F3 Knoxville

Flinstone 30s, Pyramids & Grinders

30 and Breezy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– Running Squats x10 (8ct IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Reverse Lunges x12 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x12 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x12 (IC)

Mosey to back side of the Asylum
– Stop at front parking lot, ATMs & Flutter Kicks x25 (4ct)

Flintstone’s 30s
Every man select a rock (or two)
Individual 30’s on the back hill with rock (going up and down by 5s from x5 to x25 at the top and bottom)
– Double-hand Arm Overhead Press at top x5
– Dead Lifts or Sumo Squats at the bottom x25 (w/ rock)

Mosey to field on Northshore side of the Asylum at the base of Grinch Hill.  Once there, partner up.

Battle Buddy Pyramid
Battle Buddy 1 runs to second cone and does 2 exercises while Battle Buddy 2 does shuttle runs to first cone.  Rinse and repeat.

Each person will do two sets of the exercises in the following order: x5, x10, x15, x10, x5.  We had 2 Rounds:
Rd 1
– Burpees
– Dry Docks

Rd 2
– Narrow Squats
– Wide Merkins

Mosey to SP

Battle Buddy bear crawls to the cone and does 2 reps while Battel Buddy 2 is doing squats then runs back.  Switch.

Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 10 reps.
– Rd 1 = Diamond Merkins
– Rd 2 = Side Lunges (both legs = 1 rep)

Number off and Name-O-Rama (31 PAX, 2 FNGs)

Character vs. Reputation

“Character is the distinctive qualities that make a man who he truly is deep down inside. Your character is made up of all the qualities that have been deeply ingrained in your mind and spirit. It is your character that determines how you respond to life’s challenges and irritations, to both your victories and defeats. Your reputation is what others think of you; your character is what you truly are. Reputations can be manipulated; character can only be developed. While you have some control over how others see you, you have total control over your true character. The specific character traits that you develop, and live by, determine what kind of man you are.”
– Bohdi Sanders, Men of the Code: Living as a Superior Man

Wearing the F3 means something.  It means you are CHOOSING to be a man who pursues more than the status quo.  That you ACCEPT responsibility to REJECT passivity and LEAD.  You live by a code, I am Third…God, Others, Me.  Character is built through adversity.  Each morning we get out and work hard pushing ourselves and each other to get better physically, mentally and spiritually.  With each workout our character is shaped a little more.

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”
Romans 8:3-5

It was chilly, breezy morning, but we kept moving.  We carried rocks, ran hills, bear crawled, did burpees…all giving 100% with a smile.  It was an honor and blessing to lead this morning.  And just think…we get to do it all again next week!

Challenge Yourself

The scene : 34, GLOOMY, and HUMP DAY!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Theme: Challenge yourself



Disclaimer while doing:

Calf Jumps

SSH x25 IC

BAC x15

Front arm claps x20

Overhead Arm clapsx20

Burpos x10

Jump squats x10

2 Capri laps around the parking lot while the late bloomers post

Line up at base of PL and BURPO 11’s

Mosey to the Pavilion

PAX performs Merkins to the Song G-6. Plank position until they sing G-6, do a merkin. Great way to

burn the shoulders and create mumblechatter!

Bring Sally up- P1 wall sits while P2 does table pull ups, Witch up.

Mosey to the the Baseball Field

BEARWAY to Heaven or to Hell as some mumblechattered during!

Mosey back to the AO


Name O Rama: 25 inc YHC


After reading the Devotional of the Life of an Undaunted Man, it hit me. I challenge myself to change

myself everyday physically. During hard work outs, I figure out ways to keep pushing and not quitting.

Well, with the Undaunted Man devo, it talks about balance of Physical, Mental and Spiritual. I am weak

in the Spiritual aspect of my life. With distractions of everyday living in the physical world, I don’t think

about my spirituality and focus on God. I need to be able to push through those distractions and work

on my Spiritual side. F3 has tremendously helped in me in this aspect as the Knoxville Pax has all HIMs

that I look to for spiritual guidance. SPECIAL Thanks to Capn Crunch for challening me/inviting me to the

21 day Undaunted man Devotional!


