F3 Knoxville

Sprints and Merkins

THE SCENE 65 and clear

F3 Welcome and disclaimer

Side straddle hop x25 IC
Burpies x10 OYO
Baby arm circles x10 IC
Michael Phelps x10 IC
4ct Squats x10 IC
Carolina Drydocks x10 IC

Start at one curb, sprint to opposite curb, fast walk back.
Rinse and repeat x10

Merkin Sprints
Sprint to far curb, 20 merkins.
Sprint back, 19 merkins.
Continue to sprint back and forth performing 1 less merkin until down to 1.

Mosey to cardiac hill

Cardiac Hill…Like a Beast
Bear crawl to first turn, perfrom20 merkins.
Bear crawl to second turn, perform 20 merkins.
Crab walk down to first turn perform 20 merkins.
Crab walk to bottom, perform 20 merkins.
Sprint up cardiac to benches, fast walk back to AO.

Tunnel of Love
Finish up with a little tunnel of love

Number off and Name-O-Roma: 29 PAX, 5 FNGs

Yes, in a tennis match love means “nothing”—–15-love, 30-love, 40-love. But to a Christian and a HIM (High Impact Man) love is everything. Jesus commands us to love one another. Sometimes this is not easy to love others who are not like us, don’t treat us well, or don’t believe the same as we do. Matthew 22:37 Jesus was asked which commandment was the greatest. He replied “love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself”. How do we love God with all our heart? Obey His commands, spend time in His word, spend time meditating and in prayer. How do we love our neighbor? Look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Just for today make the decision to be less selfish and more Christ-like—–encourage others, engage with those around you and help them however you can. Serve others, love on your wife and kids, love on your parents and friends—-love them well!!!!



73 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH                             ICx15
Squats                        ICx15
BAC                             ICx10
Reverse BAC               ICx10
Calf raises                   ICx15

Mosey across Worlds Fair Park and over to the Locust Street Garage (aka The Deathstar).

The Deathstar
PAX were instructed to begin with 10 merkins, climb six flights of stairs to the top of the garage and do 6 burpees- then run back to the first floor via the descending parking deck.  10 more merkins at the bottom, 5 flights of stairs, and 5 burpees.

Rinse and repeat until all PAX had completed all levels of the garage.

Lunges Down Locust
After completing the Deathstar, the PAX did lunges on Locust Street for an entire city block, from Clinch Avenue to Union Street.  Burn baby, burn!

Circle of Pain
The PAX moseyed back to the Sun-sphere for a little COP:
Mountain Climbers                               ICx20
Merkins                                                 ICx10
Carolina Dry Docks                              ICx20

The PAX moseyed over to the grassy field near the fountains.  From there, the men engaged in an all-out, 100 yard sprint back to the fountains.  Heart rate buster!

At the fountains, the PAX did one set of incline merkins OYOx15.

V-ups led by Rascal                            ICx25
Hello Dolly led by P-nut                       ICx15
Flutter Kicks led by Dimples                ICx20
Peter Parkers led by Proton                on command

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

We are all faced with difficult decisions each day.  Decisions at work, at home and in our community roles.  P-nut told of a mentor that advised him long ago to “look at your daily tasks and decide which item was the toughest/most difficult task you would face that day…and then to do that one first.”  The idea is to tackle your biggest obstacles first- and you’ll feel better/perform better the rest of the day.

Incredible energy and mumblechatter from the PAX.  The Deathstar was fun and full of suck, but worth visiting again (SOON).

Burpee Hills – Your Own Worst Enemy

73 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x30
Cross body arm swings
Duck Walk (4 up/4back)
Lunge Complex
Plank Complex
Merkins x10 regular
Merkins x10 wide
LBSU x20

Grab CMU and mosey to base of New Hill (which needs a name…maybe The Wall?)

Plank while we wait + x10 merkins OYO

Burpee Hills
Get a BattleBuddy
One person runs up hill while other does burpees
5 minutes. AMRAP

Mosey with CMU to base of Everest

Everest+Deconstructed Burpees
Sprint up Everest
When back at start do the following (Deconstructed Burpees)
– 10 squats
– 10 leg thrusts
– 10 Merkins
– 10 leg thrusts…then up.
Rinse/repeat. AMRAP: 5 minutes

Plank+merkins while we wait for everyone to descend after time was up then x20 LBS IC

Mosey with CMU to the flag.  Burpees while we wait for everyone to return

Sprints + Burpee Jumps
Get with BattleBuddy:
One person sprints the length of parking lot while other does jumps over CMU, doing a burpee on each side
3 minutes AMRAP

Core: reverse bridge x 20

Count off and Name-o-Rama

We all carry a burden that keeps us from performing at our full potential.  Identify it, acknowledge it, and then release it to your father so that you may run the race set before you with passion and purpose!

