F3 Knoxville

Beating Back Sad Clown Syndrome

THE SCENE: There was weather.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: You’re here on your own… etc. etc. etc.


We did a warmup 


Mosey to Smokehouse for CMUs; Return to the field for a Prison Break. Cones are set out in 20-yard increments for 100 yards. 

    • Rifle Carry CMU 20 yards, drop and sprint back to start
    • 10 Prisoner Get Ups and sprint back to CMU
    • Carry CMU another 20 yards, drop and sprint back to start
    • 5 Prisoner Get Ups and sprint back to CMU
    • Repeat until you reach 100 yards 
  • Return Journey:
  • Rifle carry to first cone; 5 blockees, rifle carry to second cone; 5 blockees
  • Repeat at each cone until returned to the start
  • Begin the cycle again until the SIX is up

Mosey to Flagpole for Aiken Legs Workout 

20 of each: Squats; Box Jumps; Lunges; Flutter Kicks 

Repeat 3 times w/ no rest 

Take a lap while waiting on the SIX. When SIX is up, they will run the opposite way to sweep everyone back to the Rockpile 

Field 11s (First exercise done at the Rock Pile, Second exercise done at the opening of the ramp)

1st Round: Curls/Squats

…Time called on account it was time to finish


11 HIMs; 3 Pre-Ruckers; 0 FNGs


In Exodus 32, the people of Israel are concerned. This man, Moses, led them out of Egypt and now hasn’t returned down from the mountain. Where is he? What happened to him? We know that Moses is talking with God, he is actually in the presence of God.

[When Moses returns from the Mountaintop he has to cover his face because it has seen God’s face and is radiating God’s light. Rays of light radiated from his face. These “rays” of light were sometimes misinterpreted as horns and misrepresented in statues of Moses. There is a statue of Moses in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome that shows Moses holding the 10 Commandement Tablets and he has goat horns on his head. When I taught Old Testament, I once had a 6th grader ask me why Moses had devil horns]

While Moses is gone, the people become upset, they become uncertain. In the midst of their uncertainty, they try to take control. Here is God, trying to give them everything He has promised and because they are uncertain, they want to take control. I am tired of waiting, I am tired of not knowing, so I am going to take matters into my own hands. The motivation for the people of Israel was not to turn away from God, they did not want to defy God who brought them out of Egypt. They don’t know what happened to Moses, so they are going to take matters into their own hands and take control of the situation. This is where they ask Aaron to make the Golden Calf. They are not turning away from God to another god represented as the Gold Calf, they are saying that THIS IS the God who led us out of Egypt. 

This is so often us. We turn to idols for sources of trust or confidence. We take good things and we make them the ultimate thing, especially when we are uncertain. We don’t actively “turn away from God,” but rather, I am making God of my own will,  that I can control. I may still say, “No this is God!” But it is God that I can put away when I am done with Him and take him out when I need Him. How often do we treat God like that toy or like that book on the shelf? Take Him down and use Him when we are in need, but return Him to the shelf when we find comfort. You can isolate Him and dismiss Him when you feel like it, that is idolatry. When we do this, we are trading uncertainty for control. 


Exodus 32

Memorial Day Tributes at The Equalizer

THE SCENE: 51 degrees, a little chilly. Clear. 



SSH x14 LBAC x10 each Cherry Pickers x5 Tempo Squats x14

Total of 53 reps. Memorial Day was officially established in 1968, 53 years ago.


Memorial Day Workouts: 

Mosey to Splash Pad

The Bob:

13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of each exercise

  • Hand-Release Merkins
  • Squats
  • Big Boys
  • 1 Lap around Stonehenge

Mosey to the Flag Pole

21 Guns: (Was supposed to be a 21-minute AMRAP. We did not have the time, but we got 1 round in at the Flag Pole. 

  • 21 Merkins
  • 21 box jumps
  • 14 dips
  • 7 burpees 


5 HIMs. 0 FNGs.


Bob: This memorial workout is dedicated to Robert “Bob” William Nowling from Council Bluffs Iowa.

Bob served in the United States Air Force during the Korean Conflict. After his military service, he attended Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska, and Iliff School of Theology in Denver.

The workout was designed by Coach Ryan Garcia of Bob was an athlete at Wild Horizons for 2 years. They trained 3 times a week for 1 hour each day. Bob had been showing signs of dementia, and his wife began implementing lifestyle changes in order to try and help him. The most prominent changes she made for him were relative to his nutrition and fitness. Coach Ryan said:

“I grew very fond of my sessions with Bob, and the bond we formed over the 2 years extended beyond the gym. I learned a lot from Bob, and working with him was a fun professional challenge that helped me evolve as a coach.

The nature of this workout is intended to be simple. In order to work with Bob, I reminded myself to keep things simple with him. We didn’t need anything fancy to be effective, and that’s what I wanted to express with this workout.”

The rep scheme signifies:

– 91 reps of each movement for Bob’s age when he passed

– 3 movements to represent the number of days they trained every week. Monday they worked upper body, Wednesday they worked lower body, and Friday was his functional day where they did a handful of skills and movements that mimicked tasks he would do in his day-to-day activities.

21 Guns: A functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans and Memorial Day in the US – “to honor our Nation’s Warriors, past, present, and future.”

