F3 Knoxville

NOT Keeping up with the Joneses

THE SCENE: Foggy and 58ish degrees. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER This was done correctly and on time. However, the Q was questioned on it rather extensively during the warm-up. Sometimes MumbleChatter is a good thing, other times is causes you to miss the disclaimer. 


SSH IC x10; LBAC IC x10 EWay; Tempo Squat x10; Cheery Pickers IC x?



  • 10 Box Jumps
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Squat Walkers
  • 3 Body Builders + at the playground 


Rock Pile:

  • 30 OHP 
  • 30 Curls
  • 30 Rows 
  • 3 Burpees at the Bathhouse 


Splash Pad

  • 30 Dips
  • 30 Derkins
  • 30 Iron Mikes
  • 3 Burpee Pull-ups at the Bathhouse



  • 10 Squats 
  • 10 Plank Jacks 
  • 10 Wide Merkins
  • Sprint to the other end of the parking lot and repeat 3x 


Swimmies informed the Q that there were 15 seconds left for Mary. The Q told him he could continue to run his mouth for 15 seconds if he feels like he needs some Mary today. 


13 HIMs. 0 FNGs. 3 HIMs sprinted out for early meetings/Dad duties/work


I have heard over the years that the time you are 33 years old is often called your “Jesus Year.” The ‘Jesus Year’ is age 33, the year that scholars generally believe Jesus of Nazareth was probably arrested and crucified in Jerusalem after starting a spiritual, political, and intellectual revolution. I have often heard people talk about “What they are going to accomplish either before or during their Jesus Year. 

Once I hit 30, I started thinking about my Jesus Year. At 30 I was running regularly and losing weight consistently. I had several major goals for my Jesus Year, but one of them was to run a full marathon before or during the time I was 33. Seeing as I turn 34 tomorrow, I don’t know if I am going to make that goal. Once I realized that I wasn’t going to make that goal a few months ago, I got a little down. I was discouraged and upset with myself. I was looking at the negatives of my life, not the positives. 

During my Jesus Year, I have been promoted twice at work, ending with a dream job that I absolutely love. I started F3 and not only got back into focusing on my fitness but brought me a whole new passion and zeal for my faith and gave me a brotherhood of men I didn’t even know I needed in my life.  

Sometimes we focus too much on the negatives. We focus on what others are accomplishing. We focus on the goals we didn’t achieve. Don’t fall into the trap of “Keeping up with the Joneses.” Frankly, trying to do that breaks one of the 10 Commandments. When we compare ourselves to others, when we stack our failures against the successes of others, we are coveting our neighbor’s goods rather than focusing on the good in our own lives. 


  • Coats for the Cold: Donations for KARM. Bring to AOs through Nov. 13ish. Blindside is keeping a box in his van for donations. 
  • Bro-vember 2021 Challenge: Sign up to compete against other members of F3 Knoxville. Earn points by posting, Q-ing, VQ-ing, EHing an FNG/Kotter, etc. Check out the #brovember2021 Slack channel for more information and signup links. 

Abe Vigoda with Pince Ali

THE SCENE: 64 and cool

  • Abe Vigoda 10 count
  • Cherry picker 5 count
  • Squat 1 count

mosey over to the rock pile and pick up a rock. Partner up and get a rock together. We have 4 stations and each station has three exercises. One partner start by running up to the next station and back while you do as many as possible of the first exercise. Then the other partner does it while the first runs around and back. Finish the sheet and run up to the next station and run to the third station.

  • Station 1
    • Mountain climbers
    • OHP
    • Honkey Humpers
  • Station 2
    • Bear Crawls
    • Jump Squats
    • BBS
  • Station 3
    • Burpees
    • Iron mikes
    • Welsh Dragons
  • Station 4
    • Captain thor
    • Hand release merkins
    • Shoulder taps

Ring of fire till Time

Philippians 19-22
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Dog Pound AOQ Hand over tomorrow.

Puddles Galore

THE SCENE: Raining, temp in 60s

Mosey to Pavilion because it is raining by golly.  20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 15 Plank Jacks, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Rockettes, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backward.

Next, do 20 Picnic Table Pullups and then run around around the Pavilion.  Next do 20 Bench Dips and then run around the Pavilion.  Rinse and Repeat.

Why heck, it’s still raining, let’s get wet.  Mosey down ball field sidewalk to Caribbean parking lot and to the southwestern side of the parking lot.  We will run in a candy cane motion stopping at each island to do the listed exercise.  Those getting to the end of the candy cane sweep all men back to the start.  Then do the same with the next exercise.  These are the exercises:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 20 Little Baby Crunches

Next, we mosey on park roadway to the old southern ball field parking lot.  We will start on the southern curb and do suicide, returning back to curb from each parking lot light and northern curb.  The run to the first curb is always a Bernie Sanders while all the other running is a sprint.

