F3 Knoxville

Quacken Circuit at The Quacken

THE SCENE: low 60s. Perfect!

SSH x25 IC

BAC x15 ea IC

Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Little bit of This

Tempo merkins x10 IC

Mosey to hill behind church. Dubbing this Mount Frasier from now on.


1 BBS at the bottom. 6 squat jumps at the top.

Mosey around a bit. Do 2 burpees en route. Mosey back to FC park from top of Hotel down.

6 Station Quacken Circuit – stations placed around the park circuit. Do 20, 25, 30 reps respectively for each lap.

  • #1 5 Burpees each time
  • #2 Merkins
  • #3 Lunges 2CT
  • #4 Diamond Merkins
  • Do 1 Burpee each side of the two Quacken bricks in front of the Lions Club Building as penance.
  • #5 American Hammers 4CT
  • #6 roll the dice – do 25 of whatever exercise you get. Each PAX rolls for their own exercise (skip the Burpees)
  • Bear crawl from #6 to #1
  • Repeat until time.

Ain’t nobody got time for that today!

Wilson, Mr. Wedgie, Duggar, Herbie, Filter
1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God”


P3 at F3

THE SCENE: Temp in the 70’s with a little breeze.  Perfect weather.

Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 each way

A little of This and a little of That

Hillbilly’s x10 IC

Tempo squats x10 IC

Tempo Merkins x10 IC


  • Mosey to rock pile behind Veterans Memorial
    • Walk to corners of the field with rock over head
      • 1st corner – Mountain climbers x10 IC
      • 2nd corner – Peter Parkers x10 IC
      • 3rd corner – Mountain climbers x5 / Peter Parkers x5
      • Walk with rocks over head to return them to pile.
  • Mosey to Big Ball steps
    • Battle Buddy:  #1 runs up stairs, stops at first landing for 2 burpees.  Top landing 4 burpees.  Back to first landing 2 more burpees then to bottom to tag buddy.  Meanwhile buddy #2 does flutter kicks, American Hammers, etc until buddy #1 tags.  Each buddy up stairs 4 times.
  • Mosey around the corner and up the hill to the intersection close to the Art Museum.
    • Circle up:
      • flutter kicks x 10
      • Merkins x 10 OYO
      • Hello Dolly x 10
      • Merkins x 10 OYO
      • Box Cutters x 10
      • Merkins x 10 OYO
      • LBC’s x 10
      • Merkins x 10 OYO
      • American Hammer x 10
      • Merkin x 10 OYO
  • Mosey back to AO

Had time for a little “Amazon shoulder shredder”:  Baby Arm circles, overhead claps, seal claps, etc

13 PAXs total with 2 FNG’s
Remembering a friend who I was able to spend some time with and learn from his wisdom.  He was a WWII veteran and shared his experiences and relationship with God with me over breakfast each Friday morning.  One morning he shared his thoughts as we talked about God’s Glory. As we usually think of F3 as a lot of physical fitness, I present to you “P3” for spiritual fitness.  My friend shared with me 3 things he thinks about when he thinks about God’s Glory.  God’s Presence, God’s Power, and God’s Purpose.  Let’s remember to be in God’s presence, rely on His Power, and seek His Purpose for our lives.  When we do we will not only experience His Glory but we will glorify Him.
Pray for Passports foster daughter, Jobs for people in the Fellows program, and for Lee Murphy’s job situation.

False finish five

THE SCENE: 67* or so, great morning

Even/odd stretches – middle left right
Short mosey to overpass
Shoulder taps x15 IC
Super squats x10 IC
Tempo merkins x10 IC
Wall sit OH claps x15 IC
Very short mosey to amphitheater .  Assemble at the stage for 11s’s big brother, 25’s.  Same concept as 11s except increase/decrease by 5 reps.  Start at the stage and do 20 feet elevated crunches (legs straight out and 6″ off the ground, hands on head and crunch), run up the stairs to the top and do 5 pull ups/inverted rows on rails.  Return to the bottom for 15 crunches/10 rows, etc. working up and down in count.

Mosey out of amphitheater and across bridge adjacent to railroad.  Stop in the parking lot just below Church St. United Methodist for a round of leg blasters before tackling the hill.  In cadence and with no rest in between: 15 squats, 10 lunges each leg, 10 jump squats.  Then immediately run up the hill beside the church and over to the parking lot beside Henley St. Bridge.  Lots of chalk on the ground for some fun with rocks.

