F3 Knoxville

July 4 Iron Pax

THE SCENE: Humid, but other than that, perfect beatdown weather

SSH x4

mosey loop around pavilion and to softball field.
Repeat of week 4 of Iron Pax challenge from 2021. Run through exercises below for 52:30, with 25 yard run and 3 burpees and run back  every 25 repetitions

  • 200 curls
  • 175 squats
  • 150 overhead press
  • 125 CMU swings
  • 100 merkins
  • 75 thrusters
  • 50 Iron Mike (2 count)
  • 25 blockees

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“We are more alike than we are unalike”
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Capture the Flag

THE SCENE: Pleasantly cool morning!

Cherry Pickers in cadence

Stretchin’ out them hammies and quads

Little bit of this and a little bit of that to loosen up

Then a short mosey to get the heart rate up

Split into 2 evenly matched teams at separate ends of the route. Team 1 (purple team) did wall squats while passing a block. Team 2 (pink team) held plank while alternating between high and low, but each member alternated after the team member before them (like the wave). Once each team had made it down and back twice, the first team member would sprint to the first station and perform the excersize noted while the remaining team continued the excersize. Once the team member made to the other base, they would do the excersize allocated to that base (plank member would do wall squats, wall squats would do plank) Purple team stations were 1) 25 merkins, 2) 30 big boys, 3) colt 45, 4) 35 air squats with CMU. Pink team same but I’m reverse. Once the entire team had made it to the other end they had to go back through all the stations as a team (cannot progress to next station until everyone had completed the excersize). Once that was done, the team had to sprint to another location, grab the flag and sprint it back to their base. First one. To complete won. Purple team pulled out the W. Winners had to suicide the 4 stations. Losers had to do 10 burpees, then suicide the 4 stations.

Big boys

Merkins on a CMU for time

Joy in suffering. James 1:2 and Romans 5:3-5
Great competetion between some even greater guys! Building our relationships by being vulnerable with the hardships in our lives, but knowing those things are being used by God to grow us, to build perservierence and character.
Convergence is this Saturday, make sure you sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MvKVUXClWHsLknEsCKYuuvkQHliEpycTdB3nMqTGFU8/edit
2nd F Fellowship at @Moses (Cody Self)’s house:

Lean In

THE SCENE: A surprisingly cool morning with some surprisingly cool dudes 😎

  • SSH (25) in confusing cadence
  • Imperial Walkers (20ish) start in confusing cadence, then transition to OYO, end abruptly after losing count completely.
  • Freedom Twists (20) in cadence with help from the PAX
  • Merkins (15) in cadence – finally!


  • Mosey to side field for 50 yard Murder Hornet (standard is 30 yrds, but that’s how we do).
  • Rock-a-bye Baby Relay with High-Five Flag Run
  • Divide into two teams. Each team starts with one team member per exercise station. Each station is 10 yards apart. Number of stations depends on number in PAX. 1st station is Rock-a-bye Baby, 2nd is curls, 3rd is skull crushers, 4th is BBS, and 5th is squats. All stations involve a baby (CMU) and each person must hold their baby (CMU) the entire time without dropping. If you set the baby down you must do 73 Murder Merkins – (23 murder bunny + 50 merkins). Last workout station is the exception. You must give your baby to the HIM behind you doing squats with baby (CMU). He will squat with 2 CMUs while you run to top of hill and grab your team’s flag🇺🇸. Then you must run with the flag and get a high-five from an NFP (non-F3 person) as fast as you can. PAX continues to do the exercise at their station until you complete your mission and plant the flag back at the top of the hill. Then grab your baby (CMU) and go back to 1st station. Everyone rotates to next station by lunging with baby (CMU) overhead. Compete against other team until circuit is complete or until you get pepper-sprayed by an NFP.

Please no more counting.


I recently sharpened my lawnmower blades. I didn’t realize how dull they had become until I had sharpened them. As men we were made to be sharp and to offer our strength to others.💪  But sometimes we don’t realize how dull we have become until we see what sharp looks like. Being around sharp men can help you see the areas where you have become complacent, dull, ineffective or broken. Being around Jesus was like that for the disciples. They were constantly challenged in the way they thought, acted, spoke and lived. They called him the light of the world. Because he exposed the darkness each of them and in world. He exposed the darkness in the Pharisees, but they rejected the light because they were focused on what they stood to lose (pride, position, power), the disciples accepted the light because they realized what they had to gain (love, acceptance, forgiveness, eternal life). The act of sharpening my mower blades required energy and friction. It required energy transfer from one blade to the other. It also required friction…a necessary rubbing away of rough spots and impurities. Neither of these things can happen without closeness. The two blades have to be so close that they touch…they connect …and not just lightly touch …you have to lean in to the friction. We are conditioned to avoid friction and the past two years we have become more disconnected than ever. I challenge you men to lean in. Lean in to what makes you sharper. F3 is a great place to start. But don’t stop here. Lean in. Lean in to those men that make you sharper. But don’t stop there. Lean in. Go to church and take your family to hear the word of God preached. But don’t stop there. Lean in.

Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

If you want to be sharp in mind, body and spirit, lean in to the Word of God, for that is where you will find God himself. His word has its own energy…it is alive and active and no one can sharpen you better than God Himself. LEAN IN!

Overall a great turnout and effort by the PAX in spite of the shortcomings of the Q. We made some friends (high-fives) and we made some enemies (trying to follow the Q’s cadence).


This weeks news and announcements:

Convergence is this Saturday, make sure you sign up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MvKVUXClWHsLknEsCKYuuvkQHliEpycTdB3nMqTGFU8/edit
2nd F Fellowship at @Moses (Cody Self)’s house: https://f3blountcounty.slack.com/archives/C019JSAG3SB/p1655309928974779
Make sure to get your shirt order done. Once the preorder closes on the 29th they will not be available anymore: https://f3.mudgear.com/collections/active-preorders/products/f3-knoxville-speedway-pre-order-june-2022
@Cow Patty (Rob Wu) VQs Thursday. Let’s get out and support him! Q calendar for July will be posted soon so start planning your first or next Q.

Flags and Bags

THE SCENE: Speedway is a beautiful AO at the foothills of the Smokies. Sun rise over the mountains, clear sky’s. Yea you can imagine.

Tabatta warm up 30 sec on 10 seconds off

  • merkins
  • Cherry pickers
  • Rev lunge and reach
  • Thrusters
  • Shoulder taps
  • High knees

Pax picked up flags and moseyed to entrance of the church.
Pax picked up two sand bangs at entrance of church

Split pax into two groups

Each group takes a flag and a bag

One pax carry flag one pax runs with sandbag in each group.

Head right out of AO heading down Chapman Highway

Every .25 mile pax will stop- 10 leg raises, 15 Squats, 20 Merkins. Half plank till 6 up. Q Call 6 up

Switch who carries flag and bag after check points.

If pax carrying bag stops before .25 that group has 1 burpee at check point. If pax stops twice or walks add additional burpee for each time.

Run to foothills Dr turn right

Go to left in neighborhood

Teams split up and for a race.

The roads in the neighborhood are set up in loops. The groups raced around the loop in opposite direction winner gets back to start first.

Each group carries their bag and flag

Loser 10 burpees

winner merkins till 6 for losing pax finishes

We moseyed up the road towards as it turned out a house Cowpatty and Shenanigans are renovating. Run down hill to end of cul-de-sac 10 merkins, Bernie back to top.

Walk back to Chapman highway

Run back to AO. Nice climb up Chapman . Every .20 mile we stopped and did 10 leg raises.

Switch who Carrie’s flag and bag




20 BBS

20 Gas pumps

20 X factors- round 1 2ct rd 2 and 3 sc. 


To become a father is not hard. To be a father, however, is.

Dad dreams, he plans, he struggles, so that we might have the best


the free advertising and horn honks made the run more enjoyable.

Convergence July 2.
Beer Mile July 16th

A spin on Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

THE SCENE: 65 degrees and pleasant.

SSH X 10, tempo Carolina Dry Docks X 5, Cherry Pickers X 5

With cones set in a line marking starting locations, do exercises with 5 reps at each location. When finished with the 5th location, mosey back to the start and repeat. Increase reps by 5 for each round. Go at own pace until time.

With CMU:

  • Thrusters
  • Curls
  • Goblet Squats
  • Jumping Calf Raises
  • Burpees

Without CMU:

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • 4 tap Merkins
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Plank Jacks
  • Burpees

Stretching, LBCs for time

Something is leading you and your family. It may be media, culture, etc. For many of us, leadership is a passive thing we put on other people. That is not what we are called to do as men. We are to be leaders in our community and especially our families. It needs to be intentional with a mission and vision for what leadership looks like. For me, leading means following Jesus.
“Leading Your Family Like Jesus” Ken Blanchard, et.al (2013).

  • Convergence at JUCO on 7-2
  • F3 Speedway shirts are available. Please order by 6-29 if interested.
  • 2.0 workout at Bombshelter at 8:15 this Saturday. All children are welcome. Workout will be modified for them.