F3 Knoxville

Ebony and Ivory

THE SCENE: 67 and steamy

side straddle hop, cherry pickers, burpees, big boys, mericans

CMU Relay – partner up (one holds plank while other runs to cone and does exercise then switches with partner)

  • iron mikes – 30
  • alternate hand mericans – 25
  • squat jumps – 20
  • burpees – 15
  • CMU thrusters –  10
  • CMU thrusters – 10
  • burpees – 15
  • squat jumps – 20
  • alternate hand – 25
  • iron mikes – 30

flutter kicks
GI-Jane (not in system yet)
Psalm 112

  • Blessed is the man who fears the Lord
  • A righteous man deals justly and generously
  • Have a steady heart – trusting in the Lord drives away wickedness



THE SCENE: 60F – Perfect Weather for a beatdown


Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Here on Own Volition, Not a Professional, Modify as Needed, Have Cell Phone, Keep Social Distance and Respect Others Space


Lots of ideas on what to name AO – ultimately choosing Shamrock.   While Mermaid gave some history on the shamrock during the inaugural workout wanted to share an alternative meaning today.   SHAMROCK is also an acronym for today’s workout.   Shoulder, Hamstrings, Abs, Merkins, Running on Catholic Knoxville

Cherry Pickers IC, Windmills IC, Grady Corns IC, Failure to Launch IC, Hello Dolly IC, Tempo Merkins IC, High Knees / Burpee


Mosey around campus stopping along the way to try out some evil spawn children of the Motivators.   The Shouldivator, The Hamstringivator, The Abivator and Merkivator.

Shouldivator – Baby Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps (From 8 IC)

Hamstringivator – Squats, Twinkle Toes, Monkey Humpers (From 8 IC)

Abivator – Big Boys, Little Baby Crunches, Gas Pumps (From 7 IC)

Merkivator – Wide, Normal, Diamond Merkins (From 5 IC)

Mosey to the CMU pile and picked out a CMU friend for the morning.   Brought them to the parking lot.
10 Reps of Each – Overhead Press (Shoulders); Goblet Squats (Hamstrings); Heavy Freddy (Abs); Walkover Merkins (Merkins).  Leave the rock and run to end of parking lot row and back.   Take CMU to next parking lot row and rinse and repeat adding 5 reps at each row.   Continued until we ran out of time.


11 HIMs were Mondivated


My brother wrote a very thought provoking post on Facebook the other day that I thought was worth sharing pieces of this morning.   The topic was “What if We’re Wrong.”

What if what we hold dear is wrong, what if the point of view we militantly protect, is actually wrong.   Now, I can understand how you can be wrong but me?   But me, I’ve done my research.    I’m smart.   I went to college, wrote papers, traveled the world,  have friends that don’t look like me.   Therefore, I must be the right one.    Obviously, that all is idiotic and sounds as stupid in writing as it does speaking it to you this morning.    But seriously, how often do we consider if we are wrong?

How often when discussing something with someone do we come to the conclusion we see things with different lenses and ultimately agree to disagree.    Both probably leave the conversation still convinced their lens is a little clearer and the other one still doesn’t see quite right.     So what does it feel like to be wrong?     Sucks, hate it, embarrassing, wind kicked out from under your feed, eat crow, are all typically answers.   But what if I told you that is what it feels like to finally DISCOVER that you are wrong.     When you ARE wrong, but don’t know it yet, it feels exactly like when you are right.    Stop and think about that…how often do we every consider that we might actually be wrong, that we might not fully understand the complexities of the topic.    Even when the evidence is overwhelming, our pride normally wins and doesn’t let us concede.

Remember From Matthew 7.   1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.  3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

I just encourage you to reflect on this as you engage in conversations with your friends with challenging topics in the coming days and weeks ahead.


Prayers for the world and families this week.

No Announcements

The Bear Core AMRAP


It’s hot

✔ F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER + covid space notice


  • SSH
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Tennessee Rockin Chairs
  • Twisting Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Then mosey to the Shamrock shuffle markers

On the Shamrock shuffle path ( Shamrocks painted on the road every 20 feet)

Repeat this cycle until the end of the shamrock road.

  • Burpee at Shamrock
  • mosey to next Shamrock
  • Lunge to next Shamrock
  • Burpee at Shamrock

At base of hill facing the track – in cadence – Bear crawl to top and do 10 Flutter kicks against the fence.

