F3 Q: 6.25.22
AO: Asylum
7am – 8am
[ The Scene ]
[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]
- Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
- My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
- A few things before we begin:
- I’m not a professional
- You’re here on your own belief
- You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
- FNGs?
[ Warm o Rama ]
- SSH: 25×4
(Take a lap around the lot)
- Merkin: 25×4
(Side shuffle around the lot)
- Squat: 25×4
(Take a lap around the lot)
- Plank Jack: 25×4
(Side shuffle around the lot)
- Mountain Climber: 25×4
(Take a lap around the lot)
[ The Thang ]
(Mosey to the playground – short)
[1] Upper
- (1) Playground
- 25 Incline Merkins (1ct)
- 25 SSH (1ct)
- (2) Pavilion
- 25 Dips (1ct)
- 25 SSH (1ct)
- (3) Between 2 Fields
- 25 Carolina Dry Docks (1ct)
- 25 SSH (1ct)
- Complete station 1
- Run and complete station 2
- Run back to station 2
- Complete station 1 + 2
- Run to station 3
- Run back to station 1
- Complete all 3 stations, but add 25 reps each station = 50 reps at each station
— 10 count or something —
(Mosey to Cardiac Hill – medium)
[2] Lower
- Base
- Squats: 25 (1ct)
- 25 mountain climbers (1ct)
- Middle Curve
- Lunges: 25 (1ct)
- 25 mountain climbers (1ct)
- Top (Benches)
- 25 Apollo Onos (1ct)
- 25 mountain climbers (1ct)
- Stay at the top when done: Al Gore
- Once everyone is at the top, execute all together:
- 25 squats (1ct)
- 25 iron mikes (1ct)
- 25 squat jacks (1ct)
— 10 count or something —
(Mosey to the Amphitheater – Long)
(American Indian Run)
[3] Core
- Middle
- 25 up + outs (1ct)
- 25 LLBCs (1ct)
- Right
- 25 cockroaches (1ct)
- 25 LLBCs (1ct)
- Left
- 25 mountain-climber cross overs (1ct)
- 25 LLBCs (1ct)
- Complete the middle, and then both the left and right stations
- Recover in the middle when done: Flutter Kicks
— 10 count —
[4] Put It All Together
- 3 stations (triangle)
- Everything is 10 reps on a 1 count
- We’ll do these together in cadence
- Top (1ct) — GO HERE 2ND
- 10 incline merkins
- 10 dips
- 10 dry docks
- Left (1ct) — GO HERE 1ST
- 10 squats
- 10 lunges
- 10 Apollo Onos
- Right (1ct) — GO HERE 3RD
- 10 up + outs
- 10 cockroaches
- 10 mountain-climber crossovers
— 10 count or something —
(Mosey back to AO)
[ Mary ]
[ COT ]
- FNGs — 1
- Tyke Hillmer
- F3 Name: Fumble
I had a word prepared for this morning but last night and going into this morning, I felt like this was put on my heart to share instead.
For the past 60 minutes, we carried a football around, but didn’t really use it much, except for tossing it around during 10 counts and on the mosey a bit. We didn’t use it, but we carried it. And in fact, even though it’s really not that heavy, over the period of 60 minutes. It became a little more tough to carry, after doing merkins, and squats and all kinds of exercises.
And don’t we do the same thing in real life? We carry around these “footballs” through life that we don’t use all the time but that we’re carrying around. “Footballs” like old wounds, past trauma, addictions, and whatever else you’re carrying that may have gotten heavier over time.
So why carry around a football and pass it around to others so they can help carry it over the course of the workout?
“Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
— Galations 6:2
TPQs (Thought Provoking Questions)
- What “footballs” are you carrying around that you need to let go of?
- Who can you invite in to help carry your football and release it?
- How can you help people around you release their grip on their football?