F3 Knoxville

JUCOnapolis 500

THE SCENE:  Perfect Morning
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone

Cherry Pickers IC, Harry Rockettes IC; Grady Corns in Squat IC, Projectivator IC

Indianapolis 500 may have been cancelled this week but the JUCOnaplis 500 was a GO!

Quick mosey to Coupon Pile – stopping for 20 Merkins halfway.   Grabbed a coupon and started tabata timer – 10 AMRAP exercises for 50 seconds each with 10 second recovery between exercises for a nice 500 second push.  Did Walkover Merkins, Swings, Curls, Goblet Squats, Tricep Extensions, Heavy Freddy Mercuries, Overhead Press, Rocky Balboas, Bench Press and Squat Thrusters.   Dropped the coupons and headed over to the parking lot for our time trials.

Lined up on the curb across the parking lot.   Ready / Set / Go!   5 Burpees – Sprint to other side of Parking Lot; 5 Burpees; Bernie Back; 5 Burpees; and line up in the order you finish.

Now that we had our pole positions set it was time for the race.   Everyone ran the first lap (0.4 mi) without stopping at the pit (pain) stops.   At the start of the the second lap the pit (pain) were now open.  When you came to an open cone with no one at it you would stop and do the exercise on the ground then get up and start running again.  Ended up modifying to have two at each cone to make sure we didn’t run too much.  There were 10 cones with 50 reps at each cone.  10 exercises were Merkins, SSH, Flutter Kicks, Iron Mikes, Box Cutters, Single Leg Calf raises, Plank Jacks, Hello Dolly, Overhead Claps in Squat, and Mountain Climbers.

Mosey back to the AO; with a tire squealing JAILBREAK at the end.

No time for Mary
20 HIMS in attendance

Here is my best effort to put several rambling thoughts into one message for the day.   We talk about it often in F3 that we are all called to be HIMs (High Impact Men).    While we all got the Man part down…even clean shaven.   I know for me personally I can struggle with the first part – HIGH IMPACT.    When I reflect on my life, I often question am I making the high impact I am called to.   While I know I am far from perfect, I can make myself feel pretty good when I think about serving and impact those closest to me.  My family, my friends, co-workers, church community and next door neighbors (or at least those I know and like).     Where I have struggled in being a HIM is serving those that have nothing to give me in return.

You read from Matthew 5 and 6 – Jesus sermon on the mount and in Matthew 5:46-47 – Jesus says….If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?   Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?  Do not even pagans do that?

Those are hard words to speak, to hear, to digest.  Because I know if I am honest with myself they expose the realities of my sinful nature.   But they are in red letters, Jesus is calling us to be different, to be set apart.   Mark 10:45   For even the Son of Man came to serve, not be served and to give his life as a ransom for many.   Jesus during his entire life was serving and ultimately gave his life to people who had nothing to give in return.

I can click on the link to donate money or hand out a $20 dollar bill here and there to the cause of the day and try to convince myself I am doing my part to help those in need but I know that in that moment that small token of generosity, while the right thing to do isn’t really a sacrifice.    Once again if I am honest how often am I willing to sacrifice myself, my time, my comfort, my needs, for those in true need, the orphans, widows, foreigners, poor.   That is the part of my life where I have been feeling God pull at me to make a change.   I am far from a finished product but want to be a doer of the Word, not just one who hears (James 1:22).  One who without hesitation knows the right thing to do and does it.   (James 4:17)

I stand here today thankful for many things.   Thankful for men around this circle who are constantly speaking truth and challenging one other to be the men God called us to be.   Men who are challenging each other to spend more time in scripture and prayer.   Men who are encouraging self reflection and repentance.  Men who are challenging one another to step up and help those in need.   Men who are living on mission day in and day out in the forgotten places and looking for others to join them.   I know I wouldn’t have done it on my own, I am too selfish.   But luckily, I have found you all and I have chosen to not do life alone.   


