F3 Knoxville

Snow Poker

THE SCENE: Snowy. Windy. Cold.



  • SSH IC | Windmills IC


Deck of cards: draw two – one determines reps, other determines exercise. Run a lap every 5min to make sure we enjoy the snow.


  • She didn’t show. Must have been snowed in.



If “somebody needs to do something”, be that somebody.


DORA at the EQ

THE SCENE: 24 degrees with a bright moon

SSH x25, BAC x10 each way, Tempo Squats x10, Tempo Merkins x10, High Knees and Butt-kickers.
Mosey to top parking lot for a DORA.

First person does exercise while partner runs to end of parking lot to do the 2nd exercise.

  • big boys — 20 merkins
  • bobby Hurleys — 10 Divebombers
  • lunges — 5 burpees
  • v-ups — 10 shoulder taps (4-ct)
  • high plank — 10 hand-release merkins
  • side crunches — 20 cdd
  • flutter-kicks — 15 diamond merkins
  • ssh — 20 mountain climbers (4-ct)
  • lbc — 15 wide merkins
  • monkey humpers — 5 man makers


Hammers x10 (4-ct), hello dolly x 10 (4-ct), Freddy mercury til out of time.

6 HIMs.

Encouragement to be readers.  Instead of picking up your phone, grab a book.  Have a book with you.  Was inspired by this article years ago: https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123025595706634689.


Rain Stations

THE SCENE: 40° & Wet



  • SSH IC | Windmills IC


40sec at each station. 20sec to move to next station. SSH & flip some stations after each round. Stations included:

  • Boat Hold
  • Squats
  • Pullups
  • Calf Raises
  • Dips
  • Table Row/BAC
  • American Hammer/Flutter
  • Lunge/Step Up
  • Incline Merk/Wall Sit


5 HIMs


Philippians 4:4-9 — Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.


In a year like this, we all have a reason to be down. But we all also have a reason to be full of joy. And at least a part of being joyful is what you choose to fix your thoughts on…

What is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable in your life and in the world right now? How can you celebrate these things today?


[ The Scene ]

  • High 20s
  • Sunny
  • Ruckers and PAX unite

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m stoked to be your Q this morning
  • FNGs?
  • Couple of things before we begin:
    • Not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • You know your body better than anyone so if you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so
      • BUT push yourself and the men around you
      • They deserve it and so do you
  • COVID precautions

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • Shoulder-tap: 15×4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles: 15×4 IC (back)
    • Little bit of this: R arm over
    • Little bit of that: L arm over
  • Cherry-Picker: 10×4 IC
  • Windmill: 10×4 IC
    • Little bit of this: R arm back
    • Little bit of that: L arm back
  • Merkin: 5×4 IC
  • Squat: 5×4 IC
    • Little bit of this: Michael Phelps
    • Little bit of that: torso twist

[ The Thang ]

(1) Quarter Pounder

(Mosey to CMU pile via the Dragon — all the way to the street/past the morning AO lot)

  • Every light: 25 reps (1count) broken into these ingredients
    • 5 Merkins
    • 5 Squats
    • 5 BBS getups
    • 5 SSHs
    • 5 mountain climbers
  • All together
    • 6 was recovered an all PAX completed 2 rounds together before heading to the CMU pile

(2) CMU Pile

  • Everyone get a CMU
  • Toe the line facing the play ground — CMUs in front
  • Bear Craw CMU drags
  • Every 5 drags = 10 BBS with CMU on feet
  • All the way to the other side of the parking lot

(Mosey with CMUs to The Island — parking lot below Pav)

(3) 100s

  • Bottom of The Island:
    • 25 curls (1 count)
    • 25 deadlifts (1 count)

(Mosey around to the top of Island with CMU on 1 shoulder)

  • Top of The Island:
    • 25 CMU chest presses (1 count)
    • 25 CMU lunges (knee to CMU) (1 count)

(Mosey with CMUs to the big tree outside the middle of the parking lot close to the river)

(3) CMU OffRoading

  • PAX walked with CMUs and circled up in field below baseball fields
  • Core Xs + one handed CMU merkins

(Carry CMUs to Picnic Table 1)

  • Flutter kicks: 10×4 w/CMU overhead

(Carry CMUs to picnic table 2)

  • American Hammers: 10×4

(Carry CMUs to picnic table 3)

  • LBCs: 10×4

PAX carry CMUs back to CMU pile

The Final Push

  • Pax get into lines of 4 facing up the hill to the AO/top of Cardiac
  • Teams of 4 sprint up to the AO and knock out ATMs as a team

Once all teams are done with ATMs — Core 4 (4 core Xs for the final 4 minutes – 60 seconds each

    • Flutter Kicks
    • BBSs
    • LBCs
    • American Hammers

[ COT ]

  • # off — 24
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — GooGoo joined us from F3 Chattanooga
  • BOM

Michael Jordan Quotes — January 23rd

(1) – “You can practice shooting 8 hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.”

    • Pursue excellence in the basics, fundamentals

(2) – “I want to be the bridge to the next generation.”

  • High Impact Men and Women build bridges
    • We were created to build and strengthen things
    • Plant. Grow. Serve.
      • Plant something, grow it into something bigger than yourself, and serve it well.
  • High Impact Men and Women leave their legacy for the next generation
    • This is not contingent on if you have kids
  • High Impact Men and Women connect and help others get from point A to point B
    • This is not always a physical locationn

(3) – “Winning isn’t always championships.”

  • Learn how to discern a win this year.
  • Quit mis-labeling victories and wins because they don’t look what you thought they would/what you’re told they should look like

DORA at the equalizer

THE SCENE: 32 and doggy

Cherry pickers


some of these some of those

feet together stretch

partnering up and get ready for a nice fun beat down.For stations and with three exercises at each station one partner will run to the next station while the first partner does the first exercise. The second partner comes back and does the exercise while the first partner runs to the next station and back. Repeat all the way through each set of exercises to the end of the path and back.

  • First station:
  • Merkens, Plyo Merkens, shoulder taps
  • Second station:
  • LBC, side crunches, hello Dolly’s
  • Third station:
  • Burpees, American hammers, V ups
  • Fourth station:
  • Iron Mike’s, squats, lunges

First pickle pounders, butterfly stretch
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