F3 Knoxville

Choose Your Own Adventure

THE SCENE: Humid, but otherwise nice

Tempo Squat
Hairy Rocketts
Mountain Climbers


Had a choice: Jucomanjaro Dora or Burpees at the Pond; Jucomanjaro won (we should’ve done a recount!)
Mosey to JUCAMANJARO (did some guardrail dips along the way)
3 Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back
Dora exercise – pair up doing 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs
Partner ran up about 30 meters and came back to grab his buddy as we traversed the mountain
Mary at the top (Freddy Mercury, Hello Dolly, etc)
Mosey back to the AO, doing various exercises along the way


1 Pet 3:7
 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.

We should strive in every endeavor (even the small things) to empathize with our wives and seek to honor them so that our prayer life may not be hindered. Always room to improve in this area for all of us

JUCO 2021 Iron Pax 0

THE SCENE: Cool & crisp – darn near perfect.
Due to Iron Pax, this was on your own

100 Merkins 800 meter run
75 Merkins 1200 meter run
50 Merkins 1600 meter run
25 Merkins 2000 meter run

No time, went slightly over 


Colossians 3:17 NIV. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


This verse represents what a HIM is supposed to represent, doing everything to His Name means bringing your all. That’s what Iron PAX is all about. We encourage each other to go beyond what we thought was possible. We serve a God who can do infinitely more than we imagine, let’s give Him our all.

Killer B’s

THE SCENE: Not too hot or wet but a whole lot of goose poop

SSH, tempo merkins and squats, cherry pickers, and Imperial walkers.
Thought it was for sure rain so I wasted a “rain inspired” playlist

  • Jog to each parking line, 5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 Squats, Bernie back a line and then jog 2 forward, rinse and repeat.  Once we reach the other end we Bernie, Broad Jump, & Bear Crawl home
  • Jog to the new building for some fresh Dips and incline merkins with a shuttle run down the steps. AMRAP

LBC and American hammers

Would you recommend you for________? This could be for a dad, husband, boss, friend, co-worker, etc.  If not, why not? And how can you change that?
Pray for all with COVID and for all of us to have patience and compassion.
Sign up for Iron pax

Heavy Circuit

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Seal jacks
  • Hairy rockettes
  • Moroccan nightclub
  • tempo squats
  • Tempo merkin
  • Mountain climber
  • Sprints x 4.

Bear infection.  All PAX gather in a small parking lot.  I’m a bear and the rest of you are crabs.  I’ll bear crawl and you all crabwalk.  If I touch you, you also become a bear with me and then try to get the other crabs.  Continue until we are all bears.  (Hat Tip to Moses – I got this from one of his Qs)


Grab a block…

16 stations.  Perform exercise at the station and move to the next clockwise.  Every 3 minutes a timer will sound – when it sounds, run a lap around the house.  Remember your location and rep and count!  When you return from your lap, pick up where you left off.

Stations were;

  1. 20 Heavy lunges (10 each side)
  2. 40 Shoulder Presses
  3. 30 Heavy LBC
  4. 20 Bobby Hurley
  5. 40 Triceps
  6. 20 BBS with press
  7. 20 Thrusters
  8. 40 Curls
  9. 20 Good mornings
  10. 10 Heels to Heaven (4-ct)
  11. 10 Burpee jumpovers
  12. 25 CMU Swings
  13. 20 Heavy Freddy (4-ct)
  14. 10 Plyo Merkins (10 each side)
  15. 25 Goblet squats
  16. Colt 45


Jelly legs.  Hold squat for 30 seconds.  30 squats then sprint.  Repeat with 20 seconds/20 reps.  Repeat with 10 seconds/10 reps.

Jelly arms.  Hold low plank for 30 seconds.  30 merkins then sprint.  Repeat with 20 seconds/20 reps.  Repeat with 10 seconds/10 reps.

Mary exercises until 6:15


Me and 17 of the best men that I know


Ninety-eight years ago, the island of Japan was ravaged by the most devastating earthquake in recorded history up until that time. The tragic Canto earthquake began at noon and continued for more than three and a half hours, creating a casualty list that would stagger the imagination; 143,000 killed.

