F3 Knoxville

Dirty Dozen Dropping Sweat

THE SCENE: Sunny and humid, temps in 70’s.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 5 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, Michael Phelps, Little of This and Little of That
Mosey to the driveway that heads to the northern wall of the admin bldg.  There will be bricks by a large tree near he drive way.  We will pair up in teams of two and do Doras.  While one partner works on the following exercises, the other partner will run with a set of bricks to the curb, do ten mini man makers, then run back and exchange the bricks with his partner who will do the same.  Here are the exercises each team will do:

  • 100 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Baby Crunches

Mosey to gate at the Lyons Bend entrance.  Take perimeter trail east.  Stop once at first light.  We will do 20 American Hammers in cadence.

Mosey east on perimeter trail to cone that will be located close to a large Mimosa tree.  We will do a Route 66 going eleven lights, stopping at each one.  We will do each of the following exercises starting with the first and doing it once at first light, twice at second, etc. until we do 11 of that exercise at 11th light.  Those who get there first will sweep others back to start and we will begin the next exercise.  Here are the exercises:

  • Squat jumps
  • Dive bombers
  • Imperial Walkers (four count)
  • Shoulder taps (tapping each shoulder counts as one)

Mosey to Playground

We will do bench jumps.  We will do ten, then rest for 20 seconds.  We will do five sets of ten with the 20 second break.

Mosey to Pavilion.  We will do 25 Picnic Table Pull-ups.  We will then do squat by wall for one minute.

Mosey to AO.

Plank Stretches.
12 men, no FNG’s.

The following message is not fully from me.  Rather, it stems from a conversation with a friend of mine named Tony Kuykendall.  Tony observed that in our age of social media, whether on Facebook, Group Me, Twitter, or whatever, we wonder how many people are following our messages.  We follow other’s messages by giving them the Like signal, coloring in a heart, showing a happy face, a thumbs up, or some other sign saying we listened and took notice.  We may follow peoples’ messages on social media each day.  My friend Tony observed that the Bible is certainly a form of social media.  It has been written and distributed socially so that people may read it and follow God.  Tony wondered how many times we actually follow God’s word each day.  Certainly, God wants us to “follow’ Him.

John 8:12 “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

God wants us to follow Him because he knows that we need Him to live within the light.  When we follow Him, good things happen.  We move along in our lives and often miss out on the light.  We seek the light through our own means and often fail to listen to that higher power calling us.  Where is God calling you to follow?  What path does he want for you?  Where does God want to take you.  We can sense that there is something missing in our lives if we do it alone, something greater we need to fulfill us.  We get glimpses of something greater by showing up in the gloom each day to work out with our brothers in F3.   We didn’t want to listen to our crazy friends that rooked us into coming out here.  Yet, by coming we have found something special, something invigorating, something good for us.  In our busy lives we often don’t want to take the time to listen to God.  But if we do so, we find something special, something invigorating, something good for us.  It is that which we need.  So, listen, take time to focus on Him and what he is calling you to do.  Follow Him.

Hotspur and his family needs a prayer as his mother-in-law died recently.
F3 Knoxville Anniversary and Olympics on November 3.  Launching of F3 in Cleveland, TN on November 10.

Earn the Stargazers!

THE SCENE: Started out clear and bright, but clouds and fog moved in to keep us cool.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC
SSH x5 more just for Crawdad, who rolled up late…
Crabettes (Like Rockettes, but from crab position) x20 IC
Cossack Squats x20 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Walk toes forward as far as possible toward planche position for 10 more IC
Walk toes backward until abs are fully engaged, 10 more IC

Mosey toward the base of Everest, stopping about halfway for 15 Inchworm Merkins OYO

At the base of Everest, 10x Travoltas each side

Promised everyone 30s of Stargazers after an AYG charge up Everest. If you can breathe when you get there, you didn’t push hard enough…
30s count is OYO, then flutters until everyone has had their 30s.

Everyone grab a CMU-equivalent coupon (1 per person) and partner up.
Coupons go in a line about 10 yards away. Entire group goal is to move all coupons to a line about 70 yards away.
One partner runs to the nearest coupon, does 3 Burpee Broad Jumps with coupon to advance, then mosey back to switch with partner.
Stationary partner alternates between squats and crabettes after each trip.

Once all coupons are across the line, everyone grab one and mosey partway down Everest, line up across the hill for Tombstone Toss.
Everyone toss coupon as far up the hill as possible. Bunny hop to your coupon, pick it up, and continue hopping until you reach the furthest one. Once everyone has arrived at the furthest one, toss again.

