F3 Knoxville

Brickyard Invasion Asylum Style

THE SCENE: It was a dry and balmy 36 degrees

SSH IC X 30, Toy Soliders IC X 20, LBAC IC X 20 forward and backards, Windmills IC X 20, Bone the Fish
We did a circuit around the parking lot.  It included 5 exercises with 5 stations.  CMUs were used.  We did 50 reps of each exercise at station 1.  40 reps of each at station 2, 30 reps of each at……you get the idea.  Exercises were

  • Merkins
  • CMU High Pulls
  • CMU Thrusters
  • CMU Squats
  • CMU Rows

Australian Snow Angels IC X 20.  Needed to do some back extension work.
My video didn’t record so I don’t remember who was there other than Charmin, Coolio, Cheatsheet, and Cat Gut.  There was lots of RESPECT! I do remember that!
Prodigal Son is not just about the return of the son.  There is way more too it than that!  THE Father is waiting and pursuing us! Don’t wait to hit rock bottom before realizing that GODs love is constant.  He won’t force us to come to him, but he will always be there waiting!

This Is 2020 (Without Hugh Downs and Barbara Walters)

THE SCENE: Rainy, low to mid 50s


SSH x 20, baby arm circles forward x 20, baby arm circles backward x 20, 20-second plank, Pilates push-ups x 20 (10 each leg – merkins with left leg raised up x 10 followed by merkins with right leg raised up x 10), tempo squats x 20

Mosey to CMU pile via the Dragon’s Tail stopping at each light pole to do an exercise x 20 reps – alternating between merkins and squats

Pickup a CMU and mosey to the pavilon

CMU curls x 20 followed by 20-second recovery, rinse and repeat for 4 rounds (80 total reps)

Mosey to Crawdad’s Yoga Studio

Carolina dry docks x 20 followed by 20-second recovery, rinse and repeat for 4 rounds (80 total reps)

Mosey back to pavilon for table rows using the same reps and recovery as before

Mosey back to the yoga studio for flutter kicks, same schedule

Mosey back to the pavilon for CMU overhead presses, same schedule

Mosey back to the yoga studio for more Pilates push-ups, same schedule – Cheatsheet and Crawdad started singing the Hokey Pokey Song and dubbed the Pilates push-ups the “Hokey Pokeys”

Mosey back to the pavilon, pick up the CMUs and mosey to the CMU pile to return them

Mosey to Cardiac with just a few minutes to spare, so we only had time for one run up Cardiac and to the AO without stopping for any exercises

We ran out of time for Mary, but we did get some ab work in during the workout

13 HIMs getting better in the rain on the first Saturday workout at the Asylum in 2020

Veggie was here, but he is not in the group, so I couldn’t tag him.

It is a new year and a new decade and no one knows what it holds.  It could be the year that someone is added to your life, or it could be the year that someone is taken away.  It could be the year of the promotion, or it could be the year of the demotion.  It could be the year of kindergarten, or it could be the year of graduation.  It could be the year of the big win, or it could be the year of the big loss.  Regardless, you don’t need a resolution, you need a constitution, a foundation.  On a big scale, it should be God, your family, your friends, etc.  But, it can be anything that grounds you.  It can even be as simple as the F3 workouts.  The asphalt, concrete, and grass do not change, and they are always there waiting for you whether you have a good day/week or a bad day/week.  They are checkpoints after good times or bad and before whatever lies ahead.  If nothing else, start there and build.  Have a good new year but not just for what good fortunes may come your way during the year but based on what you keep your eye on and focus on while the year goes by

Prayers for Pinto, Flashback 2, Lady Tank, Cheatsheet’s family, Lady Junk, and Veggie going back for another semester of college
Party at Tank’s house on 1/10

Still need money for pull up bars for the Dog Pound

New Year’s Day at JUCO

THE SCENE: 35 Degrees, a slight wind, but otherwise comfortable.

