F3 Knoxville

You Can Do Anything for 5 Minutes

THE SCENE: Chilly Spring Morning 39 degrees and clear Quickbooks and Dimples Co-Q

Run in Place, High Knees, Squats, Jump Squats, Squat Pulse, Mary Katherines, lunge pulse – RT, Lunge Pulse LT
Mosey from the AO the Playground

  • 5 minutes of 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Box Jumps, 10 Bulgarian Lunges
  • Sprint in the parking lot (down and Back) 10 Burpees, Sprint (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Sprint (D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the new bathroom parking lot
  • 5 minutes of 10 Squats, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Snowboarders
  • Bear Crawl (down and reverse Back) 10 Burpees, Bear Crawl (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Bear Crawl(D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the Pavillion
  • 5 minutes of 10 Mericans, 10 Dips, 10 Dry Docks
  • Sprint next to the dugouts (down and Back) 10 Burpees, Sprint (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Sprint (D&B) MTN Climbers
  • Mosey to the AO
  • 5 minutes of 10 Squats, 10 Squat Jacks, 10 Snowboarders
  • Bear Crawl (down and reverse Back) 10 Burpees, Bear Crawl (D&B) 10 Star Jumps, Bear Crawl(D&B) MTN Climbers

5 Squats Together

4 times in the OT God makes a formal covenant promise with Israel.  The covenant He makes with Abraham is just like the one we talked about.  The dead animals, the pathway, the whole bit.  It’s in Genesis 15.

The special thing about this promise was that God alone walked through the pathway, he didn’t require Abraham to walk through it.  It was as if to say… I want to bless you, and I am asking you to be faithful to Me, to seek Me, and to obey Me…. But regardless of your faithfulness towards me, I will still hold up my end of the bargain and I will be gracious to you.  Out of love, I chose you, no matter how you treat Me.

So, what does that have to do with marriage?

Everything.  Absolutely everything….

So, what should our response be to our spouse on their worst of days?  A selfless love that thinks first of them and their needs.

I mean, imagine for a second if God said to us on our worst of days, “I’m sick of it.  I give up!  You’re just never going to get it.  I’m done with you.”  Noooo… come on.  He is not like that!!  He is patient, He is kind, He is longsuffering with us, He perseveres with us, He is gracious with us, and He forgives us… and our call to love our husband or wife is the same.

April Showers

THE SCENE Cold Wet Rainy and Beautiful
Side Straddle hop 25X

Tempo Squats

Switch foot x20

High Knees/50% sprint

High Skips/50% sprint

100% sprint
Find a battle buddy

Wheel barrel 15 steps on hands/10 derkins/switch until you reach the other side

10 merkins/10 mountain climbers/50% back

Bear crawl/Broad jump/half way switch with partner to the other side

10 merkins/10 mountain climbers/50% back

Man Carry/Fireman Carry/Lunge to halfway and switch.

10 merkins/10 mountain climbers/50% back

Catch the Fox (no one did)

Mosey to the Pavilion.

15 pull ups/15 dips/15 derkins/ Partner side straddle hop until complete and switch

Mosey to playground

15 box jumps/15 dips/15 derkins/Partner big boy sit ups until complete and switch

Mosey to the hill

Partner does merkins/Partner runs to top and does 10 merkins switch until you hit 100

Mosey to the top of cardiac/Partner big boy/ Partner run to bottom and do 10 merkins and switch

Mosey to bottom of cardiac/Hug partner and tell him Jesus loves you.

10 burbees and run to the top and back to AO

Cash out with American hammers and count it off

28 men no FNGs
We get the opportunity to wake up everyday to die to self, serve others and put others first and you last.  Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Just another Monday Morning

THE SCENE: Wet, rainy and awesome

C0-Q with Coolio and Proton

Side Stradle Hops X20

High Knees for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

Heels to butt for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

Drive and skip for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

50% sprint for half and all out sprint for half.
Proton’s “Core” Workout at the AO

Bermuda Triangle – 2 Second Hold-  3 Stations. 1- Pull-up, 2 Rows, 3- Wall jumps/step-ups.