Next we mosey to the park perimeter trail just off the pavilion by the old south ball fields.  We will do nickel dime quarter doing the following exercises:

  • Dive Bomber
  • Squat Jump

Next we do double quarters (run 5 lights then do 25 of exercise, then rinse and repeat) with the following exercises:

  • Toe touches
  • Bobby Hurleys

We stop where perimeter trail meets serpentine sidewalk.  We next run on serpentine sidewalk for four lights and lunge for one light until we reach the Caribean Parking Lot.  From there, mosey to Pavilion by northern ball fields.  From there, sprint to the AO Flag with winner (who happened to be Lulu) getting a free breakfast from your Q.

Who’s she?  Cross-Eyed Mary happens to be an incredible song by Jethro Tull.  Just sayin.
Ten men, no FNGs.
William Shatner, the actor who played good ol Captain Kirk, flew into space this past week.  At age 90 he is the oldest person to ever travel in space.  He was overcome with emotion when he returned.  He talked about the beautiful blue skies of earth and how, once the space vessel passed through the Earth’s atmosphere, the beautiful blue of earth went suddenly black in space.  It made him think of the preciousness and fragility of Earth, how it can vanish into nothing, and about the fragility of our own lives, about how our bodies will one day just die.  Thankfully, our lives are more than what is spent on Earth.  There is the infinity of God, the Alpha and Omega, who created everything, and the opportunity to live with HIM, forever.
We live on a beautiful planet.
Christmas party at Judge Judy’s home on December 11.  Wives or partners are invited.

Friday 10/8/21 @ The Equalizer

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Grady Corns; Rockettes; Tempo Squats; Little Baby Arm Circles; 15 Merkins; Mosey to Rock Pile – the long way

1 – At Rock Pile (sets of 20 > 15 > 10 > 5)

  • Curl to Overhead Press
  • American Hammer (each rotation counts)
  • Squat Thruster

2 – Bear Crawl uphill to the tree line past the Bath House, then job to the half-moon sidewalk

  • 10 reverse crunches
  • 10 Iron Mike (5/5)

3 – Jog to Bath House

  • 5 pullups
  • 5 burpees

4 – Jog around Bermuda Triangle and back to Rock Pile

  • 1 Body Builder
  • Pick up rock and start again from the top with the next descending rep count

* repeat 1 through 4 until the round beginning with 5 reps at Rock Pile is complete, then finish with the Six and mosey to the Splash Pad

5 – 8 Minute Abs

6 – 20 slow Merkins

7 – Mosey to the track and jog 1.5 laps, finishing at the AO


Finished on time
7 – School Zone, Aladdin, Snitch, Choir Boy, Proton, Stripped, Trunk
Psalm 143:8 – Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.  Show me that way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.
I failed to mention this while catching my breath and delivering the BOM, but I came across this verse while reading a devotional called Swing Thoughts which applies golf lingo to Christian life.  The book was talking about the benefit of warming up with a bucket of balls, and equated a routine of closeness with the Lord with  a warm up for whatever life might throw at you.  We do that at F3.  By the time most of the city wakes up we’ve already risen, grinded, laughed, joked, shared, and prayed.  We’ve hit our bucket of balls and are more ready for the “round” than we would have been otherwise.  Never skip warm up.
Coffee-teria all week next week.  Be there.

Let the LORD Remodel Your House

THE SCENE: Rain was coming and going… Moved to the Splash Pad pavilion. Choir Boy still needed his running shoes though… 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this, very few questions, forgot to tell them I had my phone. They knew though, they knew. 


Blindside warmy-upy things


Sea Biscuit from the Splash Pad (1 lap = down the ramp and around Stonehenge)

  • 1 Lap → 30 Merkins → Box Cutters 
  • 2 laps → 30 Box Jumps → Flutter Kicks 
  • 3 Laps → 30 Dips → Freddie Mercury 
  • 4 Laps → 30 Imperial Squat Walkers (Knee/Knee/Squat = 1) → Hello Dolly
  •  Not a race. PAX completes ab work until the SIX completes the exercise

Cindy Crawford AMRAP at the Bathhouse: Timer set to 13 minutes (Time left in the workout)

  • 5 Pull-ups 
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Squats 
  • 20 LBCs
  • 25 V-ups 


Right over left & left over right stretching. Kobra Kai stretching until the time is called 


6 HIMs. 0 FNGs. 


“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”


The quote above is from C.S. Lewis’ book Mere Christianity. God is in the process of making you into something magnificent.  This is especially true if you have suffered a great deal in your life.  God will tear down the walls of your life, and He will rebuild them into something that can house His glory.  We often wonder why God is allowing such great suffering in our lives.  The answer is quite simple, however; some of us have major walls to be torn down.  On the other hand, as a Christian, it is always worth it to endure the tearing down process because, in the end, the beauty that is created is more magnificent than we could have imagined.   Often, we are content to be “a decent little cottage”, however, this is the Christian equivalent to being lukewarm.  God wants to build something incredibly beautiful in you. For some of us, that means extensive renovation.