Each time you perform the exercise, then drop your rock and run across the street, up the ramp to the front door of the church, do 5 merkins, and return for the next exercise.  Exercise list:

  • Curls x20
  • OH press x20
  • Curls x20
  • Front rock raise x20
  • Curls x20
  • Mr. Spectacular (rock on ground, walk your hands out to plank, merkin, walk back in, lift rock and press overhead for 1 rep) x20
  • Curls x20
  • Lap around parking lot holding rock overhead
  • Curls

This was the original list on the ground when we got there.  I’d hidden some chalk during set up and started adding exercises as people started getting the near the finish.  I may have gotten some groans and poopy faces. Added exercises still had run across to the church and do 5 merkins in between.  Exercises added:

  • Rock OH squats x20
  • Curls x20
  • Rock pressed flutters x20

After everyone had finished, I thought it would be good to do some curls.  So we did tempo 21s with rocks.  7 reps of bottom to halfway nice and slow in tempo, 7 reps halfway to top in tempo, 7 reps full range in tempo.

10 count and start mosey back to SP.  When we got back to start point everyone kind of stopped and I kept running right through it and told them we weren’t finished yet.  So we ran through the start point and up past the playground and around back to start point.

Flutter kicks x25 IC
Boat/canoe typical Abort finish
False finish five: Duggar, Anchorman, Hang Tight, Amazon, Abort
The whole idea of the workout was that sometimes you think you’re almost to the finish, only to find out there is more work to be done.  The lesson was to always be prepared, and that you obviously place limits on yourself when you think you know where the end is.

TCLAPS to Hang Tight graduating Saturday (and fighting off the merlot Sat morning)!!

Bear With Me Birthday Beatdown

THE SCENE: Overcast, 62°F, Feels like 62°F, Humidity 89%, Wind 8mph from SW – by Klimat.app


  • SSH 30x IC
  • Tempo Squats 10x IC
  • LBAC 15x IC Forward & Backwards


  • Mosey to the Gresham parking lot
  • Bear With Me
    • Bear Crawl & Exercises
      • 10-yard Bear Crawl
      • 20 Air Squats
      • 10-yard Bear Crawl
      • 20 push-ups
      • 10-yard Bear Crawl
      • 20 ruck curls
      • 10-yard Bear Crawl
      • 20 4-count flutter kicks
      • 10-yard Bear Crawl
      • 20 4-count mountain climber
      • 10-yard Bear Crawl
    • Hold plank until six catches up
    • 10 Burpees
    • Repeat Bear Crawl & Exercises
    • Mosey around to the end of the parking lot
    • Repeat Bear Crawl & Exercises
    • 5 Manmakers IC
    • Repeat Bear Crawl & Exercises
    • Mosey back to AO


  • Captain Thors 5x
  • Boat Canoe

4 HIMs
As men, we need challenges to grow. These challenges can come from our work, our families, etc. but they are needed for us to constantly improve. These workouts are meant to push and challenge us. Find opportunities for challenges and embrace them.


In honor of Mom turning “72”!!

THE SCENE: Temp in the 60’s, clear

SSH IC x 25

Merkins IC x 10

American Hammer IC x 20

Flutter Kicks IC x 17

For a total # of reps = 72

  • Mosey to rock pile to choose a coupon and return to yard area
    • With a battle buddy, completed 72 reps of each exercise with coupon
      • Squats
      • Overhead press
      • Curls
      • Pull ups
  •  Without coupons, Lunge x 40 then Bear Crawl x 32 across field
  • 4 corners:  High Knees, Squats, Crunches, Merkins x 18 each with 3 burpees in center of field between each corner.
  • Mosey to curb for Wheel of Merkin.  10 Merkins at each position on curb.
  • Mosey back to rock pile to deposit coupons.
    • Ring of fire of merkins

Flutter kicks x 18

Box cutters x 18

Imperial walkers x 18

8 count body builders x 18

When we go anywhere we represent someone.  Either our family, company, church, etc.  Through our speech, actions, attitudes, etc. let’s represent well.  More importantly, if we are followers of Christ, be aware that we represent Him and to make sure our words, attitudes, actions, etc represent Him well to others.
Prayers for Soot as he’s deployed.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.