Move to left 20 feet and repeat (Bear Crawl + 10 flutters at top)

The Thang: The Bear Core

Grab CMU and bring it to the Soccer field center line. Spread out facing the sideline.

Do an AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in next 30 Minutes.

  1. 10 Burpee CMU Thrusters
  2. Bear Crawl to sideline
  3. 10 Big Boy Situps
  4. Bear Crawl to top of sideline hill
  5. 10 Flutter Kicks (4 count)
  6. Mosey to other sideline
  7. 10 Leg Lifts (toes to fence) – while grabbing fence
  8. Mosey back to your CMU

I believe we completed around 5-7 rounds.


Merkins for about a Minute.


Couldn’t think of anything but getting on our knees and jointly praying for the tension and issues of today in our country. Systemic racism is huge and needs to be eliminated.. Period.. pray of opportunities to speak gently today and to give grace, peace, and love at all times.


Super Suicides

THE SCENE: Sticky but then cooled down by the rain.

15 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 harry Rockettes
Mosey to the big parking lot east of campus and line up perpendicular to the aisles.  This is a suicide style workout.

  • Run to the first line and do 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 5 burpees
  • Return to start
  • Run to the second line and perform the same exercises
  • Return to start and then run to the third line, etc., until you reach the end
  • After the return from the last line, start scaling back down.

No time
Lucky 13 this morning!
Proverbs 15:1 – “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

So much can be said about how to apply this verse and I encourage you to meditate on it.  My M set me straight a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with this.  She told me to “let her cool off first” after we would get irritated at each other.  Before she wanted to work through it, she wanted to make sure that our emotions were down and we could have a rational, beneficial discussion.

I think about how I sometimes get frustrated when my children don’t listen.  For some strange reason, I think that if I bear down on them by raising my voice, it will end the frustration.  What have I done? I have taught my children to respond to their emotions when they get frustrated.  Quite the opposite impact I was hoping for.

What other aspects of our lives do we let our emotions take over? How could a “gentle answer” have a stronger impact? Think on this.

Kudos to everyone for pushing hard this morning through a non-stop beatdown!
Continue to fill up the Q calendar. Betty VQ on Wednesday!

Burpee Baseball – Shamrock


69 degrees and feelin fine.


Welcome 2 Fng’s, Covid advisory, Not a pro, Free, Freewill, Scale to fit.


  • Burpee with plank jack + mosey
  • Burpee with one leg + mosey
  • Burpee with Iron mike + mosey
  • Burpee with Donkey Kick + mosey
  • Burpee with Double Squat Jump + mosey
  • Burpee with SSH + mosey
  • Burpee with Parker Climbers + mosey
  • Burpee with Lunge + mosey
  • Burpee with Frog + mosey
  • Burpee with Big Boy + mosey
  • Burpee with Release Merkin + mosey
  • Burpee with Double Merkin + mosey
  • Burpee with Imperial Walker + mosey

With all that moseying, it magically brought us to the Softball field where we Commenced the Second ever Burpee Baseball!
The first was here: Burpee Baseball Juco – July 23, 2018


  • Teams: Split group into two teams (doesn’t matter how many players each hopefully will be even number of players)
  • Equipment: 22 Balls with a burpee type written on it (one or two words)
  • Game Play: All players remain in their teams dug-out while two players come up to the field for a “Play at bat”. One player from the “At bat” team comes up to race against one player from the “outfield” team.  The at bat player throws the ball as hard as he can and tries to get around the bases back to home before the “outfield” player can retrieve the ball and bring it back to home plate.   The player to make it back to home first gets the thrown ball for his team.
  • Object of the game:  The team with the most balls wins.
  • At BAT: When a player at bat picks a ball he announces it to everyone what type of burpee is written on the ball.  When that player rounds a base he has to do two burpees of that type.   When the outfield player reaches the ball he has to do four burpees of that type before he starts running for home.  While the two players are running and retrieving the ball, their respective teams have to do the same burpees as their player who is running the play.  So the outfield team does five when their player does five and the at bat team does two burpees in sync with their player as he rounds the base.
  • Infield / Outfield Switch:  The at bat team has three throws before switching to being an outfield team.
  • Hardballs:  If the at bat player picks a hardball – then all the reps are doubled.  Therefore, four burpees per base and ten burpees for retrieving (the teams in the dugouts also have to do the rep increase).


Out of time.



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