F3 Knoxville

Fake Doras

THE SCENE: Humid, very humid
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Additional disclaimer:  the Q went to a concert last night and is now deaf (and tired)

SSH x 20 IC; 10 burpees OYO; Tie Fighter baby arm circles F&B IC; high knees and butt kickers across parking lot; karaoke across and back.
Mosey up the hill toward Everest Base Camp.  Stop at each stop sign and go up the ladder.  Add one of the following with each stop:  10 BBS; 20 Merkins; 30 squats (4 ct)

From Base Camp, sprint to midway tree for more BBS, Merkins and Squats; back down to base camp

All the way up Everest, continuing on to the top of the space station. At the base of the base station, hold plank while waiting for the 6.

Mosey past the old rock pile (short moment of silence) down the west side of the drive about midway.  Find a battle buddy and do fake Doras.  One partner runs, the other does sets of 10 man makers and then LBCs until the partner returns.  Swap out.  Rinse, repeat x3.

Run back up to top of Everest, over to other side.  Real Doras:  100 merkins and 100 LBCs (4ct) while partner runs to stop sign and back up.

Start back down the ladder with BBS, Merkins and Squats

Realize we’re about out of time and quick mosey back to AO

Cat Gut led in a little Boat/Canoe

Followed up on Cap’n Crunch’s 3rd F message:  Find a Paul, Barnabus and Timothy in your life.  Have to reach out to do it.  I need to do a better job of intentionally mentoring those in my life.
Lift up Timber’s M and family for some surgery this week.
CSUP – Trucking to the Pound plug.

Two Deion Sanders Equals a Ronnie Lott

THE SCENE: Beautiful East TN morning, not too hot, not too much humidity (we could breathe and weren’t swimming).

42 SSH IC, 21 baby arm circles forward IC, 21 baby arm circles backward IC, 42 merkins OYO, 42-second squat

Mosey to the weekday A.M. parking lot via the dragon’s tail – pass a light post, do a burpee.

Workout stations in all four corners of the parking lot – CMU curls, CDDs, burpees, and squats.  Do 40 reps of the exercise and run to the center and do 2 round-the-clock merkins.  Run up mini-cardiac/mini-Everest and back down to the next station.  Do 40 reps of the exercise, run to the middle and do 2 RTC merkins, Bernie up the hill, and run back down.  Repeat until all stations are done, alternating between running up the hill and Bernie-ing up the hill.

Bear crawl to the flag pole next to the Pavillon.  Circuit with 4 stations of exercises, 10 reps each, and 2 burpees at the flag pole.  The exercises were: box jumps in the play area (aka the Cloud), pull-me-ups (table rows) in the Pavillon, pull ups in the dugouts (or where ever a pull up could be found, e.g., a tree branch), calf raises on the stairs (10 each leg), plus the aforementioned burpees x 2 at the flagpole.  Ran the circuit until the Q called time.

Bear crawl back to the parking lot to do four more stations of exercises, this time CMU triceps extensions, merkins, lunges, and a PAX choice (hello Dollys).  Due to time, do 20 reps of the exercise, run to the center and do 1 8-count Bodybuilder (basically a burpee with a plank jack added in for good measure), and then run to the next station and repeat.  We left out the runs up the hill in between stations to make sure we had time for Mary.

Cash-out sprint up the hill to get to Mary.


The Q was out of breath trying to chase Edit up the hill, so Crawdad led the PAX through 21 box cutters on a 4 count.  Then, the PAX did 42 LBCs OYO.  Ended with a 42-second plank right on time.

16 total PAX.  High Heels left early to meet the cable guy, but he conveniently reappeared at Panera for Coffeteria.  Veggie was there, but his tag was not in the system.  One FNG who was visiting Goober from Indiana (Goober has brought a lot of his friends to F3, either Goober likes us or hates his friends).  He was named Brown Bag.  Unfortunately, the Q forgot to get his contact info, so hopefully Goober can provide it.

