F3 Knoxville

Friday is for 11s (on the 11th)

THE SCENE: Cool – felt good. Character-building good.

Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning. Couple of things: Not a professional, you’re here on your own volition, you made a choice to be here. You know your body better than anyone, if you need to modify anything we do feel free to do it but push yourselves and push those around you. It’s Big Orange Friday, RED Friday, and the 11th of October. More to come on that…


SSH (Side-Straddle Hop) 11×4 in cadence

Rockette: 11×4 in cadence

Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 in cadence (Forward & Back)

Squats: 11×4 in cadence

Merkins (cmon, did people really expect a Friday Q without merkins?): 11×4 in cadence

Theme of the day is 11s (11th of October – ha ha ha…..)

[ Mosey to Playground by AO parking lot ]

  • 11s (Shoulda seen this coming from a mile away)
    • 1 Incline Merkin (benches)
    • Run to pavilion
    • Execute 10 box jumps
      • CORRECT FORM – Q demonstrates correct box jump form. Quality over quick. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
        • Jump up (feet planted on box (bench, etc)
        • Extend through the heels and legs, standing up straight and bringing hips up and forward
        • Jump down
    • R&R (Rinse and Repeat)
    • PAX gets spread out
    • Q identifies this and huddles PAX together at Pavilion
    • All-together –> PAX completes 11s –> runs back to the playground – executes 10 incline merkins –> sprints back to the pavilion and executes 1 good box jump in correct form

[ 10 count from PAX – walk and talk ]

[ Mosey to hill next to AO parking lot ]

  • Battle buddy up
  • “What the Hill”
    • Q explains what the hell “What the Hill” is
    • All PAX in bear crawl position
    • Move up the hill in bear crawl position
    • Counts off 11 paces of bear crawl
      • Executes 5 merkins
    • Q starts the 11 paces count-off, other PAX step up and counts the 11 + 5 merks
    • Reach the top of the hill
    • Q reminds PAX that its the 11th of October. Just because it’s not September 11th anymore, doesn’t mean that we should forget the sacrifices of 9/11 until next year. Ties in the hill element of pushing through the pain, climbing up/down that hill, without 60+ lbs of gear.
    • PAX heads back down hill in same movement
    • 1/2 way down Q gives the RECOVER and invites PAX to take 10
    • switches position from facing downhill to uphill –> crawl bear (Backwards)
    • Same movement: 11 paces + 5 merkins
    • Reaches the end of the hill

[ 10 count from PAX – walk and talk ]

[ PAX mosey to playground next to AO ]

  • Battle buddy it up
  • 11s (lol surprise)
    • 1 Man-Maker
    • 10 buddy situps
    • As a team
    • 75% of the way through –> Q gives a buy-out option: 25 squat holds with Seal Claps or finish out
    • Seal Claps win
    • PAX executes 25 seal claps while holding the squat position

[ 10 count mosey and count ]

[ PAX mosey to pavilion ]

  • New battle buddy it up
  • Circle around the flag post by the pavilion
  • All PAX execute 5 merkins THEN
  • 1 battle buddy at a time –> sprint to AO lot and starts flutter kicks
  • PAX recovers at AO lot and finishes out flutters together (25)


  • Q leads PAX in closing stretches (recover muscle groups)
  • Same way we came in this morning – we go out: PAX executes 11 loud and proud SSHs to end well

10 PAX – no FNGs

It’s the beginning of the end of the workweek (for most). I find Fridays are a good time to remember. Remember the past week – what worked, what didn’t, where you saw God show up.

  • It’s Big Orange Friday. REGARDLESS of how tomorrow turns out (Vols fans know exactly what I’m talking about) TODAY is Big Orange Friday and I will celebrate and live well in it.
  • RED Friday: Remember. Everyone Deployed. We are able to do this because people are over there doing that. Remember the brothers we have overseas serving a country who can so quickly forget about them. We won’t forget.
  •  I’ve been on a Lord of the Rings kick lately, for about the past 20 years. And was watching the Fellowship of the Ring yesterday and something really got me.
  • “Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose.”
    •  What a way to describe someone. Needless were none of the deeds of______.” I want to be like that. Life full of purpose and the things I say and do not be needless. Also I think there is a beauty in not knowing our full purpose yet. The God we serve knows and it’s a beautiful thing when he gives us glimpses of what he has created us for in this life, but we don’t know our full purpose yet. That’s part of the adventure of walking with Him.
  • Way to end the week strong men – as we go to our families and loved ones this weekend – Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight.


Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight.


2nd F Convergence with F3 Northeastern TN/Goliath at the Gorge next weekend at Doe River Gorge! Check the F3 Knoxville GroupMe calendar for info or contact Abscess, Tank, Steam for more info on how to get signed up. It’s sure to be a blast.

Never forget 19

beautiful morning to sweat

Tempo- Tempo- Tempo merkins 19

M.A.R.S w/ cherries picking and bucket dropping  19

tempo Squats 19

SSH 19

Mosey to the coupon pile

Brickyard Bear crawl 19

Coupon Leap Frog 19

Bear Crawl up the Stadium w/ coupon and squats 19

Crawl Bear down w/ Coupon and return it to its home


Man Makers 19

flutter kicks 19

Hello Dolly 19

BBS 19


    20 HIMs put in the work

    Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
    Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The No Q Q There will be burpees

THE SCENE: Not so humid, almost cool
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: First, some discussion.  Nobody signed up to Q. Charmin takes the Q 

SSH (4ct) x 50; 5 burpees OYO; Cherry Pickers x 6; one lap around the AO parking lot; little of this here and that there.

  • Mosey to the bottom of the dragon
  • Route 66 up the dragon – burpees
  • back down to the bottom and 25s (merkins and LBCs x4) till the 6 arrives
  • Route 66 up the dragon again – jump squats
  • back down to the bottom and 25s of Carolina Dry Docks and Flutters (4ct)
  • Mosey to Circus Maximus
  • 5 burpees into a sprint to the other end.  Then 10 squats and slow mosey back.  Repeat
  • Mosey to Baby Cardiac.  Bernie up with 3 burpees at the top, back down with 10 Merkins at the bottom
  • Back to the AO

One round of Howling Monkeys, one round of Merkin Ring of Fire, with everybody holding at 6 inches every other set of 5 Merkins, one round of Jump Squat Ring of Fire

Because I had not planned to Q, I didn’t really have anything inspiring lined up.  The word is:  We need more guys to step up and Q.  Who can commit to once a month?  We’ll provide plenty of help and will co-Q with you.  It’s not that hard.
Carney says go see “The Game Changer” movie.

Be There


Cloudy with a chance of burpees.  No rain.  Around 70ish degrees or so.


I’m still not an expert, so it’s still free and the usual disclaimers.


SSH x 20, baby arm circles forward x 20, baby arm circles backward x 20, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, tempo squats x 10, tempo merkins x 10, cherry pickers x 5.

That was going to be it as I had just mentioned to Preacher (who was back from AZ) that we would not do burpees because they are not a warm-up, but Cheat Sheet arrived at that time, so we did 5 burpees OYO.

PAX counted off – 24 HIMS, so, when we do reps, we will do 24 of them.


Mosey to Everest via the long, windy path with all of the light posts (not sure if it has a name).  Pass a light post, do a burpee.

Carolina dry docks x 24 at the bottom of Everest

Run up to the first tree, do 24 squats

Run back to the bottom of Everest, do 24 merkins and then hold plank until the six arrives and finishes the merkins

Rinse and repeat, this time running to the second tree up Everest and back

Rinse and repeat, this time running to the tree at the top of Everest and back

Back at the bottom of Everest, we were on the wrong side of Everest, so we had to run all the way to the top of Everest to the area formerly-known-as the rock pile (we skipped the exercises on this trip)

Mosey to the monument for some family that gave a lot of money where the normally-wonderful view of the sunrise was dampened by clouds, but it did not affect the 24 American hammers that we did on a 4-count

Mosey to the CMU pile and battle-buddied up

One person runs across the parking lot, down the hill, around the Pavilon (counter-clockwise), stops at the picnic tables in the Pavilon, does 24 pull-me-up rows on the tables, and returns to the CMU pile

The other person does Mr. Spectaculars using the CMU until his battle buddy returns

