F3 Knoxville

F3RoCo Starfish

AO: rampart
Q: Skeletor , Outnumbered, Feeny, Wingman, Lucille (Austin Williams), Piston
PAX: Wingman, Stetson (Cayden Emory), Steam, Spielberg, Sparkler, Porthole, Piston, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Outnumbered, OnStar, OBrother, Mo Rocka (Joshua Miller), McFly, Mathlete, Lucille (Austin Williams), Lilydipper, KickFlip, Icey Hot, GoDaddy (Zack Williamson), Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Feeny, CRISPR, Butterknife, BTU, Brick, Biohack, Airborne (Chase Perkins), (Binks) Caleb McDaniel
FNGs: None
WARMUP: covered by Feeny
THE THANG: 4 way split rainy day Q by outnumbered, Wingman, Lucille, and Piston
MARY: 10 Hindu Merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3RoCo is open for business
COT: Be present! Not only physically but mentally. This is something I struggle with. Follow through with your commitments to not only be physically present where you are, but be there mentally as well.

Ephesians 5:15-16
15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

I consistently find myself in another world in my own head thinking about the things that need to be done. My wife and son deserve my mental presence. Consciously make an effort to be there with them, listening to what your loved ones have to say. Set aside the burdens of work, the task list for church and F3, to be present with them. Make the headspace to be the man you have been called to be. Be a HIM!

Tour de Lights

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Steam
PAX: High Heels, Drum Major, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Duggar, Doubtfire (Nick Bond), Rooney (Carl Whipple), Title IX (Christian Prescott), Brick, Pusher, CRISPR, Lilydipper, Sparkler, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), Abacus, Tenderfoot, Whitey Titey, Gridiron, Cheetah Boy
FNGs: None
– Mountain Climbers: 10×4
– Imperial Walker: 10×4
– Rockette: 10×4
– BAC: F + B — 10×4
– TN Rocking Chair: 10×4

Mosey to the big lit up tree by the bathrooms
(1) Ring of Lights – Core 4
– Get in a circle around the tree
– Christmas Lights Fun Fact #1 — Prior to the 1880s, Christmas trees were lit by candles.
– American Hammer: 25×4
– Run to the sidewalk: 10×4 CDDs
– Back around the tree
– Christmas Lights Fun Fact #2 — After Edison patented the light bulb in 1880, Edward Johnson hand-wired 80 red, white and blue bulbs and strung them together around a tree in New York City, and then placed the trunk on a revolving pedestal. Then he called a reporter. A new fashion was born.
– LBCs: 25×4
– Run to the sidewalk: 10×4 CDDs
– Back around the tree
– Christmas Lights Fun Fact #3 — A string of 16 vaguely flame-shaped bulbs sitting in brass sockets the size of shot glasses sold for a pricey $12 (about $350 in today’s money) in 1900. But in 1894 President Cleveland put electric lights on the White House tree, and by 1914, a 16-foot string cost just $1.75.
– Flutter Kicks: 25×4
– Run to the sidewalk: 10×4 CDDs
– Back around the tree
– Christmas Lights Fun Fact #4 — There are an estimated 150 million light sets sold in America each year
– Gas Pedals: 25×4
– Run to the sidewalk: 10×4 CDDs
– Christmas Lights Fun Fact #5 — About 5,800 people are hospitalized annually for injuries involving falls while decorating their houses for the holidays.
– 25 SSH
Mosey across the street to the LAKESHORE lit up sign and/or trees
(2) The LAKESHORE Lit Workout
– All Xs are 25 reps on a 1 count
– L = LBCs
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– A: Alternating Shoulder Taps
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– K: Knerkin (merkin, but on your knuckles)
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– E: E2K (oblique crunch)
– Right ankle on left knee / switch after 14 reps or so
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– S: Squats
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– H: Hallelujahs
– 15 SSH at the small chapelq
– Run back
– O: Overhead Claps
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– R: Rockette Hillbillies
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
– E: El Capitans to the chapel
– 15 SSH at the small chapel
– Run back
Mosey back to the big lit up tree
– Knock out Onstar’s 1st F Challenge today: 90 BBS
Mosey to the flag

No time

Starfish convergence at the Rampart AO this Saturday at 7am

Talked about my Spotify Wrapped overview from 2023 (see below for what it looks like). If you looked back at this past year:
– Who did you listen to this year?
– Where did you listen this year?
– What were you tuned into this year?
– Did you pay attention to what you were paying attention to?
The word “listen” occurs 195 times in 188 verses in the Bible (ESV)

Carry that Turkey – PM met at 9am!

AO: asylum-pm
Q: Doubtfire (Nick Bond)
PAX: Abacus, Brick, Kung Blue, Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), Convoy, Waxjob, Choir Boy, CRISPR, Rooney (Carl Whipple), @gridiron, @babygronk
FNGs: None
SSH, tempo merkins, tempo squats, stretch
Indian run with ruck with PT:
Last man did various PT and when completed had to run to the front.
Exercises at the back included:
3 burpees
5 merkins
5 squats

Stopped along the way to do moving Rocky Balboa’s, random acts of ab pain movements and a few things I forgot
Stretching with Doubtfire

Corrupting Crawdad’s Yoga Studio

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Bookman
PAX: CRISPR, Charmin (John Willis), Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), P3 (Jordan Simmons), F6, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Choir Boy, Crawdad (Robbi Dickens), Qbert, Bookman, Swimmies (Nathan Chesney), High Heels (Henry Ritchie), lebowski
FNGs: None

Cherry pickers


Go up and down the ladder, Do 1st exercise then run to curb and back, !st and 2nd then run to curb and back, so on and so on
1 Burpee
2 HR Merkins
3 Box Cutters
4 Shoulder Taps (Total)
5 Imperial Walkers (2 count)
6 Side Lunge
7 Star Jacks
8 Mountain Climbers (total)
9 Squats
10 Crunches
11 SSHs (Single Count)
12 Apollo Onos
13 Merkins
14 Hello Dollys (Single Count)
15 Iron Mikes (2 count)

15 of each exercise to finish us off!

Atomic Habits by James Clear
The 3rd Law – Make It Easy
“Get your reps in”
Study of London cab drivers knowing the roads showed that the hippocampus (spatial memory) decreased when retired. Like weight training
Repeated motions decrease difficulty and become action. Active practice vs. passive learning
Put in your reps is the most critical step. Show up! Make them mean something.


Thinking About Death Can Be A Key for Happiness

AO: asylum-daybreak
Q: Lilydipper
PAX: Brick, Lulu (Greg Huddy), F6, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Dung Beetle (Scott Kimsey), Qbert, CRISPR, Pele (Jon Lindberg), P3 (Jordan Simmons), Drum Major, Toto (James Smith), Pusher, Glamper, OnStar, Lilydipper
FNGs: None