F3 Knoxville

Pax in a Box

THE SCENE: Perfect! Clear and 62*

SSH X 20, Tempo Squats x 10, Tempo Merkins x10

  • Mosey to Church w weight- 20 overhead presses
  • Mark out imaginary 4ft Box for 11’s w Burpees/BBS, 7’s w Curls/Lunges, 7’s w Triceps/Squats,
  • Run two Laps around parking lot
  • Mosey to Street- using stripes on street Lunge to stripe do 3 Merkins at every stripe, bear crawl up hill w 3 Merkins at every stripe to top, bear crawl back down hill
  • Mosey w weight to trailer and drop weight
  • Mosey to Church parking lot Circle up for Ring of Fire on your six. Pass jagged pills and do American Hammer while holding Boat position. Pass jagged pills while holding leg lifted position and doing over head Arm extensions w pills.

American Hammer, Tempo Hello dollys X 10 Tempo Box Cutter’s x 15 Tempo BBS x 10
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Never under estimate the EH-Emotional/Eternal Headlock. It takes persistence to get some guys out. If it wasn’t for High Heels staying on me I wouldn’t be here. Keep up the EHing it’s how we grow!
Extra prayer goes out to Half Caff and Veggie with Jobs, Life, and family.
Keep up the good work with Iron Pax Challenge, get ready for Brolympics

Quacken coupons

THE SCENE: Clear and perfect temp.

SSH and cherry pickers

The Thang:

Mosey to Gresham with coupons

  • Curls / run X 8 minutes
  • 2 minute rest
  • Squats / run X 8 minutes
  • 2 minute rest
  • Incline merkins / run X 8 minutes.
  • Flutter kicks with coupons
  • While on our 6 press coupon X 20
  • mosey back to AO

1 Kings 17. God provided for Elijah’s needs a day at a time. We need to daily trust God for our needs and rely on him daily.
Continue to pray for Mr Rogers and his family.

Labor Day P-Exam

THE SCENE: 66 and clear skies

SSH x25 IC 4CT

BAC – x10 IC 4CT (keep arms up)

Seal Claps – x10 IC 4CT (keep arms up)

OHC – x10 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers – x10 IC 4CT

Tempo Merkins – x10 IC

Slowsy around the park. Buddy carry 40lb sandbag along the way. Head to church lot.

P*EXAM (skipped the second E for time and let’s be serious…)

  • P – Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees (PCMBs) – Burpee. 3 merkins at bottom. Knees to chest between each burpee. x10
  • E – Elevens – 10 merkins at the bottom. 1 squat at the top. Carry 40lb sandy at least 1 full lap during the exercise.
  • X – X-factor – 20x on your 6. Make an X with your body. Right hand to left foot. Left hand to right foot. Repeat.
  • A – ABS – American Hammers, Flutters, BBS 50/ea 2CT where necessary.
  • M – Merk-o-rama – PAX circle up in plank position. Each does 1 pushup around the circle. Add 1 rep each time. PAX does pushup, next PAX does same, until everyone does it. Repeat until you hit 5 reps.
  • Mary – name your exercise

Vertigo, Chaucer, Magic Mic, Herbie, Duggar, Filter
“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest; we have to be more disciplined than the rest”. Warren Buffett.

F3 500

THE SCENE: Misty wet morning, perfect for early morning beatdown

20 Side Straddle Hops on a 3 count, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 mountain climbers on a 3 count, 10 Manly Arm Rotations forward, 10 Manly Arm Rotations backwards

Mosey over to the Amphitheater for the F3 500. Battle buddy up. Battle buddies collectively do 100 Incline Merkins, 100 Big Boy Situps, 100 Pull Ups, 100 Flutter Kicks on a 3 count, 100 Overhead Claps on a 3 count. While one buddy is doing exercise the other is running a lap around the amphitheater. Once completed we moseyed over to Big Ball stairs. Bear Crawl to the top, 10 mountain climbers at the top and run back down. Mosey back over to the under the bridge. Lunge from one side to the other. 1 minute wall sit into lunge back across to 10 air squats. 20 flutters on a 3 count. 15 Cobra’s. Mosey back to the amphitheater for some mary. Then reconvene at AO.


Building off Abort’s COT talk about inertia I came across this quote about quitting. “If you quit now… you’ll end up right back where you first began, and where you first began, you were desparate to be where you are right now. Keep going.” Whether it be F3, work or life goals, don’t give up. My M compares me to a boulder on a hill. Super hard to get going but once you give it that push and it comes to the point where the slight bit of momentum catches it going forward it’ll be hard to stop. Let’s be the boulder, be tenacious in going after our goals.

Grossly underestimated the time it would take to finish the 500. Need to plan more exercises to have in the back pocket just in case.


Prime day without Amazon

THE SCENE: 70* and humidity down, perfect weather

Squat and reach
Calf raises
Wide merkins
Tempo merkins
Mosey north out of start point towards parking area, across the railroad tracks and over into the Preacher lot (parking area beside the International) and grab two rocks per person.  Pretty simple routine written on the ground of 5 exercises.  We start with just the first exercise, do 30 seconds as many reps as possible.  Drop the rocks and run about 25 yards to a cone in the parking lot, knock out 2 burpees, then run back to your rock.  Then we do 30 seconds of the first exercise and 30 seconds of the second exercise, drop rocks run for burpees and come back.  So on and so forth until we are doing all 5 exercises for 30 seconds.  Then we start removing one exercise each round and working our way back down.  Exercises as follows:

  • Curls
  • Side raises
  • OH press
  • OH squad
  • OH rock claps

Teased everyone with more rock work after we’d finished our last round, but return rocks to the pile and mosey back across the train tracks and to the start point.  Not a ton of time left, so we all found benches and knocked out some exercises:

  • 20 box jumps or step ups
  • 20 decline merkins
  • Run a lap around the fountains
  • 20 box jumps or step ups
  • 20 dips
  • Run a lap around the fountains

Jump in the middle for Mary

Just enough time for 15x flutters and 15x hammers
8 strong: Passport, Duggar, Reverb, G6, Apollo, Wings, The Voice, Abort
I just noticed myself reflecting on the past year as we all do on milestones.  Be it our own birthday, an anniversary, a child’s birthday (overheard The Voice mentioning his son was nearly a year old) we tend to reflect backwards and think about things we might have accomplished or failed, people we’ve met or lost and that sort of thing.  The most noticeable thing to me is people.  People who might have moved away or I haven’t seen (Preacher, Soot, Careless, now Cowbell) and on a better note a lot of people who we’ve now added to our group.  Challenge to myself and others is not just look backwards, but forward to the next year and to ensure the lessons we’ve learned from our brothers get passed on to those we are lucky enough to still be around.