Q: Eliza
PAX: The Situation, Dumpster Dive, Mermaid, Eliza
FNGs: None
THE THANG: to CAK and Back
COT: parenting advice during the ruck
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
THE THANG: to CAK and Back
COT: parenting advice during the ruck
3 burpee buy in and 3 burpees every 4 minutes throughout workout.
11s Workout:
– Do 10 thrusters, travel 30 yards, 1 hand release merkin travel back.
The mode of transportation changes for each round.
– bear crawl
– Lunge walk
– Burpee broadjump
– Run
– Murder Bunny Down, Redrum Bunny Back
Repeat travel order 2x
– various dealers choice an workouts
Ephesians 4
– God put a measure of Himself in all of us, giving gifts to men. Everyone has something of God that the others of us don’t. We can reach more of our potential as we engage in community.
THE THANG: Walk/Ruck 3.3 miles
2,977 people died 23 years ago on 9/11. The youngest was 2, Christine Hanson, on the way to Disney and the oldest was 82, Robert Norton.
While the 2 year old probably, hopefully didn’t know what was going on during the last few minutes of her life, my guess is Mr. Norton did. So did nearly 3,000 other adults. I wonder what they thought? I’m sure there was lots of fear, anger but lots of prayer and supporting one another on those planes.
Would we laugh more? Love more? listen more? Forgive more? Pray more? I know I would.
Remember that Tim McGraw song, “Live Like You Were Dying?”
Let’s all try to live every day like it’s our last.
Football handoff run to the back parking lot. Ball works it’s way back through the line and last person sprints to the front, hand off starts back down the line.
Blind draw from each category. One on each corner:
Reps =
Card # + 10
Royal = 25
Ace = 100
Got at least 24 exercises in, including 25 Burpees.
Reading through Proverbs recently and it’s humbling. It’s really a manual for everyone and it challenges our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. It really encompasses every aspect of our lives and just how much of it we offer to God.
I was reminded about anger and what that does to a man. What that does to ME! There’s a lot of anger out there and it’s very easy to let that seep into you. I don’t watch the news anymore. I used to watch it religiously and then I just realized that it was making me…angry. And, there was very little, if anything, I could do about any of it. I can feel the tension in the world around me, today.
How do we respond? There are over 900 verses in Proverbs. Here are two:
1. Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. That’s 10:12.
2. The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult. 12:16
Which one of these do we represent? Are we snapping back at others to expose and tear them down or are we seeking to put them in a better light? Tim Keller said that “anger is energy released to defend something you love. When you are in a dispute, stop releasing your anger against the other person in order to defend your ego. Release your energy against the problem (not the person) that is dividing you.”
So my challenge today is to step away from the tv. Take a breathe! If we claim to be followers of Jesus, then we shouldn’t look like everyone else. You don’t have to compromise your beliefs to bite your tongue, offer kindness and show love to someone you disagree with. And when you do that, who gets the glory? It’s not you.