When everyone has reached the top of the hill, put away coupons and 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO.

Mosey back toward the AO, stopping at the corner for a 30/30/30 of merkins, big boys, and squats.

Q noticed the big ol’ stone block monument thing just sitting there, so 10 Derkins on the block

Mary started out with 10ct Stargazers, just because I’m nice…
30x flutter kicks IC (with a small rest as Crawdad attempted to avoid being run over…)
15x slutter kicks IC
15x side crunch IC (each side)
4x Row Your Boat (caused a bit of a scene since traffic is kinda picking up in the park by this point)
Everyone had to hop up and allow a vehicle to exit the parking lot. This presented a great opportunity for some Monkey Humpers (x15 4ct IC)
10x Shoulder Tap Merkins
About 30s of OYO SSH to finish out the hour.

13 strong this morning, including one FNG – Snoopy (Terry Hill)
Ephesians tells us to love our wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. The thing that first comes to mind when you hear this is how He died for us. As men, we like to think, “Yeah, I’d die for my wife.” However, Christ gave himself fully, not just on the cross, but daily as he lived on earth. He walked dusty, excrement filled roads, lived day and night with 12 of the most annoying, bad listening, etc. guys you can imagine. Did everything that sucks with no thought for himself, poured his life into them. Through each day, look for opportunities to give yourself in those kinds of ways.
I forgot about the Saturday relocation to the upper parking lot… Much appreciation for Hawk running down and getting me before time to start the beatdown! I had a great time working out with the Asylum PAX this morning. F3 Knoxville is full of HIMs – I would encourage everyone to be promis-Q-ous and make your way around to as many AOs as you can. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do them all in a single week!
Sendoff this morning for Soot (Daniel Anders) at the Overlook. Heading off to be stationed in Colorado Springs.

3 Parking Lot Circus

70 and light rain


Welcome & Disclaimer


– SSH x30 (IC)
– Tempo Squats x15 (IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)


Hill Runs + Tabata
Two Rounds of Tabata (8 sets of exercise, 20 sec on 10 sec off):

  • Rd 1: Jump Squat Jumps
  • Rd 2: Wide Merkins

After each round, run to the top of the hill and do 3 burpees.

Mosey to the new parking lot.  Once there, partner up.


One person performs the routine while the other jump ropes, then switch.

Run to far cone, perform x20 reps.  Run back to first cone, perform x15 reps.  Run to the second farthest cone and perform x10 reps.  Run back to first cone perform x5 reps.

Perform 2 rounds of each of the following exercises:

  • Dry Docks
  • Frog Squats

Flutter Kick until all PAX finish.

Mosey to parking lot at bottom of the hill.


Partner up with new Battle Buddy.

1st Battle Buddy lunges to the first cone, then sprints to second cone, does 2 reps of the exercise while Battle Buddy 2 is jumping air rope.  Switch. Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 10 reps.  Two rounds:

  • Rd 1 = Diamond Merkins
  • Rd 2 = Tuck Jumps


American Hammers (4ct) – x20 IC
4ct Flutter Kicks – 20x IC
Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to the SP, run hard up the hill!


Number off and Name-O-Rama (18 PAX)


Proverbs 11:25 – Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

This Proverb is a simple reminder that joy and sense of significance comes from giving, not taking.  The world around us pushes us to live as consumers.  Always taking, looking for the next thing that is going to bring happiness.  The problem is that is not how life is meant to be lived.  True joy comes from living with a sense of purpose, and the highest purpose is the welfare of others.  HIMs seek inject purpose in all they do, wherever they go.  Today, keep your heart and mind open for those places where you can bring life.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Morning Mosey

THE SCENE: Humid, about 70

Baby arm circles forward/back (4ct) x 15 each way

Overhead claps (4ct) x 15

Overhead air press (4ct) x 15

A little this/that and Michael Phelps

Hamstring stretch
About a 3.6 mile mosey along the riverfront and through downtown.  Various stops along the way for rest/exercise: 1 cliff hanger Merkins x 15. 2 cliff hanger Merkins x15 then hold plank while partner does 10 squats while holding other partners legs.  3 Squats (4ct) x 15.  4 flutter kicks 4(ct) x 15 and American hammers (4ct) x 10.  5 lunge bridge yellow line to yellow line.  6 5 big ball pull-ups.  Finish at AO.

No time.
25 HIMs.  No FNGs.  Moana, Thread Count, Bob Ross, Guano were also present and I could not find their tag.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Prayers for Preacher and his new job/upcoming move to Arizona, Sliderule’s family with the loss of his mother, Butterfly’s wedding this weekend.

