13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 
During this coronavirus epidemic I had to lay out from F3 as did you.  When F3 started meeting again, it hurt me not to be able to join with you brothers.  I was concerned about working out with you because, as you know, my wife, Jan, was diagnosed with breast cancer at about the same time the coronavirus epidemic was beginning to spread in the United States.  We hear that we can carry the coronavirus without even knowing it. I didn’t want to catch the virus by getting close to others, then unknowingly spread it to my wife.
I realized during the months away from you guys how much strength I get from just meeting with you.  I did work out alone and with my son, Bennett (aka Puddle in F3).  So, I kept in ok shape.  What I missed was the strength of the fellowship, of the encouragement we get from one another as men, of the message shared at the end of each workout, of the commitment to lock shields through the struggle, of the way we push each other forward not only in workouts but as HIMs, of the way we pray for each other, reach out to each other, hold each other in our hearts.  Man, I missed you guys.
On Thursday, May 21, Jan and I had a serious talk with her oncologist.  Jan has an aggressive breast cancer.  The chemotherapy weakens her immune system.  She can’t fight off Covid-19 the way you and I might be able to.  She was understandably scared about having me go to F3 workouts.  She doesn’t want to die and the odds would be significantly higher of that happening to her than to most if she did get Covid-19.  But, God bless her, she also saw how much as was missing F3.  On the way to chemotherapy, she said that we should talk to the oncologist about the safety of my working out with you guys.  The oncologist told me that she felt pretty good about the low risks of outdoor workouts, particularly if a social distance is kept from others.  She gave me the green light to come to F3 and so did Jan.  Sweat release!!  I can’t tell you how that felt to me.  I couldn’t believe it. With the news about the coronavirus sticking around all year long, I was wondering if I would ever to get to see you again.  And now, if I keep a distance from you, forgive me, it isn’t that I don’t want to be near you.  Heck, I want to give each of you a big ol bear hug.
Anyway, what I am saying is thank you.  Thank you for praying for me and for Jan.  Thank you for the encouraging words you have sent me. Thank you for praying for Jan and me.  And, thank you for being a greater source of strength than I even realized.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Treebiscuit – Shamrock

✔ THE SCENE: It’s early

✔ F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Covid-19 as well as welcome


  • SSH
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Tennessee Rockin Chairs
  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers

Tree Biscuit – Shamrock:

As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.

Minutiae (aka Rules):

  • A tree only gets tagged once.
  •  Scaling/Modification:
    • We travel as a pack, if you find yourself falling behind, skip a tree and burpee and keep moseying to catch up.  It’s more fun and less confusing to have the group stay together, especially when we alternate taggers.
    • Scaling is NOT cheating, it’s just scaling, no judgment here. You made it here and that’s enough.
    • We’re going to be zig-zagging all over campus so the better we can stay together the more we’ll be able to keep an accurate count and not leave people behind.  Plus it feels bad to tag a tree without everyone there doing it together.
  • Taggers + Number cadence
    • The tagger is the person closest to the nearest tree. They slap the tree and call out what the burpee running total is about to be. Similar to our cadence exercise routines, the whole group calls out the number and does a burpee.
    • The tagger is typically in the front of the pack, however since we are traveling in a mob fashion that’s not always true.
    • Similar to an indian run, each person should take turns being in front and tagging a tree. This makes the workout much more fun.  If you have already tagged several trees then just slowly fade back and let someone else tag the next one.
  • What’s a Tree:
    • We don’t do burpees for any old shrub. They have to be worthy. Trees should be about 6 inches around and 10 feet tall.
  • No Poison Ivy:
    • In an attempt to not to get too dirty and get poison ivy, we’ll pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs and tall grass. Luckily we are in a very well manicured park where most of the trees have nicely mowed grass leading up to them.
  • Terrain
    • We are going off road for sure.  The ground is very un-even around many of the trees. Be careful when running not to twist and ankle.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
  • Volume
    • The louder you call out the number, the more you inspire your fellow brothers!
  • Milestones
    • At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.