The stars were glimmering in all their majesty this morning as I drove through the gates of splendor at the Asylum. The warm fuzzies quickly dissipated with the collision of my face to the famous East Tennessee Humidity. Even at 5am, it’ll knock your teeth out.

Sons ‘o Fear and a Walk in the Park

84 degrees and humid

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Baby Arm Circle        ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle   ICx15
Squats                        ICx15
Calf Raises                  ICx15

Quick mosey around the perimeter of World’s Fair Park and back to the grassy area near the fountains

Wrestle Mania 2016
PAX divided up into four groups and gathered at one of the four cones set up around the field.  Instructions were to bear crawl counterclockwise around the “ring,” stopping at each cone to perform the following:
10 burpees
20 merkins
30 squats

Rinse and repeat for 15 minutes

Mosey to stairs near Sunsphere

11’s on the Stairway to Heaven:
Increasing merkins (starting with one) at the base of the stairs; decreasing StarJacks at the top of the stairs (starting with ten).

Indian Run back to the AO

Tricep dips                 20 OYO
Incline merkins         20 OYO

Rinse and repeat for four minutes

Ab-O-Rama:  Dealer’s Choice
Hello Dolly
Lance Armstrongs
Flutter Kicks

Number off and Name-O-Rama

YHC read from John 8:12.  He talked about the iconic Sunsphere and how it represented “energy” in the 1982 World’s Fair.  This passage from John encourages us to be a “light” to the world…and we should be lights in our community, our workplace, our church and our home.

YHC then prayed us out.

Wow!  31 PAX participated in the inaugural beat-down at the World’s Fair Park.  Lots of spirited mumblechatter and laughter.  This location offers much for future workouts, including lots of fields, stairs, water and greenway routes.

This AO will help us reach potential PAX both downtown and in East Knoxville.  No sadclown or fartsacker is safe in Knoxville, men.  Let’s keep it going.

Hunger Games at The Asylum

78 and muggy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH                      ICx20
Imperial Walker     ICx20
Squats                   ICx20
BAC                       ICx20
Reverse BAC        ICx20

The PAX divided into two groups for a little friendly competition.

The Games
Each group had to run the Lakeshore Park loop (2.1 miles) and complete the 14 work stations set up along the route.  While traversing the trail, each group had to carry a 50lb sandbag and a concrete block (concrete masonry unit- CMU).  The only rule…all PAX had to stay together and finish the exercises before running to the next work station on the trail (plank it out- all you quick youngsters).

Group one began the run on the south entrance of the greenway and Group two started on the north entrance.

Work stations consisted of:  bear crawls, sprints around baseball infield, merkins, burpees, starjacks and a climb up Mt. Everest for a squat sequence.  14 stations in all.  Lots of hill work.

The highlight of the competition was when both groups met in the middle of the greenway (1/2 way through) and Edit led the entire group in a round of IC Starjacks.

Group 2 won the HUNGER GAME battle this time around, but I’m guessing that there will be a rematch in the near future.

Once both groups returned to the start point we gathered up to cash out.

Cash Out
Mountain Climbers                                      ICx20
Offset Merkins (left)                                     ICx10
Squats                                                         ICx20
Offset Merkins (right)                                   ICx10

Abs (Dealer’s Choice)
Box cutters led by Edit                                ICx20
Hello Dolly led by Crawdad                         ICx30
Pac Man led by Land Line                          ICx20 (each leg)
American Hammer led by Slide Rule          ICx20
Pickle Pounders led by Pickle                    ICx15

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,


We will never be satisfied with things of this world (money, cars, health), but with Jesus- we will never want for anything.  John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whosever believes in me shall never thirst.”


I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Vehicle after vehicle rolled in to the AO and it was a legendary line-up.  Many of the original PAX from the Day 1 launch in 2015 were there for a hot and humid beat down.  Mumblechatter was in full swing 15 minutes before the workout began.

Incredible having so many “old timers” out this morning! It was an awesome day at the Asylum.  The best part of the day was when FNG- Snitch- informed the group that Woodshack once posed in his “underwear” for a cover photo for Newsweek magazine. Potential new F3 names for Woodshack are Zoolander and Playboy. Too bad Woodshack was unable to post today…he’ll pay for that information later.

Keep Gus in prayer as he prepares for the BAR exam this month.  Also prayers for Pablo and other memebers of the PAX who are traveling.

Great energy and hype today at the Asylum.
