F3 Knoxville

Enjoy Yourself – It’s later than you think

THE SCENE: Cool, Calm, 16C.  Very nice.
“I am not a professional”.

  • 20 SSH – IC
  • 20 Rockette – IC
  • 10 Cherry Picker – IC
  • 17 Squats – IC
  • Bear Crawl L+R
  • 10+10 Super Baby Arm Circles – IC

Mosey to bottom of new parking lot.

Starting at the new restrooms, Route 66 up the hill (add a rep at each light pole till you get to 11).  At 11 mosey to top of hill, then back, past AO to start next lap.  Aim for 6 laps.  The exercises for each lap are

  • Merkin
  • Big Boys
  • Squat
  • CDD
  • Iron Mike (Each Leg)
  • Flutter

Mosey to AO.

10 Sliders 4ct IC, 10 side-to-side Sliders IC waiting for 6 to return from the course.

Sign off with some Boat-Canoe, with a few Capsize incidents thrown in.

23 PAX faced up to the 666 challenge and came out stronger.

Abacus gave a Q at the Equalizer a few weeks ago talking about work life balance and family and it really spoke to me.  It made me think of a song:

Enjoy yourself it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself while you’re still in the pink
The years go by quicker than a wink
Enjoy yourself
Enjoy yourself it’s later than you think

In my 20’s when I heard this song, I thought it meant have a great time – got out to clubs, restaurants, gigs – enjoy yourself externally.  Now I think it also means enjoy your body – internalize it.  Someone once said “Your body is the greatest tool you’ll ever own”, I’m starting to understand that.  In the 6 months I’ve been coming to F3 I’ve found it’s a great way both to enjoy myself but also support enjoyment at other times.  I can play harder with my kids – go on longer hikes & bike rides and do more of that boy stuff with them than I could before.

My wish for you all is that you take the words of the song to heart and Enjoy Yourselves.  Use F3 because running around with sweaty men is enjoyable and also because in making the commitment to being fit/healthy you’ll be able to get the most out of your body and get the most out of all of your life.

It’s later than you think.

I think everyone completed the squat lap today, so fill in your 100 squats on the Monthly challenge.

TTTP is tomorrow.  See the GroupMe for deets.

All Around Day

  • THE SCENE: Warm and muggy and dry

    20 SSH
  • 10 Tempo Squats
  • BBAC forward and backwards
  • 10 Windmills
    5 Corners – 20 reps and decrease by 2 each time through the workout
  • Corner 1
    • squats
    • flutter kicks (4 count)
  • Corner 2
    • Merkins
    • LBC
  • Pavilion
    • Table Rows
    • Irkens
  • Corner 3
    • Iron Mikes
    • Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  • Corner 4
    • CDD
    • 1 minute plank

30 PAX
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

  • how would your life look if you went through each day thinking/believing this?  How would your treat other people? neighbors? family? etc.

    Third 5 August 11th

  • CSAUP August 25 – trucking to the pound



Everyone did split squats while each PAX did 5 burpee pull-ups. Round 1: left leg. Round 2: right leg

Alternate between Alligator Merkins and broad jumps at every line down the parking lot and back.

Power skips down and back. Alligator Merkins/Broad Jumps down and back. Power skips down and back.


  • Squat Jumps
  • Single-leg Straight-leg Deadlifts

38 PAX

Putting in the Miles

THE SCENE:  A little humid but beautiful



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Tempo Squat IC x 10
  • Baby Arm Circles (front/back) IC x 13


Simple circuit with 4 stations – 1 exercise at each station. 1st lap = 10 reps of each exercise, 2nd lap = 9, 3rd lap = 8, and so on. Complete the reps at each station, run to the next station, and continue until recovery.

  • Station 1 = Next to the light pole on the grinder; Exercise = Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Station 2 = Top of Little Baby Hill; Exercise = Merkins
  • Station 3 = Covered structure over there near the Chapel; Exercise = Jump Squats
  • Station 4 = Playground; Exercise = Burpee Box Jumps


Some Flutter Kicks, SSH’s, American Hammers, and Plank to finish up


40 strong this morning, including 1 FNG; welcome Bratwurst


From Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart by Stu Weber:

“Any servant-king who thinks he doesn’t need help is deceiving himself. We do need help, truckloads of it. Remember, it was God who said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone.’ But unless the burden of ultimate leadership falls on the man, then a man’s wife and even his children are not sure what role he is playing and how to support and help him. However, when the servant-king is clearly on his throne of accountability and responsibility, then those around him can better determine how to serve his need to be and function as God designed. But when he is on the throne, then off the throne, on and off, leading and then not leading, it becomes almost impossible for those around him to know how to help him.”


Circuit City

THE SCENE: Mid 70’s. Humid and Muggy. Does it ever change?
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self.


21’s – Side Straddle Hop (Count 5 IC and the rest silent to 21. Everyone must stop on 21 exactly together or else..burpees as punishment!)
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
BBS x 10 IC
Baby arm circles x 10 IC
Main Circuit (8 stations):
Circuit from AO start down to new parking lots by playground. Sprint/jog in between exercises:
  1. 15 merkins
  2. 15 BBS
  3. 15 Crunchy Frogs
  4. 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  5. 5 Burpee pull Up
  6. 20 Dips
  7. Decline merkins
  8. 15 Box Jumps
Rinse and repeat for 20 min or until QIC says recover
25’s (ex. 7’s or 11’s) on baby hill
Bottom of hill workout: Hands above head squat jumps
Top of hill workout: Hand release merkins
Partner merkins sets of: x 15, 10, 5
Circle of Pain (COP) Abs!
Bear Crawl clockwise until told to stop..bear crawl counterclockwise until told to stop.
Not So Lazy Boys (my personal fav)
Snitch, Dimples, Dog Bite, Rusty, Cheatsheet, Cat Gut, Woodshack, Possum, Fabio, Toll Bridge, Hot Tub, Compost, Carney, Umbro, Bunny, Lights Out, Mayhem, Flanders, Jenner, Gibbler, Slim Shady, Chaco, Pringle, Guano, Pusher
Frustrated with kids?
Frustrated with wife?
Frustrated with job, friends, family, health?
Depleted? Tossed around by the waves of life?
Isaiah 40
Biblical times war = more than matter between nations but also deities.
Peoples of conquered nationals pqxs often adopted conqueror’s religion b/c they believed their deity was superior to their own.
Don’t lose perspective of what’s important in life.
No one and no nation is big enough to be a threat to God.
Prayers were requested and lifted up for Slide Rule’s mother passing and family. Please lift them up in this time of transition with peace, love, and comfort.
Prayers for Jenner to get an interview for med school (in Bahamas!). A 10 year dream in the making!
Make sure you add your miles to the July challenge! Rep it hard from the Asylum.
3rd F event at downtown location Overlook. August 11!