Coffeeteria at DD still on even if GUMP isn’t here.

Treebiscuit – Shamrock

✔ THE SCENE: It’s early

✔ F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Covid-19 as well as welcome


  • SSH
  • Mtn Climbers
  • Tennessee Rockin Chairs
  • Windmills
  • Cherry Pickers

Tree Biscuit – Shamrock:

As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.

Minutiae (aka Rules):

  • A tree only gets tagged once.
  •  Scaling/Modification:
    • We travel as a pack, if you find yourself falling behind, skip a tree and burpee and keep moseying to catch up.  It’s more fun and less confusing to have the group stay together, especially when we alternate taggers.
    • Scaling is NOT cheating, it’s just scaling, no judgment here. You made it here and that’s enough.
    • We’re going to be zig-zagging all over campus so the better we can stay together the more we’ll be able to keep an accurate count and not leave people behind.  Plus it feels bad to tag a tree without everyone there doing it together.
  • Taggers + Number cadence
    • The tagger is the person closest to the nearest tree. They slap the tree and call out what the burpee running total is about to be. Similar to our cadence exercise routines, the whole group calls out the number and does a burpee.
    • The tagger is typically in the front of the pack, however since we are traveling in a mob fashion that’s not always true.
    • Similar to an indian run, each person should take turns being in front and tagging a tree. This makes the workout much more fun.  If you have already tagged several trees then just slowly fade back and let someone else tag the next one.
  • What’s a Tree:
    • We don’t do burpees for any old shrub. They have to be worthy. Trees should be about 6 inches around and 10 feet tall.
  • No Poison Ivy:
    • In an attempt to not to get too dirty and get poison ivy, we’ll pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs and tall grass. Luckily we are in a very well manicured park where most of the trees have nicely mowed grass leading up to them.
  • Terrain
    • We are going off road for sure.  The ground is very un-even around many of the trees. Be careful when running not to twist and ankle.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
  • Volume
    • The louder you call out the number, the more you inspire your fellow brothers!
  • Milestones
    • At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.

It’s not about the numbers but in the spirit of healthy competition here they are:

Previous Tree biscuits from other AO’s

And Todays total

  • Shamrock – 216 – May 27, 2020


We burped until the clock ran out.

Circle of Men

1 corinthians 9:24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.


Sign up for Q’s!.  Mandolin on Friday.  Link to Q Cal List


THE SCENE: 60s and misty


Cherry Pickers x7 (IC), Windmills x7 (IC), Tempo Squats x7 (IC), Tempo Merkins x7(IC)
Divide PAX  (24) into 3 teams.  Mosey to bottom of Mt. Juconte.  Three stations separated by a comfortable distance.  Each team starts at a different station.  Teams rotate stations (1-2-3) every time station 1 is completed.  Stations:

  • Station 1 (cardio) – Mosey up Juconte, 3 Burpees at every tree (21 Burpees total). When complete, mosey to Station 2 and bump that team to Station 3.
  • Station 2 (core) – At one cone perform 100 LBCs, Frog Jump to next cone and perform 100 Flutters. Repeat until Station 1 team is done. When “bumped” by Station 1 team, mosey to Station 3 and bump that team to Station 1.
  • Station 3 (strength) – 6 trees in the median.  Teams work their way up one side performing 10 merkins at every tree, then back down the other side performing 10 squats at every tree. Repeat until bumped to Station 1.

Each team got to do each Station twice.  Mosey back to shovel flag parking lot.

JELLY ARMS/JELLY LEGS – (ARMS) PAX hold six inches for time, then perform reps of merkins as called by the Q (three rounds), PAX hold an Al Gore for time, then perform reps of squats as called by the Q (three rounds).

