F3 Knoxville

The Doobie Brothers

THE SCENE: Cold and Crisp. 33 Degrees. Shorts Weather

SSH x 20 IC

cherry pickers x 10ish IC

front Claps x 15 IC

modified B.R.I.C.K. (Burpees, Rocky Balboas, *Merkins, Capt. Thor, *8-Count Body Builders)

2-4-6-8-10 of each exercise with a 100 yard field lap between each set of reps.

Tour de Equalizer w/ flutter kicks and planks mixed in.

3.19 miles covered


Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

Continued the theme from this past weekend’s 3rd F- Suffering. We can’t have adversity without pain. It’s not possible. God meets us at the point of our deepest need. We were made to live in community with others. Take your concerns, cares, adversity, pain, and suffering to God and share with appropriate others.

The Doobie Brothers opened the first Monday morning workout at the Equalizer in style. Hot Tub, Farva, Doubtfire, and Bow Flex put on a historic performance. One for the ages.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Sunny and nice, temps in 50’s

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 second squat, 15 Mountain Climbers, 30 second squat, 10 Windmills, 45 second squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 60 second squat, Little of This and Little of That.  Split into three groups and Mosey to workout stations.  In each station we will work out for 15 minutes.  After workout out at the three stations we will meet back at AO.

STATION 1 (at parking lot near entrance of northern ball fields)
There will be bricks on ground at Corner 1 and CMU’s on ground at Corner 3.
We will circle the parking lot counter clockwise, stopping at each corner to do the listed exercises.  We will circle the lot three times, doing the series of exercises as we go.
  • Corner 1:  With brick in each hand do:  1. 25 Wings Out  2.  25 Wings Up  3.  25 Wings down.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2 after each listed exercise.
  • Corner 2:  1.  20 Merkins  2.  20 Dive Bombers 3.  20 Carolina Drydocks.  Bear Crawl to Corner 3 after each exercise.
  • Corner 3:  With CMU do:  1.  25 Overhead Presses  2.  25 Curls  3.  25 Rows.  Sprint to Corner 4 after each exercise.
  • Corner 4:  1.  20 American Hammers (4 count)  2.  20 Box Cutters   3.  20 Flutter Kicks (4 count).  Lunge to Corner 1 after each exercise.

STATION 2 (on north side of parking lot with nice restroom and across street from northern ballfields)

Picket’s charge w 3 Burpees at every cone
Circle Burp: grab a baby and take turns leading cadence with curls until saying “Go” and do two Burpees all around circle, repeat w Triceps
Give and Take: choose a battle buddy, plank across from each other. Take turns taking bricks off CMU and replace until time is up bout 1-2 minutes.
Merkin Suicides: run to cone do 10 merkins suicide style

Station 3 (in parking lot by southern ball fields)

On one end you will do an exercise than run to the other end and continue that exercise until the Six arrives.  Modification is leave early on the run.

Strength and Conditioning Side:

Exercise 1     20 – Merkins

Exercise 2     20 – 4 Count Side Straddle Hop

Exercise 3     20 – Squats

Exercise 4     20 – Carolina Dry Docks

Exercise 5     5 – Burpees

Exercise 6     3 – Yoga – Plank – Downward Dog – Upward Dog You will need to call it out.

Ab Side:

Exercise 1     20 – IC 4 Count LBCs

Exercise 2     20 – IC Holly Dolly

Exercise 3     20 – IC Plank Jacks

Exercise 4     20 – On your own Shoulder taps  shoulder

Exercise 5     20 – On my Up – Big Boy Sit Ups

Exercise 6     20 – IC 4 Count – American Hammers IC

50 Baby Crunches, 25 Sit-ups
43 men with one FNG, Jeremy Cameron whom we dubbed “MIB”
We all must suffer.  That will be the theme of today’s 3rd F.  It helps to remain optimistic in the face of suffering.

Pfeiffer is gonna be a daddy this week!

3rd F at Outlook immediately following this workout!

The Quacken AO Launch!

THE SCENE: 50 degrees. Cloudy. Little rain toward the end.


Warmed up in an adjacent pavilion b/c we couldn’t all fit in the normal one!

SSH X20 4ct IC

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Annie’s – x8 each forward and backward each.

Little bit of this, little bit of that…

Imperial Walkers x10 4CT
Relay run with the 20lb baby around the Fountain City Park loop 1 time. Turn around and run up to the Gresham Hill continuing the relay run with the 20lb baby.

Welsh Dragons (Happy St. David’s Day!)

  • Bear crawl position the whole time. Move forward 4 steps.
  • Do 1 merkin
  • Do 1 plank jack
  • Do 1 pair of back of shoulder taps
  • Bear crawl forward another 4 steps.
  • Rinse and repeat for ~30ft adding 1 rep to each move every time.
  • Rest and then turn around and go halfway back-ish toward where we started starting over at 1 rep each.

Relay run with 20lb baby back down Gresham Hill around the side to the Duck Pond.