The Motivator from 10

Mosey to the pond .75 miles
Warmup exercises
Walking Lunges
Cherry Pickers
1 mile run
once finished, find people still running and encourage them, pick up cones
Push up PT test
Sit up PT test
Mosey to AO

I will add a tab to Mandolin’s spreadsheet, so that if we want to repeat these, we have a baseline to measure improvement.  See link here.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvJB3KJoW9XvUVQYBBMQ-kUdJR3yOgKx_jjZbzyHQxY/htmlview# 

Results from testing:

January 1, 2020
PAX Weight Mile Time Pushups in 2 min BBS in 2 Min
Booster 9:16 45 47
Cheatsheet 8:08 100 61
Erector 6:07 81 50
Hurry Can 7:06 41 50
Judge Judy 6:57 75 55
Mailbox 6:45 41 50
Mandolin 11:29 55 40
Mermaid 199 N/A 56 50
Ralph 9:05 15 33
Spotter 6:06 68 57

The mile run and additional warm up exercises took longer than expected.  No time for Mary.
10 guys, no FNG’s today  Ralph was here too, but not yet entered into the website, so he can’t yet be tagged.
The new year an new beginnings.  I spoke about my professional life, and some challenges that led me to the where I am professionally today.  Don’t be afraid to make a professional change.
Prayer Requests:
Cheetsheet – Pray for his family
Booster –  A friend named Jim Johnson who recently passed.  His family and their grief.
Judge Judy – His Wife’s family member Chris Kerr who is gay and is having issues with his family because of his decision to come out.
Mailbox – his wife has had some good days, continued prayer for her hart condition because the cause is still not known.

Polar Bear Plunge New Years day at noon, clown car options avail.
F3 New Year’s Party on Friday night 1/3 @ 7:00PM.

A Big Ballin’ Christmas Eve

THE SCENE: Felt Christmas-y. Merry & Bright (not literally).


“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this Christmas Eve morning. A couple things before we begin:

  • I’m not a professional, despite popular belief
  • You’re here on your own volition – you made a choice to be here/no one’s forcing you to be here, if they are, come see me after and we’ll talk.
  • Modify as you need this morning. You know your body better than anyone, so feel free to modify, but push yourself and the men around you.”

Happy Christmas Eve men!


  • SSH (Side Straddle Hop): 11 x 4 in cadence
  • Windmill: 11 x 4 in cadence
  • Imperial Walker; 11 x 4 in cadence
    • Humble plug for the new Star Wars movie
  • Revised Merkin (Army Standard): 11 x 4 in cadence
  • Half- Burpee: 11 x 4 in cadence

Inforrmation about the workout.

[ Mosey to Market Square from Big Ball AO ]

    • AO –> Stairs by Big Ball –> Bridge across Henley –> Market Square
  • Plateau on stairs by Big Ball: 24 x 4 man-makers in cadence
  • American Santa Run to Market Square (basically an American Indian run but more jolly)

(Arrive at the stage at Market Square)

  • 24s
    • Battle Buddy Up
    • As a BB Team:
      • Stage: 24 battle-buddy sit-ups (1 BB holds feet for the other)
      • Sprint around the perimeter of the ice-skating rink and back to the stage
      • Stage: 24 1-count merkins
      • Rinse & Repeat 2x

(24 count from PAX)

(Mosey to Gay Street Christmas Tree)

  • Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
    • 4 points of contact around tree
      • Gay Street Side: 24 squats in cadence
      • Sidewalk(s): 24 1-count Merkins in cadence
      • Grass opposite of Gay Street: 24 squats in cadence

(24 count in cadence)

(Mosey to World’s Fair Park bridge/tunnel with lights)

  • PAX line up in incline merkin position on the ledge facing the water
  • Starting with the 6 – each HIM counts 7 up-down incline merkins then sprints to the front of the line – All PAX complete 7 merkins with the counter
    • This s*** ain’t no joke
    • Q Tip: It’s okay to give PAX a break if the exercise is elongated ^^^ and high-intensity
  • PAX executes exercise
    • Q gives PAX standing rest for 15-20 seconds
    • Q quickly realizes a rinse and repeat would destroy everyone for the upcoming holiday
  • PAX runs through everyone once

(24 count)

(PAX moseys towards AO – F3 Cadence Call ensues)

@ AO = ATMs (cash it out)