Run Towards The Danger

F3 1.24.17
40 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Warm Up
SSH X 25
Imperial Walkers x 20
Cherry Pickers x 10
Merkins x 10 – 4 count

The Thang
Mosey to Campus
Two lines and follow the leader doing high knees, butt kicks etc
-Lunge across foot bridge
Sprint stairs up to Ayres Hall
-Leg Throws x20 w/ a battle buddy
Mosey over and down to foot of “the hill”

o DORAS AT THE HILL (partner up)
Lunge up stairs / 50 Burpees
Bunny hop stairs / 100 LBCs

o PYRAMIDS (on grass steps in front of Neyland Stadium)
Do pyramid reps at 5 grass steps I.e. 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1:
-Box jumps
-Decline Merkins
-Step ups

PROGRESSIVE ABS (on our way back to the AO)

-Pfeiffer led flutter kicks ICx25 at foot of “The Hill”
Mosey up stairs to Ayres Hall
-Buddy Leg Throws OYOx20
Mosey down stairs to footbridge over Cumberland Ave.
-Dimples led American Hammers ICx25 on 4 count
Mosey back to AO

Count o Rama – 20 PAX
Name o Rama

– Red Writer
“Where is God at work in your life?” a mentor asked me one day. I didn’t know what to say. He made a compelling argument that for every man, God is standing in the middle of our fear, inviting us to run towards it.

Part of being a High Impact Man is rejecting passivity. Oftentimes as men we avoid/shrink back/check out when things get stressful, overwhelming or intimidating. We must choose to reject that natural tendency of passivity and step towards that fear knowing that God will meet us in the middle of it!

Challenge: Where is God inviting you into your fear today?

Getting the week started right!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

5:30 COT

  • Windmill x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers X 20
  • Arm Circles x 25 each way
  • Burpo’s – 10

Mosey Lower Parking Lot and grab CMU’s – Partner up

Partner Shuttle Run 3 Times

  • Partner 1 – Squats, Merkins Rows Alternate exercise every time you reach start.
  • Partner 2 – Run to 1st open area and completes 1 burpee and runs back.
  • Repeat above with an increasing number of burpees at each opening.
  • LBC or Plank until PAX complete Shuttle.
  • After PAX completes all 3 Shuttles. Superman x 10

 Mosey to Hill

 Forties – High rep version of 11’s. Always add up to 40 subtracting 5 each time:

Merkins and Curls

       –     30 Curls, Devin Hester 10 Big Boys

  • 25 Curls, Devin Hester 25 Big Boys
  • 20 Curls, Devin Hester 20 Big Boys
  • 15 Curls, Devin Hester, 25 Big Boys
  • 10 Curls, Devin Hester, 30 Big Boys

Cash Out

  • Squat hold to Burpos – Called out x 5


  • Flutter Kicks x 30

 Take Every Thought Captive

 If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. —John 8:36

 God pays no attention to our natural individuality in the development of our spiritual life. His plan runs right through our natural life. We must see to it that we aid and assist God, and not stand against Him by saying,

“I can’t do that.” God will not discipline us; we must discipline ourselves. God will not bring our “arguments…and every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)— we have to do it. Don’t say, “Oh, Lord, I suffer from wandering thoughts.” Don’t suffer from wandering thoughts. Stop listening to the tyranny of your individual natural life and win freedom into the spiritual life.

Burpees for Bandwagon (MIA)

The Scene: Lower 40s and Early
SSX x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO
Squat Jumps x 10 IC

The Thang
Partner Up and Grab one Cinderblock between the two
Mosey to parking lot
One partner starts with 10 squat to shoulder press with cinderblock while the other starts with 10 merkins on the other side
Run to the other side and do 10 burpees halfway across and do opposite exercise at the other side
Run back and do 10 burpees again then 9 merkins until you get to 1 of each exercise

110 Burpees Total

Mosey to Cardiac Hill
Start at very bottom 20 little baby crunches at bottom and run to top and do 20 dips
Repeat 3 more times

Finish with 10 burpees at top

Mosey back to AO

1 Timothy 6:6-12

“6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Being content. What does that look like in today’s world? Why is it so hard to get to a place of contentment in our society? Everything is telling us the opposite, we deserve a bigger house, nicer car and the best of the best. Look around us and see people recently in Gatlinburg that have lost everything and we are still not content with what we have. BUT this is our human nature we are broken and we can not find peace in what we have here on this earth. The only way to move closer and closer to that contentment is to strive daily for a personal relationship and love of Jesus Christ.

Great workout as the 21 PAX that made it out as everyone grinded through the burpees and cardiac hill. Nothing better than seeing Dimples cramping up while trying to keep up with Edit getting up Cardiac. Hopefully it was a good enough workout for everyone as we missed all those fartsackers that were dreaming of sheep. Great to see DuckPond back out!