F3 Knoxville

Kill the Turkey

THE SCENE: Gorgeous sunrise. At one point, we were just going to climb 1/2 of Everest, but with no view of the rising sun, Proton proclaimed, “Let’s just run to the top of Everest so we can see the sun rise.” A great idea. I almost puked.


-Mosey around parking lot x1

-Continue moseying around parking lot and periodically doing the following: Lunge / Reverse Lunge / Side shuffle / BBS / Bear Crawls / Merkins / Carolina Dry Dock (no more than 10 reps of each…just gettin’ the blood flowin’)


Mosey to Everest. Along the way at various locations in order to keep the PAX together—American Hammer, Derkins, LBCs, Merkins.

At the base of Everest.

  • SSH x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Squats x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Burpee x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Merkin x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • BBS x30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds.
  • Sprint Everest…all the way up.
  • Plank at the top. Mosey back to base of Everest.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to AO

Circuit. Groups of 3. 1st Pax on one line doing 1st exercise. 2nd Pax on line 20 yards away doing second exercise. 3rd Pax runs from 1st to 2nd and switches with 2nd Pax who then runs. AMRAP 3 Minutes per round.

  1. SSH + Squats
  2. Calf Raises + Lunges
  3. Peter Parker + Sundials
  4. Mountain Climbers (or Merkins) + Hello Dolly

5 minutes of Dealers Choice.

28. High Heels, Pluto, Abacus, Proton, Pheiffer, Hawk, Abcess, Sleepwalker, LillyDipper, Saul, CheatSheet, Scooter, Hooker, Cap’N Crunch, Umbro, QVC, LifeChamp, Rainbow, Pablo, Pinto, Gus, Anklet, Archie, Abort, A-Rod, Mr. Jinxy

FNG: Probe

I spent several hours on Thursday looking through pictures and videos from the past 5-10 years.

  • Epiphany #1: There were always more people surrounding me in community than I realized during that period of life.
  • Epiphany #2: There was always more joy than I realized during that period of life.

New personal goal: Shorten the time gap between the Present Moment and the Moment of Realization.

Bearway to turkey day

THE SCENE: 31* and clear, ready to pre-heat the oven

Side straddle hops x26 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Merkins x20 OYO
Tempo squats x10 IC
Mosey to the base of the big ball, two rounds of Cindy:

  • Pull ups x10
  • Merkins x20
  • Squats x30

PAX performs flutter kicks waiting on the 6.  Recover.  Mosey up steps and across bouncy bridge to parking lot across from Knoxville MEPS building.

There are 5 evenly spaced cones across the parking lot.  PAX perform bearway to heaven:
Bear crawl to first cone – 10 burpees – bear crawl back to start point
Bear crawl to second cone – 8 burpees – bear crawl back to start point
Bear crawl to third cone – 6 burpees – bear crawl back to start point
Bear crawl to fourth cone – 4 burpees – mosey back to start point
Bear crawl to fifth cone – 2 burpees – mosey back to start point
PAX perform flutter kicks, American hammers, and hello Dolly’s waiting on the 6. Recover and 10 count.

Short mosey to steps in front of Knoxville MEPS building. Two more rounds of modified Cindy (no pull ups)

  • Dips x10
  • Merkins x20
  • Squats x30

Mosey to hill at Walnut Street, PAX assemble at the bottom of the hill.  PAX perform 7’s on Walnut Street hill.  Starting with 6 jump squats, Bernie up the hill to cone, 1 derkin.  Lather rinse repeat.  PAX perform reverse crunches on hill waiting on 6.  Recover.

PAX mosey back towards SP, stopping about halfway back for Pfeiffer to take us on some black Friday shopping (multiple levels of plank holds).  Continue Mosey back to SP.

No time for Mary upon returning to SP
11 Turkeys strong, including 1 FNG.  Pfeiffer, A-Rod, Cheatsheet, Heisenburg, Scooter (FNG), G6, Swanson, Anchorman, Butterfly, Woodshack, Abort
Thankful for the opportunity to lead.  My task is to become a better leader, because I am present for the PAX as the PAX are present for me.

Barkley Returns!

THE SCENE: 48 Degrees with a slight breeze. Very Nice!

1. Cherry Pickers IC x 10

2. Baby Arm Circles IC 10 front and 10 back

3. SSH (aka Jumping Jacks LOL) IC x 10

4 Imperial Squat Walkers IC x 10

5. Lap around the AO x 1
Mosey towards gate to start Barkley.

Stopped half way to start of Barkley and did 10 burpees OYO

We did three loops of the Barkley. Each lap had 4 stations.

Round 1: Station 1 – 20 merkins, Station 2 – 20 curls with rock and 20 rows with rock, Station 3 – 20 Carolina Dry Docks, Station 4 – 20 Dips

Round 2: Station 1 – 30 Starjacks, Station 2 – 30 rock squats, Station 3 – Reverse lunges x 15 each leg, Station 4 – 30 Monkey Humpers

Round 3: Station 1 – 40 LBCs, Station 2 – 40 Hello Dolly’s, Station 3 – 40 American Hammers SC, Station 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks 4 count

Finishers rotated through 15 shoulder taps, 15 squats and 15 big boys until pax finished.