My birthday was the day before.  Try to guess how old I am.  Talked about Ecclesiastes – my favorite book in the Bible.  Read it for yourself.  Here’s my summary: bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people, but do what is right regardless because that is what God wants.  Talked about time because the most famous part of Ecclesiastes is the passage on time, just ask the Byrds.  Time is my enemy.  There is never enough of it, it goes by too fast, and you can’t get it back once it is gone.  It goes by faster and faster as the milestones of life pile up.  Talked about my dad and him being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease when I was in high school and how that affected him physically and me mentally as I watched the disease progress over the years.  He died in 2017 at the age of 79.  I was 40.  No one knows how much they have left or what they have left.  But we all know what we can do today.  When I am tired or want to be lazy, I think of my dad and other people who cannot do what we do in F3.  One day, I won’t be able to do it either, for whatever reason (injury, age, disease, death).  So, I do it now.  I get up and do it for my dad and those who can’t and for the me one day who won’t be able to do it either.  That way, when I can’t, I can at least say and know that I did.  When I could, I did, and I did until I couldn’t.  No waste.  No regrets.  Carpe diem.
Prayed specifically for Junk’s wife, Crawdad’s wife, and Thunderstruck’s mom.  General prayers of thanks for the precious time that we have, for the ability to make the most of it and to build a foundation of better living for our family and friends and to make great memories that last a lifetime even as the time passes, and for the peace to let time go and to accept the next season (as Ecclesiastes calls it) of life when it comes.
Convergence at Big Ball coming up in a couple of weeks followed by the third F at Redeemer.

P.S. Thanks to Sleepover for suggesting all the burpees.

Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!

THE SCENE: Low 70’s, high humidity.  Easy to get the muscles warm.

SSH x 25 (4 ct); Imperial Squat Walkers x 15; mosey around the circuit for a preview of each station

Divide into 5 groups, 1 group per station as follows:

Station 1: Baby Cardiac.

Bernie up the hill.  3 burpees.  Back down.  3 burpees. Sprint up the hill.  3 burpees.  Back down.  Wagon wheel to pick up the 6 and finish together.  Mosey to Station 2 and bump that group on.

Station 2:  Brickyard Bearcrawl:  Bearcrawl across parking lot, 1 derkin with feet on curb.  Bearcrawl back, 2 derkins. Bearcrawl across again, 3 derkins.  Etc till you reach 10 derkins.  Then Flutters x 25 (4 ct).  Repeat till you’ve been bumped.

Station 3:  Doras in the opposite parking lot.  Partner up for 50 man makers, and then as many monkey humpers as you can get before you’re bumped.

Station 4:  The cloud for 11s of Box Jumps/ Dips and then BBS/CDD.  Rinse and repeat till bumped.

Station 5:  CMU station.  With 2 CMUs set up, dips to a sitting position and then back up.  At the highest point, touch head with one hand, then another dip.  Next up, touch head with other hand.  Do 20 of these, then 25 curls.  Rinse and repeat till bumped.

I believe everybody got through one circuit at every station.

Boat/Canoe for 4 minutes.

We focused on Lou Gehrig and the type of character demonstrated over a lifetime to feel like you are “the luckiest man on the face of the Earth” in the face of adversity like being diagnosed with ALS in the prime of your life.  It was inspired by listening to an F3 podcast about Crablegs (from the Raleigh area, not our own Crablegs) who has been diagnosed with ALS and is on a tour of the country visiting F3 AOs and MLB ballparks with his family, all while demonstrating the same strength of character we saw with the “Ironman” and his famous speech at Yankee Stadium.  Gehrig gave his famous speech on July 4, 1939.  He died less than 2 years later, June 2, 1941.  If you want to watch his speech some of his speech and the background , there’s a nice segment here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLoq_st_JEo

Thanks to Filter for following us around to get some great photos and his work on updating our website and social media.

Young and Old Unite

THE SCENE:  Temps in 70’s but very humid


25 Side Straddle Hops, 15 second squat, 10 Windmills, 30 second squat, 15 Iron Mikes (four count), 45 second squat, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backward, 60 second squat.
Mosey to Stop Sign at North East Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers.   Next, we will head west on the road that semi-circles around the Admin Bldg, stopping at each cone to do the listed exercises by the cone.

  • Cone 1:  Ten Burpees.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 Hello Dollies (four count). Hop to Cone 3
  • Cone 3:  20 Imperial Walkers (both legs = 1).  Bear Crawl to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  20 Smurf Jacks.  Lunge to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  20 Merkins.  Grapevine right to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6:  20 Big Boys.  Grapevine left to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  20 Side Straddle Hops (four count), 20 Carolina Dry Docks, 20 Flutter Kicks (four count), 20 Squats, 20 Bicycle Kicks (four count)

Mosey back on Semi Circle to grassy area on top of Mt. Everest.  We will stop to do 20 Big Boys and 20 Merkins.  Next, we will run down summit of Mt. Everest to grove of Conifer Trees.  We will do ten Burpees then run back to top of Mt. Everest.  We will do 20 more Merkins and 20 Big Boys.

