F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 60°F, Partly cloudy and dark
WARM-O-RAMA: (all IC 4-count)

  • SSH x20  
  • Merkins x10  
  • Imperial Walker x15
  • Merkins x10
  • Imperial Squawkers x10

Mosey to the court yard by the fountains

Start at the top of the list and work down, adding a new exercise and then going back the to the start each time. 1, 12, 123, 1234… .

  1. Supermans x10
  2. Single Leg Squats x10 (5 each leg)
  3. American Hammers x10 (single ct)
  4. Merkins x10
  5. Smurf Jacks x10
  6. Mountain Climber x10 (single ct)
  7. Flutter Kicks x10 (single ct)
  8. Donkey Kicks x10

Mosey back to SP


  • Stretching Flow: downward dog–> upward dog–> runner stretch–> pigeon stretch

Kick-Flip, Erector, Snaggletooth, Biohack, Borg, Archie (QIC)

2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart. 3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.  4 Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, are sin.  5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.
From <https://my.bible.com/bible/59/PRO.21.ESV

Take some time to think about what you should accomplish in 2022 and write down some goals. Think about different areas of your life: Family, Work, Church, etc.

Maintain perspective of the big picture with Jesus as Lord. This should have an impact on your goals.

The Beginning of the End

THE SCENE:  25 and calm.  Perfect!

  • Grady corns
  • LIH / RFTS
  • Temp squats
  • Mountain climbers

At the fountain;

  • Dips
  • Derkins
  • Step-ups


Mosey to the Recruiting Center

10 stations set out – each has an exercise.

Tabata – 22 seconds on, 8 seconds rest.  3 tabatas per round, then switch stations. 

  • CMU Curls
  • CMU Split Squat
  • Ball Slams
  • Heavy lunges
  • Battle rope Alternating waves
  • Stack squat
  • Jump rope
  • Tire hit
  • Pull-ups  

Circle o’ Mary

Now…repeat it all again!  This time, exercises are;

  • CMU Triceps
  • CMU Swing
  • Throw from chest
  • Goblet squat
  • Battle Rope slams
  • Good mornings
  • Jump rope
  • Tire flip
  • Chin-ups


Play the song “Turn it Up” by Oh the Larceny.  Each time they say “Turn it Up” – do a burpee.  Otherwise, do SSH in tempo with the song.  


Me and 5 of the best men I know


I riffed on Bobbitt’s Word from Tuesday – he talked about the wonder of Christmas.  The wonder of the virgin birth and the miracle of God come down.  He encouraged us to live this season in wonder. 

We talked about Christmas as celebrating the beginning of the end…  We zoomed out from the nativity and a little baby in a manger, and started the Christmas story 2,000 years before Jesus was born…

An ancient man named Abraham made a covenant with his God, Jehovah.  Abraham’s God told him, “I will bless you, I will expand your family, I will offer you protection.  You and your descendants must do right by me”.   Later Moses described rightness-by-God in detail – 613 commandments to be kept to the letter.  And if you can’t do all of these things right – and you CAN’T… then the cost of your failure is BLOOD.  It should be YOUR blood, but you can ritually kill an animal in your place as a substitute.  That was the system – the Abrahamic covenant and the Mosiac Law.  Try your hardest to do all of these things – when you fail, sacrifice animals and hope that God is appeased by their blood instead of yours.  That’s the relationship that man had with God for 2,000 years. 

…and into that system, a baby was born.  A few people knew that this was the prophesized messiah – but I doubt that anyone truly comprehended the plan that had been set in motion with that baby’s birth.  The day that Jesus was born, a countdown began – and from that moment on, the old covenant and law was on borrowed timeChristmas celebrates the beginning of the end of the Mosaic law, with its impossible set of rules and requirement for atonement blood – all of that was superseded.  

The sleeping baby in a manager will grow up to live a perfect life, and ~33 years later would offer Himself as the ultimate sacrifice – FOREVER fulfilling that blood atonement requirement of the Mosaic law – and ushering in a new deal with Jehovah – a new covenantHere are the terms of the new covenant… 1) Jesus did the hard work, and 2) you just need to believe and accept His gift.  

But wait – there’s more!  None of the men in the BOM – nor most of the men in F3 – were privy to Abraham’s blessing of the old covenant.  With few exceptions, that deal was for Abraham’s descendants only – and that does not include most of us Gentiles.  The new covenant not only does away with the impossible crushing burden of the law, but it also opens the blessing to ALL people, including you and me.  How’s that for a good trade?!?! 

One wonder of Christmas is that it was the beginning of the end of the old impossible law.  We celebrate the birth of a baby who would later offer a new and wonderful way to live right by Jehovah – by faith alone.  

Here’s a Christmas verse for you;

Titus 2:11-12, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.”



Prayers for the family and widow of Coates

Prayers to lead well through a difficult situation at the office

Prayers for our boys who are traveling over the holidays

Romans 8:2-4, “For the law of the life-giving Spirit in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For God achieved what the law could not do because it was weakened through the flesh. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 so that the righteous requirement of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”

Romans 7:6, “But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code.”

Galatians 3:24, “So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.”

Hebrews 8:7, “For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second.”


Family Workout tomorrow at 10:00am.  Start at our normal shovel flag location.  Be there!

Don’t Die Hard! Die Right With The Lord!

THE SCENE: 33 degrees and it felt great!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward & Backwards X 10
  • Randys – up 6-12 and down 6-12 inches X 20
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) X 10
  • Mosey to CMU Pile


Nakatomi Plaza Tower from Die Hard had 35 floors, so we did 35 squats to kick off the workout.