Mosey back to AO.

Coolio led the group in American Hammers to finish out the workout.
34 PAX today including 2 FNGs. Nicholas Generaux (Ponder) and Anderson Olds (Tinder)
Share today about working in faith. It is easy to think about achieving in terms of oneself. I did this or I did that and this happened or that will happen. But just like the farmer who plants we cannot control the out come…only God can. We must work in faith for God!
None today
Tank and Tinder shared about an F2 event for inner city kids on December 3rd. Tank has details.

Lighting the Fire

THE SCENE: Cold but beautiful Autumn morning.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Ten Backward

In Base Camp Parking Lot, each man will find a partner.  All men go to one end of parking lot.  There will be a set of bricks for each team on that side of the parking lot.  While one partner sprints to other side of parking lot (to do one of four listed exercises) the other partner will do one of four exercises with the bricks.  He does the first exercise while his partner sprints, does his first listed exercise, and sprints back.  Then the partner who sprinted takes the bricks from his partner and that partner will sprint.

The four exercises with the bricks are:

  1. Curls, right hand then left, repeating until the partner returns
  2. Overhead presses, right then left, repeating until partner returns
  3. Lifts from side, right then left, repeating until partner returns
  4. Punches from chest, right then left, repeating until partner returns

The four exercises on other side of parking lot (where partner sprints to) are:

  1. 10 Burpees
  2. 10 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  3. 20 Star Jumps
  4. 20 Squat Jumps

Mosey to Roadway below Administration Bldg.

Each man, at own pace, will run counterclockwise on roadway that circles the Admin Bldg.  Cones designate stations along the way.  There are eight stations:

  1. Located at first set of stairs to left of road.  Go down and up stairs three times.
  2. Located at second set of stairs to left of road.  Go down and up stairs three times.
  3. Located shortly after stop sign on southeastern corner of roadway circle.  Do 15 Hello Dollies, 4 count.
  4. Located at Boulder Pile by Admin Bldg parking lot.  With Cinder Block Weight Boulder do:  15 Overhead Presses, 15 Curls, 15 Squats, 15 Bench Presses
  5. Located by cone just past admin parking lot on west side of Admin Bldg.  Do Bear Crawl to next cone.
  6. Located about 25 yards from Cone 5.  Do Hop to next Cone
  7. Located about 25 yards from Cone 6.  Do 15 Box Cutters, 4 count
  8. Located at stop sign on northeast corner of roadway circle.  Do 15 American Hammers, 4 count

Repeat above

Mosey to Playground for “All My Benchs.” 

At benches each man will do 25’s with a combination of bench jumps and decline merkens.  We will start with 20 bench jumps and 5 decline merkens, then go to 15 bench jumps and 10 merkens, etc. until we end with 5 bench jumps and 20 decline merkens.

Mosey to Pavilion.

Each man goes to end of picnic table.  20 Picnic Table Pull-ups.

Mosey Back to Base Camp

Slow Stretching

12 Attended.  Two FNG’s:  Mario Azevedo (Counselor) and Michael Underwood (Jarvis)
God created men to enjoy adventure and battle.  We like to push ourselves in F3 as we are battling fatigue and pain in an effort to win against ourselves.  Men need that challenge.  You see it in little boys.  My own son’s favorite Bible story was that of David and Goliath.  We would live that out in make believe a million times, with he (David) battling me (Goliath).

While men need battle and adventure with other men, they also need comfort, assurance and love.  We may get that from women such as our wives or girlfriends but we also need it from men.  We as F3 brothers can give that to others in need and when we are in need, we can seek it from our brothers.  We also need that loving comfort from God.  The best Hebrew translation of Abba, which is often a term used for God in the Bible, is “Daddy”.  God is our Father but he is also our Daddy.  We can go to him when we are wounded and weak.  He can lovingly and even gently comfort us.

Coffeeteria at Panera!

10 15 20

THE SCENE: Dark and Kind of chilly

Roxanne by the police. Everytime the song says Roxanne -Merican. Everytime the song says “put on the red light” jump your feet up to your hands while remaining in plank


AO parking lot beginning on baseline, PAX would do 10 reps of an exercise at the starting side, sprint to the other side doing 10 reps of that same exercise. go through all the exercises. Rinse and repeat rounds of 15, and 20

  • Merican
  • Squat
  • Dry Dock
  • Squat Jump
  • Burpee

Mosey in two lines to the Chapel for some leg work

  • Parrell Squats: 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Staggered Leg Squat, left leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Split Leg Squat, left leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Parrell Squats: 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Staggered Leg Squat, right leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count
  • Split Leg Squat, right leg out – 10 reps on a 4 count

Mosey in two lines to the AO

Crabwalk suicides. Crabwalk from the baseline to the first parking line and back to start. Crabwalk from the baseline to the second parking line and back to start.Crabwalk from the baseline to the thrid parking line and back to start.

15 American Hammers on a 4 count

15 flutter Kicks on a 4 count

20 Big Boys on your own
34 no FNGs
People are always watching, especially our kinds. Our actions and our reactions speak louder than words. They are watching and listening even when we don’t think they are or we wish they weren’t.

John 13:34-35