It’s not about the numbers but in the spirit of healthy competition here they are:

Previous Tree biscuits from other AO’s

And Todays total

  • Shamrock – 216 – May 27, 2020


We burped until the clock ran out.

Circle of Men

1 corinthians 9:24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.


Sign up for Q’s!.  Mandolin on Friday.  Link to Q Cal List

Tefillah – Shamrock

THE SCENE: Low 60’s, wet, but no rain

Baby Arm Circles forwards and backwards, tempo squats and mountain climbers

  • Mosey to the softball field to grab CMUs and carry them to station #1
  • Station #1: 40 Curls, 30 Tricep extension while doing calf raises, 20 Goblet swings, 10 Alternating merkins on CMU
  • Mosey to station #2
  • Station #2: 40 calf raises on curb, 30 tricep dips, 20 Rocky Balboas 4-count, 10 Derkins + a bonus of 30 merkins at the suggestion of CheatSheet
  • Mosey to station #3
  • Station #3: 40 Squats, 30 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 10 Smurf Jacks + a bonus of flutter kicks for 30 seconds
  • Mosey to station #4
  • Station #4: 40 American hammers single ct, 30 shoulder taps single ct, 20 Twinkle Toes 4-ct, 10 Burpees
  • Mosey back to station #1.
  • Completed #1 again: 40 Curls, 30 Tricep extension while doing calf raises, 20 Goblet swings, 10 Alternating merkins on CMU
  • Walked the CMUs back to CMU pile but stopped for some bonus CMU work
  • 25 bench press, 20 flutter kicks, 30 bench press, 20 hello Dollys, 35 bench press, 20 scissor kicks, 40 bench press, return blocks, we have 1 CMU casualty so we paid the penalty of 5 burpees as a group.
  • Mosey back to AO with some Wounded Bear Crawls along the way. We ran a total of 1 mile.

Had a solid 4 minutes of Mary including 25 flutter kicks, 30 big boys, 20 monkey humpers, 25 LBCs
14 HIMs: Anchorman, Mermaid, Baby Boomer, War Zone, Pringle, Cheatsheet, Jitters, Mailbox, Jenner, Waxjob, Dumpster Dive, Pom-Pom, Dogbite, Slappy,
Tefillah: Hebrew for Prayer

I’m doing a 7 day devotional with my community group about 7 Hebrew words that Christians should know. Too often we spend most of our prayer life asking for things. Praying for our health, success, healing for loved ones. All of which are great and commanded from God and Jesus to practice. We are supposed to ask Him in faith.

The Hebrew translation of Tefillah means to “self evaluate”. We should make it a point to open ourselves up to God through prayer. I am terrible at this. Even though I know that God knows everything about my heart I often times avoid being 100% honest with him about my state of mind and heart.

Dunkin’ parking lot hangout

Leg Day in the Dry

THE SCENE: Pouring rain when I woke up, but it cleared off before the beat down.  Mid 50’s and wet

Motivator from 8
Cherry pickers 5
Weighted arm circles forward/backward
Weighted candy corns 10
Tempo Merkins 10
Temps Squats 10
Burpees 5


Mosey to the church, where we can work under cover in case of rain
Find your own column, this is your workspace for the day
20 lunges hold a 30 second wall squat
reduce by 1 lunge each time, and maintain 30 seconds on the wall until we reduce all the way to 0
Take a short lap to loosen up the legs
Attempt Balls to the Wall Merkins
5 merkins feet on ground
5 merkins feet on wall
5 merkins with feet at 45 degrees
5 merkins near vertical with feet as high as possible, just hold plank if no merkins
5 each side, merkins with one hand on the column


20 BBS
20 LBC’s
20 Hello Dollies
20 Pickle Pounders
20 4 count flutters in cadence

We did this under cover where we worked out before heading back to the AO


God Sized Risks
Matthew 14:22-33
Peter took a risk, and when he fell, he reached for Jesus.

We should all take some faith based risks like Peter did when he walked on water.  When he lost faith, he started to sink and Jesus reached out to him.  We should follow Peter’s lead and be willing to go out on faith, to take that first step.  If we are following Jesus, and we trust him when he says “come”, then he will be there to catch us when we fall.

