F3 Knoxville

Monday’s Rock

THE SCENE: The gloom was in full effect – not too cold, not too hot, just right.

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. So if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – do it.
  • That being said: you’re not here for you, you’re here for them. Push yourself and those around you. 


SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Cherry-Picker: 8×4 (in cadence)

Squat: 12×4 (in cadence)

Merkin: 12×4 (in cadence)

SSH: 12×4 (in cadence)

Mosey to rock pile at the top of the OG Asylum and execute good PT

  • Every stop sign passed = 15×4 squats
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Every parking lot passed = 10 1-count merkins
    • Q chose 1 PAX member to lead each time
  • Mosey from AO to Rock Pile at OG Asylum
  • Rock Pile
    • battle buddies
    • 3 Rounds
      • R1
        • BB1: 25 chest presses & hold above head until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 5 squats –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 chest presses each = hold plank @ rock pile
      • Between R1 & R2: 20 SSHs led by called upon PAX member by Q
      • R2
        • BB1: 20 curls & hold in bent over row position until relieved
        • BB2: sprint down to tree on right (.25/mile) & execute 4 merkins –> sprint back and recover BB1
        • After both BBs complete 50 curls each = hold plank @ rock pile
    • Drop rocks –> 2 lines mosey
    • Peel = 2 men out front peel around and to the back of the PAX and call out for the next men to peel when they get back in formation (think reverse American Indian Run)
  • Pause at rock overlooking the new fields/river/mountains
    • Covered by fog/gloom
    • Q said mini-BOM: You can’t see it now but there are beautiful mountains in view and the river and the park when it is clear. But the gloom is preventing you to see this right now. Take this metaphor into your life. Do you trust Him that they’ll still be there when the gloom clears in your life? Even though you can’t physically see it right now, it’s there, more importantly, HE is there, do you trust that this week?
  • Mosey down to curved path leading into the parking lot across from AO
    • 7 light poles
    • With your battle buddy, alternate between BBS (battle buddy situps) & flutter kicks every light pole
    • On flutter kick poles –> Q appointed a member of PAX to lead the cadence
    • 10 BBSs/pole & 20 flutter kicks/pole
  • Back Home @ the AO
    • Motto cadence call led by QIC
  • 12 Man-Makers (8-count Merkins)

Heavy breathing
43 HIM came out and crushed the Monday gloom (2 FNGs included)
1) Know that you are fully equipped and capable of whatever mission the Lord tasks you with this week. Know your mission and that where he sends you this week, there you’ll be.

2) Don’t be afraid to Wagon-Wheel this week. I’m not good at it. My pride gets in the way. A key component of wagon-wheeling is dying to yourself and your own ambitions or work so that you can go back and bring those falling behind out of the gloom. Don’ the afraid to wagon-wheel this week – to be that voice of encouragement that circles back around to speak life into those that may have/are falling behind or that you’ve noticed need to be encouraged. When people see the F3 logo – that means something. The commitment to pursuing the Lord as HIM, as well as to each other is vital to the nature of F3.
G-6 gave me encouragement this morning before things got kicked off – I always get nervous about my BOM because I don’t want to word vomit or get in my own way of sharing what God’s put on my heart/letting my words be far and His words be here & clear. G-6 gave me encouragement that went something like: God will put on your heart what he wants you to say/communicate when the time comes. That is important. And meant a lot. Because that means that we don’t have to worry or stress about saying the right thing or focus on how we sound – God’s got it already taken care of and He will put on our hearts what he wants us to say. A prayer I’ve been working on (and off unfortunately) for some time has gone something like this and when I remember to say it – man it hits home.

Lord, give me eyes to see like you, ears to hear your truth, lips to speak life, hands and feet to go and serve where you call me, and a heart to love like you.

Kinda just puts it in perspective of how much we need God to come into our everyday being and let the Holy Spirit allow us to be purpose-driven High Impact Men in everything we say and do.

Prayer Request from G-6: Lunch $’s (Jay Cobble) father died last night – keep their family in your prayers please.