11 Total: 9 PAX // 2 FNGs


“F3 is not a Christian organization by nature. As long as you believe in a higher power, and that you’re living for more than yourself. However, I’m a Jesus follower, so that’s what I speak about when I Q usually.” – Steam

    • Q Thoughts: I forget to throw this out there before the BOM/in the COT a lot. Which is fine…..however, all men are welcome at F3 and giving whatever men that are in the COT after your Q the reminder that they are welcome regardless of they’re a “varsity Christian” (no such thing), or are struggling in whatever your faith or lack there of may be, you’re welcome.
  • The darkness has not overcome it.
  • Comes from John 1:5 = “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
    • What’s your “it” ?
    • As Jesus followers, we know how the story ends. And our Savior was born as a human to die from the get-go. The darkness (whatever that is for you) cannot overcome the light, the light of the world that we celebrate tomorrow.


  • Jan 1st: Polar Bear Plunge in Townsend: Some of our PAX will be clown-car’ing up to Townsend on New Years Day to do an annual Polar Bear Plunge, followed by a 2nd F lunch at Soccer Taco on Northshore Drive. More info to come from Abscess closer to the 1st on where we’ll meetup, etc.


  • F3 Knoxville New Year’s Party: 1/3/2020
    • Friday, January 3rd: 5pm – 10:00pm
    • 2223 Mystic Ridge Road
    • “F3 Knoxville is having a New Years party…kind of. It’s on The Friday after New Years. Bring the wife, girlfriend/significant other or even a FNG. It’s going to be a fun night of fellowship to celebrate the new year! What to bring: a few bucks for the game tournaments, a small dessert or appetizer and BYOB. Tea and coffee will be provided. Make the HC now and let your wife/sig other meet the other idiots that you workout with at 5:30am!”

I’m Dreaming Of A JUCO Christmas!

THE SCENE: 45 and raining hard…a typical December day in the gloom!

Insert information about the warmup.
Insert information about the workout.

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 20
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Overhead Claps – X 10 IC
  • Randys – You’ve seen A Christmas story, poor Randy can’t put his arms down. With arms straight out but with face palms down, move arms up and down 6 to 12 inches in cadence. X 20 IC
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Jingle Balls – From the plank position, move right foot to right hand, back, right foot to left hand, back, left foot to left hand, back, left foot to right band, back. 1 X 10 (IC)
  • Big Sexy – Pickle Pounders and Monkey Humpers. 2 x 10 of each (IC)
  • Diamonds & Butts – Diamond Merkins are a girls best friends – 4 rounds of 15 Diamonds and 15 Squats (OYO)
  • Mosey


All About The Benjamins – (people love money in addition to Diamonds)

Each PAX got to pick an exercise we would do 50 reps of and the HIM next to him would pick another exercise we would do 50 reps of (adding up to a Benjamin)

We did close to 1,000 reps total of:

  • Merkins
  • Diamonds
  • Burpees
  • LBCs
  • FlutterKicks
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Calf Raises
  • Box Cutters


Little Merkin Boy – We played the Christmas song Little Drummer Boy by Bing Crosby. Hold plank and complete one Merkin every time you here “Pa rum pum pum pum”. That is 3 minutes of plank and 21 Merkins. We’ll never hear that song again and not grimace in pain…haha.


17 HIMs – Abscess, Bagger (from Atlanta), Chaco, Cheatsheet, Clothespin (from F3 Cleveland), Commission, Curveball, Frenchie, Ginger, Jitters, Mailbox, Mandolin, Mermaid, Pool Boy, Snaggletooth, Training Wheels and Booster.

It was great to have Bagger back from Atlanta and Clothespin come up and visit from F3 Cleveland.


As the scripture says below, fortunately, Jesus died for us so we are forgiven for being sinners if we believe in Him and try to live a life through Him. I’m so thankful I’m forgiven for being a sinner but want to continue to strive to be a better person who lives more like Jesus each and every day.
1 Timothy 1:15-17  Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
2 Corinthians 9:15  Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
Matthew 1:21  She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Romans 6:23  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


  • New healthy eating group begins in January – Check with Woodshack on GroupMe if you are interested – the goal is to educate each other with good ideas and suggestions and hold each other accountable