Pray for Willow (Cheat Sheet’s daughter)
Pray for Baby Boomer’s daughter as she has surgery today
Pray for Hooptie’s friend who lost his battle to cancer
Pray for Shawn, Commission’s friend who is celebrating one year of sobriety
We need HIM’s to step up and fill the Q calendar.
Coffeeteria will be Friday at Dunkin after Anchorman beats us down.

Pay Attention and Be Thankful

THE SCENE: Felt like South Beach but at least there was no lightning, thunder, or downpours.


Welcome to Fitness… Fellowship… Faith – In that order

Keep your distance, I have a phone for emergencies, I am not a pro, modify as needed

4 Burpees OYO; 4ct SSH (IC) x 20; 4 Burpees OYO; 4ct Tie Fighters (IC) x 11 both directions; 4 Burpees OYO; 4ct Grady Corns x 20; 4 Burpees OYO; Cherry Pickers x 5; 4 Burpees OYO


Mosey to Upper Lot by Church at Columns for Battle Buddy Relay (keep your distance though):

HIM 1 wall sits at columns while doing baby arm circles (5 forward and 5 reverse and repeat) while HIM 2 runs as fast as possible to location about 40 yards away and returns; Upon return HIMs switch and HIM 2 holds wall sit/arm circles while HIM 1 runs to location and back; Complete 4 times for each HIM

Mosey toward High School for Four Corner Action (PAX split with half running counter-clockwise while other half went clockwise to help spread out – but had to “pay attention”):

First lap did 20 reps, 2nd lap 15 reps, and so on for 4 laps

Corner 1: Squat Jacks (single count)

Corner 2: Step Up/Jump Up (by Saint Patty)

Corner 3: Plank Jacks (single count)

Corner 4: Derkins (using the curb)

Faster runners headed to Saint Patty for some chips and dips while waiting on the 6 to roll up (merkins and dips along short wall)

Mosey around to Pavilion for some pushing and pulling; PAX spread out around picnic tables and worked through 50 incline merkins and 50 table rows (alternating 10 reps at a time).

Mosey over to Detention Hill for some character builders; 10 calf raises at the top; run to the bottom; 10 squats; get back up the hill however possible (impressed by a few that Bernied up).  Repeated 3 or 4 times… but who’s counting? Guaranteed sweating across the PAX at this point for sure.

Mosey back to the AO

PAX finished up with unlimited sets of LBCs; Flutter Kicks; BBS; and Hello Dollies

Wrapped up the fun with a Howling Circle of Monkey Humpers; PAX all performed Monkey Humpers as each member took turns counting off 5 reps; Howling ensued about half-way around the circle.

Encouraged the PAX through the workout to “pay attention”!

In Luke 17:11 a familiar story is captured where Jesus was teaching the disciples and noticed a group of 10 lepers nearby (socially and emotionally distanced).  Jesus called to the lepers and healed them miraculously and sent them to the priest.  The 10 were amazed and rejoiced as they ran away, but only 1 of them was “paying attention”.  And to beat all he was a Samaritan (socially unacceptable to be associated with by any “good Jew” at that time).  The Samaritan returned to Jesus and fell at His feet in worship and gave thanks for healing Him.  Giving glory and honor to the Son of God and Savior.  Only the Samaritan had the right perspective in the midst of his miraculous healing – not on what happened to him but Who had done it.

Encouraged the PAX to pay attention to the grace and mercy alive in our lives as HIMs (if we truly know Jesus as Lord and Savior) and respond with thankfulness and gratitude.  We need to give Him glory for the great things He has done in each of our lives.

Prayer request for Goodwin (sp?) family who lost the dad (a pastor) in a driving accident – wife and 3 kids left behind; prayed for Willow the daughter Cheatsheet; and prayed for Baby Boomer’s daughter Riley who is having tonsils removed on Thursday.

Word of praise from Baby Boomer for those who prayed for his daughter Claire last week (had knee surgery on Friday) as everything went well.