Break up into four groups and run to each station.  Every time you pass the Flag Pole do 5 or 10 Burpees.

-10 Pull-Ups x 3 rounds

-20 Picnic Table Rows X 3 Rounds

-20 Wall Jumps or step up x 3 Rounds

Bearpees 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bear crawl forward around the outside of the playgroud.  25 yards.   Burpee Dan – 1 Burpee followed by 4 count lunges 25 yards

Mosey to bottom of the hill

Jacobs ladder- Run the hill 1 Burpee, backwards up the hill 2 burpees, run the hill 3 burpees, etc. etc. up to 7.

Burpee Dan’s – Groups of 4

-4 Burpee : 4 lunges across lot.

-1 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.

Coolio’s “Run and Grind” workout

3 minute Mosey

20 Merkins

20 BBoys

10 box jumps


2 minute Mosey

20 Merkins

20 BBoys

20 Squats

1 50 yard sprints

This was repeated 5 times.  Ran just under 3 miles


35 men no FNGs

Get in the habit of taking out the Garbage.  Get into the habit of confessing sin to your brothers.  Don’t let it build up and fester in your heart.  God gives Grace the the humble.  1 John 9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a rightb spirit within me.
11Cast me not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
12Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Get out there and sign up for a Q.  Call someone to CO-Q.


54 and slight drizzle



SSH x25 IC
4ct Squat x15 IC
4ct Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Count off into teams of 5 and then mosey to the top of the hill next to the parking lot.

Bumper Circuit
One group at Stations 1-3, two groups at Station 4. When Q says “go” one team at Station 4 makes the loop to cone 1.  All other groups do the exercise at the cones, alternating between the exercises.  When the group running gets to Station 1 all the groups shift and the group at Station 4 runs the loop. Rinse and repeat.  All exercise are done in either x10, x15 or x20 rep sequences based on physical ability.

  • Station 1 (at new retaining wall on the trail)
    • Box Jumps & Dips
  • Station 2 (front parking lot)
    • Dry Docks &
  • Station 3 (side parking lot)
    • Wide Merkins &
  • Station 4 (Top parking lot)


38 PAX



WAR at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Gloomy and War like! Nah, pretty good weather.

Jog across PL, High Knee skip PL, karaoke PL, ALL x2

With 43 Pax, we must divide and conquer so we played a game of WAR!

  • Split into 2 groups
  • Taking turns, a man from group 1 and a man from group 2 sit down and play the game war with the provided deck of cards.
  • You loose, Your Whole group does 10 burpees
  • You win, man that turns the winning card leads his group IC in 10 SSH 4 ct
  • When 2 cards end the same, 3 cards are pulled from each side and laid down, the 4th card is turned up to reveal the winner. LOOSING group does 20 burps, the winning group takes a victory lap. Each group actually lost to war once, but one group definitely did more burps!
  • repeat until all cards are played.
  • Mosey back to the AO for DORACIDES, Partner up for 100 merkins, 200 BBS, and 300 squats

Plank holds, then 5 merkins IC

Hello dolly x10 IC

Iron cross for 10 seconds

Never cross dolly x 10 IC

FLutter kicks x20 IC by the FNG “Dog Bite” Great job FNG!!
43 Pax inc 1 FNG Not tagged but there…. Sleep over, Ponder, and Dog Bite. Dog bite is registered but its not tagging, the other 2 are not registered….FYI
DISPOSITION=A persons inherent qualities of mind and character. F3 has a great disposition and the men of F3 have rubbed off on me and made me a better man. Still a LONG WAY to go for me but I am greatful and hopefully F3’s Disposition will affect other men in our community and make us better. Lets GOOOOOO! AYE!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.