Pickett’s Charge

THE SCENE:  Sunny and beautiful although humid.  Temps in 70’s.

20 Side-straddle-hops, 5 Burpees, 8 Windmills, 4 Burpees, 8 Cherry Pickers, 3 Burpees, Plank Lifts, 2 Burpees, 10 Little Baby to Big Baby Arm Circles, Forwards and Backwards, 1 Burpee
Mosey to beginning of Dragon Tail.  We will do Route 66 up Dragon Tail starting with one and ending with 11 of the following exercises at each light:

  • Jump Squats
  • Big Boys
  • John Travolta (four count or once with each hand)

Pickets Charge to Road to Admin Bldg.  20 Merkins and 40 Baby Crunches at top of steps.

Mosey to Roadway.

Rest and gander at the beautiful view of the river below.

Mosey to the alley way that goes to the northeast corner of the Admin Bldg.  Go to the pile of bricks that is by a big tree.  Each man pairs up with a partner to do Doras.  While one partner is running to the end of the alley, doing ten decline merkins at curb, and running back, the other partner is working on the exercises.  The exercises are done with a pair of bricks.  Each set of partners will do 100 of each exercise.  The following are the exercises:

  • Overhead presses
  • Curls
  • Behind the neck lifts.
  • 100 Rows with brick in each hand and hand at side
  • 100 Squats with bricks above head
  • 100 Wings Forward
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Wings Down

Mosey to road in front of Admin Bldg.  There will be cones placed on both sides of the road.  Go to each cone and do the exercises listed.

  • Cone 1:  20 Hello Dollies (four count).  Lunge to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count).  Run to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  Bernie Sanders up right sidewalk to Flag Pole.  Run back on other sidewalk.  Run to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  20 Dive Bombers.  Hop to Cone 5 which will be across the street and a number of yards to the north.
  • Cone 5:  40 Baby Crunches.  Run to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6:  Run down stairs and up stairs three times, staying to right side.  Run to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  20 American Hammers.  Bear Crawl to Cone 8.
  • Cone 8:  20 Squats.

Mosey to AO

Stretching exercises.
16 men with one FNG.  He is Nathan Chesney whom we dubbed “Swimmies.”
We need to look at time differently when we think of God.

The Greek word “chronos” means time in a quantitative or chronological sense.  Thus, we are speaking of time in the chronos sense when we ask “What time is it?” or say “I don’t have much time left to finish this project.”  The Greek word “kairos” means time in the qualitative sense.  It is not time that can be measured but time that is identified but what happens in it.  We speak of “kairos” time when we say “the time is ripe” or ask “Did you have a good time?”  Jesus spoke in kairos time when he said, in John 2:4 “My hour has not yet come.”  As Frederick Buechner points out, it is in kairos time when the book of Deuteronomy says “there is a time weep and a time to laugh” or says “there is a time to reap and a time to sow.”  (these words were paraphrased in the famous song “Turn Turn Turn” by the Byrds).

When we are caught up (and often miserable) in the pace of the demands of our world (we have phrases for this such as “living by the clock”) we often are not truly enjoying God.  We can feel squeezed by time.  As Henri Nouwen says, time becomes a means to an end rather than moments in which to consider and enjoy God.  In chronos time we can end up believing that the real thing is always yet to come.

Chronos time is important.  We certainly must meet demands and consider the amount of time in which to complete projects.  But we must not forget kairos time.  Thomas Merton said “the Bible is concerned with time’s fullness” the time when the texture and richness of what we are involved in come to be felt and seen.  Time becomes more than what we have to get done.  Time is the experience of all of what life has to give us.

We must work at seeing time in the sense of kairos, not just chronos.  As Henri Nouwen puts it, time from the kairos standpoint “has to do with opportunity, with moments that seem ripe for their intended purpose.”  Nouwen goes on to explain that if we can consider God’s purpose in our experience of time, we can then say, even in difficult episodes, that “something good is happening amid all this.”

So in your days to come, ask yourself “what is God intending for me at this time?”  Whether your experience of a moment is good or bad, ask, “How might God be speaking to me at this moment.  What does God want me to get from this?  What is God wanting to teach me?  Could God be working to help me grow from this difficult experience?  Is God wanting me to share this moment with someone, to learn from another who may have experienced something similar?  Is God wanting me to slow down, to communicate with Him, to pray to Him, to trust Him more, to depend on Him.  Is God wanting to let me know that I am His and that I will be ok?

So, as you move forward, consider time in the sense of the kairos.

The eight workout challenge created by Abscess.