The Quacken Circuit

  • 8 station circuit around the Duck Pond. 20 reps of listed exercise at each station, except the last station which is 10 Kraken Burpees (regular burpee with 3 hand-release merkins at the bottom). Repeat the loop 2x or until time.
  • #1 – 20 Squats
  • #2 – 20 Merkins
  • #3 – 20 Overhead Claps 2CT
  • #4 – 20 LBCs
  • #5 – 20 American Hammers 2CT
  • #6 – 20 Mountain Climbers 2CT
  • #7 – 20 SSH 2CT
  • #8 – 10 Kraken Burpees (3 hand-release merkins at the bottom)
  • Ran out of time, but almost finished 2nd loop

Relay run back to the AO with 20lb baby.

Out of time! We had too much fun.
18 HIMs made it out for the launch! Herbie, Abort, Half caff, Mr. Wedgie, SiPad, Bowflex, Chaucer, Hamm, Belding, Fast-n-Easy, Swanson, Quagmire, Detention, Ghost, Tank, Doubtfire, Erector, Filter
Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
4 takeaways for today:

  1. Accountability – Hold one another accountable to make it out here. Encourage one another to get better and be better. Hold one another accountable in our regular lives outside our workout times as well.
  2. Q! Sign up to Q! Everyone has the ability, wherewithal and capacity to do it. We can help. You can do it.
  3. Mend House – Come out and post with these guys on Wednesdays at 6pm. They’re a great group of guys to workout with and we all benefit from being around one another.
  4. Give Back – Give back to the AOs where you post. Volunteer for a cleanup day or help do things around the park / school / etc. I know we can definitely help the Lions Club keep FC Park clean and running well for everyone to use.
    Chili cook-off tonight 6-8pm at Fort Loudoun Yacht Club. Reach out to Rusty or Doubtfire for more info.

    F3 Knoxville, The Quacken
    Launch of The Quacken AO in Fountain City on March 1, 2019.

Yep, A loop, a big Loop!

THE SCENE: 54 and a little breezy.

20 merkins OYO

  • One big loop
  • Ruck up and head towards Middlebrook,
  • Stop about every mile and do 20 merkins
  • Over 6 miles at close to a 12 minute pace with Ruck
  • The ruck run was broken up into sections, sling shot ruck w partner , run a light pole , walk a light pole , Indian run
  • looped back to the AO w about 20 minutes left so we started in a BURB version of a Dora
  • 50 body builders, 75 upright ruck rows , 100 ruck thrusters and 125 front ruck big boys.
  • we got to the ruck thrusters and did a round then stoped for the last 2 minutes for Mary

20 ruck flutters IC

20 front ruck big boys

20 ruck flutters ic
9 pax
Surround yourself with uncommon people, (read goggins quote
For me it’s not necessarily about being surrounded by uncommon people but more importantly , positive people !
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

March to Golgotha

THE SCENE: Low 40’s with a little drizzle for shizzle.

SSHs, LBAC(F), LBAC(B), Tempo Squats, Mountain Climbers
PAX were instructed to choose from a cornucopia of albatrosses to carry throughout the workout: we had an assortment of CMUs, Kettle Bells, Dumbbells, Wood Logs, and Sand Bags.  Once everyone had a “friend,” the fun began:

  • Slowsy to brick parking lot by the strip center, perform 25 weighted squats, put down the weight and run to opposite side of parking lot, perform 2 double burpees, run back and pick weight back up.
  • We continued this cycle of activity, making our way to the summit of Jucomanjaro for 5 double Burpees (Slowsy with weight, perform exercise, run to next stopping point for burpees, run back to get weight, rinse and repeat).
  • Exercises Performed at the various stops: Squats (x25), Merkins (x25), Monkey Humpers (x25), Push Press (x25), Rows (x25), Smurf Jacks (x25).
  • Carry Weight Back to AO

Cashed out with 4ct Flutter Kicks (x50).
14 strong.

Q shared a history lesson at top of Jucomanjaro – the cross carried by Christ to Golgotha (place of crucifixion) weighed about 300lbs in totality, with the cross beam (the piece he most likely carried himself up the hill) weighing about 100lbs (according to most historians).  The distance He traveled to Golgotha was 2,000 feet and this path is currently a place for Christian pilgrimage.  It just so happens that 2,000 feet equates to 666 yards (the biblical number for Satan), demonstrating God’s perfect plan and Jesus’ overcoming of Satan at the Cross.  Pretty amazing.

If you want to know how much God loves you, you don’t have to look any further than the Cross. One of the things that keeps us from accepting God’s love and becoming more like him is pride.  Pride is the root source of all or most sin.  Q shared one practical way to battle pride: pray for others.  Looking back at your prayer life, what percentage of prayers would you estimate were about you (Lord, give me wisdom, Lord – protect me and my family, Lord – help me get this promotion, etc.)?  The Lord knows what you need.  Focus your prayer life on praying for others.  This is a great starting point for winning the battle against pride, turning from ourselves and focusing on others (like Christ).
Special thanks to Booster, Bartman, Doubtfire, Spotter, and anyone else who brought some weight to the party.  Extra Credit to Pre-Ruck/Run Crew – Spotter, Waxjob, Doubtfire, Bagger, Erector, and Archie
