F3 Knoxville

Eminence Front

THE SCENE: 68 degrees, 100% heavy humidity (aka rain).  Prelude music “Riders on the Storm” by the Doors which happened to be the last recording of Jim Morrison.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  (Check)  You break it you buy it.

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Overhead/Out Front Straight Arm Hand Claps
Mosey to Mt. Crumpet for 11’s (2 run assaults, 1 Bernie, etc. to get total 10 accents)

Merkins at the base, Dry Docks at the summit.

Indian run back to the Grinder

Dora on the Grinder

Under the Pavilion (6 laps by each HIM):  Lap 1. Step Ups;  Lap 2. Derkins;  Lap 3. Dips;  Lap 4. BBS;  Lap 5. Pull ups;  Lap 6. SSH  (As many as possible while partner runs to the far end and does CMU work as follows.)  Lap 1. Lunge Dead Lifts, x10/arm;  Lap 2. Squats, x20;  Lap 3. Bent Rows, x20;  Lap 4. Kettle Bell Swings, x10;  Lap 5. Overhead Lifts, x20; Lap 6. Curls, x20

LBC’s; Box cutters, x25; Protractors, various;  Twisting BBS, x20 (ouch); Superman/Banana
Actually had 12 for most of the beatdown but only 10 recorded.  Overnight (Jeremy Acuff) is not in the database yet.  Drifter head locked a guy (Able ?) but he walked away before the end.
Music theme was “Eminence Front” by The Who.  Here are some of the lyrics to explain Pete Townshend’s meaning of the term:

People forget
Forget they’re hiding

Behind an eminence front
An eminence front, it’s a put on
It’s just an eminence front
An eminence front, it’s a put on
An eminence front
An eminence front, it’s a put on
Eminence front
It’s an eminence front, it’s a put on
It’s a put on, it’s a put on, it’s a put on

I admit that there are times (and some of them are not short periods of time) that I have been a put on, a fake, not who I really am.  Sometimes I had to be in order to fulfill a role/position/job that I was in or was assign to perform.  It may not always be a bad thing but it can lead us to believe we are something we are not intended to be.  It is particularly harmful when we hide behind a façade and try to make ourselves better than we are or better than someone else.  Pride isn’t good and leads us to hurt others.  We think we have to do this to conform to the world but Paul reminds us in Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Periodic self assessment or “real” conversation with someone that knows us well can help each of us realize when our eminence front is going in the ditch.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Weekend rucks involving numerous HIM’s

All Beef Patty

Scene: Crisp morning air
Welcome and disclaimer
Warm o rama:

• 10 Derkins
• 10 OH Press
• 10 Leg Lifts
• 10 Goblet Squats
The thang:
Mosey over to Crumpet.
Quarter pounder w/ cheese (CMU) at Mt Crumpet
Run 25 yds, derkins, bears and blocks back
Run 50 yds, OH press, bears and blocks back
Run 75 yds, leg lifts, bears and blocks back
Run 100 yds, goblet squats, bears and blocks back
Make it a double quarter pounder with cheese with reverse ingredients.
100 derkins, 75, OH press, 50 leg lifts, 25 goblet squats


8 men including Terminator whom I couldn’t tag.

Nothing really to say but Bumblebee said his wife is feeling good and that she even went to FIA Friday.
What a wicked workout. It was rough. I’ll break a variation of it out again soon.

Agility and What Not

THE SCENE: 70ish

  • Phelps/Little this&that
  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Various Leg stretches
  • TN Rocking Chair x10 IC
  • 50% Mosey across lot
  • 100% Sprint across lot


  • One side of grinder – 5 Burpees, 10 BBS, 20 Dancing Bears
  • Run through chalk ladder
  • Sprint to first cone, karaoke, over to next, sprint up to next cone, karaoke back across
  • High knees up to first light pole
  • Sprint it out to the end
  • At other side of grinder – 5 pullups, 10 Merkins, 20 Step ups


  • 4 corners – start with 4 reps and increase by 2 each time around
  • Ranger merkins, Box cutters, Dry docks, Bobby Hurley


  • Guantanamo
  • Captain Thor (up to 5)

24 came out to get better! 2 FNG’s – Overnight and Gecko. Welcome!
Lately I’ve been trying to focus on my mental strength. There’s a difference between your body giving up and your mind giving up. Push yourself, learn the difference. This applies to not only our exercising, but to our daily lives. Its much easier to give up than it is to focus and push through a difficult situation. Work on your mental strength, push yourself.

“When someone tells me no, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.”

“Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it.”

“We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use.”

“Attitude is 100% under your control.”

“If your mindset is defeated, the results will be the same no matter how often you put up a physical fight.”

F3 Olympics coming up in November


THE SCENE: Pre-Hurricanish  Approx. 72 F


SSH X 15

Arm Circles Front/Back X 10 each

Cherry Pickers X 10

Mosey to Mt. Krumpet

At Mt. Krumpet

At the base – 5 Bur-bees, 20 Merkins, 20 BB setups

Sprint to top of Krumpet, Jog back

5 Bur-bees, 20 Merkins, 20 BB setups

Bernie to top of Krumpet, Jog back

5 Bur-bees, 20 Merkins, 20 BB setups

Bear Crawl to top of Krumpet, Jog back

Mosey to Grinder and divide into 3 teams

Sprint to Station #1

10 pullups

20 Decline Merkins

20 Box Jumps

Sprint to Station #2

20 CMU Curls

20 CMU Presses

20 CMU Goblet Squats

Sprint to Station #3         5

20 inclined Merkins

20 Step ups each leg

20 Dips

Repeat circuit and if a team catches any group on station they do Bur-bees until that team is done.


Flutter kicks X 15

Box Cutters X 15

18 Strong one FNG, AO is growing!


Six Ethics of Life

  • Before you Pray – Believe

It means not lose sight of the true meaning of worship and prayer.  To many people treat church as a form of entertainment not a means to improve one’s faith and relationship with God.

  • Before you Speak – Listen

To me it is especially important to listen, especially when the conversation is confrontational.  Try to listen to the issue before allowing emotion to take over.

  • Before you Spend – Earn

Avoid burdensome dept or burrowing from others if possible. For me this is not leaving beyond your means.

  • Before you Write – Think

Never write anything you wouldn’t want your mother to read.  Be careful with what you say on social media. Things never go away.

  • Before you Quit – Try

I think we have all got this one.  We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.

  • Before you Die – Live

Don’t forget to spend time with your friends, family, take time to doing things you enjoy!

Feeling Lazy ?


LBAC, imperial walkers, imp squat walkers, merkins, monkey humpers , all 15-20 IC

Partner Up for Lazy Doras (no running)

Lazy Doras

100 merkins -One partner does 10 reps while the other planks, then switch

200 LBC-P1 20 LBC while P2 holds legs 6 inches off the ground

300 squats-P1 25 squats while P2 holds Al Gore

super 11s

1 cmu curl, 1 cmu triceps extension  over head , 2 cmu curl , 2 tri extension overhead , keep going till you get to 11 reps of each

11s, 1 big boy sit up , beat crawl 15 yards, 10 body builders , lunge back , 2 big boys, best crawl 9 body builders, etc…. until done

Hello dolly x10 ic

slutter kicks x 10 ic

lbc x 10 ic

alterbatikg superman x 20 ic

madonnas x 10 ic
15 pax
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally but what you do consistently
Simplt put, be comsistent in everything you do. Keep pushing, keep coming out to F3, keep reaching out to sad clowns!  Keep on keeping on!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.