Tower of Core

THE SCENE: 11th Street Parking Garage, 100% Chance of Thunderstorms forecasted.


7s- Big Ball Pull-ups and Burpees at the top of the stairs

Tower of Core (exercise at the top and bottom of every ramp)

  • flutter kicks
  • hello-dolly’s
  • burpees
  • tempo squats
  • plank hold
  • bear crawls up last ramp

Partner Laps x2

  • PAX hold wall-sit (alternate with plank) while pairs run lap around top floor of parking garage

Indian Runs

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).

12 PAX (2 FNGs: Ripper and Wingman)

Escalator loops

THE SCENE: 70Ish and Gloomy

SSH x 20
Imperial squat walkers x10
Cherry Pickers x 6


Mosey to Parking lot
Escalator loops
First Lap
Corner 1 – 5 Burpees
Corner 2 – add 10 Hand Release Mericans
Corner 3 – add 15 froggy squats
Corner 4 – add 20 LBC’s (4 count)
Second Lap
Bear crawl, lunge, side shuffle, etc.. on corners
If you are fast enought to catch up to the main group run to top of cardiac and back. Congrations Edit.
After 3rd lap mosey to Cardiac. Reverse to first turn, bear crawl to second and sprint to top


Box Cutter X10
Captain Thor ring of fire

25 Pax with 1 FNG

Remember how your words impact others around you. Positive words keep people around you positive, negative words bring you and those around you down.
Ephesians 4:29 NIV
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Proverbs 17:27-28 NIV
27 The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. 28 Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

Add you mileage for the distance challenge

Tending the garden

THE SCENE: 74 and muggy, great morning

Tempo lunges x12 IC
Shoulder taps x12 IC
Merkins x10 (Four count) IC
Windmills x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Mosey out of SP and over to amphitheater.  Hop up on stage for some core work at little earlier than usual.  Two rounds of flutter kicks, 25 reps on four count with slight rest in between sets.  Back to feet and continue mosey over to parking lot behind Min Kao building where cones and chalk are waiting.

  • First round – lunge between cones, increasing squat jumps at each cone.  4 at cone 1, 6 at cone 2, 8 at cone 3, and 10 at cone 4.  After last set of 10 squat jumps, run to the end of the parking lot, up the painted stairs and down the ramp to the first cone for round two.
  • Second round – crawl bear between cones (which seem way further apart now), increasing number of merkins at each cone. 5 at cone 1, 10 at cone 2, 15 at cone 3, and 20 merkins at cone 4.  After last set of 20 merkins, run to the end of the parking lot, up the painted stairs and down the ramp to the first cone for a little more core work.

After everyone has recovered to first cone, stop for some more core work.  This time, two rounds of heals to heaven, 15 reps on four count with slight rest in between sets.  Recover to your feet and mosey to the boulder parking lot near the UT rowing house.  Each PAX grabs a boulder to work out with.  Routine below, after completing each exercise, put rock on the deck and run across pedestrian bridge and up to the top of the stairs, turn around and return for next exercise.

  • Goblet squats x20
  • Curls x30
  • Overhead press x30
  • Rock swap merkins x20
  • Lion kings x20

Rinse and repeat if necessary.

Recover, return boulders and 10 count.  Begin mosey back to SP, going back a different way to avoid ambush.  A few guys did a jail break the last 80-100 yards or so, QIC did not as I was smoked.

Captain Thor up to 5:20
Pickle pounders x20 (Butterfly getting hitched in a week, if you see him make sure to ask if he’s gotten married yet.  He seems to love that)
6 strong: Casper, Soot, Butterfly, Duggar, Passport, Abort
Last night I was doing what any 32 year old, not quite yet married dude would be doing on a Friday night: pulling weeds in my flower bed.  Every time I get the flower bed looking good, I vow to just pull the weeds that pop up and not let them get out of control again.  Inevitably, I don’t do that and they get overgrown with weeds and ivy.  While cleaning this up, it got me thinking about other areas I’ve neglected.  Friendships or relationships which I say I’ll work on, things I put off til next weekend, then the next.  Time gets away and things get overgrown and out of control.  Just challenge myself and the PAX to look for those things they’ve put off, recognize what they are, and take steps to fix them.  Always be tending the garden.

