F3 Knoxville

The Slappy 420

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Eliza, Toretto, Dumpster Dive, Curveball, Anchorman, LeBling, Crawlspace, Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Oscar Meyer, slappy
FNGs: None
– Warm up run in circle (shuffle, butt kickers, and high knees
– Arm Circles
– Moroccan night clubs
– Cherry Pickers
– Runner Stretch
– 5 Merkins

We did this 4x:
25 Merkins
25 Squats
25 Big Boys
25 SSHs
5 Burpees
1 lap around track but we made our way through the stadium steps


-Marine Mud Run

Lots going on in the news lately. Here’s a couple verses that came to mind:

Concrete Ladder

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Skidmark, Crawlspace, Flower Pot, LeBling, slappy, Dumpster Dive, Honeydew, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao)
FNGs: None
– little baby arm circles forward and backwards
– big arm circles forward and backwards
– Grady corns
– Farleys
– Cherry pickers
– Calf stretches
– Runner stretch
– Mtn climbers
– Tempo squats
– 3 burpees
– Friendship fist bumps all around

Grabbed a cmu and moved to the level parking lot next to Jesus. We did a heavy ladder workout with the following:
– 10 blockers
– 20 dips
– 30 man makers
– 40 mtn climbers
– 50 lunge w curl
– 60 OHP
– 70 heavy LBC
– 80 heavy squats
– 90 skaters
– 100 SSH
– 1 min plank hold
We worked our way back down the ladder but without a cmu until it was time to pack up.


Uncovered is this Saturday. This is a convergence like no other. 7-8 at the Cove.

Joshua 24:15
“Choose this day whom you will serve”

You have zero body fat

AO: shamruck
Q: Lizzy
PAX: Dumpster Dive, Mermaid, Jon Boat, Eliza, Fabio (Joe Hamilton), The Situation, Trojan, Snaggletooth
FNGs: None
Warmup ssh, baby arm circles, Michael Phelps

Go over to the track and at the 4 quarters do 20 each corner, clean and press, merkins, sissy squats, lunges. Backwards steps up the stadium.

“Heavy” Day at ShamRUCK

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Utah, Dumpster Dive, The Situation, Eliza, Jardet, Lizzy, Mermaid, Ribbed
FNGs: None
We rucked the catholic loop, and stopped where we parked to do some light PT with the ruck. Ruckers were given the option to skip the PT and continue rucking, and the PTer’s then jogged to catch them on the loop.

Good times were had by most.

Out COT referenced Proverbs 11:24
“Those who give generously receive more, but those who are stingy with what is appropriate will grow needy.”

Often times we read a verse like this and think about money, and while that may be accurate, what if we are talking about time? I could argue that time might be our most valuable resource, and if we are generous with that time, where appropriate, then we will be be blessed with “more”. I am not saying we will get more time, but I think there is value in managing and not squandering our time, In fact, giving our time, may be more difficult than giving our money.


AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Baby Boomer, Base Salary, Borg, Brick, Eliza, I-Beam, Jon Boat, LeBling, Mathlete, Mermaid, Oscar Meyer, slappy, Stitch, Waxjob, Voodoo, Skidmark, Crawlspace, Curveball, Pom Pom (Grayson Vaughn), Toretto, Dumpster Dive
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Cherry Pickers, Various Stretches, Twinkle Toes

THE THANG: Posted from the f3 nation slack

BuyIn:  Together In-cadence 14 SSH

4 Rounds:
F Flying Squirrels ( 026 Reps)
A American Hammers ( 026 Reps HW)
L Lunges ( 026 Reps EW)
C Curls ( 026 Reps)
O One Lap (400m recommended)
N No Cheat Merkins ( 026 Reps)

Pick up six after 4th round

BuyOut:  Together In-cadence 14 SSH

Warm-up and Mary to be chosen by the Q.


MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thunderhead hike, Hardship Hill

COT: Prayers for Falcon and his family