MARY:  Freddy Mercury (assist from Erector – thanks, dude!), Flutter Kicks

24 HIM

Words are powerful.  God says so.  Throughout the Bible we see a constant theme where gossiping, talking too much, and careless mouths are warned against.  This is something that I struggle with.  It is very easy to get sucked into gossip, especially if it’s true.  But does truth matter when we are using our words to tear someone down? Let’s look at Scripture:

Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death”

Ephesians 4:29 “Let no unwholesome talk come our of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their deeds, that it may benefit those who listen”

Exodus 23:1 “Do not spread false reports”

James 1:26 “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves”

Proverbs 10:19 “Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues”

Proverbs 11:9 “With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors”

Proverbs 16:28 “A perverse person stirs up conflict”

Psalm 141:3 “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips”

As you can see, the Lord treats our words and the intent behind them very seriously, even if what we are saying is true.  I would encourage each of you to consider your words wisely, use them to build others up (even if we “feel” they deserve to be torn down).  There is a lot of wisdom in keeping our mouths shut, living a quiet existence and letting our actions speak for us.  There have been so many times in my 39 years I’ve wished I could take something I said back.  Be mindful of what you speak and learn to tame the tongue.


Prayers for Kick-Flip and his family.  We are with you, brother.  Psalm 34:18 “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Sign-up for meal train for Farragut mother and son.

Leg Day in the Dry

THE SCENE: Pouring rain when I woke up, but it cleared off before the beat down.  Mid 50’s and wet

Motivator from 8
Cherry pickers 5
Weighted arm circles forward/backward
Weighted candy corns 10
Tempo Merkins 10
Temps Squats 10
Burpees 5


Mosey to the church, where we can work under cover in case of rain
Find your own column, this is your workspace for the day
20 lunges hold a 30 second wall squat
reduce by 1 lunge each time, and maintain 30 seconds on the wall until we reduce all the way to 0
Take a short lap to loosen up the legs
Attempt Balls to the Wall Merkins
5 merkins feet on ground
5 merkins feet on wall
5 merkins with feet at 45 degrees
5 merkins near vertical with feet as high as possible, just hold plank if no merkins
5 each side, merkins with one hand on the column


20 BBS
20 LBC’s
20 Hello Dollies
20 Pickle Pounders
20 4 count flutters in cadence

We did this under cover where we worked out before heading back to the AO


God Sized Risks
Matthew 14:22-33
Peter took a risk, and when he fell, he reached for Jesus.

We should all take some faith based risks like Peter did when he walked on water.  When he lost faith, he started to sink and Jesus reached out to him.  We should follow Peter’s lead and be willing to go out on faith, to take that first step.  If we are following Jesus, and we trust him when he says “come”, then he will be there to catch us when we fall.

Pray for Willow (Cheat Sheet’s daughter)
Pray for Baby Boomer’s daughter as she has surgery today
Pray for Hooptie’s friend who lost his battle to cancer
Pray for Shawn, Commission’s friend who is celebrating one year of sobriety
We need HIM’s to step up and fill the Q calendar.
Coffeeteria will be Friday at Dunkin after Anchorman beats us down.


THE SCENE: 50s and no Q in sight.

LBACF, LBACB, OHC (ALL IC, x25), Tempo Merkins x20, Cherry Pickers x7,  Tempo Squats x20, High Knees with a Burpee x3
Separate into two groups of 9 and mosey to assigned parking lot for 4 corners (1 Exercise, 40-30-20-10). Once corners are complete, switch parking lots and do another 4 corners of different exercise.  We did Merkins/Squats, Hello Dollies/4ct Flutters, Mountain Climbers/SSH.

Stay in assigned parking lots, groups travel across lots as called by the Q.  We did 3 rounds of Bear Crawl down, Lunge Back.

Burpees! x10, x8, x6
18 Strong
Commission volunteered to do the BOM.  What is God calling you to do that you keep giving an excuse (a “but”) NOT to do? We see this several times in the Bible and the results that come from not following God’s call.
Fingerfood’s alarm let him down!
Sign up to Q!