F3 Knoxville

17 October 2023

AO: dogpound
Q: Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
PAX: Aladdin, Choir Boy, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Podium, Google(Tim Dugas), Madoff (Daniel Hereford)
FNGs: None
15 SSH
15 TN Rocking Chairs
15 Little Baby Arm Circles
15 Rockettes
15 Little Baby Arm Circles
10 Flamingoes
15 Calf Raises
Run up the hill – 15 dips – Run long way around to Stairs

10 min AMRAP
10 Air Squats
20 Little Baby Crunches
20 Merkins
20 Mountain Climbers (2 count)
Lap around Dock Road back to Stairs

10 min AMRAP
5 Burpees
20 Big Boy Situps
20 SSH (4 count)
20 Rocky Balboas (4 count)
Run to base of Matterhorn

Sprint up hill to Backbone
20 hanging knee raises
Crawl Bear down to light pole
Run back to AO

30 second Plank


Reminder to all men to not get jaded and feel like we’ve seen it all and done it all. Encouraged to try to see wonder in everyday things and try something new. My Son convinced me to drive him to Peach Tree City, GA to see an airshow where the F-22 Raptor Demo Team was performing. I really did not want to go, but I wanted to give my Son the experience he wanted. It was an astounding demonstration of the capabilities of that aircraft. It reminded me of my love of aviation and planes fueled by adolescent memories of Top Gun, Iron Eagle, Firebirds, and other stupid movies that haven’t aged well. Be positive Guys and remember your Kids still have things to learn from you.

Counting Change

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: School Zone (Michael Shope), Choir Boy
FNGs: None

THE THANG: Nickels, Dimes, Quarters around the big loop. Do 5 reps of the exercise at the first light pole. Run 5 light poles. Do 10 reps of the exercise. Run 5 light poles. Do 25 reps of the exercise. Rinse and repeat with different exercises. The exercises were squats, merkins, dips, calf raises, v-ups, CDDS, box jumps, big boy sit-ups, and burpees.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brolympics on November 4th.

COT: Problems come, and problems go, and how you handle them can improve the outcomes. You catch more flies with honey.

7s w/Steam

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Steam
PAX: Brick, F3 Pluto ( Hugh Nystrom), Pele (Jon Lindberg), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Choir Boy, P3 (Jordan Simmons), Waffle House (Brady Greene), CRISPR, F6, Lulu (Greg Huddy), Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Lilydipper
FNGs: None
– SSH: 20
– Merkin: 20
– Squat: 20
– LBCs: 20
– Flutter kick: 20×4

Mosey to the rock pile close to the Pavilion + get a rock
– Curls: 20
– Chest Presses: 20
We have just done the only 7 exercises we’ll do during the workout together.
KISS = Keep It Simple Superstar

Mosey to The Island

(1) 7 Off-Ramps
– Going around the Island counter-clockwise, there are 7 off-ramps / sidewalks to your right
– At each point of contact you’ll rock one of our Xs for today
– Order: Curls, Chest / shoulder presses, flutter kicks, merkins, LBCs, SSH, squats
– You’ll see a cone at the entrance of each of these off-ramps
– Every off-ramp = 7 reps of the exercise on a 1-count (2 for flutter kicks)
– Execute 1 X, and then take a lap around the island
– Then you’ll complete off-ramp 1 again, and then off-ramp 2, then take a lap
– Rinse and repeat this – until you complete all 7 Xs
– 1 (lap), 1 + 2 (lap), 1 + 2 + 3 (lap) – adding another off-ramp each time

(2) 7s Up
– Murder Bunny 7x with your rock – THIS IS A MOVEMENT, NOT AN EXERCISE 😉
– Execute 10 flutter kicks + 10 LBCs
– Rinse and repeat until you get to turn 1 (called an audible halfway up because these suck
– @ turn 1 = bear hug carry your rock 7 paces, but this time instead of flutter kicks + LBCs, do 10 squats and 10 merkins
– Rinse and repeat until you get to turn 2
– @ turn 2 = carry your rock to the top of Cardiac Hill, and somewhere in between – knock out 50 SSH and 50 curls

Shoulder carry rocks back down to the rock pile

Get on the curb in the AO parking lot
– 25% sprint down + Bernie back
– 75% sprint down + Bernie back
– 100% sprint down and back

– 8 year anniversary / Brolympics: likely to be Nov. 4 or 11 – more info coming out this weekend about it

-The problem is we tend to act on what we believe even when what we believe isn’t anything we should. (Read Romans 7:14-21 to hear Paul talk about this) As a result, buying into the one thing becomes difficult because we’ve unfortunately bought into too many others — and more often than not those “things” muddle our thinking, misguide our actions, and sidetrack our success.” — from “The One Thing” by Gary Kelly
– What is one lie you’ve believed or bought into this week?
– Read the truths on pages 206-207 –> Check out post below for more
– God has more for you

mosey with some legs and core

AO: the-farm
Q: skewer
PAX: Aladdin, Goat Dish, Choir Boy, skewer
FNGs: None

some roll the dice and got 20 burpees
20 squat
then a mosey. then a minute al gore. then mosey for 4 reps of Mega man’s.
then leg Lunges up some stairs from the soccer field to the playground.
then heel walks to playground and back to stairs.
mosey, Zebra kicks, high knees, then side shuffle. to the flag
5 captain thors
the PAX led different core exercises
COT: 2 peter1:5-9
Peter reminds us to exercise our spiritual muscles to be a better example of Christ.
Challenge take some time this week to meditate on these verses.

Weekend Expectations

AO: asylum-daybreak
PAX: Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Pele (Jon Lindberg), Matlock (Bill Maddox), CRISPR, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Qbert, Lulu (Greg Huddy), Choir Boy, High Heels (Henry Ritchie)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, rockettes, cherry pickers, this and that, twisties
THE THANG: mile run, island of burpees, hand release merkins, mucho chestos at the poles, hello dollys at the curves, squats at the poles, 7s of step ups and dips, jail break
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of growth in F3 Knoxville, so check out newsletter for new AOs, starfish of F3 RoCo, several shovel flag handoffs, plus BROlympics in Nov
COT: In a book by Brene Brown, she tells a story about a time when she traveled a lot and her husband was at home many weekends alone handling the kids. One weekend while she was home, the got in a big fight and her husband said weekends were a lot easier when she wasn’t home. After the dust settled, they talked about that, and it turned out that when they were both home, they both had expectations for getting something (work, chores, whatever) done whereas when it was just him, he had no expectations for the weekend because he knew his full attention would be on handling the kids. I learned from that story and now my wife and I talk each Friday about what we each need from the weekend. Maybe it’s a family outing, or some alone time, or space to catch up on work, or whatever and we work together to ensure all the needs of the family are met that weekend. I’m sure it’s saved us from meeting fights and a lot of frustration!