F3 Knoxville

[running] Thawing Out

AO: running
Q: Butterknife
PAX: Cosmo, Tooth Fairy, Butterknife, Zippy, Trash Panda (JUCO), Fetch, Erector, Wagon Wheel (John-Mark Chesney)
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Run one lap around campus for the warmup and close to that for the cool down.  THE THANG: 30/60/90 Fartlek style workout, but on the on campus. 30 seconds on w/ 30 second recovery, 60 seconds on w/ 60 second recovery, 90 seconds on w/ 90 second recovery. We would come back for the six on the recovery allowing us to stick together as a group. We did this about 5 times before beginning the cool down.  

A balmy stroll around JUCO

AO: juco
Q: Data
PAX: Booster, Fetch, Mailbox, Lil’ Spice, Dart Gun, Wanderer, Guardrail, 5K, Noodles, Erector, Stye (Hal Phillips), Love Shaq, Butterknife
FNGs: None
Reach for the sky & let it hang
Abe Vigodas
Moroccan Nightclubs
TN Rocking Horses
Play a game of infection in a section of the parking lot blocked-off by cones. One person is infected and moves by bear crawl. Everyone else is a crab walker. Once you are tagged, do 10 Pickle Pounders and then you are an infected bear crawler. We played 3 times.
Mosey to the really large parking lot with 10 rows of parking lines.
Building blocks, courtesy of a @Tank backblast I found.
Run to first line of parking and do 1 of 1st exercise. Move to next line, do 2, etc. Total of 10 lines across the lot. Mosey back to the beginning before doing next set.
1. Merkins with runs
2. Squat jumps with bear crawls (every other)
3. Dry docks with Bernie Sanders
4. Lunges with side shuffles
Mosey to the loading docks. Split into 2 groups and perform a Newton’s Cradle for 2 full rotations.
Everyone holds a plank
Person in front runs and jumps up on the loading dock, runs back down the ramp, performs 5 Merkins, and goes to back of the line.
Imperial Walkers
Convergence on 1/20
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
“Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5”
1. We can make much of God in our secular job through the fellowship that we enjoy with him throughout the day in all our work.
2. We make much of Christ in our secular work by the joyful, trusting, God-exalting design of our creativity and industry.
3. We make much of Christ in our secular work when it confirms and enhances the portrait of Christ’s glory that people hear in the spoken Gospel.
4. We make much of Christ in our secular work by earning enough money to keep us from depending on others, while focusing on the helpfulness of our work rather than financial rewards.
5. We make much of Christ in our secular work by earning money with the desire to use our money to make others glad in God.

2024 kick off – eleventy-twos

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Flying Dutchman, Biohack, Munge, Erector, OBrother, Ocho, Mathlete, Rocket
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Projectivators, tempo squats, Imperial walkers, hillbilly walkers, tempo merkins
Mosey to playground – 3 pull ups, 10 squats, 20 BBS x3
Mosey to friendship bell – 20 rocket stepups, 20 dips
Mosey to K-25 hill – Eleventy-twos (it’s like 11s, except 20-2, 18-4, 16-6, etc.) One legged merkins and hillbilly squawkers.
Mosey to friendship bell – 10 slow derkins
Mosey to parallel bars – 20 inverse rows and 20 BBS
MARY: About 10 seconds of plank
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence at Arsenal on 6th, BigBall on 20th, and get ready for GTE24
The virtue of innocence
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16
“And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'” Matthew 18:3

I like to be savvy. I like to know what is going on behind the scenes and play it to my advantage. If I am worried about my kid getting into trouble, my instinct is to learn everything I can about that particular vice and cleverly counter every move before he makes it.
This is not how Jesus operated. He openly, innocently ignored the subtext of his day. He chatted with the despicable Samaritan woman at the well, the untouchable leper, and the treasonous tax collector just like they were his own kin. And it produced unprecedented results.
Fairy tales show us this through the princess. Because of Snow White’s innocence, the huntsman cannot bring himself to kill her in the forest. Beauty accomplishes transformation of the Beast not by being shrewd in dealing with monsters, but because she expects of him just as she does a man. And so he becomes one.
How often do we think we are being clever and shrewd, but actually making a problem worse than if we would just do the simple right thing, as though we were just innocently good?

December metric

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Biohack, Ocho, OBrother, Icey Hot, Erector, Munge, Flying Dutchman, Mathlete, Haggis
FNGs: None

Windmills, cherry pickers, tempo merkins, mountain climbers
1: Burpees x 5
2: 1 + Squat Thrusters with CMU x 10
3: 1-2 + CMU Bicep Curls x 15
4: 1-3 + Merkins x 20
5: 1-4 + Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) x 25
6: 1-5 + Lunges x 30 (15 each leg)
7: 1-6 + Carolina Dry Docks x 35
8: 1-7 + Mountain Climbers x 40 (two-count)
9: 1-8 + Goblet Squats with CMU x 45
10: 1-9 + American Hammer with CMU x 50 (single-count)
no time
convergences Jan 6 Arsenal, Jan 20 big ball
We live in a culture that tends to value masculine virtues like strength and courage, but feminine virtues are just as important. One of these is vulnerability. Vulnerability is showcased especially during Christmas, when God, who is most powerful, chooses to lower himself to the place of the most vulnerable, a baby human, living in a country oppressed by a conquering nation, to poor parents. Jesus demonstrates this virtue throughout his ministry with the climax at Calvary, when he gives himself up to his enemies, though he had legions of angels at his call. He preferred His own suffering and death at their hands over the destruction of His enemies. Vulnerability is necessary for any relationship. Ocho gave us a great quote from CS Lewis’s Four Loves about how vulnerability is a non-negotiable part of love. With those stakes, we better learn to be vulnerable.

Super Tuesday

AO: the-project
Q: Unibráu (Nick Robinson)
PAX: slappy, Erector, Tom Tom, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Rocket, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), Mathlete, Icey Hot, OBrother, Biohack, Borg, Flying Dutchman
FNGs: None

Preparation Drills
Conditioning Drill 1 and 2, followed by super 21s
Flutter kicks, scissor kicks and side crunches.
COT: Stay consistent and keep progressing.