Switch out and repeat – each person ended up doing each exercise at least twice

Mosey to the Cloud and find a bench

Derkins x 24

Dips x 24

Box jumps (or step ups) x 24

Only had time for one round of those before holding a plank until the six finished

While planking, right arm up, right leg up, down, left arm up, left leg up, down

Mosey to the AO


Proton led the PAX through some flutter kicks while the Q grabbed his phone, and Proton didn’t stop until 30 (on the 4-count) for some reason (after all of those reps of 24, you would think he would have gotten it, but Proton loves exercise so much, he probably just wanted to do those extra 6 reps)

Q returned and led the PAX through box cutters x 30 and hello Dollys x 30 (both on the 4-count) since Proton went to 30

Finished out with boat/canoes until time expired (some PAX mumbled that the workout went over, but it was 8:00 by the Q’s watch, which is the only time that matters – and it matched the time on the Q’s cell phone, for what it’s worth)


We started with 24 and ended with 25.  Assfault completed a Flyin EH on someone he knew along the way, so we were able to welcome Real Chill.  Another FNG started with us and ended with us – welcome Caitlyn.  Tank, the dog, also joined us.

Nacho and Jumbo were also there, but they did not have tags that showed up, so there are only 23 tags, but there were 25 HIMs.


Caedmon’s Call had a song out in the 90s called Center Aisle that was about the writer’s first experience at a funeral, which happened to be the funeral of his friend’s sister who had committed suicide.  It is a good song, check it out if you haven’t already.  This line from the song has always stuck with me: “There aren’t words to say/Words aren’t remembered/But presence is.”

Show up.  Hopefully, we can also say the right things and do the right things, too, but we can’t if we don’t show up first.  And, if we can’t say and do the right thing that will make everything better, then at least we can be there, which is important, both in bad times and good times.  There are moments in people’s lives that they will remember who was there and who was not, e.g., funerals and weddings, and often times we would rather not be there because it makes us uncomfortable or it is too much of a hassle or whatever.  But that doesn’t matter.  What matters is this: should we be there for that person for that moment in his/her life?  (I’m not talking about the times that you cannot because of work, family, or other commitments – I’m not suggesting that we, as humans, can be everywhere and do everything.  I’m talking about the times that you can, but you just don’t.)

The Bible has a lot of references to God’s presence in our lives, e.g., Matthew 18:20, Matthew 28:20, and John 14:18, and Jesus is the manifestation of God’s presence.  Let God be present in your life and then be there for your wives/girlfriends (as long as you don’t have both at the same time), be there for your kids, be there for your parents, be there for your other family members, and be there for your friends.

Your presence will be remembered.  Your absence may not be forgotten.


Props to Archie for posting after being up since Friday morning.  And, he took the message to heart and attended a wedding the same day that he thought about missing.  How about that?  That is either good timing or bad timing.  Part of me wants to apologize to Archie since he probably needed to sleep.  

Good to see Preacher again as always. 

Abscess took a lot of photos and videos. 

Still praying for Junk’s wife. 

Someone said something about something that was coming up, but I can’t remember what it was now.  It might have been about the IronPax Challenge and/or Truckin to the Pound on 9/14.  I do know that there is a 2.0 event coming up on 9/22, but I did not say that then.

Don’t be a JackAss- you get further in life with a positive attitude


72* Clear 97% Humidity

You’re here on your own volition…

20 x Side Straddle Hop Seal Claps

  • Half of you pick up a weight(Burden) to carry to Lower Baseball Field Lot when tired pass of to your brother(lesson is we help carry our brothers’-burdens together
  • Stop at lower lot and participate in Trolly’s Grid (in honor of Trolly at JUCO) 3 Merkins at every star-Run,  2 BBS at stars-Lunge, 3 jumpsquats-bear crawls,  2 burpees- broad jump…RR
  • Mosey w weight to playground parking lot stop and do 11s w Dive Bombers/Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey w weight to Pavilion Wall exercise is BoKnows- do wall sits while hold weight while battle buddy does High knees for 100+ count then switch x 2
  • Mosey back to AO w weight circle up do curls/triceps/squats w weights

Hello Dolly x 20 Box Cutters x20

35 Strong w 2 FNGs
You get more outta life by maintaining a positive attitude!
Don’t be a JackAss cuz no one will like you!