Alphabet Soup, Big Ball Style

THE SCENE: Balmy mid-70’s with LOTS of humidity!

SSH x10 IC

Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 IC

Backers x10 IC

Little bit of this (Right arm across)

Little bit of that (Left arm across)

Hillbilly x10 IC

Little bit of this (Right arm stretch overhead)

Little bit of that (Left arm stretch overhead)

Michael Phelps

This morning, we decided to make sure we got ourselves in a full-body workout! We began our workout by moseying to the ledge of the amphitheater stage:

  • 15 single IC leg squats with right leg
  • 15 single IC leg squats with left leg
  • 15 incline merkins IC
  • Another set of single leg squats IC x 10
  • 10 incline merkins IC
  • Go up to handrails and as a group do 15 single count reverse pulls

Mosey over to the Church Street United Methodist back parking lot with the hill. We got in groups of 3 (2 groups had 4). One partner at the top and one parter at the bottom. Partner 3 is the runner that makes everyone rotate.

At the top, Partner 1 chooses 2 rocks that he can do a merkin with while partner 3 chooses a rock he can do squat-thrursts with.

For Time:

Partner 1 does merkins while gripping his rock, after each merkin he does a row with each arm

Partner 2 is at bottom of hill doing 10 squat thrusts with his rock then rotating to 10 mountain climbers

Partner 3 starts at bottom of the hill next to Partner 2. He’ll Bernie Sanders halfway up the hill, then run forward to Partner 1 at top of hill. Then, Partner 1 will run down hill, rinse and repeat

1 Minute Break

Continue exercise except this time Partner 1 will start with 5 Carolina Dry Docks at top of hill, then do 5 merkin rows with his rock. Partner 2 will just do squat thrusts. Partner 3 continues running.

Mosey over to top part of church parking lot near Henley Street Bridge. The PAX decided we wanted to get on the level of my almost one year old so we chose a medium-sized bolder and spelled the alphabet (all UPPERCASE) together, with each letter beginning at our belly button. Some of the PAX decided they wanted to spell their letter in italics, hieroglyphics, san script and Times New Roman…so I let them.

From our spelling bee, we moseyed back to the amphitheater where we did 10 more IC single leg squats then moseyed back to the AO for a little ab’s.

15 IC Grinders, each side

25 Star Gazer LBC’s
23 PAX (including 2 FNG’s): Half Caff, Moana, Thread Count, Butterfly, Jenner, Petey, Cowbell, Careless, Casper, Soot, Abort, Guano, Quarantine, Uncle Rico, Duggar, Roto, The Voice, Bulldog, Bitcoin, Soup, Reverb (FNG), Beaker (FNG), Passport (QIC)
“Proximity breed empathy. Distance breeds suspicion.” Across our country and in our day-to-day lives, we use the words “Us” and “Them” a lot. An African-American pastor recently stated that saying in relationship to the racial divide in our country. But, I think this can be applied to many areas of our lives, not just race. Do we have a relationship with “those people” who look different from us, act different, in a different socio-economic class than us? Maybe you’re in a fraternity and look down on others who may not be in your “group.” Or, maybe it’s something like the LGBTQ community, that all you know about them is things you’ve seen at a distance but don’t actually know anything about them or anyone in the group.

My challenge to you is to ask “those people” who you’d otherwise not be in close relationship about their story. People love to talk about themselves. I think you’ll quickly begin to have empathy for them and be reminded of how we’re all created in the image of God. Reach out to someone who’s not like you and maybe you’ll see a side of empathy you didn’t know you had.

The PAX pushed hard today! Mumblechatter was great and felt like everyone got a little bit better after this morning.
Make sure to get on GroupMe for announcements and updates. Abort mentioned about getting a Big Ball kickball team together and will get more info out to us.