The 21-minute workout and 21 repetitions signify a 21-gun salute, with an exercise for each of the five Branches of the Military. A 21 Gun Salute is the US’ highest display of honor, appropriately reserved for Fallen troops on Memorial Day. 


Praying for Ribbed’s wife, Lillydipper, and Jinxy’s recoveries. Cavalier and his family. Blindside and his wife’s job hunts. 


CSAUP at Dog Pound July 24th. See slack channels and newsletter for signups! 

No One Actually “Enjoyed” This

THE SCENE: Clear and 60ish. 2 Pre-Rucked. 



SSH IC x15

Tempo Squat IC x10

Arm Circles IC x 13

Tempo Merkins IC x10 

Cherry Pickers IC x5 


Mosey to Flagpole to play, “Find the Cardboard” 

1 burpee for every second it takes the PAX to find the workout (10 seconds = 10 burpees).

Carry the cardboard to the playground. 

  • 25 Smurf Jacks 
  • 15 Plank Jacks (4 ct)

Mosey to Tennis Courts 


4 Rounds, 1 lap at your own pace between rounds

  • 10 Merkins, 20 Flutter Kicks, 30 Squats 
  • 20 Merkins, 30 Flutter Kicks, 40 Squats 
  • 30 Merkins, 40 Flutter Kicks, 50 Squats 
  • 40 Merkins, 50 Flutter Kicks, 60 Squats 

Work your way back down the ladder 


We spent our Mary time cheering Tweet-E on as he was the only HIM to go all the way UP and DOWN the Madness Ladder


15 HIMs with 0 FNGs


With the gift of knowledge, we understand the meaning of God. The gift of knowledge is more than an accumulation of facts. Knowledge is often confused with both wisdom and understanding. Like wisdom, knowledge is the perfection of faith, but whereas wisdom gives us the desire to judge all things according to the truths of the Faith, knowledge is the actual ability to do so. Like counsel, it is aimed at our actions in this life. In a limited way, knowledge allows us to see the circumstances of our life the way that God sees them. Through this gift of the Holy Spirit, we can determine God’s purpose for our lives and live them accordingly.

Like wisdom, knowledge perfects the virtue of faith. The aims of knowledge and wisdom are different, however. Whereas wisdom helps us to penetrate divine truth and prepares us to judge all things according to that truth, knowledge gives us that ability to judge. The object of this gift is the whole spectrum of created things insofar as they lead one to God.”


Memorial Day Murph at Dog Pound. Monday, May 31st at 7 am. Come to complete, come to watch, come to cheer on. Equalizer 5:30 workout will still happen with PLENTY of time to get to Dog Pound for the Murph!

The Equalizer shirt is now live for pre-order at the F3 Store! I think we are just a couple away from 12.

Convergence at Big Ball originally scheduled for June 12th has been postponed due to an event downtown. WH workday is also postponed. 

DogPound CSAUP: Off the Chain 2021 on Saturday, July 24th 0630-0930

Food, Coffeeteria, and a beatdown provided. Check Slack for the sign-up link

Dirty Dozen

SCENE: 60ish & pleasant



  • Cherry Pickers
  • BACs | Windmills IC 
  • SSH IC


Mosey to Tennis Court. Twelve exercises on the whiteboard of fun. Do 12 reps of each and then take a lap. Go at your own pace & push somebody. Exercises were:

  1. Squats
  2. Box Cutters
  3. Diamond Merks
  4. Calf Raise
  5. Inch Worms
  6. Single Leg Bridge
  7. Hello Dolly
  8. Plank Jacks
  9. Hand Release Merks
  10. BBS
  11. Flamingo
  12. Dry Docks


  • American Hammers IC
  • Australian Snow Angel
  • Cobra Kai



“So, friends, we can now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into “the Holy Place.” Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. The “curtain” into God’s presence is his body.

So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:19-25‬ ‭MSG‬

It always irritates me when I go out of my way to take my kids somewhere fun & they end up complaining, because there is nothing standing in the way of them having a good time but their attitude; they are squandering an opportunity 

But when I think about why I’m out here, the three Fs; I’m guilty of the same thing sometimes.

My fitness is not what I want it to be. Mostly because I like cookies. There’s nothing standing between me & fitness but me.

Fellowship: there’s plenty of times that I pass up real fellowship in favor of keeping my head down and being too nervous or lazy to open myself up.

And faith. We read the passage; there’s nothing standing between us and a deeper, nearer relationship with Jesus but us.

The question I’m asking myself today is “how do I want to be growing and how do I need to get out of my own way?”


Chumbawamba and Tabata

THE SCENE: late spring morning kinda cool kinda meh

 1 Burpee

Chumbawamba – Play the song by the same name and do SSH. Every time you hear the line “I get knocked down” you do a burpee then keep up the SSH. We did 28 burpees.

mosey over the tennis court. Tabata workout 5 rounds of the following exercises for 40 seconds with a variable rest time between

  • V-up
  • rest
  • Freddy Mercury
  • rest
  • Air Taps
  • rest
  • Monkey Humpers
  • rest
  • pickle pounders
  • rest
  • LBC
  • rest
  • lunges
  • rest
  • merkins
  • Agassi’s
  • rest

No time
Convergence and off the chain event at the dog pound.