Next we will go back to Cone 6, do written exercise there and then reverse direction back to Cone 1.

Mosey to monument past stop sign at northeast corner of Admin Bldg.  Stop to take another gander at the river, doing a one minute squat while gandering.  Then mosey down hill to Dragon Tail and on to parking lot at entrance of northern ball fields.  Go to CMU pile.  Men team up in pairs of two.  We will do Dora’s.  While one partner does Bernie Sanders to other end of parking lot and sprints back, the other partner does exercise with CMU.  Then men trade places.  Each pair will do the following exercises with CMU’s:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Squats with CMU at chest

Mosey to AO

20 Box Cutters.  20 Bicycle Kicks, 4 count.
12 men with one FNG, Hunter Davidson, a friend of Goober’s who was visiting from Indiana.  We dubbed him “Bo Peep.”

Our Future Is In Good Hands

My family doctor, Dan Ely, MD, and I were talking during my annual checkup with him last month.  We were talking about some of the things we are involved in.  He is pulling back his outpatient practice to part-time but still will supervise medical residents at UT Hospital.  He talked about how much he loves to supervise residents as they train and grow as doctors.  I told him about F3 and the joy I find in my relationships with men of all different ages, including men much younger than myself.  I told him about the outstanding characteristics of the men I meet who seem to be so much more astute and mature than I was when I was in my twenties.  Dan and I talked about how it is reassuring to meet such outstanding young people.  We feel like the world will be left in good hands when we pass on.

As a 62-year-old I want you to know how much I enjoy getting to know all of you men in F3.  One of the fantastic things about F3 is the opportunity for older and younger men to have relationships.  Whether the younger or the older man, we benefit from these friendships.  I am inspired by the younger men I meet in F3.  I like to see you younger men facing the challenges you face and overcoming them.  I like it when I can be of service to you in some small way.  I encourage you to seek out some of us older guys when you may need some words of wisdom from men who have struggled in the past with challenges that you may be struggling with now.

I can remember a group of men I used to meet with when I was in my late 20’s.  It was a group of about seven men from the church in Atlanta that I was a member of.  The group was comprised of two guys in their 20’s (another fellow and myself), a number in their 30’s or 40’s, and one in his 50’s.  I gained so much from that group.  We could talk about anything and the attention, respect and love that I received from those men was powerful.  And, the older men, I believe, gained just as much.  There was a bond, a sharing, and we all grew from it.

We never stop growing as men.  I encourage each of you to seek fellowship with your brothers.  A few minutes of talk after a workout can turn into something special.  A Coffeeteria with the guys can lead to discussions and sharing that can be powerful.  Our fellowship has sure been powerful for me, whether with men my age or those much younger than me.  And, observing you younger guys in F3, it is great for me to know that the future is in good hands.

Prayers for Jinxy (who joined us at Circle of Trust as, due to health issues, he did not work out with us.  Fortunately, he is recovering.)  Prayers for High-Heels whose mother died this past week.  Prayers of Crawdad’s wife, Kaitlin, who had back surgery.  Prayers for Tank’s wife, Junk’s wife, and Thunderstruck’s mother.

47 Problems…


  • Side Straddle hop X 47
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Little baby arm circles Front x 25 and back x 15, overhead 20
  • Burpees x 5

47 Problems

2 Sets 47 each exercise and take the hill between

  • Merkins
  • Get-ups
  • Curls w/ CMU
  • Squats (sit on CMU)
  • 4-count Mountain Climbers
  • Triceps extensions w CMU


  • 4 x and 7x Burpees


  • Flutter Kick x 25
  • Box Cutter x 10
  • Peter Parker x 10


Expectations can rob you of your Joy.    At some point in life you are going to be let down by the things that the world holds on to so tightly.  A job, a spouse, a child, a parent, money,….you fill in the blank.  We are designed by the creator in such a manner that none of these things will ever fill the need we have for Christ.  If we are looking for Joy and expecting to get fulfillment in life from any of these things we will be let down.   Christ is the only thing that we can rely on to fulfill and sustain us through good times and bad.   It is easy to fall into the trap of setting our hope and expectations on things of this world both big and small.   I pray that we would all have our foundations in Christ and Christ alone and that he would help us to right size our expectations on the things that we hold on to the tightest