The compassionate heart of America was touched. In a matter of hours, a convoy of mercy ships was on the high seas headed for the stricken island. Those ships were equipped with the latest in medical supplies, food, and clothing and staffed with a corp of volunteer workers, doctors, and nurses to minister to the needs of the impacted millions. As the broken nation set about to rebuild her empire, in appreciation for such help from abroad, a famous five-word cablegram was received at the White House.  Signed by the Emperor himself, it read simply, “America, we will not forget.”

Less than a generation later, it was America that would suffer a disaster – this time, one that was unnatural.  December 7, 1941…the first light of dawn was just breaking over the peaceful Hawaiian Islands where, at anchor, lay the vast American fleet. Out of the blue, hurtling at lightning speed on wings of death, came kamikaze hellbent on inflicting destruction.  Relentlessly they pursued.  Battleship after battleship turned belly up. Sailors were strafed as they attempted to swim to safety. 2,300 men were killed in the savage sneak attack. Just eighteen short years after our mercy ships steamed into Tokyo Bay with American good-will…Japan had forgotten that compassion and mercy.

I have a hard time being too critical of that treachery…because I see it as a metaphor for what can happen in my own heart.  How easy it is to forget the incredible mercies that have been shown to us…

After the CSAUP workout two Saturdays ago, Mailbox, Butterknife, and I jumped into Fort Loudon Lake to cool off.  As we were standing in the lake and talking, I realized that we were almost directly across the lake from my friend’s house.  Although I rarely see him anymore, that friend is dear to me – because I hold him responsible for changing the trajectory of my life.  When I was a sad clown, when my ship was capsizing – God used that friend to get me turned in the right direction.  As I stood in the water, recalling where I once was and the path that I was headed down, a wave of deep gratitude swept over me – gratitude for the mercy and compassion that pivoted my life.  How easy it is to forget that mercy.  How easy it is to forget how my life would have been different.  How easy it can be to forget how far God has brought us and what he has delivered us from…  

Psalm 143:4
Remember what God has done for you. Let His grace and mercy comfort you, and remind you of His unfailing love.”

Psalm 103:2
Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.



Prayers for Pool Boy’s pastor and Booster’s friend, Anthony, and his family

That is a lot of goose poop

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning.

Insert information about the warmup.
Mosey to the parking lot with the least amount of goose poop. Start at first cone. Do qty of 1 of 1st exercise. Move to next cone, do qty of 2, next cone qty of 3 etc. Total of  8-9 cones across lot. Run a lap around the lot after completing all cones and go back to start doing same exercise adding up again. switch to second exercise, then 3rd,4th. While waiting on the six, do LBCs or hold plank. 

exercises with travel movements are:

  • Merkins with runs
  • Squat jumps with bear crawls (every other line)
  • Dry docks with Bernie Sanders
  • Lunges with side shuffle

mosey back to start but 4 of the PAX became “injured” and had to be carried.
Mosey to AO stopping for 5 burpees.

No time for her today.
Short worried about sacrifice and helping others. Spent most of the BOM talking about the Hardship Hill and participation from the PAX.
Man! there is a lot of goose poop at the JUCO. I went to set up early this morning and the parking lot I was going to use was literally filled with hundreds of geese and thousands upon thousands of piles of goose poop. No go. I found a much better parking lot above and to the side of the school. Freshly paved no pebbles, perfect for today’s workout. It’s amazing how much poop a goose can churn out for the size of that animal. I mean, take a look at an Alpaca. It’s a big animal and it poops out little rabbit pellets. Did you know that alpaca poop is actually referred to as black gold. It is highly sought after for fertilizer. Also, alpacas and llamas are not the same animal. One time I did a llama race for charity. I got to run around the lawn at worlds fair park with a llama named Betty I think. I’m not real good with horse size animals. Never really get along with horses very well. I’m not intimidated by much, but horses are so big and one kick in the Jimmy would put you down for a long time. Well, I gotta get to work so no more time for the rambling poetic waxing of this PAX member. I will leave you with this. The only thing worse than it raining after you washed your car is having to poop after you get out of the shower. Leave a 💩 emoji on the slack post it you read this far and you will be an honorary member of the I read Tank’s BB club.
Hardship Hill and snacks for Wesley house.