John McClanes versus Hans Grubers

We re-enacted Hans Gruber falling out of Nakatomi Tower by seeing who could hang on the pulll-up bars; 2 groups of 6 men; Lil Spice won Heat A & Wheelchair won Heat B; we all did wall squats while we waited.

This is fun battle between McClane and Gruber which featured 15 reps of the following exercises in cadence:

  • CMU squats
  • CMU press
  • CMU curls
  • CMU swings
  • CMU triceps

At the end of these exercises, 1 McClane team member and 1 Gruber team member were timed for 1 minute to see who can do the most reps of one of the exercises in the round.

  • Round 1:         Hand Release Merkins
  • Round 2:         Squats
  • Round 3:         Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • Round 4:         American Hammers
  • Round 5:         Merkins
  • Round 6:         Calf Raises

Hans Gruber’s team won…but not in the movie…which WAS A CHRISTMAS MOVIE!


Planks to Little Drummer Boy by Bing Crosby – we did merkins during (rump bump bump bump)


16 men combined between Rush and Bootcamp


Drew & Laura Stockton are from Sweetwater but sold everything and are full-time missionaries in Nicaragua.  I met Drew back in 2018, helped him develop a fundraising plan to ask family, friends, neighbors, church members and churches to help them fulfill God’s calling to sell everything and move to the 2nd poorest country in the Americas to serve the poor and unchurched.

Since 2018, my wife and I support them monthly.  On Sunday, they came to speak to my church Life Group (they are in the US visiting family over Christmas).

They shared triumphs and tribulations along with some valuable life lessons.

They miss a community of friends to hang out with, encourage, and support each others (especially her) – Lesson – be a community to those in your sphere of influence; even if serving as a missionary is your calling, we all need a community!

If God keeps telling you something, listen and do it (ie. become full-time missionaries or teaching English for free to help people get out of poverty)

If God asks you to do something and you don’t know how, he will find the way to make it happen

Things happen on God’s time, not ours.  When it’s meant to be, it will!

Luke 11:28 “He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

1 John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”

Matthew 7:24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”


  • Pool Boy on Q Friday at JUCO
  • 2.0 Workout at the Project on Friday

JUCOmanjaro through the woods…

THE SCENE: Pretty chilly at 31 degrees, but otherwise clear.

Tempo Squat
Hairy Rockett
Freddy Mercuries


Mosey to Guardrail
25 Dips
25 Dirkens
Mosey to JUCOmanjario
– Ladder Run Up the Mt, stopping at each marker doing the following
10 Burpees
20 Squats
30 Merkins
40 Freddie Mercuries (2-count)
50 Flutter Kicks (2-count) — Rabbits back to the 6
40 Freddie Mercuries (2-count)
30 Merkins
20 Squats
10 Burpees (Rabbits back to the 6)
– Through the Woods to the Water Tower
Mosey Back to the AO
– Every 4 minutes, alternate between 10 Burpees & 30 Squats, along with some Monkey Humpers on Hardin Valley Road

MARY:No time


The Wonder of Christmas
Luke 2:7And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.
Do we really take time to think about how incredible this is?  How incredible – the God of the Universe coming down in the form of a baby to reconcile humanity with Himself
This same God-child causes us to fight for our marriages
This same God-child causes us to raise our children differently from the world’s standards
This same God-man walked in our shoes so he can intercede with the Father with first-hand knowledge
This same God-man causes us to fight fleshly desires because we know our bodies are a temple of the Godhead
This does not happen (consistently) because we desire to be good, because in our own power we fail…this is because God came to us in the form of a Baby

Playing Cards in the Rain

THE SCENE: Upper 50s with a constant drizzle

Moroccan Night Club IC x10

Harry Rockets IC x10

Tennessee Rocking Chair (also known out west as the Back Woods Poopin Man)….we’ll stick with the TN version, IC x10

SSH IC x 20

Burpees with a plank jack at the bottom, 5 OYO

Anniversary Q, the Deck…of…Pain (thanks to Trolley).  Rotate picking a location and exercise from the deck, with a 75% mosey between locations.

Rec Center – 10 Pull-ups, Al Gore for the six

Performing Arts – Burpee Broad Jump to stop sign, repeat for the six

ERC – Crawl bear up the steps with a mosey down the ramp x 3, plank for the six

Maint. Center – 50 CMU curls, wall site for the six with an extra 25 count

Bagwell center brick wall – Derkins x30, step ups for the six

Pond/Lake – 30 lunges, LBC for the six

Center quad brick wall – Dips x 30, then repeat another 30 half with each leg up – squat jacks for the six

Information center – 30 pickle pounders

Mosey back to flag

No time

Investing in others.  Building legacy. Advancing his kingdom – three part series

Part 1 (kick flip on mon): be grateful for those who have invested in your life.  Show gratitude.  Be humble enough to realize that many people paved your road.

Part 2 (commission on wed): Be a man who is investing in others.  Give of your time and experience.  Look for ways to lead by example. Counsel those who need counseling and share.

Part 3 (me): how to be a good mentor.  Characteristics of a good mentor are:  Listener, speaking truth, encourager, knowledgeable, and nonjudgemental.

Do you live in a way that can be considered an example to others?

“Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We’re all sinners and truly fall short of the glory of God but that doesn’t mean we should sit on the sidelines. We should constantly be seeking knowledge and relationships that we can learn from or teach in.

Mentors should still seek out other mentors. Some of the best mentorship’s are the ones that aren’t prescribed in any formal manner.

Think about how Jesus mentored the 12 disciples. He spent nearly all of his waking time in an effort to build them up

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 27:17 ESV

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

We can all think of at one person who has been a mentor to ourselves but have you told them thank you?


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.